Pastor Steve Kurtzahn wrote this letter April 30, 1996, when he was a circuit pastor in the CLC (sic). The letter is written to CLC Pastor Paul Tiefel, who shares the same grandfather and nickname (Teufel) as Mequon Professor James P. Tiefel. Paul Tiefel did not enjoy my CN review of Valleskey's disastrous Church Growth textbook.
St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church
Church of the Lutheran Confession (CLC)
2100 Sixteenth Street South West
Austin, Minniesota 55912
April 30, 1996
Pastor Paul Tiefel
2015 N. Hastings Way
Eau Claire, WI 54703
This is in response to your April 27th letter.
First, let me say that when you phoned me you wanted to know what problems I had with Valleskey's book. You also mentioned on the phone that you felt Greg Jackson broke the Eighth Commandment.
It is because of the accusation you made on the phone against Greg that I spent so mujch space in my letter speaking of the review. You were the one who brought it up on the phone with me. Now you want to discuss it "only with Jackson's approval?" Let me repeat myself, Paul : I see no instance how or where Greg did such a thing as break the Eighth Commandment. [emphasis in original]
It is very disturbing that you and [David ] Koenig speak to false teachers in other church bodies like Valleskey, [James] Tiefel and Harstad (sp?) concerning the truthfulness of what Greg Jackson writes. Since when do you think they will agree with Greg? He has laid bare in the past few years the fact that many in the WELS and the ELS were Church-Growth oriented. Do you honestly think they would corroborate Greg's statements after that?
Allow me to make an analogy. Think back to the formative days of the CLC. What if you or Dave were on the floor of the WELS conventions back in the 1950's when it disregarded Romans 16:17, 18. Would you have gone to O. J. Naumann or Carl Lawrenz to see if Edmund Reim or Egbert Schoaller or C. M. Gullerrud were telling the truth concerning the error of the WELS/ELS? What do you think the response would have been if you had asked them, "Is Reim (or Schaller or Gullerud) telling the truth?"
When it comes to my pointing out the false doctrine of David Valleskey, Paul, it needs to be said that a false teacher can be recognized not just by blatant and clear statements of falsehood, like you are searching for when it comes to his book. But a false teacher can also be recognized when does NOT say something that he should, or when he says something in a confusing manner, or even when his writings exude a false spirit. For example, a person can be classified as a legalist and still say all the right words. But you know he's a legalist by the way he says these them or by what he does not say. Going back to the 1930's and 40's, particularly with the "Statement of the 44," many recognized that something was going terribly wrong in the Missouri Synod, but no one could really put a finger on the problem until after the fact. There are many things in the "Statement" that you and I could also p;robably have agreed with, but looking back upon that history we recognize now that there was an underlying liberal agenda being carried out in the LC-MS. Hindsight is always 20-20.
Getting back to Valleskey's book:
1. Unless I missed it somewhere, does Valleskey repudiate the Church Growth Movement taught by Fuller Theological Seminary by name? If he does, show me the page number.
2. On pages 199 through 204 Valleskey deals with the so-called "Seeker Service." He goes into a tremendous amount of detail about how Seeker Services are done. He raises many good questions that Lutherans should ask themselves before they become involved in such Seeker Services. But if Seeker Services are dangerous by trivializing and by even ignoring the Means of Grace, why does he leave the door cracked open by saying on page 204, "Althought it must be said that congregations may in Christian freedom utilize at least certain features of this outreach method..."
3. On page 201 Valleskey states, "The gospel is proclaimed at the Seeker Service, but not as a means by which the Spirit miraculously draws people into the church..." From what I have read from many different sources in the past and from what I have seen on television documentiaries, the Gospel of Holy Scripture is NOT proclaimed at many, if not most, of these Seeker Services. So why does Valleskey say, "The gospel is proclaimed..."?
4. On page 174, Valleskey quotes Joseph Aldrich approvingly. Where in the quote is there mention of the Means of Grace? The quote sounds very Reformed ot me ("He desire to build into you and me the beauty of his own character, and then put us on display...").
5. On pages 237 and 238 Valleskey speaks of the role of women in evangelism. I felt very uncomfortable with the two paragraphs because he is making a distinction between evangelism calling "in the name of and on behalf of the congregation" (p. 27, fifith line from the bottom) and "the ministry of the gospel conducted in the name of and on behalf of the congregation" (p. 238, fifth line from the top). Why would he make such an artificial distinction? Why would he also make the contrast in the statement "They go out, not as one with authority over the man, but as ones with a message to share"? Why would a man with his seeming intellectual prowess resort to such confusing language? WHAT IS HIS UNDERLYING MOTIVE? Are these paragraphs laying the groundwork for some new revelations to come out of the WELS in the future in connection with the role of women in the church? These are very legitimate questions we should all be asking!
When I read Chapter Five, beginning on page 213, I thought I was back working at the brokerage firm in Milwaukee, sitting at the feet of motivational speakers who were using Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich. These concepts of planning, mission statements, etc. the Church Growth people at Fuller lifted right out of the business world and have applied to the church. All sorts of companies have mission statements today. I've seen them in the lobbies of hospitals and in many other public places. But the Church has its "mission statement" in Matthew 28:18-20. There is no need for a new one!
On pages 217 ff. Valleskey speaks of the value of a mission statement. He shows what happens "without a clear sense of mission" and he shows what can happen "with a clear sense of mission." Paul, take a very close look at Valleskey's points. [emphasis in original] All of this is being stated on the basis of A MISSION STATEMENT rather than on the basis of THE MEANS OF GRACE, THE GOSPEL IN WORD AND SACRAMENTS.
On page 221, Valleskey speaks of "congregational self-study." At the end of that first paragraph under step two he speaks of "a community profile." We used to refer to such activity as the canvass, so we could find out what neighborhood families are unchurched so we could share the simple Word with them. The Church Growth people speak of such "community profiles" so they can fill the "felt needs" of an area. From the way Valleskey is writing it woudl eappear that he is again going the Church Growth route. If he's not, why doesn't he make himself clear?
Valleskey speaks a lot about goals, action plans, policies and procedures, etc. Note the comment in the middle of page 225, "It is good for a congregation, and likewise its boards and committees, to ask and answer the question, 'Where would we like to be, under God, five years from now?' and then begin to take specific steps to achieve that goal.'"
The reason the CG people like such statements is that many times their goal is an increase in church membership. It is true, Valleskey warns about this on page 224, "A part of the goal, however, cannot be that as a result of this concerted effort, X number of people will be brought to faith and fellowship hurch." But then why does he spend so much time talking about it? Why do we need action plans, goals, etc. to figure out where we would like to be five years from now? The answer from every confessional Lutheran congregation should be: Five years from now we pray that we will continue proclaiming the Word of God in its truth and purity and administering the Sacraments as Christ instituted them. Period. [emphasis in original] Valleskey is lifting all of this stuff from the CG literature and interspercing comments such as the one on page 224 to salve the consciences of those who are still concerned about being faithful to the Word.
On page 230 in his example of developing policies and procedures, objective 1 is described as "To develop and maintain an evangelism awareness in our congregation." NOtice how this objective is to be implemented: articles (what should be in them?), greeter teams, adopt-a-goal, maintain tract rack (whould kind of tracts?), promote an evangelism Sunday, etc. All of these man-made methods are listed, but where in the world is there any mention of the faithful proclaimation of Law and Gospel? That is how true Scriptural evangelism awareness is developed and maintained.
Greg has already spoke of the differences in exegesis on Matthew 28 in his review, and how Valleskey is inconsistent in that regard.
There are other examples I could probably offer, but the above should suffice.
Paul, there are good things in Valleskey's book. I also learned when I read it. There are some good common sense suggestions in the second part of the book. But as you can see from the above references, ever so slyly, like a wolf in sheep's clothing, Valleskey is promoting the Church Growth Movement. [emphasis in original] I will argue that with anyone. God forbid, but my guess would be the next such book out of WELS will be even more CG oriented and even more blatant in its CG statements.
I hope this will finally put to rest the discord, mistrust and animosity this book has caused among brethren.
In His service,
Stephen C. F. Kurtzahn
cc: [CLC President] Dan Fleischer, [current world missionary] Dave Koenig
GJ - Kurtzahn resigned from the CLC and found himself a large WELS congregation to serve. One WELS pastor wondered how he managed to go through colloquy without spending time at Mequon, but another one said he was there. See below.
He has a mission statement that says nothing about the Means of Grace.
Jack has left a new comment on your post "WELS Pastor Denounces Church Growth":
Kurtzahn did spend a year at WLS. The WELS directory available at shows that he came through there in 2003. Wonder how he existed on the same campus with satan worshipers like Vallesky and Tiefle (sic).
BTW, are you holding him up as a good example or are you bashing him for "going WELS". Thanks
Jack P.
GJ - I judge by doctrine, not by synod labels, which mean nothing. Of course, integrity goes a long way when there is such a shortage of that quality among chameleon Lutherans.
ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
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Tuesday, September 18, 2007
WELS Pastor Denounces Church Growth
Gurgel Gone - Income Up
Latest financial report shows increase
Overall receipts for WELS operating budget in July 2007 showed a marked increase over the previous July, but the synod's chief financial officer is urging caution in projecting the increase beyond the current month.
Receipts for July 2007 of $5.5 million were $3.9 million greater than July 2006, but the increase reflects receipt of the first annual installment from an anonymous WELS member who is donating $2.55 million a year for the next five years to the synod's operating budget. Changes in foreign exchange rates have added another $225,000 to the value of the installment.
July 2007 Congregation Mission Offerings (CMO) were up $550,000 over the previous July. As recently as June, receipts were 1.9 percent less than 2006. The upturn in July appears to reflect the efforts of the Conference of Presidents to increase CMO prior to the synod convention, held July 30-Aug. 3.
From January through July, CMO receipts were up 3.6 percent over the prior year--a 3 percent increase was forecast. "I give thanks to God for the support his people provided in July, but strongly caution those using July results to project support for the other 11 months of the fiscal year," says Todd Poppe, WELS' chief financial officer. "Even in my short service to the synod I have seen positive results quickly turn around."
To view WELS' latest financial report, visit
Martin Luther College enrollment figures
Martin Luther College (MLC) in New Ulm, Minn., has released its official enrollment figures for the 2007-08 school year. A total of 720 on-campus students are enrolled--531 are studying for the educational ministry and 173 for the pastoral ministry. Sixteen are unclassified.
Peter Kruschel, administrator for WELS Board for Ministerial Education, says the 720 figure is "at the high end of what we had hoped for."
While 11 fewer students are enrolled this year than were enrolled at the beginning of last year, there are 10 more enrolled than were enrolled at the end of last year. It's the first time there's been a gain from the end of one school year to the beginning of the next since the 2002-03 school year.
Still, MLC's beginning enrollment is the lowest since a peak of 1,063 five years ago. Phil Leyrer, MLC's vice president for enrollment management, says the main factor is the rapid rise in tuition over those years. Kruschel says other factors include that not as many students are coming through WELS' grade school and high school system and that not all candidates for the teaching ministry have received calls.
Official enrollment figures from all four synod schools will be published in the Four Schools Report, due out by the end of September.
WELS military personnel serving in the Middle East
Pastor Paul Ziemer, national civilian chaplain to the military and Armed Forces liaison, is preparing for another trip to the Middle East. Congregations and families are encouraged to submit names of WELS military personnel to the Military Services Committee so Ziemer can serve the men and women stationed there.
Visit and click "refer military personnel" to submit new information or update previous referrals. If possible, include a working e-mail address for each person being referred to the committee. For more information, contact Rev. Paul Ziemer at 910-717-0085 or
New mission counselor accepts interim call
On Aug. 18, Pastor Mark Birkholz accepted a call as interim mission counselor for the Board for Home Missions. Birkholz will serve in this position for one year as the Board for Home Missions reviews how the mission counselors program is organized and used by mission congregations within WELS.
Communicating the convention
Delegates to our recent synod convention have been visiting congregations in their district to share the bold challenge WELS faces as a result of the resolutions passed.
Congregations that have not yet been contacted for a visit are urged to notify their district president to find out which delegate is responsible for sharing convention news with them.
Pastors and other congregational leaders may choose to share convention news to their congregations on their own. WELS Communication Services has provided resources to make that task easier, including a seven-minute DVD that explains the main developments of the convention and what they mean for congregations. It can be viewed on Streams or downloaded. It is also available as the "Congregation Leaders Toolbox" feature on the September/October edition of WELS Connection, which was sent to every congregation. That edition of WELS Connection features a message from Pres. Mark Schroeder.
Printed "talking points" are also available, which give more detail behind some of the key resolutions passed. For more information, visit
WELS Committee on Relief has offered financial and spiritual support to WELS members and others impacted by devastating floods across three states in August. In a video report, Joel Hochmuth, WELS director of communications, recaps the damage and the relief efforts.
GJ - Hochmuth is the genius at communication who pounded a stake into the heart of Michigan Lutheran Seminary, via the Saginaw News. SP Schroeder has since repaired the damage.