Friday, February 27, 2009

Question from a Reader

Eagle, by Norma Boeckler

Hi Professor Jackson,

Thanks again for the link to Ski's AWESOME Drive '08 Blog. He ROCKS! (please read with sarcasm)

So, I was wondering if you'd do an analysis of the following paragraph:

“Sanctification is a moral change which God works in every Christian. The Holy Spirit, working through the means of grace, produces an inner change in the hearts and minds of believers. As a result they do good works which glorify God. Christians cooperate with God in their sanctification. Sanctification, however, unlike justification, will never be complete in this lifetime. It is an ongoing process in which we become more like Christ. Sanctification and good works are not a cause of our justification, that is, they contribute nothing to our obtaining of forgiveness of sins. Christian living is not a part of justification. Our sanctification is a result of our justification. The forgiveness of sins which we have received in justification motivates us to show our love for God through Christian living. (Romans 6)”
John F. Brug from his essay “The Lutheran Doctrine of Sanctification and Its Rivals” (underlined section is my emphasis)
From the WLS essayfile

I've been puzzling over the WELS view of sanctification. I think Brug's paper, particularly the line, “cooperate with God..." stinks.

I'd be curious to read a commentary on this. Thanks.


GJ - Sanctification does continue throughout the life of the Christian, as the Gospel leavens the Christian's life (Luther's Large Catechism). Brug is correct about the believer cooperating with God, which is what Paul says in Corinthians, "working together with Him." We do not cooperate in our conversion. In other words, becoming a believer is very easy - ask any baby who is baptiszed (pace Stetzer). Staying a believer is difficult.God provides the Gospel and the preachers to proclaim the saving message. When the Gospel is persecuted by church leaders, as it in the Lutheran Church today, God still provides for the faithful.

The comment about justification being complete is probably a nod to Universal Objective Justification, a hallmark of Halle Pietism.

I contend that UOJ is the rot on which the Church Growth Movement has grown in the Lutheran Church. UOJ is Enthusiasm, so exchanging one form of Enthusiasm for another is not a difficult maneuver.

The WELS leaders who love UOJ do nothing about Church and Change. Small wonder.

When I expressed disappointment to Brug that Valleskey was doing the Church Growth analysis, when we expected Brug, for the Ohio Conference, he went over and told Valleskey immediately afterwards. How do I know? Valleskey made a point of telling me that at the Ohio Conference, he tried tried to prove we can gather figs from thistles, or--as he put it--spoil the Egyptians.

Desparately Seeking Borgwardt

There is no gratitude evidenced in the thanks given below.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Church and Chicaneries Yelping in Pain":

I am sitting in an airport on my way to Chicago looking for a church to go to this Sunday. After reading the many articles on your site I have chosen Crossroads with Pastor Borgwardt. Thanks for your help.

The Traveler


GJ - One WELS observer said today that the sect is probably beyond hope now. Nothing was done for the last 20 years: now the weed growth is deep and rapant.

Remember when WELS pastors used to talk about Missouri turning liberal at the headquarters and seminary? When it was happening around their WELSian eyes, no one noticed. Mequon is dominated by Growthers who are miffed that Mark Jeske is lecturing at a Missouri college (the Concordia, Mequon place WELS refused to buy). WELS has been working with ELCA and Missouri for decades, and they still do. I imagine half of The Sausage Factory faculty trained at a Schwaermer school. Most of the staff at The Love Shack did. The WELS initials are carved in the catalogue of Trinity Divinity School in Deerfield. How do you supposed that happened?

The only false teachers ever nixed by WELS were Werning and Hunter - probably because they were LCMS, not because they were worse than Leonard Sweet, Martin Marty, Ed Stetzer, and the homosexual Archbishop Weakland.

I could list the names of WELS and ELS pastors who muted themselves the moment I pointed out how obvious the Fuller/ELCA influence was, starting around 20 years ago. Some of them were vocal in private but on the opposite side in public.

Needless to say, the Mission Counselors and Parish Consultants have been dedicated to installing the Fuller/Willow Creek model everywhere while getting rid of any and all critics, including laymen.

The same things are happening in Missouri right now. The difference is that LCMS President Kieschnick has I Luv Fuller tatooed on his right deltoid. SP Schroeder does not.

The only comical thing about this mess comes from the string of denials about it happening. David Valleskey and pal Forrest Bivens never went to Fuller, but both bragged about studying there. Larry Olson had a friend deny his Fuller study in Christian News. Later Olson admitted he did have a drive-by DMin from Fuller. So it wasn't the Rose Bowl he attended, but Fuller? He almost had me Foolered. Hosts of WELS leaders like Wally Oelhaven, Fred Adrian, Joel Gerlach, and Norm Berg admitted going to Fuller while being outraged that anyone criticized their Alma Mater. Wayne Mueller said there was no Church Growth in WELS while The Love Shack bragged that TELL was started to promote the Church Growth Movement.

WELS started Church and Change with the offerings of their own members. That is like Israel sponsoring a Nazi party in Jerusalem.

Ask yourselves why it is that Church and Change congregations have women pastors already. When Mequon officially finally studies the matter, as they did with Church Growth, they will approve what is already established.

Church and Change goes on. They have obnoxiously undermined SP Schroeder every chance they could get. By all accounts a bunch of them should be fired for insubordination. They were appointed to serve, not to rule. The budget meltdown may do unto them what they have done unto others. If they push out SP Schroeder as planned, WELS is finished.

Issues in WELS - gone. No website. That was one, big fight, fellas. Round One and hit the canvas. Down for the long count. Erase the evidence. To have some fun, I asked Ski and some Latter Day Saints (newborn CG critics) about being friends on Facebook. Stetzer responded yes right away. But WELS pastors like Ski said no. And newly hatched CG critics also said no.

Here is Ski bragging about his pilgrimage to see Andy Stanley, with other WELS pastors like Parlow:


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Anonymous Does Not Get It":

You guys take yourselves WAY too serious (sic)...but then its (sic) OK for all of you to belittle, mock and be snide. Double standard. Go take your midol now.

Welcome Freddy

Freddy Finkelstein is an official follower now. Welcome, Freddy. You are known for your good comments.

Readers - you may find some good blogs by looking up the blogs followed by the followers. Does that follow?

Ichabod Dangerous to Readers' Health

The Heimlich Maneuver, demonstrated by ELCA volunteers.

A reader wrote:

I nearly choked on a piece of oat-bran-blackberry bread while reading Ichabod today!


GJ - I highly recommend the Heimlich Maneuver, although one should pick the helper with care. If no one is present, it is possible to heave against a chair and dislodge the impediment.

ELS Church and Change Flagship

Big screen, big church.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "To Use a Favorite Ski Phrase, This Nazarene "Gets ...":

Don't forget that the ELS has it's own little gem under Nathan Krause.
Mankato is so impressed that it sends vicars his way to insure the infection is spread. Keep your eye on a MN flagship.



GJ - Don't tell the Board of Doctrine. They only spot error in WELS.

Church and Chicanery PR Campaign?
Or, Smoke and Mirrors?

Up to my neck in emails. Responding to all the positive feedback for what we are doing in A-Town.
43 minutes ago from web

Emails done. Sermon work done. Drive way shoveled (no thanks to Mr. Snow Plow man) and now me & Jack are watching a little Spring Training
5 minutes ago from web

[GJ - Mrs. Ichabod says y'all can copy sermons from this blog instead of Craig Groeschel's. All of our sermons are tagged. Caution: we observe Lent.]

Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you will be like him yourself. Proverbs 26:4
3 minutes ago from TweetDeck

make the most of your twitter experience check out 7 Habits of Highly Effective Twitterers: Kris Colvin!
15 minutes ago from web

thompsonworld @kstrandlund absolutely awesome website!
6:02 PM Feb 22nd from web in reply to kstrandlund


GJ - Have you tried their popcorn?

Anonymous Does Not Get It

Word and Sacrament, by Norma Boeckler

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "First Lawrenz and Patterson - Now Lampe":

Where does it say in the Bible that we must observe a Lenten season in church?


GJ - Lent is a season where the message of the cross is emphasized even more than the rest of the church year. The Church and Chicaneries like to mention Jesus all the time, but they shun the cross. How can they have their market-focused happy-chapel whoopee-worship when they talk about Lent?

Joe Krohn the Rocker, the C and C loyalist, misses Lent at his Patterson-blessed, foundation-subsidized Rock and Roll Stealth Church. Wake up and smell the coffee, you Latte Lutherans.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Anonymous Does Not Get It":

How would you know Krohn's church doesn't focus on the cross? Have you ever been there?

You didn't answer the question either. I know what Lent is. Where does it say it is required in the Bible?


GJ - I know Krohn's pastor cannot think up his own sermons and texts, like Ski, and copies them from the Internet. Doebler even copies the graphics.

This Mouse is so smart he knows Lent is not mentioned in the Bible. Pagan worship is.

First Lawrenz and Patterson - Now Lampe

"Brian Arthur Lampe delivers a one-two punch to the devil and his schemes with his high powered, enthusiastic, energetic life-applying Biblical motivational speaking. We are on a quest for authentic God. By including Brian Arthur Lampe, you will have more than just a rally or a Bible study. You and your congregation will be providing men, women, and youth with an encouraging process that teaches them how to live lives of authentic Christianity as modeled by Jesus Christ and directed by the Word of God."

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Brian Lampe
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 5:25:17 AM
Subject: [church_and_change] Pure love for Jesus

Dear C & C Brothers and Sisters,

Please understand that my comments are purely out of Christian love and that I want to insure that my daughter who is 4 years old now has WELS church that will be able to reach and apply God’s Word to her when she gets into her teens and college age.

I personally witnessed my Father coming home from council meetings almost monthly upset and telling me how “yelling” and “arguing” would take place in the basement of the church. Who knew what the topics were, but every month with the fighting?

I agree that talking about issues is healthy, and I don’t want to see traditional worship disappear. However, I would like choices but for those of us who are unable to worship our God with all heart, soul, and mind because they are held hostage by the refusal of being open minded to new ideas.

I clicked and pasted this from our WELS web-site;

Read John 8:31,32.

3. What does it mean to be “set free” in the area of worship forms?

We are free to choose the best forms to present Jesus’ teaching, the truth that sets us free.

5. How do you keep from studying the Scriptures and coming to false conclusions?

Keep Jesus as the center of everything you study.

Shouldn’t that be enough?

Keeping Jesus at the center of everything we study?

I get some of the contemporary music is unhealthy, and I actually love most of the hymns but not with organ. I have been introduced to KOINE from St Marcus and it’s amazing what they can do with hymn.

In closing my goal isn’t to change the way churches currently perform worship, I am just wanting to open up new churches that are outside of the outside of the box idea. is a great ministry. I would encourage you to e-mail Pastor Ski who’s (sic) church isn’t even open yet, and no members. Ask him how much love he has experienced from his fellow brothers as they begin to launch into new un charted territories.

God Bless
Brian Arthur Lampe
CEO-ministries. com


GJ - I asked Ski to be a friend on Facebook, but he turned around and complained about me--behind my back--on Twitter. (Eighth Commandment!) Now Ski is whining to Lampe about WELS pastors trying get him on the right track. That sounds so much like his mentor Paul Kelm, who pouted and fumed when his fellow pastors begged him not to invite Leonard Sweet to the C and C conference. Kelm refused to answer and went ahead with his plans.

Joe Krohn has blogged that his Rock and Roll Church has taken away Lent. His church also takes sermon titles, texts, and graphics from false teachers.

KJV Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. 21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

NKJ Romans 16:17 Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them. 18 For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple. 19 For your obedience has become known to all.

To Use a Favorite Ski Phrase, This Nazarene "Gets It"

Hybels, and Stanley, and Rick, Oh My!

Hybels, and Stanley, and Rick, Oh My!

Hybels, and Stanley, and Rick, Oh My!

Is Your Nazarene Church a Member of Willow Creek?

February 26, 2009 by exnazarene

A few years ago at lunch, a friend of mine and I, were relating our concerns for our different churches. It seemed we were both hearing the same things from the pulpits, though, her church sermons were ahead of what I was hearing by about six months.

We compared notes and found that we were both hearing the same packaged sermons, or packaged ideas of the 5 Signs of a Healthy Church….and Where Did the Church Measure Up on the five “healthy” signs.

This sermon series was clearly being presented to begin to shift the congregation and church into a ’seeker-sensitive’, market-driven mode. After my church finished with this series, the pastor, still riding the same wave, presented some canned sermons from an Andy Stanley series called The Foyer Environments. This went on for weeks as well. This was eventually followed with sermons on changing our focus to being on a journey with God and others. The term Sunday School was changed to Journey Groups. We were becoming “relevant” to the outside world. This was followed with the Nazarene Publishing House’s small group study of The Quest, by Frank Moore. (The Quest is a 40 day study patterned after Rick Warren’s 40 Days of Purpose.) Our next emphasis was small groups.

Back to my friend: She began confronting the leadership in her church on the topics and actually found several sermons from an online source that the pastor presented as his own. Eventually, she and her family left after seeing the slide into the Warren/Hybels seeker-sensitive, market-driven phenomena.

Our family left our church as well, only after trying for over 18 months to point out to the leadership that the Rick Warren/Bill Hybels/Andy Stanley strategy for growing a church was not the Biblical way to grow a church, or bring the people of the church into a mature faith. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. Romans 10:17 (Emergent influences were beginning to enter in as well and overlap with the seeker format. The Youth Group was having Rob Bell’s Nooma videos shown to them.)

It is so sad to see pastors run after the enticement of these mega-church deals at the expense of giving their congregations the solid food from God’s Word. Gone are the days of expository preaching because it is not seeker-friendly and might offend an unbeliever….and besides, it takes lots of time to study God’s Word and exegete out solid teaching and application. The early history of the Nazarene Church states that it was supposed to be a believer’s church.

If you have experienced this at your church, or are experiencing this same pattern at your church, the blame may not be with the universities, but the blame might be found with all the conferences that Saddleback, Willow Creek, and North Pointe Community offer during the year. (I know my pastor and staff were/are fans of Andy Stanley’s Catalyst and Drive Conferences presented annually at North Pointe. They would come back pumped and ready to implement the next market-driven ideas.)

I was astounded to come across a list of Nazarene churches who are listed as members of the Willow Creek Association. It costs $249 a year to be a member, and you get all the sermon outlines, power point slides, music suggestions, etc….along with many other perks. You can check the Membership Benefits at this link:

Here is a list of Nazarene churches (as of this date) that are members of Willow Creek...


GJ - This ex-Nazarene layman is smarter than a bunch of Lutherans--Missouri, WELS, ELS, CLC, and ELCA--who have stampeded like Gadarene swine off the cliff. The Barry/McCain administration of Missouri did nothing about the Willow Creek Association LCMS church near the Purple Palace. St. John in Ellisville is weirder than ever.

St. Mark in Depere, Wisconsin is WELS/Willow Creek. Tom Trapp's WELS church joined and trained the whole staff (big discounts!).

As you must know by now, Ski's training for The CORE is Andy Stanley and Craig Groeschel. Ski's sermon titles and texts are Groeschel's too.

KJV Mark 5:13 And forthwith Jesus gave them leave. And the unclean spirits went out, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea, (they were about two thousand;) and were choked in the sea.