Thursday, March 5, 2009

Quick To Whine

"Do you ever just get tired of it?"

Church and Chicaneries cannot abide opposition. They spend all their energy opposing: good church music, edifying hymns, real sermons (home made, not from Old Scratch), the liturgy, the Creeds, and Biblical doctrine. As soon as anyone opposes them or worse - exposes them, the whining starts.

Pouting, name-calling, and hissy-fits follow. VP Patterson was having a blast shooting zebras until he found himself featured with his odious network on Ichabod. His one response carefully avoided the facts while calling me a fool and a liar. One after another, his network contacted me to oppose what I wrote. Very organized, just like a network.

Ski was floating high above A-town, bragging about his theatre, not realizing the failed Imax was his tarbaby. Life is a party when useful rich idiots fund another pie-in-face for WELS. "We will show the old fuddy-duddies how to do Andy Stanley in our pea-picking synod and make everyone take notice." Ski's pricey executive assistant thought it was the coolest job ever, until the phone started ringing. Now the Imax is their jail. Whatever money was given, how does one fill a monster building using a goofy plan when many others are doing the anti-confessional Stanley clone entertainment center already? Every month the pressure will mount to show results.

They should have taken note of Kelm on the C and C list-serve. He got what he wanted, the Sweet Retreat, but he could not abide any opposition to his plans from his own sty-mates. What happened to Old Eight and Eighteen? He built his career on opposing Lutheran doctrine and promoting Deformed doctrine, but he cannot take people questioning his bad judgment.

Valleskey had to whine to his DP that I never talked to him, knowing full well that I did. A faked whine is ever worse than a normal whine.

Bivens did the same thing, whining that he could not figure out how I got the idea that he went to Fuller Seminary. Yet Bivens knew that it came from his mouth, witnessed by the entire Midland Circuit, including the future DP John Seifert.

Many years ago, James Huebner whined that people cringed when he mentioned Church Growth. Clueless Jim could not figure out that sincere Lutherans consider Fuller doctrine to be theological flatulence. They cringe for good reason. But Huebner made a career out of gas and now has a high but meaningless synodical position.

Larry Olson lowered himself to whining in Christian News, revealing even more disturbing details about his life and work. Who has promoted the ipsissima verba of Dr. Olson more than I? No gratitude.

Wayne Mueller, after being quoted in Christian News, threatened the leaker instead of me. He whined, "If I ever get my hands on the guy who gave that to Greg Jackson..." He let the audience of pastors imagine the grim details.

A Vice President of WELS attacked me by name at a pastoral conference. I was not there to defend myself. Later he found himself defenestrated for propositioning a woman in a counseling session. Soon after he whined that I lied about his exit from the WELS ministry. I sent his aggrieved in-law a copy of the report: "removed for cause." I was so used to liars calling me a liar that I kept records. I even have a thick file of criminal records.

The Church and Changers are not nice people. They make sure they lead a life of ease and luxury, based on Other People's Money. As soon as they spot any opposition, they root it out. They meddle with congregations. While clinging to the Eighth Commandment they spread slander faster than the flu. They demand that anyone who questions their inspiration sit down and explain any reservations about their doctrine. They use that experience to give the person the Sisera treatment, explaining matters with a tent peg and mallet.

People can see now that Church and Change is on the run. Everyone knows about Stetzer. They can all see that the Chicaneries are afraid of announcing their special speaker to their own befuddled followers. Joe Krohn, an ardent Rock and Roll follower, could not get the truth from their deceitful lips.

The Chicaneries are losing their grip on The Love Shack. A few more exits will lead to a new name for WELS headquarters, if some Lutherans start working there.

Anyone who thinks SP Schroeder can handle this alone is a fool. The so-called conservatives have been quieter than an ant wetting cotton. They will have to do more, from the congregational and circuit level to the conference level and beyond. Pastors are obliged to teach, whether they please or not. They are ordained to teach the truth, even if that is deemed unpopular, disturbing, and unbrotherly. It is better to have one brother in faith than enjoy the fellowship of a pit full of vipers.


One More Whiner has left a new comment on your post "Quick To Whine":

Oh, please! I'm sick and tired of hearing all this stuff over and over and over and over and over again. If I were a doctor, I would diagnose you as having some sort of psychological disorder or something.


GJ - A doctor would wonder about someone who reads the same blog every day and makes the same whiney comments each time.


"O Lord, Look Down from Heaven, Behold"

by Martin Luther, 1483-1546

1. O Lord, look down from heaven, behold
And let Thy pity waken:
How few are we within Thy Fold,
Thy saints by men forsaken!
True faith seems quenched on every hand,
Men suffer not Thy Word to stand;
Dark times have us o'ertaken.

2. With fraud which they themselves invent
Thy truth they have confounded;
Their hearts are not with one consent
On Thy pure doctrine grounded.
While they parade with outward show,
They lead the people to and fro,
In error's maze astounded.

3. May God root out all heresy
And of false teachers rid us
Who proudly say: "Now, where is he
That shall our speech forbid us?
By right or might we shall prevail;
What we determine cannot fail;
We own no lord and master."

4. Therefore saith God, "I must arise,
The poor My help are needing;
To Me ascend My people's cries,
And I have heard their pleading.
For them My saving Word shall fight
And fearlessly and sharply smite,
The poor with might defending."

5. As silver tried by fire is pure
From all adulteration,
So through God's Word shall men endure
Each trial and temptation.
Its light beams brighter through the cross,
And, purified from human dross,
It shines through every nation.

6. Thy truth defend, O God, and stay
This evil generation;
And from the error of their way
Keep Thine own congregation.
The wicked everywhere abound
And would Thy little flock confound;
But Thou art our Salvation.

Hymn 260
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Ps. 12
Author: Martin Luther, 1523
Translated by: composite
Titled: "Ach Gott vom Himmel, sieh darein"
Tune: "Ach Gott vom Himmel"
1st Published in: Enchiridion
Town: Erfurt, 1524

From Bailing Water - On Worship

Freddy Finkelstein said...
Anon @3/4/09-10:53PM,

At your suggestion, I pulled Volume III of The Wauwatosa Theology off my bookshelf last night and read August Pieper's essay, "The True Reconstruction of the Church" (pp. 295-345). He addresses the modern call of his day, the call for “reconstruction” in the church, and addresses this call by focusing the Ministerium on the efficacy of the Word alone. Definitely an interesting and worthwhile read. Even though it was written in 1919, it seems to have direct application to our day – even the cultural impact of the political and economic realities that he appeals from his time, in many ways seem to echo today's situation. For the benefit of others on this blog, I'll quote some sections from this essay that I thought were compelling, and include my summary and thoughts where it seems beneficial:

Heading: The church lives only from the Word
“Our general synod is not in a flourishing condition inasmuch and insofar as it has brilliant and titled professors, educated and eloquent pastors, masterful teachers, capable officials, model constitutions and organizations, adequate facilities, beautiful church and school buildings, imposing educational institutions, or a phenomenal external growth, constantly overflowing treasuries, heavy endowments, adequate property and lucrative business establishments; but it flourishes to the degree that the spiritual character just described – faith, knowledge, fear of God, piety, blessedness, holiness, love toward God and our Lord Jesus Christ, the very image of Christ itself – dwells in it. ...And this is her disgrace and her shame, her poverty, her misery, and her harm: lack of knowledge, lack of faith, spiritual satiety and lukewarmness, and satisfaction with the world” (pp. 298-299).

Heading: Does the church in our midst need spiritual renewal?
Here, Pieper makes the point that “renewal” in the church is not an institutional renewal, but a renewal in the hearts of individuals as they seek God in His Word. He identifies great need for renewal, beginning first with professors, pastors, and teachers:

“There are indeed many God-fearing children still among us... [y]et it is unmistakable, that the life among us is in the process of diminishing. We have now had the gospel in its truth and purity in great abundance and power for so long a time, and have accustomed ourselves to this blessing so thoroughly, that we no longer regard it as something extraordinary. This is already the first step toward despising it. ...In our Christian homes there is and remains very little of God's Word, hardly even the regular family worship with Scripture reading and prayer every morning and every evening. Yes, in some Christian homes there is no common prayer at all anymore, neither spoken by the father, nor by the mother, nor by the children... Even table prayers have been discontinued in some families. The Bible is seldom or never opened. Only the grandmother still prays perhaps with her hymnal; all the rest either leave the hymnal at the church, or they put it away immediately after the church service until the following Sunday; it only serves in the regular church service. ...Outwardly they have kept the faith and remained in the church; but they have lost the spirit of faith, the spiritual character, the joy of their heart in the grace, in Christ, in the gospel, in their state of grace, and in their soul's salvation. Thus they have also become indifferent and cold in their love to their Savior; the sincere fear of God is gone. Now they can do a hundred things with the world which would have been abhorrent to them as Christians... The flesh has gained the upper hand again. ...[T]he spirit, the life, the power of faith is disappearing more and more, and the world is gradually possessing our hearts more and more. If our people do not turn back, if we professors, pastors, and teachers cannot reverse this decrease of faith, then our Lutheran church is approaching complete spiritual death. We professors, pastors, and teachers! Yes, if anyone has it, we have the call to avert the threatening decrease of faith. It is the 'angel,' that is, the bishop of the congregation at Sardis, that receives the admonition from Christ, 'Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die.' ...Don't you know... that we... are special gifts of Christ to his holy church, ...specially endowed ...with special gifts, ...and specifically given to the Church and placed in our office for the edification and perfecting of the church? Don't you know, that the Lord has for this reason so frequently and so fervently and so earnestly admonished us to be faithful in the discharge of our duty...? ...Dear brother professor, pastor, teacher, visitor, president; just read the 34th chapter of the book of Ezekiel in your Bible and see whether you do not tremble when you examine yourself as to your own faithfulness! Yes, the welfare of the church depends to a great degree on our faithfulness” (pp. 302-308).

Pieper goes on in this same section, through page 311, pointing out that if professors, pastors, and teachers, identify a problem, yet do no more than complain, they are not acting faithfully. He invokes the picture of the lukewarm Laodiceans, and concludes on page 311, “[t]his spiritual lukewarmness, indifference, lassitude, and obtuseness dominates not only the clergy of other churches in our time, but is also the greatest defect of our own church.” From here, he goes on to describe how professors, pastors, and teachers, fall into the trap of rote fulfillment of their duties, and correlates the quality of their spiritual life with the life of the church. On page 314, he has this to say:

“We no longer are pleased with our own thoughts; they have long since become tedious to us. Is it then surprising that our preaching also becomes tedious...? This, this, is the dead mechanical workmanlike activity in the ministerial office in the church, school, and classroom, this spells certain death for the gospel and the church.”

But, Pieper goes on:

“That is how the church died in Germany. In Luther's lifetime everything was still alive and active. Thirty-five years after his death “pure doctrine” and “pure practice” had been established everywhere in Lutheran areas. Some 70 years later... it was still present everywhere, but almost everywhere dead, for the most part a mere boasting concerning pure-doctrine and a loveless struggle for orthodoxy [Note: of course, there was more to it that this, and it is widely acknowledged today that the Lutheran church was far from 'spiritually dead' – but the problem of orthodoxism at the time was serious and is equally acknowledged today. FF]. Pietism, sanctimoniousness, was the first reaction to this, worse even that the death existing hitherto... Rationalism and unbelief, the opposite extreme, worse than both [both pietism and orthodoxism. FF], flooded the church, and the pulpit and the lecture platform became the seat of Satan, which Germany never got rid of again... But Pietism and Rationalism... could have done no harm to the church, if the pastors, professors, and teachers had not first forsaken the pure doctrine by degenerating into dead orthodoxy and into spiritless mechanical operation with the traditional body of doctrine” (pg. 314).

Error is introduced into the church, and is increasingly tolerated, because it takes vigor to oppose it, and the “spiritual lukewarmness, indifference [and] lassitude” of “the dead mechanical workmanlike activity in the ministerial office in the church” is simply lacking in sufficient livelihood to take up the cause against it. Pieper comments on page 316, concluding this section:

“Great offenses occur among us: un-Lutheran practice, offensive public actions, insincerity, dishonest dealings, speculation, gross neglect of duty. The rest of us see it, know it, yet do not reprove it. The offense spreads like cancer, and on our account the name of God is blasphemed among the heathen. It is not that such offenses occur among us, but that they are no longer fittingly reproved by others, that is so serious. ...A Christian teaching profession that tolerates public offenses in its midst has degenerated to the level of the people of this world, ruins the conscience of Christian people, and hastens the spiritual death of the church. ...A reconstruction that endeavors to make various external innovations, without correcting the basic damage of the church, the indifference in spirit, is worth nothing. What we teachers and hearers need above all is a new and right spirit.”

Heading: How should and can such renewal take place?
In this, the final section of part one of Pieper's essay, he begins by answering this question as follows: “Let no one say, we can do nothing about that; that is something that God and God alone must accomplish without our cooperation” (pg. 316). While Pieper immediately admits that everything which God accomplishes in the unregenerate is accomplished without the cooperation of man, he insists that it is mis-applied to one who has been given spiritual life. A Christian can do something, two things specifically: (1) pray, and (2) seek God the Holy Spirit where he is to be found, in His Means of Grace, the Word of God. Further, he states that prayer alone is not sufficient: “No prayer for the Holy Spirit will accomplish anything if it does not immediately rise from its knees and help to plow the field on which the bread of life, of the spirit grows – the gospel, the Scripture” (pg. 318).

The rest of the essay, through page 345, is devoted to how one studies the Scripture (the remainder of part one), why/how one keeps reason subordinate to Scripture (part two), and discussing the specific needs of so-called “reconstruction” in 1919 (part three). If I had to take away only one fact from this essay regarding the spiritual health of a church body, it would be this: a lack of spiritual health in a church body (like our synod) is less a reflection of problems among the laity than it is a strong indication of problems in the Ministerium. Further, for all of our harping about this and that, the correction of such issues -- or “spiritual renewal” -- is not to be found in "programs" or other “external innovations,” nor is it really to be found in a grass-roots “revival” among the laity: it is principally to be found in “spiritual renewal” among the Ministerium – among our professors, pastors, and teachers – which begins as they seek first to nurture their own souls (even before those under their care), through personal prayer and study in God's Word outside of that required by their vocational duties, and is further marked by their public reproof and correction of corrupting errors among us.

Anon @3/4/09-10:53PM – thanks for pointing out this essay. It was a good read. Hopefully I have provided enough, above, to create the discussion you suggest.

Freddy Finkelstein

Broadcasting The Means of Grace,
Low Cost:
Feel Free To Steal My Concepts

I am the True Vine." John 15. Drawing by Norma Boeckler.

NKJ John 15:1 I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. 2 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. 3 You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. 4 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. 5 I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. 6 If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned. 7 If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. 8 "By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.

I am in a state of perpetual shock that two full-time theatre operators have so little time to do real mission work.

KJV Romans 10:14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? 15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!

The only way to start is to provide genuine worship services and education opportunities.

NKJ Isaiah 55:8 For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways, says the LORD. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts. 10 "For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, And do not return there, But water the earth, And make it bring forth and bud, That it may give seed to the sower And bread to the eater, 11 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

In this age of instant communication, the Internet has provided many different ways to broadcast the Word (Matthew 13, the Sower and the Seed) without spending much money.

NKJ Matthew 13:19 When anyone hears the word of the kingdom, and does not understand it, then the wicked one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is he who received seed by the wayside. 20 But he who received the seed on stony places, this is he who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy; 21 "yet he has no root in himself, but endures only for a while. For when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word, immediately he stumbles. 22 Now he who received seed among the thorns is he who hears the word, and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and he becomes unfruitful. 23 But he who received seed on the good ground is he who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.

Anyone can create a website filled with content, using templates. Or, the material can be produced through a blog, which is essential the same, only easier.

Anyone can get a $75 web camera, buy monthly broadband, and broadcast live (with saved files) for free, using Ustream.

Anyone can create podcasts, email mailings, and twitters with worthwhile messages. Some people have helped me with technology issues, and I do not even know their names.

Add Lenski and the Book of Concord, plus boxer shorts, and a legitimate pastor can allow God to accomplish His will through the Word.

One of my best and wisest friends wrote about the time he was in the grocery business. The store kept trying to sell everything except groceries. He wondered, "Why are we ashamed to be grocers?"

The same thing can be said about an Imax theatre which failed when it had a clear focus on a specific business, but suddenly becomes a mission. Now we are to assume that a vast sum of money can be spent to hide a church underneath a cloaking device, an Imax theatre, and the failed movie-house will become a successful church by copying Andy Stanley ("20 sub-woofers behind that screen!") and plagiarizing Craig Groeschel's sermons. When the CORE website was partially down for a few hours, I thought, "They are getting rid of the Groeschel evidence." But later, the same sermon titles copied from Groeschel showed up again. That is no accident, because Ski went to two different Andy Stanley events, one involving Groeschel, and he bragged about it. Drive 08 was the first event. Catalyst was another. Why did Ski hide the link to his Drive 08 pilgrimage?

KJV Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

The total content of the CORE website, created by a professional, is almost zero. If the sermons preached so far were so great, why not publish them as sound files or in print? Why not print the services if the Word has power?


"Whoever comes to faith can only say that the Holy Spirit comes when and where and to whom He pleases at the time He pleases. He comes when and where He pleases, and also gives a person as many gifts as He pleases."
What Luther Says, An Anthology, 3 vols., ed., Ewald Plass, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1959, II, p. 665.

"That we may obtain this faith, the Ministry of Teaching the Gospel and administering the Sacraments was instituted. For through the Word and Sacraments, as through instruments, the Holy Ghost is given, who works faith, where and when it pleases God, in them that hear the Gospel, to wit, that God, not for our own merits, but for Christ's sake, justifies those who believe that they are received into grace for Christ's sake. They condemn the Anabaptists and others who think that the Holy Ghost comes to men without the external Word, through their own preparation and works."
Augsburg Confession, V. #1-2. The Ministry. Concordia Triglotta, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1921, p. 45. Tappert, p. 31. Heiser, p. 13.

"He [Paul] thus extols co-laborers that they [the Corinthians] may not despise the external Word as if they were not in need of it or knew it well enough. For although God might accomplish all things inwardly by the Spirit, without the external Word, He has no intention of doing so. He wants to employ preachers as assistants and co-laborers and to accomplish His purposes through their word when and where it pleases Him. Since, then, preachers have the office, name, and honor of being God's assistants, no man is so learned or holy that he may neglect or despise the poorest preaching; for he does not know when the hour will come in which God will perform His work in him through the preachers."
What Luther Says, An Anthology, 3 vols., ed. Ewald M. Plass, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House 1959 III, p. 1118. W 17, II, 179; SL 12, 436; sermon #3572; 2 Corinthians 6:1-10.

Thus, for Luther, preaching and teaching were everything. He often grew tired of preaching and the congregation's indifferent reactions to it, but we are still reading his sermons 500+ years later.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Broadcasting The Means of Grace, Low Cost:Feel Fre...":

Jeske is trying to copy ..his latest venture is an e-Church.

Let's Do Lunch, Twice Today

2nd lunch of the day this time with Wildwood Film Fest folks. Check them out at
43 minutes ago from Tweetie

Do you ever just get tired of it?
16 minutes ago from Tweetie
Pricey Executive Assistant

Today's going to be great. Meeting with Wildwood Film Festival today. Pretty neat opportunity. Mark your calendars April 17 at The CORE
about 6 hours ago from TweetDeck
Pastor Ski


GJ - Has anyone audited the Travel and Entertainment bill at the Popcorn Cathedral of Rock?

When does original Bible study and preaching kick in? Are thousands of people going to attend the film festival and say, "I never knew WELS could be so much fun!" - and join?

The Popcorn Cathedral of Rock has produced nothing so far. Their big news is sub-letting to a film festival. Meanwhile they have consumed the incomes of widows and orphans.

The Apostles did not sit at the feet of Pharisees and sun-worshipers to see how they could market their message better. They preached and taught the Word in its truth and purity.

The next time Church and Chicanery tries to tell me they are reaching the lost, with this perversion perched one block from an 1100 member WELS church, I will quote my favorite philosopher, Bugs Bunny, "It is to laugh."

Some Elementary Ejukashun
About Counting Lenten Days

High church beach ministry:
the trash can base of the altar is covered with a green plastic bag
to add dignity to the scene.
Apparently designer sunglasses were also worn.

The 40 days of Lent are counted from Ash Wednesday until Easter. In fact, Ash Wednesday was invented to make the days add up to 40.

The 40 days are an obvious parallel to Jesus' temptation, which is the Gospel lesson for Invocabit, The First Sunday in Lent. Some of us have retained the Latin names, just as the Irish once preserved our ancient classical heritage. See How the Irish Saved Civilization.

The Sundays are not counted as Lenten days, but they are Sundays in Lent. If it is not really Lent on Sunday, someone will have to explain why the paraments are purple.

If Rock and Roll Lutheran were high church, the bandannas for the Praise Band would be purple during Lent. And the Lil Rockers would wear purple pull-ups.

Other People's Money

Pastor Joe is thankful to WELS and Missouri for starting his Evangelical Covenant church. He thanked three WELS pastors--Miller, Voigt, and Freier--for their help in getting his church going. Yes, he also believes in using Other People's Money.



I have been serving at Crossroads in a variety of roles since December 1999 and am happy to now be serving as Senior Pastor. As Crossroads Community Church moves into its sixteenth year of existence, we look back at the people who have led us, the founding families and the Pastors Rick Miller, Kelly Voigt and Mark Freier, and say thanks for getting us here.

Danny DiVito, that short, funny actor starred in a film called "Other People's Money." The theme of the movie, which I hope they show at Wildwood, is how to make a fortune on Other People's Money.

That is also the theme of Church and Change.

No one asked for a Popcorn Cathedral of Rock. A few rich people funded it for a time. Don't ask who or how much, because it is Other People's Money.

Jeske, Sorum, and Company are building a new Hope school, costing millions - with Other People's Money.

Jeske had his hand out for $250,000 for Time of Grace - and got it. Don't criticize: it is Other People's Money.

Parlow neeed a Lifecoach grant, so he got $50,000 for St. Mark Depere. That may sound silly, but it was from Other People's Money.

Rock and Roll Lutheran (in name only) got an Antioch grant for $20,000. They wanted $200,000. Perhaps they did not pray hard enough. The Catholic Church invented meatless Fridays, but Rock and Roll invented Lentless Sundays. If Buddy Holly's birthday falls on Easter this year, it is hard to figure which event will be celebrated.

Church and Chicaneries have a good scam going. Most of their money comes from faithful church members, who are guilt-tripped into buying Thrivent insurance or die hoping that their money is a Means of Grace. Where does all this loot go? Churches aimed at people who hate church. Their so-called evangelism theme is - We have an entertaining and exciting place for those who hate sermons, hate the cross (Willow Creek), hate traditional hymns, hate Creeds, and hate the liturgy. Read the Ski website for their message, which is anything but fidelity to the Word. Mockery of the Word is their theme.

And this is not new. Just as Ski's sermons are modeled after Craig Groeschel's, his website is a copy of CrossRoads in S. Lyons. I do not mean that the genius minds behind the CORE sat down to copy CrossRoads. It is just the same old Dreck decade after decade. Here are a few choice quotes from the WELS mission that is now Evangelical Covenant:

"Church music doesn't have to sound 'different.' It can sound just like the music people listen to every day. At Crossroads you won't find a pipe organ, but you will find great music appealing to a variety of tastes...Who says church has to be boring? In many of our services the Crossroads Drama Team makes us laugh or cry, and take a hard look at ourselves."
Crossroads Community Church,
Pastor Rick Miller (WELS),

"Would you be interested in a church that offers...Practical and Relevant Messages? Contemporary Music and Drama? Friendly People Who Are Interested in You? A Non-threatening Environment Where You Can Investigate a Relationship with God? Maybe Crossroads Is For You!...Targeted for September, '92, Sunday morning 'seeker' service designed to introduce Christianity in the most practical relevant way possible!"
Crossroads Community Church,
Pastor Rick Miller (WELS),

"PREPARING FOR HOLY COMMUNION. BECAUSE...I am very sorry for my sins...I trust only in Jesus as my Savior from sin...I receive from the Sacrament the forgiveness and strength I need to amend my life...I believe the words of my Lord that His Body and Blood are REALLY PRESENT in Holy Communion. Therefore I announce my desire to partake of the Lord's Supper:...
Crossroads Community Church,
Pastor Rick Miller (WELS),

"Since several brothers have asked about the status of Rick Miller, I provide the following information. Rick has asked for a release from his call at Huron Valley Lutheran High School in order to serve a group of people as their pastor and to help organize them as an independent Christian congregation. The group is composed of some former members of St. Peter Lutheran Church in Plymouth, of some former members of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Livonia, and some people who have left LC-MS churches. The group has stated that it has a different philosophy and style of ministry, which includes drama, contemporary music and a thematic form of worship and liturgy, which allows for greater personal participation by its female members. The group has also stated that it would like to retain fellowship relations with our Wisconsin Synod."
District President Robert Mueller,
President's Report to the Conferences,
Fall, 1991
Note: the congregation has women lectors
p. 2f.

"As an independent group it does not plan to use the name 'Lutheran' in its title. It will be known as The Crossroads Christian Church...For the present, Rick Miller is still a pastoral member of the WELS...At that time [January 31, 1992, submission of a constitution] the fellowship question will be determined on the basis of the group's doctrinal statements and practices."
District President Robert Mueller,
President's Report to the Conferences,
Fall, 1991
p. 3.

"Several of our brothers have been warning us to be careful about the leaven of The Church Growth Movement and the insidious Reformed doctrine contained within. Not a few of us have heard their warning and have thought to counter the danger by saying we will weed out the erroneous material and use only that which is proper and beneficial to the Lord's work in our congregations. Fellow-shepherds, there is some evidence to show that that is exactly what the devils wants us to think. That seems to be used to lull us and our members into sleep, and without our intending it, the soul-harming false doctrines creep in undetected, under the guise of religious printed materials and programs."
Michigan District President Robert Mueller, (WELS),
"President's Report to the Conferences, Spring, 1991,
p. 2.

"Crossroads Community Church. Comfortable Contemporary Creative Services Sunday Evenings 6 pm South Lyon High School Pontiac Trail and Eleven Mile (313) 591-4087
Newspaper ad Crossroads, Pastor Rick Miller (WELS)
See District President Mueller's report

"You may not have noticed, but Crossroads has changed its name!...Why the change [from Crossroads Christian Church]? First, we were told that the original name implied a denominational affiliation. Also, we believe that the 'community' label identifies us more closely with the philosophy of ministry at Willow Creek Community Church. We want to begin referring to ourselves more and more as a 'community' of fully devoted followers of Jesus."
Pastor Rick Miller, (WELS),
Crossroads Community Church,
News and Information for January, 1992,
p. 1.

"CROSSROADS CALLS SECOND PASTOR. On January 5th, Crossroads extended a call to Kelly Voigt, currently pastor of a mission church in Tallahassee...Kelly would be responsible for heading up outreach activities and the preparation needed before Seeker Services can begin. He would be the speaker for the Seeker Services, while Pastor Rick would continue delivering the New Community messages."
Pastor Rick Miller, (WELS),
Crossroads Community Church,
News and Information for February, 1992,
Seeker Services are endorsed by Pastor Robert Hartman,
Pastor Jim Huebner, in the evangelism seminar video tape.
p. 1.
See Indianapolis Star story on Dan Kelm.

"PHILOSOPHY OF MINISTRY AT CROSSROADS...Conduct seeker services... Provide small group leadership. At Crossroads, as people come to know Jesus they are encouraged to participate in groups of 8 to 10 people who meet weekly for 2 years of fellowship, holding one another accountable, discipleship training, encouragement and support. 1 Thess. 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up."
Pastor Rick Miller, (WELS),
Crossroads Community Church,
1 Thessalonians 5:11.

"There is no Church Growth Movement Program in our synod. Our church body is opposed to the false theology of the Church Growth Movement. We have no programs inside or outside the budget with that name. Nor do we have any programs with a different name which utilize Church Growth theology."
Wayne D. Mueller, Administrator for the BPS, WELS,
"A Response to 'Saving Souls vs. New Programs,'"
The Northwestern Lutheran, November 1, 1991,
February 1, 1992
p. 50.

"There may be pastors or congregations which use methodology which church growth people use. This does not mean they have adopted the theology of the Church Growth Movement. Our Lutheran Confessions allow complete freedom among our churches in methodology that does not conflict with the gospel."
Wayne D. Mueller, Administrator, Parish Services,
"A Response to 'Saving Souls' vs.'New Programs,'"
The Northwestern Lutheran,
February 1, 1992
p. 50.

Origin of the Seeker Service (see Crossroads Community): "When he challenged them to invent a service that would induce their friends to attend, they suggested including contemporary music, dramatic sketches and sermons about problems that are relevant to teen-agers--parents, peer pressure and homework."
WELS Evangelism Workshop IV,
Tom Valeo,
"Market Wise Pastor Strikes Deep Chords with Soft-Sell Pitch,"
Crain's Chicago Business, January 16, 1989
p. C-2.

"Several churches have found a creative and effective way of maintaining an active membership from year to year. Basically, they ask their members--each year--if they wish to continue as members for the coming year...Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (Irvine, CA) also has a 'Covenant of Membership' card. On their 'Covenant Sunday' Pastor Jim Hale encourages persons to come forward in the service and place their card on the altar."
Win Arn,
Win Arn Growth Report, copyright, 1986
709 E Colorado Blvd
Pasadena, CA 91101
Same plan at Crossroads Community Church,

Luther on the Cross

"If, here upon earth, the body is unwilling, not capable of grace and Christ's leading, it must bear the Spirit, upon which Christ rides, who trains it and leads it along by the power of grace, received through Christ. The colt, ridden by Christ, upon which no one ever rode, is the willing spirit, whom no one before could make willing, tame or ready, save Christ by His grace. However, the sack carrier, the burden-bearer, the old Adam, is the flesh, which goes riderless without Christ; it must for this reason bear the cross and remain a beast of burden."
Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholas Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, I, p. 53. First Sunday in Advent Matthew 21:1-9.

"But when our good work is followed by persecution, let us rejoice and firmly believe that it is pleasing to God; indeed, then let us be assured that it comes from God, for whatever is of God is bound to be crucified by the world. As long as it does not bring the cross, that is, as long as it does not bring shame and contempt as we patiently continue in it, it cannot be esteemed as a divine work since even the Son of God was not free from it--(suffering for the sake of the good He did) --but left us an example in this. He Himself tells us in Matthew 5:10, 12: 'Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake.. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven.'"
Commentary on Romans, trans. J. Theodore Mueller, Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1976, p. 55. Matthew 5: 10, 12.; Romans 2:6-10

"On the other hand, we are outwardly oppressed with the cross and sufferings, and with the persecution and torments of the world and the devil, as with the weight of heavy stone upon us, subduing our old sinful nature and checking us against antagonizing the Spirit and committing other sins."
Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, VIII, p. 145. Sixth Sunday after Trinity, Romans 6:6 John 16:20 –

"Such people, however, do not understand divine things, they think they will suddenly enter death with Christ, whom they have never learned to know except in words. Thus was Peter also disposed, but he stood before Christ like a rabbit before one beating a drum. Notice, how the old Adam lacks courage when under the cross! The new man, however, can indeed persevere through grace."
Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed. John Nicholas Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, III, p. 85. Third Sunday after Easter John 16:16-23

"But wine is sharp and signifies the holy cross that immediately follows. A Christian need not look for his cross, it is always on his back. For he thinks as St. Paul says, 2 Timothy 3:12: 'All that would live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.' This is the court-color in this kingdom. Whoever is ashamed of the color, does not belong to this king."
Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholaus Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, V, p. 30. Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity, Luke 10:23-37; 2 Timothy 3:12

"Observe, God and men proceed in contrary ways. Men set on first that which is best, afterward that which is worse. God first gives the cross and affliction, then honor and blessedness. This is because men seek to preserve the old man; on which account they instruct us to keep the Law by works, and offer promises great and sweet...But God first of all terrifies the conscience, sets on miserable wine, in fact nothing but water; then, however, He consoles us with the promises of the Gospel which endure forever."
Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholaus Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, II, p. 69. Second Sunday after Epiphany, John 2:1-11.

"Not only is Christ hidden from the world, but a still harder thing is it that in such trials Christ conceals himself even from His church, and acts as if he had forgotten, aye, had entirely forsaken and rejected it,since He permits it to be oppressed under the cross and subjected to all the cruelty of the world, while its enemies boast, glory and rejoice over it, as we shall hear in the next Gospel."
Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholas Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, III, p. 67. Second Sunday after Easter John 10:11-16.

"Not only is Christ hidden from the world, but a still harder thing is it that in such trials Christ conceals himself even from His church, and acts as if He had forgotten, aye, had entirely forsaken and rejected it,since He permits it to be oppressed under the cross and subjected to all the cruelty of the world, while its enemies boast, glory and rejoice over it, as we shall hear in the next Gospel."
Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholas Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, III, p. 67. Second Sunday after Easter John 10:11-16.

"If we would be Christians, we must surely expect and count on having the devil, together with all his angels and the world, as our enemies. They all will bring misfortune and sorrow on us For where the Word of God is preached, accepted, or believed, and where it produces fruit, the dear, holy cross cannot be wanting."
What Luther Says, An Anthology, 3 vols., ed., Ewald Plass, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1959, I, p. 357. Large Catechism

"O Lord, look down from heaven, behold And let Thy pity waken; How few are we within Thy fold, Thy saints by men forsaken! True faith seems quenched on every hand, Men suffer not Thy Word to stand; Dark times have us overtaken. (2) With fraud which they themselves invent Thy truth they have confounded; Their hearts are not with one consent On Thy pure doctrine grounded. While they parade with outward show, They lead the people to and fro, In error's maze astounded. (3) May God root out all heresy And of false teachers rid us Who proudly say: 'Now, where is he That shall our speech forbid us? By right or might we shall prevail; What we determine cannot fail; We own no lord and master. (5) As silver tried by fire is pure From all adulteration So through God's Word shall men endure Each trial and temptation. Its light beams brighter through the cross, And purified from human dross, It shines thru every nation."
The Lutheran Hymnal, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1941, Hymn #260. Psalm 12.

"But now, since the prince of this world and the Holy Spirit, the kingdom of Christ and the kingdom of the devil, are directly opposed to one another, and the Holy Spirit is not willing that anyone should parade his own deeds and praise himself on account of them, the holy cross must soon follow. The world will not consent to be reprimanded for its blindness. Therefore one must willingly submit and suffer persecution. If we have the right kind of faith in our hearts, we must also open our mouths and confess righteousness and make known sin. Likewise we must condemn and punish the doings of this world and make it known that everything it undertakes, is damned."
Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholas Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, III, p. 120. Fourth Sunday after Easter John 16:5-15.

"The deeper a person is sunk in sadness and emotional upheavals, the better he serves as an instrument of Satan. For our emotions are instruments through which he gets into us and works in us if we do not watch our step. It is easy to water where it is wet. Where the fence is dilapidated, it is easy to get across. So Satan has easy access where there is sadness. Therefore one must pray and associate with godly people."
What Luther Says, An Anthology, 3 vols., ed., Ewald Plass, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1959, III, p. 1243. 1532

"This a true definition of marriage: Marriage is the God-appointed and legitimate union of man and woman in the hope of having children or at least for the purpose of avoiding fornication and sin and living to the glory of God. The ultimate purpose is to obey God, to find aid and counsel against sin; to call upon God; to seek, love, and educate children for the glory of God; to live with one's wife in the fear of God and to bear the cross; but if there are no children, nevertheless to live with one's wife in contentment; and to avoid all lewdness with others."
What Luther Says, An Anthology, 3 vols., ed., Ewald Plass, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1959, II, p. 884. Genesis 24:1-4.

"This is a true definition of marriage: Marriage is the God-appointed and legitimate union of man and woman in the hope of having children or at least for the purpose of avoiding fornication and sin and living to the glory of God. The ultimate purpose is to obey God, to find aid and counsel against sin; to call upon God; to seek, love, and educate children for the glory of God; to live with one's wife in the fear of God and to bear the cross; but if there are no children, nevertheless to live with one's wife in contentment; and to avoid all lewdness with others."
What Luther Says, An Anthology, 3 vols. ed. Ewald Plass, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1959, II, p. 884. Genesis 24:1-4

"Human works and doctrines at all times yield much revenue and carnal gain, while the doctrines of God and the work of Christ bring the cross, poverty, ignominy, and all kinds of calamity, which the holiness of Herod cannot endure. Thus it happens always, that they who have ensnared and oppressed the poor with an erring conscience and with human doctrines, do not like to hear that poor, miserable consciences receive instruction, attain a right understanding, and seek the simple pure Word of God and faith."
Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholas Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, I, p. 376. Epiphany Matthew 2:1-12.

"The apostle says 'our,' 'our sins;' not his own sin, not the sins of unbelievers. Purification is not for, and cannot profit, him who does not believe. Nor did Christ effect the cleansing by our free-will, our reason or power, our works, our contrition or repentance, these all being worthless in the sight of God; he effects it by himself. And how? By taking our sins upon himself on the holy cross, as Isaiah 53:6 tells us."
Sermons of Martin Luther, ed., John Nicholas Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, VI, p. 180. Hebrews 1:1-12; Hebrews 1:3;

"This, mark you, is the peace of the cross, the peace of God, peace of conscience, Christian peace, which gives us even external calm, which makes us satisfied with all men and unwilling to disturb any. Reason cannot understand how there can be pleasure in crosses, and peace in disquietude; it cannot find these. Such peace is the work of God, and none can understand it until it has been experienced."
Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholaus Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, VI, p. 111. Fourth Sunday in Advent, Philippians 4:7.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Other People's Money":

Pastor Jackson, I disagree with your blog (especially the tone) on many occasions.

However, I am genuinely sorry about your wife's health concerns and I am truly thankful her tests came out well. I'm writing to let you know that, and to add that I am absolutely appalled by the last poster's comment ("will your wife be going in for more testing soon?")....

I assume you have genuine Christian sympathy for Pastor Stolzenburg (Columbus) upon the death of his wife earlier this week. She was a fine Christian lady.

God bless you and your family.


GJ - Which wife? Floyd Luther Stolzenburg did not have a Scriptural divorce, as he claimed, a false assertion repeated by WELS pastors. I was genuinely sorry for the trials he imposed on his previous congregations, his first wife, his children, and the marriages he destroyed. One of his conservative associates said, "He betrayed his wife, his children, his congregation, and his conservative friends." He did not leave Missouri voluntarily but was kicked out by his Missiouri District President, who described the reasons for Floyd's defenestration. Jack Preus confirmed the same, but WELS faked innocense.

If his second wife died of cancer, then I am very sorry for that. I knew her from St. Paul's in Germantown. I don't wish disease on anyone. Recently someone hoped for the day when I "finally died," expressing the thought that there would be universal relief. I don't recall any objections posted.


Anonymouse has left a new comment on your post "Other People's Money":

"The Catholic Church invented meatless Fridays, but Rock and Roll invented Lentless Sundays. If Buddy Holly's birthday falls on Easter this year, it is hard to figure which event will be celebrated."

Uhh...The Lutheran Church has celebrated "Lentless Sundays" for hundreds of years. That is why the 46 days of Lent are only counted as 40.

GJ - As in "Invocabit - The First Sunday in Lent," etc? Mouse is confusing the Easter-y quality of Sunday always being noted, even in Lent. Joe Krohn lamented his Rock and Roll Church not celebrating Lent. I am sure he will elaborate on it in great detail in his defensive blog. Does that mean the Rockers and Lil Rockers will not have to abstain from wearing metal piercings during the Holy Season? I am sure the Holy Father in Rome--or Austin--would be curious.

If you think I am kidding about the Lil Rockers, check out this link. That strikes me as something a shopping mall would do to be cute, but I objected to Bible Babes at another church.

Rock and Roll Mouse, performing in his subdued Lenten livery.

Lil Rockers from Doebler's and Patterson's Rock and Roll Church. Why indulge in satire when all I have to do is print the news?

Kenneth Schmidt has left a new comment on your post "Other People's Money":

"Most of their money comes from faithful church members, who are guilt-tripped into buying Thrivent insurance or die hoping that their money is a Means of Grace."

I laughed so hard at that sentence that I nearly spat my tea across the room! Funny and true! That whole paragraph was masterful.

Ski's Editor Has Been Discovered

Spelling does not count - at the Popcorn Cathedral of Rock.

Pricey executive assistant:
almost 11pm. been working since 9:30 this morning. calling it a night and leaving my computer in the office - could be rough withdrawl! (sic)
about 9 hours ago from TweetDeck

"How did the Texas cowboy speak?"

"With drawl."


Anonymouse has left a new comment on your post "Ski's Editor Has Been Discovered":

Greg, I love it when you show the world what a jerk you really are.


GJ - No, that's a feature starring the humorless Mouse. I know that a little joke will elicit another cowardly attack from Mouse, hiding in the tall grass, terrified of revealing his secret identity, anxious to indulge in puerile name-calling.


Today's going to be great. Meeting with Wildwood Film Festival today. Pretty neat opportunity. Mark your calendars April 17 at The CORE
42 minutes ago from TweetDeck


GJ -

There's a church in the valley leased by Wildwood
No lovelier spot in A-town
No place is so dear to my childhood
As the Popcorn Cathedral of Rock.

(Oh, come, come, come, come)

Come to the church leased by Wildwood
Oh, come to the church in A-town
No spot is so dear to my childhood
As the Popcorn Cathedral of Rock.

How sweet on a clear Sabbath morning
To listen to a Rock and Roll band
Its tones so loudly are calling
To the Popcorn Cathedral of Rock.

(Oh, come, come, come, come)

Come to the church leased by Wildwood
Oh, come to the church in A-town,
No spot is so dear to my childhood
As the Popcorn Cathedral of Rock.

There, close by the church in old A-town
Lies the doctrine I loved so well
We buried her beside the Willow Creek,
Cause we thought Schwaermer doctrine was swell.

(Oh, come, come, come, come)

Come to the church leased by Wildwood
Oh, come to the church in A-town.
No spot is so dear to my childhood
As the Popcorn Cathedral of Rock.

There, close by the side of Craig Groeschel,
Near Driscoll, Stetzer, Stanley, and Sweet,
When they bury the last Lutheran synod,
Church and Change will shout, "That's neat!"

(Oh, come, come, come, come)

Come to the church leased by Wildwood
Oh, come to the church in A-town
No spot is so dear to my childhood
As the Popcorn Cathedral of Rock.

Stop by for the entertainment, coffee, and WiFi.
Stay for the Craig Groeschel sermons.

"I'm Doctrinal Pussycat Englebrecht, and I approved this message."

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

No Mid-Week Lenten Service Tonight - Update

My wife Chris is in the hospital having some cardio tests. Some have come out normal but we are awaiting others. The schedule is very iffy today, so I will not try to have a service.

Update -

Mrs. Ichabod is home. Her tests were negative (good news) and some additional treatment was provided.


Anonymouse has left a new comment on your post "Other People's Money":

Easter is safe at Rock and Roll. Holly's BD is September 7th. There's some more crack research for ya....

The world was a better place yesterday. Will your wife be going in for more testing soon?


GJ - Mrs. Ichabod is moved by your concern, but no, she is fine and I will be blogging. I wonder, Ichabodians, will Mouse ever catch on to the use of the hyperbole, an exaggeration to make a point?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Plundering or Spoiling the Egyptians

Our pastor uses the term "plunder the Egyptians" a lot. I am not exactly sure what is meant by this, and since he has used it so long I am now embarrassed to ask what he means by the phrase whenever he mentions it.

I think it has something to do with using the secular world to achieve sacred objectives. In this case, using taxpayer money (even though the people sending their kids to WELS schools are usually tax payers) is sort of like plundering the Egyptians.

Back in ancient times when I was in WELS schools, it was a source of pride that WELS did NOT accept public money.

I guess maybe this has changed?
Our WELS teachers would often critically point out that Roman Catholic school children would often have "Vote Yes" stickers on their book bags for various proposals which would allow parochial schools access to public funds.

So I guess we are now supposed to plunder the Egyptians?

On their way out of slavery in Egypt, the Israelites boldly asked the Egyptians for their finest goods (plundering the Egyptians). In other words, they actually had to walk up to the Egyptians and ask them for things.

Ironically, our pastor does not believe in walking the neighborhood and canvassing potential members.


GJ - The term was used by St. Augustine, but more recently by Larry Crab, one of the favorites of Fuller Seminary. David Valleskey, former president of The Sausage Factory, used the term "spoiling the Egyptians" to say we needed the gold and precious jewels of Fuller Seminary, his alma mater, in WELS.

I pointed out to Valleskey, when he gave the paper, that the Israelites stole the gold and jewels from the Egyptians, not their garbage. He scowled. Later he claimed I never talked to him about his essay.

So I imagine the pastor is simply echoing Valleskey. One of the ELS professors gave his Amen Halleluia chorus paper on Church Growth by quoting Valleskey quoting Crab. Nothing is new or original in the Church Growth Movement. Even Craig Groeschel admits cobbing from Andy Stanley, and everyone cool borrows heavily from both of them.

Valleskey's essay would been more accurate if it had been titled "Figs From Thistles," but that was what I called my response to his false doctrine.

Hope Floats
On Big Foundation/Thrivent Bucks

Journal Online

Hope Christian Schools building $3.27 million K-8 school

By Alan J. Borsuk of the Journal Sentinel

HOPE Christian Schools, a network of three north side schools known for structured and demanding programs, is taking a big step forward with construction of a $3.27 million building.

The new building, at 3601 N. Port Washington Ave., will allow the HOPE Middle School to be restructured as a kindergarten through eighth-grade program. The school is now located in the Holton Youth Center at 510 E. Burleigh St.

HOPE is affiliated with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod and also includes a K-8 school at 2345 N. 25th St. and a high school at 3215 N. King Drive. Together, the schools have more than 500 students, almost all of them participants in Wisconsin's private school voucher program.

HOPE leaders said they aim to open in September in the new building, offering 4- and 5-year-old kindergarten and first and second grades along with middle school grades. The middle school currently has about 70 students. Plans call for the new school to have about 250 students in all grades within five years.

The two-story building under construction now will primarily consist of classrooms. Fund raising is under way for a $2.5 million second stage of construction that would add a gym, library, cafeteria and additional classrooms.

"With the support of our local and national partners, we will put thousands of children on the path to college and contribute to efforts to help Milwaukee build and maintain a viable work force," Andrew Neumann, president of the HOPE network, said in a statement.

Money for the first stage of the new building came from donors, including the Siebert Lutheran Foundation, the Elizabeth A. Brinn Foundation and PAVE, an organization that has helped schools, primarily in the voucher program, for more than 15 years. The effort also received a $1 million low-interest loan from an organization known as the Illinois Facilities Fund.

Among other major supporters of HOPE in recent years is Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and its foundation.

The new building is being designed not only to be energy efficient - with some solar and geothermal power features - but to have those systems exposed and easily viewable so students can learn from them.

The HOPE network began in 2002 with about 50 students in the facility on N. 25th St.

The schools require students to wear uniforms, have strict codes of behavior and generally use educational materials that emphasize building skills. There is also a strong emphasis on Christian content during the school day.

In addition to its obvious meaning, HOPE is an acronym for Hold Onto the Promises Everywhere. "The promises" include fulfillment of religious as well as academic aspirations.


Hope Schools

HOPE opened its doors in 2002 with one school and nearly 50 students. Today, HOPE operates three schools in Milwaukee’s central city – an elementary school (K5-8), a middle school (5-8) and a high school, serving close to 500 students and their families.


GJ - The voucher program allows the government to control "private schools."

Monday, March 2, 2009

Resignation of Bruce Becker,
WELS Perish Services

Bruce Becker, former head of Perish Services,
board member of Church and Chicanery.

Conference 09
Nov 5th - 7th
Wyndham Milwaukee Airport Hotel and Convention Center

C&C events are a great place to network with people who have similar ministries, situations and problems. Come, learn and benefit from everyone's experience!

More information is coming soon! [March 2nd - Still no world on Stetzer as the speaker]

WELS Call List:

Resigned call

Becker, Rev Bruce H Board for Parish Ser - Milwaukee WI 03/15/2009

But re-signed at Time of Grace.

Mark Jeske had two employees on the board of Church and Chicanery, but lobbed Ski to A-Town. Now he has two employees on the board again.

"1,000 hits on our website, but where are they now?"

Over 1,000 hits on our website just last week! Thanks to everyone who made that possible. We are on the google map.
about 4 hours ago from TweetDeck
[GJ - Ichabod made it possible, but Ski refuses to be my friend on Facebook. Is that reaching out?]

From the pricey executive assistant:

looking back through "unChrisrtian" (sic) and this made me stop & think: "we have become famous for what we oppose, rather than who we are for"
about 7 hours ago from TweetDeck.

@thompsonworld yeah, pretty sad isn't it? but what are we doing to fix it? God's Word is powerful but we sure do a lot to keep ppl from it
about 17 hours ago from Tweetie in reply to thompsonworld [GJ - Rejecting the efficacy of God's Word is one of the best ways to keep people from it.]


GJ - Church and Change was begun to oppose the Confessions, good spelling and grammar. Bailing Water comment: "Oh, and before anyone accuses me of slander for calling Becker a heretic, please remember that he just initiated a study to find find out what 'besides the Means of Grace' causes congregations to grow. That's heresy."

All Four Hoenecke Volumes Are Now in Print

Evangelical Lutheran Dogmatics
Volumes 1 & 2

by Adolf Hoenecke (1835-1908)

15N0745, 15N0736, 15N0749 (Four Volume Set)

What is it?

• originally written in German, they are two volumes in a collection of four that sets forth the doctrines of Holy Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions in a thesis and antithesis format. They are the third and fourth volumes to be translated and published in English.

About the author

• served as the president of the Wisconsin Synod's seminary during its early years.
• the foremost theologian of the early Wisconsin Synod.
• one of America's foremost confessional Lutheran dogmaticians.

• published posthumously by his sons in 1909 and 1912, these volumes first served as important
dogmatics produced by German Lutherans in America.
• Hoenecke quotes from the Lutheran Confessions and the dogmaticians of the 17th century, but his conclusions rest firmly on Scripture. For this reason, his position is still valid today.
• Volume 1 studies the nature, development, and task of prolegomena. Topics addressed in prolegomena include Religion, Theology, Dogmatics (including the history of Lutheran dogmatics), Sacred Scripture as the source and basis of religion, theology, and dogmatics (inspiration, properties of Scripture, canon, articles of faith, symbolical books).
• Volume 2 studies Dogmatics proper 1) Theology in the narrow sense including: the knowledge of God, the existence of God, the essence and attributes of God, the trinity of God, the works of God: creation and providence, the angels 2) Anthropology - in general, the original state of mankind, the state of corruption (sin, guilt, needed punishment, the fall, original sin, hardening, temporal death, free will).
• stand alongside Francis Pieper's Christian Dogmatics as one of the best Lutheran dogmatics produced.
• has served as an important touchstone for the teaching of systematic theology at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in Mequon, Wisconsin.
• available in Four Volume Set of Evangelical Dogmatics, by Adolf Hoenecke (15N0749).

• 6” x 9”. Hardcover. 577 pages, and 513 pages.
• includes an index, subjects, Scripture passages, footnotes, and a works cited.
Other related NPH Products

• Evangelical Lutheran Dogmatics, Volume 3 (15N0698) by Adolf Hoenecke
• Evangelical Lutheran Dogmatics, Volume 4 (15N0626) by Adolf Hoenecke

Corky Koeplin's Paper, 1992 - Ipsissima Verba


Why is it that after a fairly long life, thirty-nine years of which have been spent in the public ministry of our dear synod, three questions, somewhat similar in content, persistently come to mind?
1. “WELS, oh WELS, wherefore art thou my WELS?”
2. The song title: “Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered”
3. “Oh foolish, WELS, who hath bewitched you?”

Why on earth do I feel at times like a traumatized lover, a Blue’s singer and an ancient Galatian? What is the cause, or are the causes, for a soul’s deep distress? Perhaps it isn’t at all strange to find comfort in the fact that I am not alone in my anxiety and concern. Multiple scores of brothers throughout the length and breadth of synod, covering the spectrum of ages and types of pastoral services, share all or most of these distressing concerns. These are good men; tried, true blue and tested in the crucible of devoted service to Christ and the synod. Some few are honored “em’s”; some seminary professors; some full-time or part-time synod or district administrators. The vast majority are evangelical parish pastors whose work and lives center squarely on the proclamation of the saving Gospel of our Lord Jesus. They abhor legalism, eschew extremism, while craving balance and moderation in judgment. If someone insists on a label, try: “Progressive-Conservative.”

At the risk of missing a few key points, -- a “P-C” is:
A. pleased to be rooted in the Scriptural and the Lutheran Confessions and yet is not afraid to “try something new or different”;
B. in love with the King James version but uses a more modern English translation in both pulpit and readings;
C. happy to be Christian, Lutheran and WELS;
D. virtually a workaholic, but knows full well that whatever good results are strictly due to the gracious work of the Spirit and whatever “bad” results are due to human inadequacies, his;
E. not afraid to launch out into deep “at Thy word,” but prays fervently for an extra measure of uncommon sanctified sense so that the “new” does not get in the way of the Spirit’s work;
F. not hankering for, longing for, or pining after a return to the “good old days.” But, while recognizing that change and new are inevitable, wants to be certain that the changes are rooted in our WELS heritage and not because of some outside and strange shepherd-teacher or ecclesiastical heritage;
G. quick to recognize and say that non-WELS folk may indeed have some good ideas and sound methods which we may “sanitize,” adapt and adopt, but only if the terminology employed has not been co-opted by the heterodox so as to confuse the faithful rather than edify them.

In short, these dear brothers are not fanatical “headhunters” nor do they subscribe in any form or fashion to some sort of a “conspiracy theory “that” someone” or “some group” is quietly and persistently trying to drag the WELS to “the left” into the 21st century. However, rejecting that nonsense does not still the anxious hearts either. What is it, rather than who is it, that “troubleth Israel/WELS”? Our concerns can perhaps be summed up into six major categories to whit:
1. A Synodical Drift.
2. The “Business” of the Church Supplanting the Work of the Church.
3. An Unhealthy Inroad of “Church Growth.”
4. A Top Heavy Administration.
5. A Denigration of the Holy Ministry.
6. A Dismantling of the Worker Training System.

Before we look at these items individually, one or two things should be said at the outset. We freely grant that many, if not most of the items listed fall into the category of “feelings,” “impressions,” “observations” and/or “perceptions.” All of the assertions can be flatly denied. But deniability does not obviate reality even if the reality may indeed be somewhat nebulous. Even as we are free to say that Christian brothers of good heart and intent will not and do not agree with our assessments, so also do we ask that the same characterizations be granted to those who respectfully disagree with the assumption that “all is well in the WELS.” Give us the courtesy of a brotherly and thoughtful hearing when we say, “there is – something – an ecclesiastical bug – if you will, that is threatening and attacking the body of corporate WELS and let’s get it now before we wind up in an intensive care ward. No, WELS is not “sick unto death!” By the same token, please grant that “Mother WELS” has more than a simple case of the sniffles.


Yea verily, this concern is perhaps the hardest one to quantify and the most difficult to articulate. Granted, it is a feeling, a perception. But it is also, in our judgment, real enough to be felt and perceived by a rising number of synodical historians, insiders, outsiders and watchers. Again, in our judgment, our beloved WELS is adrift in a sea of indecision. It does not seem to know where it’s going nor how to get there. It seems to lack a unifying focus as it once had in the years immediately following the breakup of the Synodical Conference. It was a mission church on fire for Christ, and from the humble parish pastor in Pumpkin Junction to the high echelon of leadership –‘ most every pastor zeroed in on getting the gospel of Jesus out to a dying and needy world. Say what you will, that driving passion is not present today. Instead we find rising numbers of parish pastors who, to an ever increasing degree, have pronounced a pox on the mail people who deliver rafts of directives, injunctions, appeals, updates (as opposed

to down dates), and notices of workshops, seminars and skill sharpening sessions all streaming forth Niagara-like from “2929.” They’ve simply “withdrawn”; will do only those synodical “things” that they absolutely “have to,” – but without enthusiasm. Far too many of the foot soldiers of Jesus have said by their lack of gung ho response: “Hey, ‘synod,’ bug off! I’ll work my heart out and my head off in my local vineyard; just leave me alone! You solicit my support, but only if support begins and ends with $$$$ and evermore of them. My advice and counsel is not sought, and if by chance an honest question is raised, it is brushed aside as either being “false” or one raised out of ignorance in not seeing ‘the big picture.’ Hey, O.K. if I’m too ill-informed to get it, go fetch it without me. I pass.” Now apparently “someone” in 2929 may have sensed something of this because “Mission Vision 2,000+” appeared and was adopted with great fanfare at a reasonably recent synod convention. It paints pictures. It sets goals. It lays out plans. It has objectives. It contains numbers for every division, sub-division and unit of synod. It also, unfortunately and factually, falls far short of being the unifying force and rallying point that perhaps it was intended to be. The document is seriously, if not fatally flawed.

You cannot take a document born out of “dreams” (“If there were neither restraints of men and money, where/what would like to see our synod be, go and do next year, three years, five years, ten years from now? Dare to dream a little and let not your dreams be small.”) and then when reality and expectation do not come together, draw the conclusion that somehow we are “failing” as a synod because MV 2000+ says so!

While it is most certainly true that we are confident that not one of our pastoral brothers, synod-wide, does not freely confess from the heart that “the Spirit works;when and where He wills, and is solely responsible for the increase,” nonetheless, numbers, statistics, percentages, growth patterns (or lack thereof), and the ubiquitous bottom-line have SEEMINGLY been cited with alarming regularity. Numbers (not the biblical book), have SEEMINGLY achieved an unhealthy status in our circles.

One of the by-products of the bottom-line fetish has been that many of our parish pastoral brothers have been given yet another ticket for an unwanted, unnecessary, unasked for and unappreciated guilt trip. These distressed brothers have in turn adopted a defensive mode which has also resulted in a rising confrontational stance, “2929” versus “us.”

It is inevitable that this question arises: “Who Is Running the Synod?” We speak not concerning those matters where the Word has clearly spoken, but rather, “Who Is In Charge? Who Sets the Direction? Who Points the Direction Where We Should Be Going and What and How We Should Be Doing It?”

Is it: a) the General President and the Praesidium?
b) the Coordinating Council?
c) the Board of Trustees?
d) the Conference of Presidents?
e) the Synod in Convention?
f) all of the above?
g) none the above?
h) a combination of the above?

At the present there seems to be a large amount of confusion as to who is supposed to do what. Are we run by a Board of Directors, titled in the WELS, the Coordinating Council? Are we run by the Board of Trustees? Is it a shared responsibility between these two boards?

Constitutionally the lines are clear. But in fact, the reality is a whole lot less clearly defined which has resulted in “The Drift.” How do the district presidents, full-time pastors, and part-time administrators fit into this equation? Again, constitutionally they seem to be restricted to “spiritual matters.” They seem to have little or no voice in practical policy and programs of synod. Is this wise? Is this truly in the best interest of the synodiacal “good and welfare?” The upshot of all this is that there is no clear, insistent clarion call to united action. The trumpet seems to be muted and that, to us, is distressing.

The second concern is like unto the first. Indeed, it is related. Since the mid-eighties it seems that more and more (all) of our WELS – work has fallen under a financial microscope. This is a mixed blessing. On the one hand , none of us are that obtuse not to recognize that money, offerings, the synod dollar, the financial resources the Lord places into our hand; call it what you will, is the “mother’s milk to church work.” Missionaries, professors, et al. need to be salaried/supported. Utilities, vendors of all sorts and description need to be satisfied with legal tender. Secondly, who will argue with good stewardship? Properly understood, the terms, like unto “careful money management,” “maximum results,” “accountability,” – even “more bang for the buck” take on an almost benign air. On the other hand, we do take some umbrage over money calling the shots; decisions which are financially driven; the financial tail wagging the mission dog. Now

lest some feel that the terminology is both too judgmental or pejorative, kindly permit a brief demonstration to illustrate their aptness. I shall cite but four programs which started out on a pious and devoted “wish list,” captured the heart, interest and imagination of a God-fearing, Christ-believing Christian and are now up and running as part of a synodical budgetary program:
a) Brazil;
b) Taiwan #4;
c) Germany/Eastern Europe (Two year, two men to assist our brothers who formerly were in East Germany;
d) the seminary graduate to the CIR (Russia)

Now understand, NONE of these programs are bad, bad, bad,! On the contrary, they are good! We rejoice, thank and praise a gracious God that He moved the hearts of monetarily blessed Christians to see a special need and have the wherewithal to make something good happen. But that is not the point. These four world mission illustrations hopefully serve to demonstrate that in all innocence and honesty a pliosophical/theological inversion has occurred. We seemingly have gone from, “There’s the Lord’s work, let’s find the money to do it”; to: “There’s the Lord’s work, let’s check our bottom-line to see how much of it we can do.” There is a vast difference, not at all subtle, between the two approaches to “the Lord’s Work.” We know that the WELS cannot do it all. We know that our inability to do it all should not, must not, prevent us from doing all that we can. We know that it takes “someone” to exercise leadership and that “someone” must exercise “value judgments.”

What seems to be missing in these value judgments is the Faith Factor, an unquantifiable attitude of heart and mid-set. It will appear in no computer spread sheet. One cannot attach a number to it on an accountant’s ledger. But, in the Lord’s work, in the “business” of the church, it must be taken into account as “bottom-lines” are scrutinized and evaluated! Parish pastors, hopefully all pastors, know whereof we speak. In a congregation, when the pastor(s) and perhaps key leadership are convinced that a new project which will cost money is in the best interest of: the good and welfare of the kingdom; is the product of prayer, planning and analysis; is both the work and will of God, --but does not have the full cost of the project firmly in hand- four phrases will be sounded by someone in the voters’ assembly just as sure as crabgrass grows bigger and quicker than good lawn seed:
a) “we’ve got to be practical”;
b) “we’ve got to be realistic”;
c) “ we can’t afford it”;
d) “we’ve got to count the cost before we go into battle.”

Confidently looking for and expecting the blessing of God is NOT “practical” nor “realistic.” It’s the faith factor! “Can’t afford it” is a matter of sanctified Christian judgment while, surely, it is a RARE WELS pastoral bird who ignores the biblical injunction concerning “cost counting.”

We are not aware of a single WELS parish that does NOT have a budget. Similarly there isn’t one around that constructs its budget on its bank or checkbook balance. Likewise the parish does not exist that first takes commitments and then, on the basis of what the commitment total is, - construct the budge. Neither does our synod. Congregations and the synod take into account those who are unwilling to commit/“pledge” (but have, will, and do bring gifts), incidental offerings, special gifts, wills, bequests, and the Faith Factor. We recognize our responsibility; we accept it; we set about, under God to do it.

Our God does, in a very real sense, ask us to “crawl out on a limb.” He, on the other hand, promises not to saw it off behind us. It seems too many of us that we today, in our synod, have business expertise, business, acumen, business efficiency, and business techniques. We also seem to have in abundance, practical thinkers who deal in realism and are great in cost counting and accounting. What seems to be in short supply is a mind-set, that risks, dares, and is sure that the faith factor is not dreamy idealism. Has the time come to find the answer to the questions: “Is the Lord’s business (WELS) business – a business?” “Is the Lord’s business the same as any other large multi-national corporation?” “Can we apply the same business principles which are good, tried and true on the “outside” to the WELS?”

Maybe all of the horror stories of the 30’s, those terrible times when our synod was in deep financial trouble, when professors and what few home missionaries we had waited for “short” checks, -- maybe we still bear the deep psychological scars which that near bankrupt condition placed upon our WELS soul. But we now ask, one-half a century later, and just that much closer to The Day, have we become not just “fiscally conservative,” but a timid and frightened synod, who if we can’t see it on our bottom- lines, if we can’t put our finger into the black and white numbers, -- we will not believe in a nebulous “faith factor”. What we respectfully ask is that the questions be addressed via a study of Scripture and perhaps settle the unsettling perception that we’ve somehow reversed how we carry out the Lord’s work, the business of the WELS.


It is precisely in the area of this concern that our “nervous needle” jumps off the

meter. What on earth is happening in our WELS? Some seem to be “talking funny” and regional accents have nothing to do with it. Our once common theological language is undergoing a metamorphosis so that either we yearn for parenthetical explanation or a translator or both, to explain what is meant when these foreign-to-WELS-words are used. What manner of language is being used? For want of a better descriptive term, we’ll call it: “CG-speak.” Kindly permit a few examples:
a) Apparently we are not to shepherd God’s flock any longer, we are to “minister” to them.
b) Apparently it’s somewhat passé to teach our people “whatsoever I have commanded you,” we “disciple” them.
c) Instead of “leading people into the pleasant pastures of the word and giving them to drink of the Living Water,” we now are to “nurture” them.
d) People are to “grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.” The biblical quote is less seen than the words “discipling” and “nurturing.”
e) Although we’ve been “saved to serve,” now we should think of a variety of “ministries,” such as “the ministry of leaf raking,” “the ministry of snow shoveling” and “the ministry of greeting.” Not to be overlooked is the wonderful fun ministry, “the ministry of valet parking.!”
f) Care should be taken that our services, in addition to being the usual edifying, should also be “user friendly.” Additional care should be taken to avoid the name, Lutheran, since it is “well known”(?) that the name, Lutheran is a “turnoff” (in sharp contrast to being “turned on” by “entertainment evangelism” and that marvelous “user friendly” service).

At this point, before proceeding, it perhaps would be wise to comment briefly on the Church Growth Movement itself before proceeding to “CG-speak.” We acknowledge that not everything is rotten about CGM. There are some few so-called “common sense” things (a misnomer), that many have done or are doing as an automatic. For example, is there a WELS pastor around who does not emphasize that the congregation’s ushers should look neat, clean, tidy and well dressed, as well as giving off an aura of friendly welcome as they distribute the worship folders of the day? What disturbs us is the origin, the authorship and the theological heritage of CGM. Although it is used by lawyers, to some of us the “poison fruit” terminology with reference to bodies of evidence, seems to not be fit, but apply in the case of CGM. Luther identified it as “the other of different spirit” at Marburg. He did not classify his opponent as a non-Christian antagonist; but Ulrich badly needed a theological attitude adjustment. The upshot of this is that WELS Lutherans do not leave

“Wittenberg” and take excursions into “Geneva” to see what “good things” we can pick up, use and ingest. We feel that the warning label, “Poison Fruit,” should be printed in bold type and affixed to all things having to do with the CGM. We are aware that some may indeed say that first of all we are “too extreme” and secondly our COP has looked into it, commissioned our seminary to examine and dissect it and that our official WELS position is that the CGM is “wanting,” to say the least. We would simply counter by contending that a defense of our theological heritage is hardly “extremism” and that in our honorable effort to be “balanced” in our critique we MAY have given a measure of credibility of the CGM by “damning it faintly.”

Two other items need to be touched on at this point in time:
1) Why have some felt the need to use “CG-speak” in a variety of communications one to the other? Is it wise, is it in the best interests of the WELS to use terms and phrases which unfortunately have been co-opted by the heterodox, Reformed, Evangelicals and suchlike?
To illustrate: It may be biblically correct (there’s nothing “wrong” with the phrase), to refer to Mary, the mother of our Lord, as “The Blessed Virgin Mother.” But brothers, who in the WELS speaks like that? The term, like “catholic,” has been co-opted by the Romanists! These are “good” words; a good title, but it simply is neither wise nor expedient to use them. So also with “CG-speak.” Uncommon sanctified sense would seem to indicate that we avoid, discontinue use of, or at the very least, be extremely judicious in the sparing use of co-opted terms and phrases.
2) Are we way off the mark when we express concern over our WELS brothers taking in seminars, workshops, etc. etc. sponsored by and featuring CG speakers? What do we hope to learn from teachers who are not of our theological persuasion? Verily, we do turn out mature men of discernment from our seminary. But it’s hard to erase the biblical picture of the Apostle Peter, who only wanted to warm himself by the fire, and see what he could see and perhaps learn about the fate of his Lord. Although there wasn’t a fire-blister apparent on Peter, who will argue that “he got burned!” Is it “absurd” to think that maybe; just maybe, that if we persist in warming ourselves by the fires of false teachers in an effort to rid ourselves of the cutesy but terribly unfair label of “The Frozen Chosen”, a whole host of good WELS-folk are going to be badly burned and blistered?
Perhaps this section can be concluded by the one final set of not-so-nice questions.
a) However inadvertently and with the purest of intentions, have some subconsciously fallen victim to “a number fixation?” “Why can’t we of the WELS, who have the truth, grow, go and share?” “There’s got to be something wrong somewhere! We’re not doing something right! We’re not

growing as we should or could!” It’s vexing to see the Elmbrooks and the Willow Creeks, almost in our backyards with their thousands per Sunday,- While we sit there with our couple hundred thousand WORLD WIDE!
b) Is it barely possible; Is it even worth a long second look; Is it unseemly even to ask the question;- that there has been a subtle shift from a “Theology of The Cross” (its proclamation) to a “Theology of Glory” (“results”)??? In the end, we feel strongly that the nose of the “CG camel” has stuck itself into our WELS tent and before that ungainly beast succeeds in making further inroads which may indeed destroy our heritage- habitat, we call for a theological whacking across the snout of the strange animal with a large 2x4 so that the CGM gets an unmistakable message: “CGM is neither welcomed, wanted or needed in the WELS!”


Here we address the concern of not only the explosion of the number of people employed/called to “2929” but also what we sense as a shift in mind-set.
1. In 1985 when our synod reorganized itself organizationally, we added ca. 1 million dollars to our administrative costs.
2. We readily recognize that we must have a certain amount of administrative personnel to manage and coordinate a relatively complex entity called “the synod.”
3. Since the 1991 convention called for the formation for a CPR (Committee on Program Review), we will not address the concern of too many full time people producing too much of “a good things.”
4. Rather, we ask respectfully, are our administrative people resource people, people who serve the body of synod, or are they people who lead, formulate and set both policy and programs for the WELS?

In all candor, the reason for this Boldlast question is the unmistakable feeling/perception that we of the WELS are now working from the top down, that decisions are made and announced from headquarters to the trench. For those who would vigorously decent (sic) from that assessment, we would submit in meekness the following: Olympia Village, Oconomowoc. A few years ago everyone and anyone who had anything at all to do with synodical administration and/or budget planning was summoned to Olympia Village where it was announced that from henceforth, “Decision Package Budgeting” was in. “Old things are passed away. Behold, all things are new!” No one asked the troops. The new marching orders were given, period. We had the option-presumably, to love it or hate it. It really made no difference. THIS IS THE WAY IT SHALL BE DONE! All descended from Olympia with instruction sheets and manuals firmly in hand.

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Oconomowoc was not an administrative and therefore an internal matter. It was a precursor of things to come and with ever greater frequency. One not so little illustration: If “someone” has “nominated” members of our parish, (identified those who have been thought of being blessed with golden heels), they will be solicited by a LHTC worker for a special gift-with or without (obviously, preferably with), the parish pastor’s blessing. This has caused perceptive lay people to ask, along with aggrieved pastors, “Has synod abandoned its traditional raising of funds THROUGH the congregations or does it now try to raise its funds through a “heavy hitter’s list” nationwide? This is merely another symptom of not running a synod by consensus but by decree. From the bottom up may indeed be not only idealistic, impossible and totally impractical, but could someone please be more conscious leading by the velvet cords of love rather than a pronouncement? This leads us to yet another nettlesome concern: “pastor bashing.” We hastily acknowledge that we are aware of the fact that this is NOT an all pervasive, common or every day occurrence. But even if it happens on occasion with some degree of regularity, it bothers and disturbs our community. Phrases such as: “If only the pastors out there would...,” “There are some pastoral pockets of resistance out there which...” -should be purged from all speech and hearts. It does not bode well for the church to have synodical administration and pastors fall into a confrontational posture. Let’s unite to fight sin and Satan and not each other!


Here we speak of EFFECT, not cause. Somewhere, somehow, we recently have seen the rise of the use of the use of words, “ministry” and “ministries.” We are now seemingly awash in a variety of ministers ministering to segments and/or special interest groups of God’s people via a plethora of ministries. You name it; we’ve got it-“just like the Big Boys” of the church world. Who says that WELS isn’t a “full service church,” (and that phrase could use some catechtical examination), we minister to every age group, sex marital status, and special interest under the sun. And well we should! But haven’t we in the past? Have we failed so miserably in olden days so as to call for a total revamping and remaking of our WELS corps of pastors? Yes, a case could well be made for the use of the words minister, ministry and ministries. But as we plunge forward in our enthusiasm for the training of, placement and use of a variety of staff ministers, could we ask whatever happened to THE ministry? Is it just one of scores? Less than a generation ago if the answer to the question were given, “Well, I’m the minister of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church,” most, if not all, rational people

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would know what I am and do! Want to try that today? Would not a more likely response to your humble question be, “Yes, that’s nice, but what do you do??” We feel that there is a swiftly approaching case of wholesale confusion “out there” while at the same time, there is,-albeit unconscious, a denigration of the Holy Ministry and its ministers. The ministry is being demeaned by the excessive use of the term to denote various service activities in the Church. Could we ask for a study of Scripture concerning these terms, titles and activities? Let’s review the Greek again and attempt to underscore what the Spirit meant to tell us when he used different words to describe differing aspects of serving in and service to the body of Christ?


Indeed, we grant that some may vigorously take exception to the term, “dismantling.” But with all due deference and with a brief apology to the person who first coined the hoary phrase: “If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, squawks like a duck-it ain’t a horse!” There were four. But then, the numbers weren’t right; “too much money for too few church worker candidates.” Tearfully, we closed Mobridge. And then there were three. “MLPS is too expensive! We’ve got too much plant for not enough students. A million plus extra is going into that school each year we run it. Let’s close it.” And soon there are to be two. But this triggers multiple moves. Move MLPS; merge it into NPS and bring forth one new prep school with a new name and say goodbye to an over 100 year old school. Move NWC to DMLC and merge it so that we have two schools, on terminal and one preparatory on the same campus.

Take a unique crown jewel out of our educational system, the only single purpose, single focus college in the U.S. if not the world and put the two student bodies on the same campus while building lasting friendships as future co-workers. Truly, we understand that closing a campus is not the same as getting out of the college training program for pastoral candidates altogether.

But please understand us when we say that it looks like a radical departure from the tried, true and traditional. It even looks like-forgive us- a piecemeal dismantling of our worker training system. Right here is the place where each of these concerns of our seem to be linked. One of the major reasons MLPS is getting its feet put to the fire is because is IS too much plant for too few students and it does cost a bundle. But, would the question have come

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up if we would have had a constant set of significant percentage increases of the synodical portion of our congregations offering in the last ten years? Well, why isn’t the money rolling into “2929?” Could it possibly be because of a growing disaffection for the way things are or are not done; the way decisions roll down from the heights of Mayfair Road; the frustration pastors feel over not being able to implement every new program and project streaming forth out of headquarters; the inability of the pastors to deal with the guilt trips they’ve been given the feeling of pastors that we are ill trained and ill equipped to effectively serve Christ in a ministry that has passed us by?

Some closing thoughts about our worker training system and its current trauma.
1. In view of the wide variety of reaction to the special study committee’s report and recommendations to the districts, we feel that very few MAJOR decisions of long-range consequence be sought of the 1993 synod convention. There simply are too many unanswered questions and we are too far removed from a consensus agreement by an overwhelming majority to make moves which radically alter our workers training system for the next century.
2. We also feel that a substantial number of pastors, while recognizing that MLPS has performed well and admirably under some very difficult circumstances, may have come to also recognize that it is too large of a facility for too few students.
3. In light of the foregoing we would respectively ask that more study be given to alternatives such as proposed by at least one of our districts; sell the campus at “PDC”; move the school, so to speak, and merge it into ALA (thus fulfilling the fondest dreams of the founders of “The Academy”); but leave the colleges substantially untouched.

In conclusion, this isn’t the last word about “concerns,” it’s just the latest. We have tried to be moderate and evangelical in our judgments and statements. Where we’ve failed and some one of our brothers has been inadvertently and unintentionally wounded, please, please forgive. We’ve made every effort to be impersonal; it’s brothers talking shop; nothing more or less. Yes, obviously, there are a number of critical areas of concern and disagreement Therefore we earnestly pray that God will give us both direction and answers so that we can indeed walk forward together in Christ.

Celebrating His Pentecost Promise
Pastor Kurt F. Koeplin
Milwaukee, WI
August, 1992