Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Nietschke's Quotation Was Popular in the Third Reich

Nietsche. GA was modeled after German secret societies.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "WELS GA Personality":

Went to MLS in the days of zexing...I LOVED my years at MLS...Went to NWC during the years of initiation...GREAT memories...Went to WLS during the days of GA...overall, these were some of the best 12 years of my life! And...I feel my experiences during these 12 years have helped my throughout my 15 years of ministry so far...you need a pretty tough skin to put up with some of the things that come your way in the ministry. I am sad to see these traditions lost. As the old saying goes, "What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger!"


That which does not kill us makes us stronger.
Friedrich Nietzsche


GJ - Don't worry. GA continues in WELS. Some day the piper will be paid when a lawsuit is filed against Mequon, the synod, the various professors, the participants, and the officers of the synod and seminary. Keep that professional liability insurance paid up, Revs. You will need it.

DK's Big Van Available for Confessional Raid on Chicanery Conference

 No one wants to borrow DK's big van?

dk has left a new comment on your post "Chicanery Conference Program":

Howdy Professor!

Would you like to get to Milwaukee this weekend, Dr. Jackson? I bet we'd have fun making my van into the Luthermobile. I would be honored to have you as my guest. I've a comfortable couch and the skill to cook amazing meals.

Apparently no one believes me when I previously wrote that I'm willing and able to donate the aesthetics of my big van for the cause of confessional Lutheran.

If you are a confessional Lutheran WELS person living in Milwaukee (or willing to make the trip) email me at folkright@gmail.com. We will paint up my van with Luther quotes and circle the Wyndom parking lot passing out fliers to C&C folks.

This is a serious offer. What a better way to engage in Lutheran fellowship?

Who says Confessional Lutherans can't have fun?!!

Chicanery Conference Program

For a full description of each presenter/topic, click C&C program.bw.pdf for efficient black/white printing or C&C program.color.pdf for full color viewing printing.
Our conference workshops will demonstrate and model innovative ministries that God is blessing as congregations and individuals strive to serve Jesus with his changeless gospel in today's changing world.
Our conference workshops will demonstrate and model innovative ministries that God is blessing as congregations and individuals strive to serve Jesus with his changeless gospel in today's changing world. Sessions without an "a" "b" or "c" designation are offered once
"a" designations are the first time the sessions is offered
"b" designations are the second time the session is offered
"c" designations are the third time the session is offered

Thursday, November 5, 2009
9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Pre-Conference Workshops
    001...Elephants, Fleas, Frogs and Me; John Branstad [GJ - No I did not change this one]
    002...Coach Skill Training for Leaders; Mike and Christy Geiger
    003...Relationship Ministries Workshop; John Johnson, C and C Founder

2:15-3:30 p.m. Workshops
    102a...First Step to Great Leadership: Create a Compelling Vision; John Branstad  
    104a...Unlock Your Leadership Potential with Coaching; Mike and Christy Geiger
    105a...A Pastor’s Guide to Personal and Professional Development; Daron Lindemann
    203a...Sizzling Sunday Schools Sack Seed; Debbie Rothe
01.....Multi-Sensory Hospitality; Paul Barribeau
    302a...Back to Basics: Missional Churches; Dan Burgess  Reg Closed
    304a...Reviving Your Ministry:Creative,Cost-Effective Outreach Tools That Work; J. Enter
    305a...Reach More People with Women Pastors; Randy Hunter
    401a...Engaging in the Risk of Healthy Decision Making; Tanya Gerhard  Reg Closed due to Health Concerns

4:30-5:45 p.m. Workshops
101.....Building Consensus by Ousting Confessional Lutherans; Phil Barribeau

    103a...Heart in Focus; Jeffrey Davis Reg Closed by Cardiologist
    104b...Unlock Your Leadership Potential with Coaching; Mike and Christy Geiger
105b...A Pastor’s Guide to Personal and Professional Development; Daron Lindemann
107a...Stewardship: An Investment for Eternity; Ron Roth Reg Closed by God
108.....Thrivent Programs for Your Congregation - Before They Are Canceled; Dan Shinnick 
    201a...Rethinking Youth Ministry, or, Slapping Satan Around; Brian Arthur and Tracey Lampe
    502.....Common Language, Common People, Whoopee Worship; Brian Davison

Friday, November 6, 2009

4:15-5:30 p.m. Workshops
    104c...Unlock Your Leadership Potential with Coaching; Mike and Christy Geiger 

    102b...First Step to Great Leadership: Create a Compelling Vision; John Branstad
    203b...Sizzling Sunday Schools Succeed; Debbie Rothe Reg Closed Due To Protests from Lisping FIP Dancers
    302b...Back to Basics: Missional Churches; Dan Burgess (Becoming Missionals, BMers, are the big deal at  C&C)
03b...Storytelling: Speaking the Word as an Eyewitness and Participant; Daniel Dexter
    304b...Reviving Your Ministry:Creative, Cost-Effective Outreach ToolsThat Work; J. Enter   (So.... why has WELS been shrinking after 30 years of Ron Roth, Paul Kelm, David Valleskey, F. Bivens, etc. etc.?)
    305b...Reaching More People by Serving Lattes in Church; Randy Hunter
401b...Engaging in the Risk of Healthy Decision Making;Tanya Gerhard
    501a...Arranging Lutheran Hymnody for Contemporary Workshop Ensembles; David Bauer

Saturday, November 7, 2009
8:45-10:00 a.m.Workshops

103b...Heart in Focus; Jeffrey Davis
    106.....Creating Newsletters People Actually Read; Diahann Lohr
107b...Stewardship: An Investment for Eternity; Ron Roth
    201b...Rethinking Youth Ministry; Brian Arthur and Tracey Lampe 
202.....THE ROC; Tim Mueller
203c...Sizzling Sunday Schools Succeed; Debbie Rothe
    303b...Storytelling: Speaking the Word as an Eyewitness and Participant; Daniel Dexter
    402.....Luke for Ladies; Jane Schlenvogt
501b..Arranging Lutheran Hymnody for Contemporary Workshop Ensembles; David Bauer Reg closed


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Chicanery Conference Program":

I read the real program. I tried to find something useful in it. I noted that "Word" was used a few times (not as many as "coaching", etc.). Prayer, lots of prayer. What happened to an emphasis on Word and Sacrament ministry? How will any church grow without it!?!?

After reading the program, all I could think was, "What a bunch of crap."


GJ - My version is funnier.

WELS Extension Fund Sponsors Church and Chicanery Conference

Vendor Sponsors:

WELS Church Extension FundOur mission is to provide financing for mission-minded projects in cooperation with the WELS Board for Home Missions.  WELS CEF provides loans and grants to qualified mission congregations so they can acquire land and build or renovate worship/ministry facilities – used as tools for gospel outreach. http://cef.wels.net/

Groth Design Group is an architectural firm founded in 1994 specifically to design for churches and community-based organizations. The architects, designers, and staff of Groth Design Group offer value to churches by seeking effective and innovative design solutions reached though interactive partnership with church leaders and membership.

We strive to understand and respect our church clients’ traditions, resources, and visions. We gauge the success of each religious project by three measures: 1) Does our work inspire the hearts and minds of the Christian community? 2) Did we exceed the church’s expectations? 3) Was Groth Design Group a worthy partner with them on the journey?  We listen, then lead. Architecture that serves. www.gdg-architects.com

Highlights Media, Whether you need video to promote a company product, raise funds for your non-profit organization or capture a live event, we provide concept to completion using broadcast quality equipment with High Definition capability.  You can also view video samples under "Portfolio" on our website or request a free DVD. www.highlightsmedia.com 

Pan-Lutheran Member Sponsors:

Cornerstone Stewardship (Jeff Davis and Ron Roth) is a firm that assists and partners with LCMS and WELS Lutheran churches, schools and other organizations by providing stewardship education, planning, and funding programs. The strength of Cornerstone is getting a commission plus fees with all projects it undertakes. We realize stewardship appeals are a spiritual issue first, a thank offering second. We strive to teach God’s people spiritual principles for living lives out of thanks for him. www.joyfulgiving.net

Since our founding in 1990, EXCEL has become one of the largest full service architectural and engineering firms in our region. Our staff consists of multi-disciplined specialists in a cross-section of institutional, commercial, process, and manufacturing industries. Working together as a customer-centered team, we integrate every phase of a project from start to finish - saving our customers time and money, while assuring that the highest quality standards are met. You can rely on us to create a design that reflects your unique ministry – as well as is aesthetically lifting and provides the function you need.

At EXCEL we have only one mission - to surpass your greatest aspirations. www.excelengineer.com

Time of Generic Grace Ministry (LCMS Registered Service Organism) is an outreach media ministry with a mission to share the good news of Jesus Christ with as many people as possible through the most advanced technology available. Pastor Mark Jeske of St. Marcus Lutheran Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin delivers weekly non-Lutheran messages which are aired on regular broadcast television in more than 22 markets across the United States and can also be viewed on the Internet. The program also airs around the world on satellite TV on Daystar Television Network, the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) Network and the American Forces Network (AFN). www.timeofgrace.org


Thrivent Financial for Lutherans  We're Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, a faith-based, not-for-profit financial services organization nearly 2.6 million members strong. As the nation's largest fraternal benefit society, we are here to help members, their families and others.  We help every day through the financial solutions we offer, member activities we support and the resources we provide the Lutheran community.  

If you're like most Lutherans, living your faith matters to you.  It's important to Thrivent Financial, too.  We share this value in the help we provide with and through our members.  We also work through our foundations to provide grants, gifts and other assistance to Lutheran organizations and other causes - helping to address needs and issues important to Lutherans.  For more information, visit www.thrivent.com.


TM has left a new comment on your post "WELS Extension Fund Sponsors Church and Chicanery ...":

Check out the "Core Values" of the Groth Design Group. Particularly amusing is their commitment to the holy grail of all liberal endeavors: Social Justice.

Sustainability: I agree that God wants us to be good stewards of creation, but He blessed us richly with resources we need to survive. Put simply, if humans do not exploit earth's resources, we will all die. Finally, I would hope that even the Church and (money) Changers worship God before they worship the earth.

Diversity: again, I firmly believe that discrimination (against the categories listed) is sinful and don't disagree that this is admirable. The danger here lies in joining in the ecumaniacal chorus of post-modernism which seeks to reduce any firm principles to a pragmatic mush.

Equity: again, sounds good on paper. The danger here lies in their attempt to find solutions that accommodate differing points of view. This pragmatic slur comes straight from Kant's post-modernist handbook. Whether this company believes in this or not, they are being strategic in attempting to ride the current wave of Socialist sentiment that is infecting our society.

Building Consensus: here they talk about the pragmatic reconciliation of differing views. I could care less if they want assemble a "human rights" tribunal or engage in alternative dispute resolution to decide what color tiles to use in the bathroom. The real danger here is their stated standard operating procedure: COMPROMISE.

Compromise is exactly what groups like Church & (money) Changers Inc. attempt to do by importing foreign concepts into the ministry. Ayn Rand (noted atheist)said that "In any compromise between food and poison, it is only death that can win. In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit."

Unfortunately, we all know the end result when the Word of God is compromised.

Social Justice is a cruel bag of tricks used by Satan to hoodwink unsuspecting souls into believing that man, of his own volition and good works, can attain the divine status of a saint.

That C&C is sponsored by this company with these particular values surprises me not when the methods that C&C is so eager to cut-and-paste from are from the sinful world.

"...the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one." 1 John 5:19

"...do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.... Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good." Romans 12:2, 9

"Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world -- the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life -- is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever." 1 John 2:15-17

"If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you." John 15:19-20

Bell Ringers Find New Mission Opportunities

Newcomers may think I am kidding.
My funniest posts are the serious ones.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "WELS Salvation Army?":


The Salvation Army is Holiness denomination. It is not merely a charitable organization but a heterodox denomination.

The Arminian theology of Methodism can be seen in the Salvation Army's teaching that election or predestination depends on the foreseen conduct of the individual. Lutherans teach that there was nothing in us to cause God to choose any of us; our election is caused by God's grace and God's grace alone. Lutherans place the primary emphasis in theology on what God has done for us by justifying us, declaring us not guilty for the sake of Jesus who was condemned in our place.

The Salvation Army places its main theological emphasis on sanctification, the holy life that we are to live. Like Methodism and the other Holiness Churches, the Salvation Army teaches perfectionism or entire sanctification. Lutherans teach that the Christian will remain both sinner and saint until he dies. The Christian will struggle against sin until at death he is freed forever from sin and sin's consequences.

Lutherans teach that the Holy Spirit creates and sustains faith only through the means of grace, the gospel in Word and Sacraments. The Salvation Army historically has taught that the Holy Spirit works directly on the human heart apart from the means of grace.

Among Christian denominations the Salvation Army seems to be unique in not practicing either Baptism or the Lord's Supper. Lutherans place a strong emphasis on these two sacraments as means through which the Holy Spirit works to create or strengthen faith and brings us the forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation.

Since the Salvation Army is a heterodox church body, we cannot readily separate their charitable work from their false teachings. For that reason we cannot support such a group (2 John 10-11). Although we might admire the zeal of the Salvation Army to help the downtrodden, we cannot participate in that work with them. We might rather want to support those charities operated by the Wisconsin Synod, ELS, and congregations in our fellowship, or charities that are not connected to any religious organization.

Invited Schroeder to Church and Chicanery Conference?

Invite WELS Synod President Mark Schroeder.

JR has left a new comment on your post "Ichabod Breaks Ranks With Confessionals To Promote...":

Does anyone know if President Schroeder is planning on attending this conference?

I'd love to see everyone send him an email message asking him to go to the conference.

I wish I could see the look on Ski's face when he started his speech to see our WELS President there in the crowd.

Please, please, please. Someone attend this conference and report back to us on it. I would prefer audio/video evidence if at all possible.


GJ - For the sake of diversity, the Chicaneries should invite a Lutheran to speak. The elected leader of the synod would be a good choice, just to confuse the audience!


DK has left a new comment on your post "Ichabod Breaks Ranks With Confessionals To Promote...":

If some Confessional WELS member wants to protest the C&C conference I will donate the use of my very large van.

With a little white housepaint (Which I'll provide as well) an enterprising individual could, with a little work, paint a Confessionally Lutheran Message on the side of my van and park it at the Wyndham Hotel--armed with fliers describing how Church and Change is challenging the Efficacy of the Word.

As long as the individual borrowing my van promises not to let my van get towed I could care less what they write on it--as long as it's good theology.

Perhaps TMJ4 News could be notified!!

I think if the person were positive, with the intent of winning people over my giant F250 extended body van would really help separate the sheep from the goats! I live 15 minutes from the conference site!

I'd do it myself, but since I left the WELS for doctrinal reasons, I don't think I'd be the best choice. I'll pay for the printing and assist in handing out fliers though.

Professor: Would you write a one paragraph summary of C&C's disdain for the Efficacy of the Word, suitable for a quarter-sheet flier?

I just know I'm going to get swamped with people taking me up on my offer!

email Dave at

Dragged Through the Mud, Or Dragging One's Congregation and Synod Into the Mud?

Mark Goeglein, nominal Lutheran
This Just In:

One Shrinker thinks I have "dragged Mark Goeglein's name through the mud" by suggesting he taught at a Babtist church. Given that premise (Babtist, mud, etc) then why did Church and Change invite Babtist Ed Stetzer to teach WELS? New Ager Leonard Sweet to teach WELS? If associating with Babtists is so mud-inflicting, why does the Jeske circle spend so much time studying under them. I swear, Katie and Ski need a monthly fix  to help them make it to the next annual Andy Stanley Babtist Drive Rockapalooza.

Why did WELS kelm Warren's awful Porpoise-Driven material and publish it? Warren is a Babtist. I saw his dunking pool at Saddlesore.

I already posted WELS congregations like St. Mark, Depere, in full fellowship (by their own volition) in the Willow Creek Association or the Rick Warren Denomination. Are they dragging their own names through the mud? Or Luther's?


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Mark Goeglein Resume":

Why on earth would you run a story that you didn't have credible information on? Is this all your blog is, slander, malice, hate, and lies? There is a special place for people who live in sin.

GJ - That special place is Church and Change Headquarters.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Dragged Through the Mud, Or Dragging One's Congreg...":

What is a Shrinker? 


GJ - Church Growth Enthusiasts have been renamed Shrinkers on this blog because they are so good at shrinking the size of their synods and the budgets thereof. Look at their numbers for the last 30 years - they stink. Shrinkers have increased their salaries and the numbers of apostates hired, but everything  worthwhile has gone downhill.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Dragged Through the Mud, Or Dragging One's Congreg...":

What a ridiculous post. You totally dodge the point made by myself and that other poster.

What proof do you even have that Goeglein is working with Church and Change? As far as I know, he has had no direct ties to them (perhaps you could provide some evidence to the contrary).

You are digging yourself deeper and deeper in slander, without any evidence to back it up. If it were a public sin, that would be one thing, but you have nothing to back up your slanderous assertions. And when prompted, you provided nothing else, but rather you dodge the issue completely.

What does God's Word say about unrepentant slanderers? Since you publicly sinned against Pastor Goeglein by posting unsubstantiated rumor aimed at hurting his good name, you should publicly state such and repent.

As is, you are no better then the many men you decry.


GJ - I promote C and C all the time. I am waiting for them to quote me.

Like I said, if going Babtist is mud-throwing, why is C and C so eager to make WELS go Babtist? Look ye for a monument to Jeske? Look around at the wreckage caused by C and C, his personal sandbox.


Some background on WELS Pastor Mark Goeglein

Page 118 is the beginning of his essay
"The best Christian music, art, architecture, and literature (other than the Bible) may still be in the future as the wealth of the nations continues to flow in." Page 122, left column, 2nd full paragraph

"Let’s be willing to change what has to be changed to reach the lost." Page 122, right column, 2nd full paragraph

"Depending on the people who live in your neighborhood, you might be advised to learn the specialized language of the Mormons or Jehovah’s Witnesses. It is English but in order to communicate the Law and Gospel to these people, you will need to learn a new vocabulary." Page 126, left column, last paragraph

"1. Through the means of grace, keep cultivating an attitude of selfless Christian love. Attitude can’t be stressed enough or too often. The gospel’s goal is not behavior modification, but transformation of worldview and our whole way of thinking, speaking, and acting." Page 126, right column, 2nd paragraph

"Preaching of the gospel and making disciples is the primary mission of the Church," Page 127, left column, 4th paragraph

"9. Thank God and celebrate the successes. Don’t be suspicious of those who are having success in reaching out to people of other cultures. We would hope that all congregations and their leadership feel confident that other pastors, teachers, and congregations will allow them their Christian liberty so that they will not be exposed to judgmental criticism for changing externals in an attempt to reach out cross-culturally. Let’s allow the gospel to create its own forms among the new generations and cultures that the Holy Spirit gathers in." Page 128, right paragraph, 1st full paragraph

Sorum, E. Allen, Change: Mission and Ministry across Cultures. 1997. WELS Outreach Resources

Goeglein accepts call as Hispanic/Latino
Outreach and Training Theological Educator
Mark Goeglein, a professor at Martin Luther College,
New Ulm, Minn., since 1999, will now serve as WELS’
Hispanic/Latino Outreach and Training Theological
Educator. He notes, “Since I returned from Colombia
to serve in El Paso, Texas, 20 years ago, I have been
very much interested in our outreach efforts to
Hispanics in the U.S., and praying that we as a synod
could do more.”

Goeglein’s teammates on the Hispanic/Latino Outreach
and Training team are Pastors Mike Roth and
Ron Baerbock. Goeglein will also work closely with
the seminary’s Congregational Evangelist Program and
the Pastoral Studies Institute to evaluate and develop
curricula for various levels of ministry.
Goeglein concludes, “Please join me in asking the
Lord of the Church to bless all of our efforts to reach
out in North America and prepare a generation of
English and Spanish speakers to faithfully proclaim
the peace that is ours in Jesus.”

Money Abuse in the Synods

Live on free-will offerings?
I'm a Giving Counselor, not a pastor!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "From Norm Teigen":

The Great Commission is ultimately self-perpetuation of the church. There always needs to be a church on earth to baptize and teach God's people and to carry the gospel to the ends of the earth under the Savior's promise to be with them as they do this to the end of the age. Consequently offerings are needed for the church to self-perpetuate. Self-perpetuation is not always bad in and of itself.

The baby bottles are little different than the Mite Boxes of LWMS. In fact, my WELS church happens to give offering envelopes to its members and asks them to return them on the appropriate Sundays as dated on the envelopes. Maybe Norman Teigen has heard of them too. From his letter, I would assume he has never used them and has also asked the ELS president to order them discontinued from ELS churches. I suppose he is also against end-of-year offerings which are apt to be given for income tax purposes more than solely to the glory of God.

What we need to be concerned about is socalled "development" work which is based almost purely on secular tactics. Doners, especially "well-healed" ones are buttered up with all kinds of fluff and talked into giving their money. Often the appeal is to their sinful flesh and not to the "new man," to guilt and not to the Gospel. In addition, development work will get money in any and every way and place possible -- auctions, fund-raisers, foundations grants, the government grants, insurance companies, tuition (from non-members -- and from any people possible -- unsuspecting lay people, the heathen, the heterodox, non-members in our schools, even from foreign students who pay big bucks. Any fool who will part with this money if fair game.

The church is now after third source income, when the church should have one source income.

The one source is our offerings to God given as an act of worship in our Sunday morning worship services. The second source that crept in is tuition at schools which were once funded by their churches. The third source that crept in is money from development work. I will suggest that the monies received outside our Sunday morning offerings have ultimately been the downfall of our schools and our synods -- both ELS and WELS. All the blessings of the big money years are now coming to naught.


GJ - The multiplication of appeals has not worked well. I find the constant effort to tie the church and school into commercial promotions (grocery stores, Thrivent matches) an embarrassment. The message is - "We cannot support our own work, so we need others to bail us out." Commercial fund-raising is often found where congregations are giving 2% of their income.

Thrivent proved how vulnerable matching gifts can be when they decimated their programs and called off one matching deal three months early. Patterson rang the alarm bells early. "There goes my trip to Africa!"


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Money Abuse in the Synods":

I nominate Patterson for the WELS Salvation Army. He is a good man.

Mark Goeglein Resume

WELS: Nacido en Wisconsin donde se graduó del Seminario Luterano (WLS) de Wisconsin en 1969. Ha servido como pastor de congregaciones en Florida, Texas y California, y sirvió como misionero a América Latina (Colombia y Mexico) por 11 años. Sirvió 5 años como profesor en Martin Luther College y por los últimos cuatro años ha servido como Director de Educación Teológica del Ministerio Cristo Palabra de Vida.
Former Professor at the WELS El Paso Seminary for Mexican Pastors.


Advocate for women pastors.

Anti-Western culture.

With Larry Schlomer, wrecked the WELS Latin American mission efforts, replacing good pastors with Shrinker yes-men.

At MLC for a long time. Organized a full day at MLC for honoring Martin Luther King Jr.

Head of the Cross-Cultural Committee, with Al Sorum, Mark Jeske, Jim Aderman, and Steve Witte.

In Florida now - member of Steve Blumer's church.

College Avenue Babtist Church
You Are Here » Home \ WHAT WE OFFER \ Adults / Spiritual Development \ Seminars
[View Printable Page]

DISCOVER Your God-Given Design
Sundays: October 11 - November 8
9:00-10:15 AM in Community Room 4
Facilitator: Mark Goeglein
During this five-week seminar you will identify your spiritual gifts, strengths, and passions. This will help you in the work place and also to identify where they match with volunteer opportunities at CABC.

This photo and bio is the Mark Goeglein from College Avenue Baptist Church

Mark Goeglein
Executive Pastor
• Hometown: Fort Wayne, IN • When did you come to College Avenue? August of 2006, from Columbia City, IN • Family Info: My wife Michelle, children Micah, Makenzie, and Mason • I do my best thinking: While taking a shower • I always smile when: My kids do something that they are proud of • When I’m cruising in my car, I’m usually listening to: Talk radio, usually ESPN

A real Babtist, another Mark Goeglein.


GJ - I cannot tell if the seminar leader is the WELS Goeglein. I don't have a furious denial from Church and Change yet. Oh wait, the denial and gratuitious comments are already arriving. The Ichabod research department never sleeps.

Besides, everyone knows this could not be. WELS does not teach Babtists - Babtists teach WELS: Stetzer, Stanley, Warren, and The Simple Church.

This Just In:

One Shrinker thinks I have "dragged Mark Goeglein's name through the mud" by suggesting he taught at a Babtist church. Given that premise (Babtist, mud, etc) then why did Church and Change invite Babtist Ed Stetzer to teach WELS? New Ager Leonard Sweet to teach WELS? If associating with Babtists is so mud-inflicting, why does the Jeske circle spend so much time studying under them. I swear, Katie and Ski need a monthly fix  to help them make it to the next annual Andy Stanley Babtist Drive Rockapalooza.

Why did WELS kelm Warren's awful Porpoise-Driven material? Warren is a Babtist. I saw his dunking pool at Saddlesore.

I already posted WELS congregations like St. Mark, Depere, in full fellowship (by their own volition) in the Willow Creek Association or the Rick Warren Denomination. Are they dragging their own names through the mud? Or Luther's?

Why does Peter Pan-denominational promote the Babtist Simple Church?


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Mark Goeglein Resume":

>>Why does Peter Pan-denominational promote the Babtist Simple Church?<<

He has little choice given the quality (deficiencies) of an MLC and Mequon education. Copying and pasting provides accelerated recovery from the damages sustained. 

The CORE WELS Lutheran Church Is Out of Gas

Paul Calvin Kelm, DMin in Church Growth, Our Lady of Sorrows Seminary, St. Louis,
age 65, will lead this youth study.


The Wednesday night Fuel Bible studies are off to a hot start with more than 100 people attending each of the first two sessions.

The world tells you you are too fat, too thin, too smart, too dumb, too white, too black, you aren't just right. It's no wonder most people just grind out day after day like a wave being blown about in the ocean.

But how does God see you and how does that affect your identity? Pastor Kelm guides us through the process with words from your Creator, the One who loves you for who you are, because He made you the way you are.

That's Wednesday nights, right here at The CORE starting at 6:30 p.m.

-----Original Message-----
From: Katie Strandlund [mailto:kstrandlund@gotocore.com]
Sent: Monday, November 02, 2009 9:11 AM

From Lifeway

Fuel first hit the youth ministry scene in 2004 with a brand new kind of Bible study. Using experienced youth communicators and creative video that challenged the thinking of students, Fuel has redefined Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. Youth ministers across the countries have responded with rave reviews of how Fuel is the kind of technologically-advanced & theologically-sound Bible study for which they have been looking.

Fuel: Igniting New Life With God’s Story has set a precedent for Fuel2: Owning Your Faith. Fuel2 is up for the challenge with new stimulating content for today’s visually-minded teenagers! Thought-provoking, high-energy videos are used to draw your students into some of the essential doctrines of the Bible.

Merging video, music, and technology, Fuel2 creates a Bible study experience that is revolutionary!

The video opener transitions smoothly to serious life-changing discussion that challenges and directs students to God’s Word. For leaders like you, this means less preparation time and more meaningful Bible teaching. Everything you need — videos, commentaries, teaching plans, reproducible student handouts — comes in this resource. Each of the eight volumes (available over a period of two years) offer 12 complete sessions on two DVDs and three CD-ROMs. Everything is “Shoutable,” so if you want to run everything through your DVD-ROM drive on your laptop, you can do it with the MediaShout scripts that are included.

If you have used Fuel before, Fuel2 will be a smooth transition for your students. Fuel2 is designed for student ministries where a sound doctrinal foundation and creativity are top priority. It will help students break through the confusing values and choices that they are faced with daily. With so many voices to listen to, Fuel2 teaches students to recognize the truth and guides them to make the truth their own. At the end of the series, you wilL have confidence that your students have been taught the foundations of the Christian faith.


To see a sample of Fuel2, check out the Try It Out section.
One of the major differences is that where Fuel walked students through the major narratives of the Bible, Fuel2 guides youth through a systematic, yet highly innovative study of the key doctrines of the faith. Fuel2 asks 96 key doctrinal questions from the nature of God to the doctrine of end times. Each doctrinal question was written from the perspective of a teen who is seeking answers.

The format of Fuel2 is also similar to that of Fuel, with a "Spark" and a "Combustion" section for each session. One of the differences is that some of the "Spark" sections will center around a group of fictional teenagers who attend the same high school. Students will have the opportunity to get acquainted with these reoccurring characters, who will take turns being the focus of each self-contained episode. This reoccuring (sic) storyline will keep your students coming back to find out what happens next.

Fuel and Fuel 2 are both geared for Christian students and non-Christian students alike; the studies are versatile so that they can be taught in a variety of settings to a wide range of students. They are also flexible enough that you can use them during Sunday School, Wednesday Bible study, discipleship groups, student retreats, and other Bible study settings.