Friday, November 6, 2009

Crane's Question on Contemptuous Worship

Busta Gut has no job security. Even rock bloggers get canned.

The term Rock and Roll can be researched easily, but I will not go into details. The Rock church, endorsed by the WELS Conference of Presidents, supported by SP-in-Waiting Don Patterson, is a conscious effort to be cool by attracting a certain crowd. The effort has failed, even after Rock and Roll blogger Joe Krohn was summarily dismissed as the artist-in-residence. In spite of lavish spending and ludicrous staffing, Rock and Roll gets about 30 in attendance. Too bad Doebler didn't get the $200,000 foundation grant he requested.

crane has left a new comment on your post "Book Plans, God Willing":

I know this is off content, but I am having trouble figuring out how to "post" a new post.

Dr. Jackson, what is the correct Christian view(s) on Contemporary Worship? I had posted earlier that I was looking for a new Church to attend. Should Contemporary Worship be avoided? If you could elaborate I would greatly appreciate this. I want to be sure to use the time that God has given me wisely.

Also - How would I start a new topic here in the future if I have more questions?


GJ - I cannot let comments go unmoderated because of obscene and gratuitious remarks. I started a new post for you here. Just send a comment and I will let people offer their wisdom.

Contemporary worship is not new, dating back to the 1960s at least. I experienced many mod services and grew tired of them before graduating from seminary in 1972. Most of the push today is from nostalgic Boomers with expanding waists and shrinking brains. They rush off to Pente-Babtist conferences and come back with plans to have their own rock music.

No surprise - The CORE (WELS in Name Only, but affiliated with St. Peter, Freedom) hired a group of rockers to begin their efforts, apparently not checking the content of their previous recordings. How this spreads the Gospel is beyond me.


Drive Conference 2009 - Dance - Session 2! from John on Vimeo.

Readers may wonder what is real, relevant, and relational about this. Drive 09 wanted to create a quality worship experience, so they offered this training film.


Thursday, May 07, 2009
The Spontaneous Dance at DRIVE '09

Before one of the sessions at Drive there were people in the audience that were strategically sitting and spontaneously starting dancing. This is how they taught the dance to the staff and volunteers involved. It was awesome.


GJ - Perhaps the MLC team will show them how to dance to Miley Cyrus at Drive 2010.

Book Plans, God Willing

F-18 breaking the sound barrier.

Some of the remarks about justification are so hopeless that I have decided to spend the time on writing the promised book rather than responding to endlessly repeated slogans. Therefore I will start writing the Justification By Faith immediately and spend proportionately less time blogging.

I also promised an English-only version of Thy Strong Word. That is a bit easier since it involved erasing and editing more than writing.

Both books will be published through They will be available as free PDF downloads. I also distribute book content for free on my domain:

I will publish sections of the new book on this blog.

Most of what people need to know about Church and Chicanery is now available 24/7, not through their secret society but through this blog.

Security at the Church and Change headquarters.
They had to move from The Love Shack.

The quotations they hate so much (their false doctrine versus the Book of Concord and Luther) will always be available.

Knowing their penchant for self-destruction, I expect to post their latest efforts, videos, and exits from the scene. Some (like Ron Roth) are gone but not forgotten. Others (like Paul Kelm) are forgotten but not gone.


Encouraging words from Church and Change:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Book Plans, God Willing":

May the Lord damn your efforts crazy jack-ass.