Even my Photoshops are prophetic. LCMS or bust.
Journal Sentinel Online
Lutherans sending MP3 players to troops
Time of Grace, the Milwaukee-based media ministry of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, is shipping 600 MP3 players preloaded with Biblical messages to American servicemen and women overseas, the church said this week.
The messages, by the Rev. Mark Jeske, senior pastor at Milwaukee's St. Marcus Lutheran Church in Milwaukee, will be distributed by LCMS chaplains to military personnel in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait and Kyrgyzstan.
"Time of Grace" is a nonprofit organization founded in 2001 to spread the Gospel using technology. It produces a weekly 30-minute message by Jeske that is broadcast in 24 U.S. markets and via satellite overseas, according to its Web site, www.timeofgrace.org.
Meanwhile, Jeske's young protege, Ski, continues to use Groeschel's Satan's Sex Ed as a sermon series for the Easter season. It's still running, so you can still catch it. However, it is the only sermon series where children are expected to leave church.
Note "foward."
Ski tirelessly researches his sermon studies. Here he is wrapped up with Playboy model and supposed singer MariQueen. The original photo was posted in his Facebook albums with many others, including Katy Perry - "Ur So Gay" and "I Kissed a Girl."
GJ - I am just a journalism school dropout, but I detect a news release printed
as is by the Milwaukee paper. Either Jeske's people or the LCMS sent this to the paper, and it was printed verbatim.
Congratulations, Mark, you are going down with the ship. Quiche-nik is facing the boot for his imperious ways and incompetence.
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Time of Grace Is a Missouri Synod Ministry":
WELS' Time of Grace media Ministry of the LCMS.
GJ - Isn't that a nice message for everyone in WELS who gave money to Jeske (former link on WELS.net)and bought his trinkets (former link on WELS.net)? One sure sign of a Shrinker congregation is linking Time of Generic Grace from the church website.
Everyone knew LCMS congregations were the Church of the Lutheran Hour, but how many knew they were also the Time of Grace backers?
WELS - you have been taken for a ride.
bruce-church (https://bruce-church.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Time of Grace Is a Missouri Synod Ministry":
I see Time of Grace's status as an approved ministry by the LCMS HQ allows Jeske to claim to be LCMS for fund-raising purposes, just as Wisconsin Lutheran College is WELS, at least for fund-raising purposes.
GJ - That is true, Bruce, but I have never heard of a program representing two synods at once, when they are not in fellowship - except for Mischke's Joy radio ministry program, which was ELCA-WELS-LCMS. WELS lied about that instead of promoting it the way ELCA did, as the first joint ministry of all three synods.