Monday, April 26, 2010

Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary Offers a Superior Brainwashing Education

Gurgle and Ski, from 1940 to 1998: the tradition continues.

Ex-Synod President Gurgle sent out an email with four obvious spelling errors in it.

Ski, who offers Satan's Sex Education sermons at The CORE, copied Groeschel, who cannot spell, and added his own spelling error.

Perhaps it is time for WELS to stop thanking God for having such a great educational system. Sure, they know how to teach Fuller dogma in the colleges and seminary, but along they way they might want to study spelling on the side.

Most people who read a lot can also spell. That may be the problem.

Time of Grace Is a Missouri Synod Ministry

Even my Photoshops are prophetic. LCMS or bust.

Journal Sentinel Online

Lutherans sending MP3 players to troops

Time of Grace, the Milwaukee-based media ministry of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, is shipping 600 MP3 players preloaded with Biblical messages to American servicemen and women overseas, the church said this week.

The messages, by the Rev. Mark Jeske, senior pastor at Milwaukee's St. Marcus Lutheran Church in Milwaukee, will be distributed by LCMS chaplains to military personnel in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait and Kyrgyzstan.

"Time of Grace" is a nonprofit organization founded in 2001 to spread the Gospel using technology. It produces a weekly 30-minute message by Jeske that is broadcast in 24 U.S. markets and via satellite overseas, according to its Web site,

Meanwhile, Jeske's young protege, Ski, continues to use Groeschel's Satan's Sex Ed as a sermon series for the Easter season. It's still running, so you can still catch it. However, it is the only sermon series where children are expected to leave church.

Note "foward."

Ski tirelessly researches his sermon studies. Here he is wrapped up with Playboy model and supposed singer MariQueen. The original photo was posted in his Facebook albums with many others, including Katy Perry - "Ur So Gay" and "I Kissed a Girl."


GJ - I am just a journalism school dropout, but I detect a news release printed as is by the Milwaukee paper. Either Jeske's people or the LCMS sent this to the paper, and it was printed verbatim.

Congratulations, Mark, you are going down with the ship. Quiche-nik is facing the boot for his imperious ways and incompetence.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Time of Grace Is a Missouri Synod Ministry":

WELS' Time of Grace media Ministry of the LCMS.



GJ - Isn't that a nice message for everyone in WELS who gave money to Jeske (former link on bought his trinkets (former link on One sure sign of a Shrinker congregation is linking Time of Generic Grace from the church website.

Everyone knew LCMS congregations were the Church of the Lutheran Hour, but how many knew they were also the Time of Grace backers?

WELS - you have been taken for a ride.


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Time of Grace Is a Missouri Synod Ministry":

I see Time of Grace's status as an approved ministry by the LCMS HQ allows Jeske to claim to be LCMS for fund-raising purposes, just as Wisconsin Lutheran College is WELS, at least for fund-raising purposes.


GJ - That is true, Bruce, but I have never heard of a program representing two synods at once, when they are not in fellowship - except for Mischke's Joy radio ministry program, which was ELCA-WELS-LCMS. WELS lied about that instead of promoting it the way ELCA did, as the first joint ministry of all three synods.

Only the Large Congregations Are Leaving ELCA - And the Number Is Growing

We still have 10,000 far.

The Liberal Spirit

In response to my request to the office of the ELCA secretary, I received an email from The Rev Ruth E Hamilton, Ph.D., which is reprinted below:

These are the latest statistics:

As of April 7, we have been advised that 308 first votes have been taken by congregations to terminate their relationship with the ELCA (some congregations have taken more than one first vote). Of those 308 first votes, 221 passed and 87 failed. Synods also have informed the Office of the Secretary that 90 congregations have taken a second vote, 89 of which passed. (This does not mean that all of these congregations have been removed from the roster because Synod Council approval is required for congregations established by the ELCA and former congregations of the Lutheran Church in America, and, in some cases, the vote is disputed because questions exist regarding the process. The Office of the Secretary will remove a congregation from the roster only upon advice of the synod.) As of this date 46 congregations have been removed.

For comparison purposes, the website of Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC) reports 185 new congregations since CWA09. It would appear that a heavy preponderance of the congregations departing the ELCA are coming to rest in LCMC, which raises interesting issues for the Lutheran CORE progeny, the new denomination scheduled to start next August, which will be called the North American Lutheran Church (NALC). Again, remember that the ELCA counts over 10,000 congregations on its rolls.

UOJ Confusion

"Luke, I am your mother!"

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "LP Cruz - On the Bourman UOJ Paper":

In order to induce at least a small level of frustration in both UOJ promoters and simultaneously in Justification By Faith Alone defenders I quote contradictory declarations from WELS AZ/CA District President Pastor Jon Buchholz in his 2005 WELS Convention Essay concerning Objective Justification as nurtured and nourished in the Wisconsin Synod.

"God has forgiven the whole world. God has forgiven everyone his sins." This statement is absolutely true! This is the heart of the gospel, and it must be preached and taught as the foundation of our faith. But here’s where the caveat comes in: In Scripture, the word "forgive" is used almost exclusively in a personal, not a universal sense. The Bible doesn’t make the statement, "God has forgiven the world."

"God has forgiven all sins, but the unbeliever rejects God’s forgiveness." Again, this statement is true—and Luther employed similar terminology to press the point of Christ’s completed work of salvation.16 But we must also recognize that Scripture doesn’t speak this way."

"God has declared the entire world righteous." This statement is true, as we understand it to mean that God has rendered a verdict of "not-guilty" toward the entire world. It is also true—and must be taught—that the righteousness of Christ now stands in place of the world’s sin; this is the whole point of what Jesus did for us at Calvary. However, once again we’re wresting a term out of its usual context. In Scripture the term "righteous" usually refers to believers. "

"God has forgiven the whole world. God has forgiven everyone his sins." This statement is absolutely true!" Also, "God has declared the entire world righteous." This statement is true, as we understand it to mean that God has rendered a verdict of "not-guilty" toward the entire world."

Pastor Buchholz' statement to me, "I also note in your description of UOJ below that you characterize UOJ as saying: "The world has had righteousness, forgiveness and justification charged to their account." That statement confuses universal acquisition and particular distribution of the forgiveness of sins. While I imagine that some WELS person may conceivably have written that statement, it is nevertheless sloppy and imprecise and cannot be used as a correct characterization of UOJ"

Shrinkers To Speak at South Central District, WELS, June Meeting

Drive your Edsel to Jim Huebner's Soul Cafe. Wait - Groeschel is in the driver's seat in WELS missions.

James Huebner (WELS First Veep) and Mark Paustian (Mary Lou College) - both of Church and Change - are the speakers at the upcoming district meeting for South Central, WELS, June 7-8, Calvary, Dallas.

That, readers, is how WELS keeps its members and pastors in Stygian darkness. First they pummel them with horrid papers on UOJ. Next they have their Shrinker leaders offer another round of poison based on UOJ.

There are intelligent pastors who actually understand what is in the Book of Concord and never attend Chicanery hive meetings, but they do not get asked.

Expect no difference while the current generation of Doctrinal Pussycats remains on the job.

Of course, Kudu Don Patterson cannot wait to reform the district!

Sauer Notes for ELCA

Kenneth Sauer was an LCA bishop, then an ELCA bishop. Now he is taking people and congregations out of ELCA.

Kenneth Sauer, ex-bishop of ELCA, had this to say about how ELCA degenerated so quickly. His remarks imply that ELCA began with a lesbian preacher in 1987, the same who preached for Goodsoil after the winning vote. In other words, the fix was in from the beginning.

One of the last remaining thinkers
in ELCA has written an excellent essay on ELCA going wrong from the beginning, with mandated quotas. He failed to mention the required gay quota, which paid off royally at the 2009 ELCA convention. Much of this began with Missouri's Seminex, which had its beginnings at Northwestern College, Watertown, where Professors Jungkuntz and Gehrke taught apostasy with abandon.

The president of the ELCA (formerly ALC) seminary in Dubuque, Iowa, resigned and left town rather quickly. Just as fast, the board appointed an interim president, David Tiede, who was formerly head of Luther Seminary in Minneapolis. The leadership crisis suggests something, but what? One possible cause is insolvency. Several ELCA seminaries are flat busted, in spite of their female and LGTB pastoral candidates. Perhaps some additional facts will turn up.

The seminaries will lose students from the recent vote, but they will doubtless gain a few new ones, too. The fan page for Party-in-the-MLC will grow. Phones will ring in the New Ulm dorms. "Hi. I was just in town and..."

The ELCA Council member quoted recently is probably the LCA pastor we knew in Ohio. He was against the change but abstained from voting, since that was against the will of the Church Wide Assembly. The courage! The integrity!

How does one get on these legislative boards? By being slithering compromisers. Each one wants to paddle up to the edge of Niagara Falls for the view, but they all express shock that they cannot paddle back to safety.

PS - A 550 member church in Ohio just voted to quit ELCA. The bishop complained he did not get enough time to present the case for an LGTB denomination. Later the same guy might do a Ken Sauer and complain about the ordination of cats and dogs.

LP Cruz - On the Bourman UOJ Paper

This news photo illustrates the consistency of UOJ argumentation.L P has left a new comment on your post "

LP Cruz - On the Bourman UOJ Paper": BTW, that picture made me ROFLOL!!!!

L P has left a new comment on your post "Bruce Church - The Nate Bourman UOJ Paper":

A few points:

1. The use of Chemnitz to vouch for his position is anachronistic and coerced. He does this by equating the Atonement points Chemnitz made with Justification but that is begging the question.

2. If one assumes the Atonement is the same and equivalent with Justification then he will see any Atonement topic from Luther or Chemnitz as a statement about Justification. This is assuming already what one needs to prove.

3. Bourman assails H. Schmidt and G. Fritschel for saying that justification occurs at the time of faith yet this is what the Scripture says about Abraham Gen 15:6.

4. He quotes Chemnitz saying that Chemnitz equated justification with reconciliation p.7. However, the question is does Chemnitz equate the two without reference to faith? The second point is that reconciliation has a past sense of the atonement and a continuing sense in that men are still being justified today as they believe. His use of Chemnitz to leverage his case is suspicious.

Lastly, the pastors in this conference know of one thing about Calvinism - that Calvinists deny the universality of the Atonement. But that is not the only thing the Calvinist does. The Calvinist equates the Atonement with Justification too! Which I might add, the UOJers do as well.



GJ - Every UOJ paper argues that the Atonement passages in the Scriptures are also justification passages. They also repeat the same authorities, all post-Walther, all from the Synodical Conference, without addressing contrary positions, including Robert Preus' final book. Therefore, all UOJ efforts have proven themselves to be prime examples of Begging the Question.

Not only that, but these UOJ Stormtroopers betray their ignorance by using Guilt by Association, a variation on the personal attack, the Ad Hominem. The fake blog runs on fallacies, especially those.

Here are the responses of UOJ Stormtroopers to justification by faith:

1. You are a Calvinist.

2. You are in fellowship with Larry Darby.

3. You are in agreement with Greg Jackson.

4. Your faith is in faith.

5. You deny UOJ! - which assumes UOJ is Biblical or Confessional or just plain unassailable.

6. You have fallen into the error of intuitu fidei.

Bruce Church - The Nate Bourman UOJ Paper

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Knapp's Portrait Contributed by...Someone":

They finally have the Nate Bourman paper up at the WELS essay site--the one on the origin of the terms SJ and OJ.

I just perused the Bourman paper on the history of the term OJ and SJ, and did a search on the name Knapp. Nothing. Another thing that's missing is the entire p. 6 (lines 91-122)! I doubt the missing page mentioned Knapp.

Here's a statement: "They may even argue that the forgiveness of sins is not the same as justification." I've never heard anyone make that claim. The BoC says that the forgiveness of sins is the same as justification, according to my recollection. However, this statement comes out of the confusion caused by UOJ since the UOJers say someone is justified and forgiven but doesn't benefit thereby.

The whole Texas conference on UOJ turned out to be a circling the wagons, and dodging issues. Bourman asks us to believe that UOJ came fully formed out of Walther's head in 1872, and didn't come from Knapp and the many Halle U graduates and Knapp readers in the Synodical Conference.

Another example is when Ichabod says that UOJ is 99% on the way to universalism, Schleicher writes a paper on the differences, but neglects to admit there isn't a whole lot of difference. Also, he writes about universalist churches with their strange doctrines, but this is all irrelevant.

Once again Mequon graduates show their dependence on their indoctrination. On the universalism paper, Schleicher listed in the bibliography: "Seminary Dogmatics Notes, cf. the Seminary mimeo company."

Justification by faith alone since the Reformation: the use and emergence of “objective” and “subjective” in relation to justification.


Words for Today

When I find a fellow who clearly hasn't learned anything new since leaving school, I'm reminded of the old saying, "Even the best soil becomes exhausted by constant tillage!"
(I.R. Penworthy)