Monday, September 13, 2010

Watch the End of This Ridiculous DRIVE 10 Video

Two guys to plagiarize if you are WELS:
Groeschel and Andy Stanley.

DRIVE-BYE 1 from North Point Media on Vimeo.

Seal of Approval

Come Let Us Plagiarize the Dolts,
Let Us Kneel Before the Schwaermer Idols

I followed Kudu Don Patterson, borrowed his bunny suit,
and now he is moving next door with a competing worship site.
Thanks a lot.
And thanks to ex-SP Gurgel, too.

From the Texas branch of the Ichabod News Service:

Pastor Doebler did a series of sermons called Game On! This was in Sept.-Nov. 09. North Point, you remember those guys, are the creaters of the Game On! sermons.

All Doebler's stuff is bad, just as bad as Ski only a little less brash.

Let me tell you what the pastor at Christ The Rock has been up to! Mark Driscoll wrote the Rebel's Guide To Joy Series. The pastor at Christ The Rock did a "series of sermons" titled The Rebel's Guide to Joy.

Driscoll - Rebel's Guide to Joy

Even worse is the Bible Information class given by this pastor. It is called, "Life In God's Family." This study is written by Woodrow Kroll. Kroll served as president of Practical Bible College in Binghamton, NY. In other words, this guy "ain't" Lutheran! He endorses cell groups and teaches Descision Theology! The Christ The Rock pastor also did a sermon series on The Role of John. One of Kroll's series books is about the role of John. Kroll also teaches Spiritual Conditioning.

Babtist Woodrow Kroll

Kroll Books

Our Christ The Rock pastor is friends with Ski, wears bluejeans, and hides his communion.(they call it communion devotion) As you can see, the name "Lutheran" is not in the church title. Did I mention that this same pastor was a speaker at a WELS Church And Change Conference?

Missio Dei Suburbia

Andy Stanley - Seriously?

From Ed Stetzer's blog:

Question: What do you think about preaching verse-by-verse messages through books of the Bible?

Andy Stanley: Guys that preach verse-by-verse through books of the Bible-- that is just cheating. It's cheating because that would be easy, first of all. That isn't how you grow people. No one in the Scripture modeled that. There's not one example of that.

I respect Andy a lot. That statement is biblically, theologically, historically, methodologically and culturally foolish.

GJ - Phone the ELS Board of Doctrine. "Hello? Anyone home?" Email the WELS Board of Doctrine?

Dear Cur, 

It has come to my attention that we are spending millions of dollars to break the law while spreading Babtist doctrine. Can anything be done? I would like my mission donations back. Thanks.


Anyone can email a post using the envelope icon at the bottom of each post. I have never done that since I do not need to, but I am sure it works well. Let me know if you are having trouble with it.

WELS Official Never Reads Ichabod

"Please don't read the Ichabod."
Mr. Whipple! You are reading the Ichabod.

Norman Teigen has left a new comment on your post "A Post Worth Copying":

I spoke with a WELS official in the narthex after Baptismal service. He had a WELS pin in his lapel.

After a few moments of polite conversation I asked if he knew Greg Jackson. Yes, he did, was the reply but he never reads him on the Internet.

So, there you have it, GJ. You are not being read at WELS HQ.

What say you?

Norman Teigen


GJ - I have written proof that it is read at The Love Shack. That is all I need to say.

I imagine most of them read Ichabod, but it only hardens their flinty hearts. I started Ichabod for a few dozen people who might be interested. I was shocked when I reached 100-200 readers a day.

Page-reads per day are going to be higher than unique readers per day. The page-reads now average between 1000 and 2000 pages per day. What impresses me are the old posts which occupy a high standing as most-read. That varies with last month, last week, or all time. This is one from last week:

Jul 31, 2010, 3 comments
114 Pageviews
Sep 7, 2010, 6 comments
95 Pageviews
Sep 11, 2010, 1 comment
90 Pageviews
Sep 7, 2010, 1 comment
63 Pageviews
Nov 30, 2007, 5 comments
48 Pageviews

I know people in Appleton, Milwaukee, and Mankato read it every day.

At times I grow tired of talking Lutheran doctrine to Reformed-New Age church leaders, but then I get a personal email from a layman, who writes about how much he enjoys the blog. Or it may be from the daughter of a retired pastor, who is reputedly a daily communicant on the blog.

I have seen a total of 20,000 unique readers but I think the regular readership, on a daily basis, is more like 1,000+. Tags can bring in readers for one particular story, like the Muslim evangelist or a Hollywood celebrity. Ichabod is linked all over the blogosphere so Tim's link-killing software is a waste of money.

If I can help someone feel sane in "these last days of an insane, old world" (Chemnitz), then I am happy.

Is ELCA Different from the Rest of the Synods?

The lower the doctrinal IQ, the more they yak.

The short answer is - "No." ELCA is just farther along the Pietistic path, in the area known as mindless political activism, agitation in search of a cause.

The new LCMS President, Matthew Harrison, was installed last weekend. In looking for a group photo I found two of my Photoshops in Google images. Harrison must not be using the Google blocker that Tim Glende recommends so highly.

The vote for Harrison was close to 50%. The vote to continue working with ELCA was overwhelmingly in favor of it. Whatever Harrison's intentions, he will begin as a minority SP, working with DPs enabled by Kieschnick, all of them softened by decades of working under Bohlmann and Barry.

When Jack Preus was elected after a similar palace revolution, doors slammed shut when he entered a floor in the synod office building. He got the biggest liars to march out of the St. Louis seminary and to form their own micro-synod "with a portable seminary and a superfluity of mini-bishops," in the words of Neuhaus.

The Left is pan-denominational, with many causes, and they have worked together to ruin all the synods.

Appleton, Wisconsin has 20 WELS churches, yet a fortune has been spent on one new mission--The SORE--which is nothing more than an evening meeting for WELS youth and a few nostalgic Boomers.

If Appleton were turned into a Lutheran circuit, which Englebrecht would never allow, the other New Age circuits would take the lead. The energy driving this beast is Enthusiasm. When one head is nicked, three more grow in its place. No one has the nerve to chop off a head. The most action has been to move one set of devouring fangs to a new position on the body, sometimes for a raise. Oh cruel WELS discipline!

Likewise, Missouri has the same blasphemies paraded as evangelism in the shadow of the Purple Palace. They have had champagne for Easter communion (how festive!), women preaching and consecrating Holy Communion (even before WELS women), and the rest of the rot.

Someone pointed out on the ALPB discussion forum that the majority of an ELCA congregation can disagree with the recent convention decisions and still vote to remain in ELCA. People still find warmth and security in Holy Mother Synod rather than in sound doctrine, even when the senior pastor is working to take them out of their Babylonian Captivity.

The growth of church coffee houses and the disappearance
of Lutheran should be grounds for dismay.
Cheeseheads care more about the Packers than doctrine and practice.


WELS church lady has left a new comment on your post "Is ELCA Different from the Rest of the Synods?":

"Casual about church?" Christ IS the church! "The growth of church coffee houses?" This is a prime of example of emergent church, which by its own definition, is a new way of "doing church." "Grounds for dismay?" How about grounds for dismissal! St. Andrew, Christ The Rock, Victory of the Lamb, Core, and that new church in Oconomowoc are false churches.

Let me tell you what the pastor at Christ The Rock has been up to! Mark Driscoll wrote the Rebel's Guide To Joy Series. The pastor at Christ The Rock did a "series of sermons" titled The Rebel's Guide to Joy. Even worse is the Bible Information class given by this pastor. It is called, "Life In God's Family." This study is written by Woodrow Kroll. Kroll served as president of Practical Bible College in Binghamton, NY. In other words, this guy "ain't" Lutheran! He endorses cell groups and teaches Descision Theology! The Christ The Rock pastor also did a sermon series on The Role of John. One of Kroll's series books is about the role of John. Kroll also teaches Spiritual Conditioning.

Our Christ The Rock pastor is friends with Ski, wears bluejeans, and hides his communion.(they call it communion devotion) As you can see, the name "Lutheran" is not in the church title. Did I mention that this same pastor was a speaker at a WELS Church And Change Conference?

Where is the discipline? Is anyone reminded of what happened to Richard Stadler and Iver C. Johnson? Yes, these guys were given the left foot of fellowship. Stadler, Albrecht, and Johnson had a little problem with the inerrancy of the Scriptures. These guys, in an essay in 1991, claim that Adam was NOT the head of Eve. Orthodox Lutherans teach the "Order of Creation." These three pastors disputed the doctrine. Read page three of the essay.

WELS used to be strict, did not allow many many things, and was always good for haten' on the women folks. It is time for the WELS to start livin' up to its old reputation again!

In Christ,
from WELS church lady