Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Was UOJ Always Taught in WELS?
Definitely Not!

This hissing cockroach is not as disgusting as false doctrine.

A pastor did a comparison of catechisms today in preparing for a lesson on the Third Article (I believe in....the forgiveness of sins). He has a number of catechisms [Luther's obviously being the one and only] on his shelves. He was interested if there were any shifts in the presentation of material [questions, selection of supporting passages, phraseology) between the WELS "Gausewitz"(Copyright 1956) and the WELS "Kuske" (Copyright 1982, 1989, 1998). In the following K=Kuske, G= Gausewitz. The "#'s" refer to the respective editions. His comments are in [ ].

His reason for doing the comparison is that the Gausewitz version was the catechism used for his own confirmation classes in the early-mid 1970's. However, the Kuske version has been the official one since the early 1980's. That means a majority of the current WELS pastors who still teach catechism would have used the Kuske version. If they are younger WELS pastors, they would themselves have been instructed along its line, maybe never knowing anything at all about the Gausewitz.

Kuske 253. How many people did God declare righteous? God declared all people righteous. (objective justification) [2 Corinthians 5:19 is offered as a proof passage but not Romans 3:28]

Gausewitz 261. To whom does God forgive sins? God forgives sins to me and all believers. [Romans 3:21-28 is cited as a Scripture reference; Romans 3:28; Romans 10:4 is cited as the Scripture passages. He underlined the divergence between the two. This clearly proves a stated shift. Also note how Gausewitz sticks to Luther's phrasing in the answer.]

Kuske 255. Why is it important, then, that the Holy Spirit work faith in me? It is important that the Holy Spirit work faith in me so that I do not trust in my own works but only in the righteousness God gives me by grace in Christ. (subjective justification)

Gausewitz 260 Why do we say that the Holy Ghost forgives sins, whereas we are made righteous before God through the redemption of Christ? The Holy Ghost brings the righteousness of Christ to us by the Gospel and gives us the faith to believe it. [Note that "the righteousness of Christ" is linked with "the faith to believe it." The two are not bifurcated and isolated, by default, from each other.]

Gausewitz 262. Where are sins forgiven? Sins are forgiven in the Christian Church on earth. (Ministry of the Keys)

[No similar question is asked in the Kuske catechism. In the UOJ scheme, there is salvation outside the Christian Church? Yes, and apart from the Means of Grace entrusted to the Church!]
Gausewitz 263. Why do we say, In the Christian Church on earth? We say this because Christ has given the Gospel to His Church on earth; in the Gospel we have the forgiveness of sins.

[No similar question is asked in the Kuske catechism. In the Gospel, then necessarily implies through the Means by which it is conveyed. Massive, airy universal absolutions apart from the Means rob them of the grace God intends to give through them. Therefore, our confidence of salvation would be divorced from the very Means of Grace God intends to use to create and sustain "justifying faith" as the Confessions put it.]

The above quotations are proof of a discernible shift in WELS catechisms.


GJ - Many people are doing research about this topic. This is an excellent example of what many of us suspect - that the UOJ position of WELS hardened and began to dominate. Departures like this are difficult to trace, but WELS members and pastors can figure this out.

The Gausewitz catechism was the normal version for a long time. As I recall from an essay by Slide, it had all the correct attributes for a WELS catechism.

When the new Kuske catechism came out, WELS made that the normative version, and WELS pastors tend to be robotic in accepting new improved whatevers, like the 100 proof hymnal from James P. Tiefel.

See if you can find a Gausewitz and do your own comparison with Kuske. Comments are most welcome.

This is why I have never used a catechism except Luther's own. I do not like Talmudic editions with hundreds of questions and answers. Like the original Talmud, they can be used to obscure the Word of God in the name of teaching it.

WELS pastors have shown repeatedly that they do not grasp the meaning of the Eighth Commandment, how it applies to their own behavior, how it does not apply to addressing false doctrine.

I noticed in reading the new book that the Seminex crowd liked crying Eighth Commandment too. WELS leaders like to brag about how superior they are to Missouri, but they have used the same dishonest or ignorant tactics to advance their own false doctrine.

Comments from Readers

The 19th century Lutherans never critiqued Spener, and they should have.
Spener's unionism and doctrinal laxity grew like kudzu.

LPC has left a new comment on your post "Clueless History of the Missouri Synod Civil War":


Jer 17: 5Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.

6 For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited.

7 Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is.

It does not matter even if the so-called "Steadfast Lutherans" fail.

Faith is a fight. It has nothing to do if the so-called "Steadfast" brings things around because new ones who will pervert the Gospel will sprout so, it is a constant fight.


The same goes for each of us, Extra Nos and Ichabod too. Remaining steadfast and faithful to Scripture as the Norm of Christian faith and the Confessions as the Normed Norm the Lord will work His will through the Means of Grace, purely taught and rightly distributed.

Right on, bro. We are not exempted from being faithful to the Scripture and our Confession.

But Christ's Word will never pass away and enduring in the one true faith in Christ alone is a gift of God by the grace of the Holy Spirit no matter what tomorrow brings. That's why we struggle for purity in Christ's central doctrine, His chief article of Christian faith, Justification by Faith Alone




Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Clueless History of the Missouri Synod Civil War":

James states, "This group gives me hope, but is my hope in vain?"

Yes, if your hope is in the group or in the men and women who are active members.

If your hope is in the bedrock of Scripture, Christ's Word purely taught and Sacraments rightly distributed then No, your hope is not in vain. You're hope is in the right place and with the Christian Church made up of all who, by God's grace, place all their trust in Christ alone we can say, "The Lord's will be done!"

If the Steadfast Lutherans remain faithful to Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions their efforts will always accomplish God's will, whether that is working contrition and faith in those God calls or hardening of the hearts in those God does not call and who reject Christ, His Word, His Church and His doctrines. The Lord's will be done.

The same goes for each of us, Extra Nos and Ichabod too. Remaining steadfast and faithful to Scripture as the Norm of Christian faith and the Confessions as the Normed Norm the Lord will work His will through the Means of Grace, purely taught and rightly distributed. To hope in Christ that things will change, the false teachers will be exposed and rejected, false practice will be exposed and rejected, God's pure Word will be exposed, taught and exalted, right practice will be exposed, supported and promoted is never in vain and always the right thing to do. To expect that it could or would remain that way is not in line with Scripture where in Matt 24 Christ's tells us of the end times when the hypocrites in the church turn against Christ's Word and faithful Church.

But Christ's Word will never pass away and enduring in the one true faith in Christ alone is a gift of God by the grace of the Holy Spirit no matter what tomorrow brings. That's why we struggle for purity in Christ's central doctrine, His chief article of Christian faith, Justification by Faith Alone.

In Christ,

Clueless History of the Missouri Synod Civil War

Jack Preus, left, seems to be suppressing a laugh 
as his ALC cousin Dave Preus, pontificates.
Dave Preus is now against the ELCA merger,
and so is former LCA president Crumley.

Pastor Herman Otten baffled and thwarted the apostates by quoting them. 
The old joke about Otten was that he was not born, he was Xeroxed.

Power, Politics, and the Missouri Synod: A Conflict That Changed American Christianity

By James C. Burkee, Foreword by Martin Marty

Fortress Press, Minneapolis, 2011, 183 pages. #9780800697921.

Reviewed by Gregory L. Jackson, PhD

Martin Marty sets the tone of this book, in his foreword, where he refers to Pastor Otten as “Mr. Otten.” The Missouri Synod apostates have always insisted on “Mr. Otten” because they do not wish to recognize his ordination, which was valid and proper according to their own polity.

Marty guided the completion of this dissertation, as a “minor” and “neutral” observer. He has never been a minor figure in the Missouri Civil War, and he was hardly a neutral observer. A parallel would be asking Fuller student David Valleskey to write an analysis of the Church Growth Movement.

Fortress once had a reputation for telling the truth in its books, even if the truth involved their own liberal heroes, such as Barth or Tillich. That honesty is missing from Power, Politics, and the Missouri Synod. The ELCA does not like the Missouri Synod; many of its leaders left the LCMS. In fact, Carl Braaten (never accused of orthodoxy) has blamed the Missouri come-outters for making ELCA so radical. They used their minority status to recast the merger into their dream organization.

The famous Seminex, made up of faculty and students who left Concordia Seminary, became the official seminary for the Metropolitan Community Church, a denomination set up exclusively for homosexual and lesbian pastors and members. These intellectual giants of Seminex determined the substance of ELCA with a quota system and other enhancements.

Burkee’s book is well written and difficult to put down, with many good insights into the background of the Missouri Synod conflict. However, he is completely clueless about the cause of the synod’s conflict. If he is not clueless, then he simply dishonest about what caused the split.

From the beginning, the author sets up a Straw Man with  the inerrancy term. His ELCA readers doubtless agree with him that inerrancy is a new term that does not fit the teaching of the Scriptures. Therefore, they will resonate with the concept that the evil Preus brothers used this newly-invented term to grab power and oust the Seminex martyrs.

Inerrancy, Etc.
The Christian Church has always taught the inspiration, authority, and inerrancy of the Scriptures. The old term was “infallible” but the apostates kept watering down the meaning of infallible by saying “infallible in doctrine, but not in history or geography.” As a result, the term “inerrant” was used in its place or added to it. Catholics and  Protestants alike, not to mention the Eastern Orthodox, were in agreement. One pope said the Bible was like Christ, having two natures, divine and human, and yet without error.

Luther defined the Scriptures as “inerrant” and “infallible” in the Book of Concord, the Large Catechism, on Baptism, using the Latin words.

57] Thus we do also in infant baptism. We bring the child in the conviction and hope that it believes, and we pray that God may grant it faith; but we do not baptize it upon that, but solely upon the command of God. Why so? Because we know that God does not lie. I and my neighbor and, in short, all men, may err and deceive, but the Word of God cannot err.” The Large Catechism, Book of Concord, Infant Baptism.

Moreover, the articles of the Creed were never subject to debate in the Christian Church proper until the rationalists began to attack each one. Someone who doubted the Virgin Birth of Christ and the actual resurrection of Christ was not an honored leader, a valued teacher, a man of wisdom and discernment.

The massive response against the Seminex heretics came from the laity and the ministerium realizing that Fuerbringer and his faculty were apostate, mainline Protestants, Unitarians who still used the liturgy – not faithful Lutherans, not proclaimers of the Gospel.

I got to know many of the main characters in this book, although I was newly ordained when most of the events happened and only viewed them from the perspective of an LCA pastor. I have met most of the main figures in this drama: Herman and Grace Otten, Walter Otten, Jack Preus, Robert Preus, Kurt Marquart, John “Warlike” Montgomery, Martin Marty, Walter Maier II, Fred Rutz Sr., Waldo Werning, Ralph Bohlman, Robert Sauer, David Scaer, Father Richard John Neuhaus (and his father), and a few others.

Burkee argues that Missouri has fallen apart because the conservatives won, but the Seminex crowd actually came out on top. The synod no longer has a consistent witness of any kind. This is best illustrated by one of the heroes of the book – Waldo Werning.

Most of the leading figures are introduced with a mini-biography, quite useful. Although Werning is still alive and active, at the age of 90, he is not introduced in the same way. He gave many hours of interviews (p. xv) and emerges as a superman of the conservative movement. Burkee is no Thucydides.

Werning Facts
Werning was an early ecumenist and went back to unionism, so his conservative phase was bracketed by the opposite stance, making him more of a power-seeking opportunity rather than a principled leader. Far from being a conservative, he was an early advocate of Church Growthism from Fuller Seminary, promoting it in every way possible and brutally persecuting anyone who offered him a critique of his Schwaermer doctrine. I know one LCMS pastor who was driven out of two synods because he did not agree with Werning. Concordia Seminary, Ft. Wayne students were told never to confront Werning on anything, or it would be the end of their careers.

In fact, Werning was told he could not teach anymore because no one wanted his classes. He responded by helping to get rid of Robert Preus, acting on behalf of LCMS Synod President Ralph Bohlmann, another supposed conservative who switched sides.

Werning also turned against Otten, although he made so many secret contacts with Otten that the Otten children nicknamed him “Agent X.”

Werning is a major source for this book, but I would not trust a word from him, even if his tongue were notarized.

Burkee does a fine job of revealing the secret deals and gambits of the conservatives, who were always anxious to hide their connections with Otten and Christian News. They wanted the advantages of anonymously submitting their information, gossip, and opinions to the public, through the tabloid.

LCMS President Jack Preus was elected and continued in office because of Christian News. He worked with Otten, met with him, phoned him, attacked him in public and apologized in secret. Otten taped their conversations because he could not trust Preus.

Everyone knew Jack was a double-dealer, but almost all church officials are. They pose as conservatives while rewarding the apostates. I can offer names and dates for similar actions in various synods. Burkee has offered proof for what everyone suspected all along.

Al Barry was elected LCMS president the same way. Paul McCain was the Waldo Werning for that election, talking to Otten in secret and stealthily sending materials to be leaked via Christian News. McCain denied being in contact with Otten, but he bragged about it to me, just as Otten did.

The Seminex bunch lied from the beginning, saying they were faithful and confessional when they knew very well they were not. Tietjen started a foundation (FLUTE)  to support the faculty’s exit from Concordia Seminary, but refused to answer any official questions about it. As an employee of the synod, he owed them answers.

The LCMS gave the Seminex faculty all kinds of chances, allowing them to stay in faculty housing. Burkee did repeat the fact that the glorious day of EXILE, photographed by the press, ended with the students coming back to have their next meal at the seminary – not much of an exile, not a heavy cross to bear!

I asked a Seminex student if they stole all kinds of valuable books from the Concordia Seminary Library. He said, “They were ours!”

Tietjen’s public relations offensive was completely dishonest. He portrayed them as victims, martyrs of a power-made cabal of extremists. The press ate up the phony drama and acted as the Seminex mimeograph room. Nevertheless, Seminex was a flop and got moved to Lutheran School of Theology, Chicago, another failure.

Moving the Structure Around
Jack Preus managed to take away the props for Seminex, by moving the schools around. Once the LCMS colleges could no longer feed students into Seminex, it faded away, even with the extra Metropolitan Community students.

Burkee is correct in showing that this civil war was more of a power play than a principled effort. Its success came from the training and knowledge of the old guard, commonly mocked as Bronze Age Missourians.

When Jack Preus left office, there was no more jousting against liberals in the presidency. His chosen successor, Ralph Bohlmann, was committed to the opposite side (in spite of his image) and soon displayed it. Bohlmann supported the Church Growth Movement with gusto, worked with the LCA/ALC, and moved toward women’s ordination. His lesbian daughter is now an ordained United Church of Christ minister, living with her partner.

Al Barry was no improvement, and the LCMS has recently voted overwhelmingly to work with ELCA.

Great Entertainment
I enjoyed this book immensely, but it should be read with Adams’ Preus of Missouri, and Marquart’s Anatomy of an Explosion. Marquart is good in tracing the doctrinal history of the civil war. Adams is full of background material and anecdotes.

Herman and Grace Otten are the indispensable leaders in this drama. They put together a newsletter, later a tabloid, with great efficiency and CPA frugality. The value of Christian News, and the pain inflicted, is not the quirkiness or even bizarre nature of the publication. Otten reproduced the actual documents displaying the Unitarian doctrine of his Seminex opponents. Meanwhile, Herman and Grace raised a large brood of kids, built a camp used by many Lutheran groups, and published a few books on the side.

The Left accuses him of doing unethical things, and some details (especially the student days) sound like training camp at CIA headquarters. The Left has done that much and more.

The most instructive section of this book was its treatment of Walter Maier II, Ft. Wayne professor and son of the famous radio preacher.

Maier dared to go against Jack Preus, so Jack did the most evil thing I have seen pulled by any church executive – and that is saying something. Jack attacked WAM II as a false teacher, accusing him of denying Objective Justification, which ended Maier’s chance to be Synod President or seminary president. The effort was intended as a complete repudiation and humiliation of WAM II. He also lost the chairmanship of his department.

The irony of this debacle is that Robert Preus stepped up as the new Ft. Wayne president. Robert Preus and the seminary took the false doctrine of Objective Justification from Pietism (and Walther) and made it the norma normans (ruling norm) of the synod. Robert Preus finally repudiated this OJ error in his final book, but the damage has been done. The OJ fanatics of the past cannot face up to their error.

Jesus did say that evil fruit came from evil trees. The old Synodical Conference is paying double for all its sins through their promotion of grace without the Means of Grace.

Who Won?
Clearly, the apostates of Seminex won. Those liberals who remained in Missouri were rewarded with the best positions, just as the signers of the Statement were in days past. The president’s office, already under Jack Preus, called off the war, surrendering while claiming, “We won!”

Under Bohlmann, Barry, and Kieschnick, the conservatives were spanked, shunned, punished, and fired. Werning’s Church Growth Movement was put on steroids, vitamin pills, and energy drinks.

Supposedly, the great doctrinal error of ELCA is Gospel reductionism and Universalism. Everyone is forgiven and everyone is saved.

What is taught in the LCMS, WELS, ELS, and the micro-mini sects? God has already declared the entire world forgiven of its sin (Enthusiasm), and the whole world is saved (Universalism). They will not admit this yet, but they teach exactly what ELCA teaches. That is why the LCMS, WELS, and ELS work so well with ELCA: they believe the same thing.

One solution, employed by Seminex supporter Richard Neuhaus, is to join the Church of Rome. Many LCMS pastors are now following his lead and becoming priests. Some choose Eastern Orthodoxy, which is just one step away.
Father Richard J. Neuhaus, a critic of Church Growth and ELCA fads, became a Roman Catholic priest before he died, taking some Lutheran pastors with him, including the subsequent editor of the Lutheran Forum Letter.

Notorious Iver Johnson - Thou Hast Conquered

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "The Fruit of Decades of Fuller Seminary Study by t...":

The (W)ELS has become laughable and are only a few years behind the side splitting LCMS and "I can't breathe" ELCA in their race for the bottom.

Do you believe the Holy Spirit wasn't primarily teaching the Authority of Christ over His Church when He used the word "head" in Ephesians 5:23?

I don't believe it matters what was being stressed as long as His Authority isn't diminished in an ongoing attempt to minimize the fact that Christ has authority over all creation, that the husband has authority over his wife and that women are not to have authority over the men in the church. The blatant attempt to avoid, and thus offend the feminized (W)ELS masses, clearly teaching the authority God has given the man in marriage, the father in the family and the men in the church is another step toward removing the manhood of Christ, the maleness of God and establishing Her Church in the Lutheran Synods.


GJ - The notorious Iver Johnson helped get this going and worked on the WELS hymnal.

Guys - you know what it takes to be a bigshot in WELS.

Don't worry about that DUI ticket. You can still teach at The Sausage Factory.

Grumpy Offers Advice

grumpy has left a new comment on your post "Anonymous Comment on Gossip":

Dr. Jackson,

Perhaps you have simply forgotten.

Here are the rules:

#1. The WELS is always right.

#2. The Laity are NOT allowed to talk about called workers unless the entire world is in attendance to be a witness. This includes criticism, honest questions, suggestions, etc.

#3. Called workers can talk about laity at will. If extremely gracious, the actual name will not be mentioned but enough hints will be given so the person in question can be identified. No need that that person be present when information is spilled.

#4. If the laity are in disagreement to rules 2 and 3, see rule 1.

Anonymous Comment on Gossip

TMoney - the early years - also the current years.

TMoney42006 ( has left a new comment on your post "Meet the CEO of Church and Change":

I love how you cite Pastor Jenswold as if to suggest that this citation would prove him to be a liar or a fraud. All it proves is that you love gossip and are eager to jump at any story that will give you something to write about.


GJ - This person actually has an ID, unlike many who post, where the link is already broken. The ID information is revealing. An AC/DC logo flashes on and off.

That reminds me of the daily comments I got about wasting my time blogging. Someone read the blog every day to say the same thing each day, taking the time to publish the same rant.

This is how it goes, Rocker. I am taking time from a book review to help out your stunted education. A lot of history consists of oral reports, conversations, and interviews where the source is cited.

The typical WELS spin is:
1. Deny the obvious. The sect has been closing schools for years - Mobridge, Prairie, Northwestern. They still cannot fund Mary Lou College, which is an hour's drive drive from Bethany and a day's drive from Willow Creek's Liberal College.
2. The source is one of their guys, who probably got it from SP Schroeder, but somehow this is something I made up on my own.

Meanwhile, the sect has millions to spend on spreading Fuller doctrine among poor Asians who do not know any better.

The Fruit of Decades of Fuller Seminary Study by the Leaders of the Syn Conference

LCMS theologian Marva Dawn
and Herman Otten's sister, Marie Meyer,
control the agenda in Missouri.

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Women's Ordination Advances Under the Watchful Eye...":

“Heirs together of God’s gracious gift of life.”

4. We do not believe that 1 Timothy 2:12 prohibits a11 women from any exercise of authority over men because St. Paul refers to the sin of Adam and Eve (1 Timothy 2:14) who are identified as husband and wife in Genesis 3:17. The reference to childbearing (1 Timothy 2:15) also indicates that he is discussing the relationships between husbands
and wives.

1 Tim. 2:12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.
Page 12

7. We do not believe that the word “head,” when used as a metaphor for the husband in the New Testament, primarily stresses the exercise of authority.

Eph. 5:23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.
Page 13


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Women's Ordination Advances Under the Watchful Eye...":

WELS Women's Ministry web address is

The first WELS Women’s Leadership Conference was held at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in Mequon, Wis. The conference, titled “A Leader . . . Who? Me?” introduced a new Bible study developed by WELS Women’s Ministry Committee, “Heirs together of God’s gracious gift of life.”


GJ - "Heirs Together" is the name of the study by divorced Pastor Stadley, adulterous Pastor Iver Johnson, and Pastor M. Albrecht. They left WELS, taking the property with them, and they won the debate.

Only there was no debate. WELS crumples in the face of apostasy.