ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Martin Luther Sermons
Bethany Lutheran Hymnal Blog
Bethany Lutheran Church P.O. Box 6561 Springdale AR 72766 Reformation Seminary Lectures USA, Canada, Australia, Philippines 10 AM Central - Sunday Service
We use The Lutheran Hymnal and the King James Version
Luther's Sermons: Lenker Edition
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Wednesday, June 1, 2011
ELCA Departures Continue Full Speed
ALPB Online
May 22--Our Saviour's, Ackley, Iowa passed its 2nd vote to leave the ELCA 28-8 (82%). They have voted to go NALC. It's a small congregation, formed in 1964 as an ALC congregation. They were my first calll (1987-1994). Their present pastor has also been received into the NALC.
In addition to Our Saviour's, in May three other ELCA congregations in Iowa went NALC (Trinity, Avoca; St. Paul's, Sheldon; and Waterloo Ridge, Dorchester), bringing the NALC in Iowa to 21 congregations. Trinity and St. Paul's were Western Iowa Synod; Waterloo Ridge was Northeast Iowa Synod. There are more congregations in the pipeline. I think we could be at 30 NALC congregations in Iowa by fall. The NALC total is now past 230 (hard for the website to keep up). Over the last few weeks, it's been 9 congregations and 9 pastors per week.
GJ - The NALC is the bishops' synod. The older (and more like the ALC) LCMC has around 700 congregations. The two new groups are working together and seem to be similar in their doctrine, which includes women's ordination.
There are several other groups gaining from the exits, including the AALC and the LMS-USA.
Look for more ELCA seminaries to fail, a combination of reduced financial support and failing endowment funds. Those on death row already are: Chicago, Dubuque, Southern, and Berkeley.
Chicago and Dubuque could combine with Trinity in Columbus. Southern could be added to save face.
The two Pennsylvania seminaries, which were to merged in 1962, could combine eventually.
TS Asks Joe Krohn
twissted_sisster said...
"For me to hear as an Elder that some members who have not been in attendance for at least two years without contact is astounding in light of the example we have in Jesus as our shepherd."
- - - - - - - - - - - -
How many visits do you suppose Pr. Patterson made to those members-in-name-only? In reading his bio, it seems the pastor has spread himself a little thin. If his job was to 'save souls' as he put it, why didn't he start with those souls that were on the books but not attending? How can he justify running out to drum up more souls under the guise of evangelism when he's not shepherding those already in the fold? So instead of trimming the 'dead wood' of those no longer interested in being members, he gives you- a congregation elder- and your family the boot for asking too many questions and attempting to make him accountable to the divine call he accepted. Mr. Krohn, have you taken this matter up with anyone over your pastor's head? All of your points seem to be very valid and require answers. To simply dismiss them because he can not or will not address them seems odd for a pastor who surely wants to keep all members in the congregation. To squelch any more dissent from you, it's easier to cut you out of the loop than it is to respectfully take the time to answer and explain your questions and concerns. He is a real piece of work and obviously very proud of himself too. He seems like a genuine wolf in sheep's clothing. I'm just sayin'...
Joe Krohn on Duplicity in WELS
WELS has abandoned Gausewitz for Zwingli.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Duplicity in the WELS
An open letter to the Intrepid Lutherans...Last week Pastor Rydecki wrote this on Intrepid Lutherans when asked if he and the rest of the Intrepids believed in forgiveness before repentance; the question was posed in light of our rejection to being forgiven before birth/faith resulting in our excommunication from WELS:
Rev. Paul Rydecki said...
- I'll speak for myself, but it's the same thing we've stated all along (especially last year when we discussed justification in depth). Forgiveness of sins was acquired for all people of all times by the suffering and death of Christ. God truly desires all men to receive this forgiveness. This forgiveness is distributed by God in the means of grace, and is received by faith, created by the Holy Spirit through the means of grace. The one who believes in Christ believes because the Holy Spirit worked faith in his heart through those means, and that one is said to have the forgiveness of sins. The one who does not believe in God's Son is alone at fault for his unbelief, and is counted among the wicked, and his sins are not forgiven him. We must follow Luther in distinguishing between forgiveness acquired and forgiveness distributed. Was forgiveness acquired before repentance? Yes. This is the completed work of redemption. Is forgiveness distributed before repentance? That's a confusing and bad question. Better: Is forgiveness distributed apart from the means of grace? No, it is most certainly not. This belongs to the Third Article of the Creed and to the work of the Holy Spirit, who richly and daily forgives sins to me and all believers in Christ.
- May 27, 2011 10:44 PM
In his last paragraph he asks two questions. The first question is not so difficult that it needs a second question to clarify. In fact the answer to both is an unequivocal NO! If forgiveness needs the Means of Grace to be distributed than it can be assumed that the Means of Grace, namely the Word (the Law part) has done its work creating repentance which needs to be present for forgiveness to take place. This type of unnecessary rhetoric is what convolutes the otherwise simple doctrine of Justification and forces people to forsake a childlike faith to understand it. Stop making it all so esoteric.
All that aside, it is safe to say based on your confession, Pastor Rydecki, that you agree when I say that I was not forgiven of my sins before I was born since I had not heard the Word nor was I baptized (another form of the Means of Grace). And yet I have been excommunicated for saying the same thing you said on your blog.
Pastor Patterson has publicly preached that we were all forgiven prior to birth. I have provided a link to that sermon audio in a previous blog and am providing previous correspondences defending his confession and public teaching.
Here is a quote from a previous blog on LR:
May 26th he said: "If I understand all of your recent emails correctly, you wish to remain members of Holy Word only if you can convince us of the errors of our ways in regard to my preaching that "we were forgiven by God in Christ before we believed that we are forgiven"
From an email exchange of 4-4-2011: "But you have to understand that forgiveness, reconciliation, justification, atonement - all describe the amazing grace of God given for this whole world irrespective our faith or repsonse. (sic) God loves us all and forgives us all long before we do anything at all -"
From an email exchange of 2-4-2011. I could almost buy into this one, except when you hear what he preaches along with the more recent quotes, you can see he is equating justification with forgiveness as in universal absolution: "That the Bible speaks of justification by faith I will not disagree (how could I) but unless he had already done all the work objectively- then we have no hope - he objectively justified the whole world 2 Corinthians 5:19 and only those who beleive (sic) receive the benefits -John 3:16."
Somebody has some explaining to do. Only one of you is correct and I am on the outside looking in.
I am crying 'foul!'
I Borrowed Money To Attend Notre Dame
So You Could Read about Squirrels?
All Time Favorite Posts Since June, 2010
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Plus 1 Goes Live on This Blog
It has taken some time but finally Google has rolled out their +1 button for websites, it was leaked early and it hasn’t been a well-kept secret but its already starting to cause concern among both bloggers, webmasters and SEOs on what it all means for them. The obvious big point for bloggers is that it offers you one extra way that people can show their appreciation for your blog or article by voting it +1.
GJ - +1 is now a graphical button just below each post. I did not add it. Google Blogger did it for me. I am not sure how much difference it will make.
I hope people who use Twitter will Tweet their favorite posts. Congressman Weiner will probably not use the Tweet button, after confusing a private Tweet with a universal one. I doubt whether he has time for Ichabod anyway. He has important issues to address first.
Others can email their favorite posts. Those buttons are still below each post, where they were before.
Blog This! is handy for me when kelming other blogs, but it does not always work.
500,000 Page-Reads in Eleven Months:
The Blog No One Reads.
Neither man graduated from Fuller Seminary.
I was hoping to reach 500,000 page-reads in a year, but the eager readers exceeded all my expectations.
I hope those who stop by for the latest news will also dwell on the sound doctrine graphics I have posted on the menu, left column.
I also hope people will learn the errors of the false doctrine posted in a separate menu listing.
When I began graduate school, I wanted to learn everything. That was not possible, of course, but it was fun trying. I was sorry that so much time was spent studying Barth and Tillich, plus some Rahner and other moderns. However, they made me appreciate our Reformation heritage.
At Notre Dame we had a great Protestant library, due to the purchase of an entire collection from a failed seminary. My courses emphasized comparative dogmatics, the contrast between various confessions of faith. The classes included students from Catholic, Lutheran, and Protestant traditions - the beginning of a book.
This blog is an extension of my studies, comparing Biblical Lutheran doctrine to the rest. I actually thought the Lutheran Church would value that kind of training and writing, but just the opposite is true in these last days of an insane, old world. The Lutheran Church appreciates Fuller Seminary to this day, although its wanton love is expressed in subtler terms, such as "learning from others" and "appreciating insights."
Nothing expresses this apostasy better than the popcorn and soda services promoted by the "conservative" synods, the omnipresent movie screen in the sanctuary, the music imported from the Singspiration hymnal and Soul Train.
Multiple African Safaris To Hunt Zebra and Kudu Deer Must Be Hard on the Congregational Budget
but his email name was Kudu Don when he called me a liar.
- Anonymous said...
- What point are you making? Our congregation is drowning in red ink...we are an "established" WELS congregation.... One of our members during a congregational forum asked about the possibility of obtaining "Schwann" funds. If the truth were known, probably at least one third of WELS congregations could be closed and merged with neighboring congregations, making a more viable congregation from two or more faltering churches. Of course, the overall number of pulpits would drop rather dramatically.,... But just because a congregation has been around for 30 years doesn't mean it is self sufficient.... Sad but true
- May 31, 2011 10:04 PM
St. Peter, Freedom, Cares
St. Paul, German Village, Cares
Jesus Cares
But Not This Board
rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Grumpy Lays It Out - Lapdog Laity":
For well over 100 years at my former WELS congregation, many of the laity were farmers. They had an honest business sense, especially in the congregational operations. As the number of nearby cash crop farms declined, the area began morphing into a bit of exurban. Those embracing the corporate business model began replacing the farmers and blue collar worker who formerly were in positions on the boards and council. Our family was a member there for 30 years. We asked for some reasonable accommodations for our special needs son in the LES. The Board of Education gave us a serious case of cognitive dissonance in the manner in which it was mishandled. Naturally, since they are in authority, they are infallible. This was a different type of board member than what we had ever encountered before with our four other children.
GJ - I think they were getting even with you for posting on Ichabod. WELS is especially petty and vindictive.
For those who wonder about the headline - StPeterCares and StPaulCares are URLs for two Shrinker parishes in WELS. Glende grew up in one and haunts the other.
Texas Sized!
Holy Cow?
No, Holy Word, Austin!
Professional Fund-Raiser, Cornerstone.
Ron Roth, CGM Founder in WELS, started Cornerstone.
Grumpy Lays It Out - Lapdog Laity
grumpylutheran (http://grumpylutheran.livejournal.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Save Us from the Bishops, Bureaucrats, Seminary Pr...":
You have those people that talk big OUTSIDE of council meetings or congregational forums, but once the meeting starts they sit there like little 5 year old boys being yelled at by a domineering authority figure....
That is how things get so out of hand...
GJ - I agree with that, Grumpy. That has happened all over, thanks to our corporate mentality.
I remember Richard Starr saying they gave people videos to watch if they came into their Brazilian mission post.
A farmer asked, "A video? You give them a video? They ask about the Gospel and you give them a video?"
Farmers have to deal with reality. They are in business, yet deal with the government and the Creator.
The corporate mentality has become dominant.
When Grant's was being liquidated, the managers were gathered together. One asked a question. The person in charge said, "You are fired. Leave the room. Any more questions?" There were none.
WELS does that with pastors and laity alike.
Everything You Need To Know about Lutheran Doctrine -
In Five Minutes
- It's like baseball, where nothing happens without the ball. Nothing happens without the Word of God.
- Those who deny the efficacy of the Word in the Sacraments are opponents of the Word, but Lutherans who go along with this are traitors.
- God gives grace only through the Means of Grace; that includes forgiveness (justification).
- Faith justifies, while unbelief condemns.
- The Word brings the cross: when in doubt about this, ask Jesus.
- The entire world may be wrong, but that does not negate a single truth of the Scriptures.
Children's Book - Coming Soon
Norma Boeckler has completed her part of the children's book. One version will be full color, above.
Another version will be black and white, to serve as a coloring book for children.
The text will be simple and brief, easy to translate into the languages of foreign missions. I can work that out (with the Word document) with anyone interested.
This is not a business project.
Save Us from the Bishops, Bureaucrats,
Seminary Professors, and MDiv Politicians.
Lord, in Your Mercy,
Hear Our Prayer!
Two classmates have died of brain cancer in the last few months. We are gathering grade school class photos and obituaries, posting them on Facebook. There we are, as cute fourth graders and awkward seventh graders. The pictures make the last 50 years go by in a rush. The 750 high school graduates of my class went various ways, into law, medicine, engineering, the military, and the ministry. The nerdiest guy, a transfer to our noble high school, became a very successful media owner. He died of neurological degeneration.
Stan Hauerwas' memoirs, Hannah's Child, do the same for my adult years, because I met the new PhD at the Augustana College library, where I was working as a college kid. Hauerwas was the principal reason I investigated Notre Dame, and we both went to Yale Divinity. He remembers the same faculty members at both schools, including my ND dissertation advisor, John Howard Yoder. We remember Yoder differently.
Luther and Melanchthon both lived to be 63 years old. They are my favorite theologians, along with their best pupil, Martin Chemnitz. I am turning 63 this autumn.
I am increasingly annoyed with the poltroons who dominate church life today. Unfortunately for me, I have read too much church history, accounts of sacrifice and nobility.
The bishops and District Popes are worse than useless - they are dangerous shock troops for the false teachers, drunks, addicts, and adulterers under their authority. No tactic is too low for them to employ, from rewarding criminal behavior to deceiving the people who pay them far too much in salary and benefits.
How many ministers say, "If only I could be one of those synods managers..."? Sure, the bureaucrats are really keen on improving lives - theirs. They all need two assistants, who need two assistants.
In WELS the bureaucrats literally devour the living of widows and orphans. That looks good on the resume, for becoming the conservative dream candidate for SP.
The seminary professors are independent - when fighting against Lutheran doctrine and worship, their only skills. When they asked to deal with false doctrine, the professors are suddenly too timid, too weak, too inarticulate.
Worst of all - the MDiv politicians. Those are the men who spend all their time exerting power and influence, not through study or scholarship or publishing. Heavens to mercy - that would paint them into a corner. They love the Greek proverb - a chameleon can turn every color except white. Wave some Thrivent money at them and they forget they are supporting the Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity, and ELCA (in descending order).
I go back to my gem collection often. I spent quite a few years gathering the best and worst, about 3,000 verbatim quotations with the citations and Scripture references. The gems have lasting value.
The Lutheran Church has fallen into many serious errors. Conflicts erupted after Luther died and Wittenberg itself was almost completely Calvinized. As one WELS pastor actually wrote, and it got into print - the Calvinists were crypto then. No longer. The Wisconsin sect gets advice from a Wheaton professor about the Bible. They need verification from Wheaton? No wonder Ski, Glende, and Parlow relish their Babtist Drive conferences.
Going to Wheaton for Biblical advice is like Luther going to Zwingli to gain insights on Holy Communion.
The only hope left is lay study of these issues. The ministers surrendered long ago. They have betrayed their synods, congregations, and children. The "conservative" Lutheran sects will be acting out "Aufwiedersehn Goodnight" from The Sound of Music. As it looks now, they will fade away - first the ELS. Next WELS. Finally Missouri.
rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Save Us from the Bishops, Bureaucrats, Seminary Pr...":
Equally disgusting as the poltroons are those who carry water for them. There may be a pack mentality associated with this as those who follow the popular apostates really think that they are going places. Lemmings will follow the leader right off the edge of the cliff. An informed laity has nothing to lose. They are a huge threat to those power brokers who would prey on their ignorance.