AC V has left a new comment on your post "
If Hottentots Are Already Justified, Why Attend Ch...":
Pro-ToG Memorial:
Unpublished Memorial (2011-07U)
Subject: Time of Grace Ministry
Floor Committee #21
WHEREAS 1) Time of Grace was formed by a group of WELS laymen and clergy to utilize the
medium of television to present law and gospel; and
WHEREAS 2) Time of Grace is viewed weekly in many American markets and globally by satellite
broadcast and over the Internet; and
WHEREAS 3) WELS members in the armed services, including those in combats zones, together
with WELS college students, the aged and infirmed, and other WELS members unable to attend their own church, through Time of Grace have daily or weekly access to sermons and devotions thus sustaining and strengthening their faith and trust in the living Lord; and
WHEREAS 4) WELS parents, spouses, and loved ones of those who are physically unable to attend
a WELS worship service are sincerely appreciative that Time of Grace devotions are available for their loved ones; and
WHEREAS 5) In addition to the thousands of WELS members, there are tens of thousands of non-
WELS viewers who hear pure scripture-based presentations of law and gospel; therefore be it
Resolved, a) that the Synod in convention acknowledge, thank, and encourage Time of Grace to
continue in its ministry for the edification of WELS members and the spreading of the pure gospel message to thousands of others; and be it finally
Resolved, b) that the Synod in Convention encourage congregations to publicize and utilize Time
of Grace broadcasts, internet site, and other materials as a supplement to their regular worship and study of God’s holy word, especially to their members who can’t attend their congregation’s worship services and Bible studies.
Rev. Mark J. Cares
Mr. Thomas C. Walters
Rev. Harold J. Hagedorn
Mr. Robert L. Timmermann
Mr. Paul D. Rosenow
Mr. Daniel L. Kunz
Rev. Matthew J. Zimpelmann
Mr. John W. Tappe
Mr. Warren D. Ehlke
Mr. Dennis E. Walters
Mr. Mark A. Wrightsman
Dr. Scott A. Gostchock
Mr. Merle D. Blum
Mr. Paul L. Kunz
Rev. Howard O. Mohlke
Mr. James W. Freer
Rev. John P. Huebner
Rev. James A. Aderman
Rev. Matthew Doebler
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Pagel
Rev. John Parlow
Rev. David C. Pagel
Rev. Steven L. Witte
Rev. Joel W. Schwartz
Rev. Larry G. Zwieg
Rev. James R. Sonnemann
Mr. Roger J. Jeffery
Mr. Jeffery P. Davis
Rev. Ronald V. Ash
Dr. and Mrs. Rick E. Klug
Rev. Wayne I. Schulz
Rev. Raymond Kimbrough
Rev. and Mrs. James G. Witt III
Rev. Keith C. Tullberg
Rev. John M. Graf
Mr. Thomas H. DeWitz
Rev. Donald W. Patterson
Dr. Donald A. Whitlock
Mr. Gregory P. Naumann
Rev. Mark A. Cordes
Rev. Daniel J. Rautenberg
Rev. Michael G. Geiger
Rev. Robert J. Gurgel
Rev. Frederick J. Guldberg
Rev. Paul S. Soukup
Rev. Bill F. Limmer
Rev. Christian J. Winkel
Peter Dorn
Carl Lemke
Rev. John Lawrenz
AC V has left a new comment on your post "
Time of Grace Supporters Just Happen To Be Church ...":
ToG, the face of the WELS brand of Lutheranism: A gown-less, sacrament-less, Dr. Phil-like motivational speaker. "
Click here to purchase now."
WELS readers, get ready for your future pastors to come into your congregations in the same way. They already are.
LutherRocks has left a new comment on your post "
Time of Grace Supporters Just Happen To Be Church ...":
"In addition to the thousands of WELS members, there are tens of thousands of non-
WELS viewers who hear pure scripture-based presentations of law and gospel;"
I watched recently...what verse in the Bible is pre-forgiven in again?
GJ - Readers can look over the list above and count how many people deny being Church and Changers - like Don Patterson - yet turn up always supporting the Church and Change agenda.
Memorial to the Synod in Convention Re: Time of Grace Ministry
Whereas (1) Time of Grace Ministry has actively sought and obtained the status of a Recognized Service Organization (RSO) from the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS); and
Whereas (2) Time of Grace is listed in the Yearbook of the LCMS as a Recognized Service Organization; and
Whereas (3) Leaders and representatives from Time of Grace regularly appear at LCMS events and congregations to promote the ministry of Time of Grace; and
Whereas (4) The administrative board of Time of Grace includes at least one member of the LCMS; and
Whereas (5) The LCMS, according to its official bylaws and policies, considers its RSOs to be “valued partners of the LCMS,” views the services of its RSOs as “a profound extension of the LCMS’ mission and ministry,” and expects its RSOs to “respect and not act contrary to the doctrine and practice of the Synod” and to “foster the mission and ministry of the Synod and engage in program activity that is in harmony with the programs of the boards of the Synod;” and
Whereas (6) An organization cannot truthfully and honestly carry out joint mission and ministry with two synods that are not in fellowship with one another, pretending to “walk together” with both; and
Whereas (7) The practices of Time of Grace are examples of the very unionism over which the bond of church fellowship between the WELS and the LCMS was formally severed in 1961; and
Whereas (8) The speaker and chief writer for Time of Grace is Pastor Mark Jeske, who with his congregation, St. Marcus Evangelical Lutheran Church of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is a member of the WELS; and
Whereas (9) Time of Grace maintains that it is not affiliated with any denomination or part of any denominational structure; and
Whereas (10) Such an arrangement implies that it is possible to be a member of the WELS while leading a religious organization which will confess no denominational ties; and
Whereas (11) Time of Grace has established a presence in most (if not all) of the Twelve Districts of the WELS; and
Whereas (12) Time of Grace has pursued the introduction of its services and ministry into the world mission fields of the WELS; and
Whereas (13) Scripture instructs us to present a clear confession of our doctrine and practice and to affiliate ourselves only with those church bodies whose doctrine and practice conform to the entirety of God’s Word (Romans 16:17; 1 Timothy 4:16); and
Whereas (14) The Southeastern Wisconsin District presidium is charged with oversight of doctrine and practice of the pastors, teachers, congregations and other entities of our fellowship within its district; and
Whereas (15) Time of Grace has not provided to the Southeastern Wisconsin District presidium documentation from the LCMS regarding the non-RSO status of Time of Grace; and
Whereas (16) The Southeastern Wisconsin District presidium, in two years of dealing with Time of Grace, has been unable to convince Time of Grace of the need to withdraw its RSO status or change its unionistic practices; therefore be it
RESOLVED (a) That the Synod in convention recognize Time of Grace’s relationship with the LCMS as unionistic, confessionally unclear, and therefore unscriptural; and be it finally RESOLVED (b) That the Synod in convention encourage the presidium of the Southeastern Wisconsin District to take immediate measures of loving Christian discipline toward Time of Grace and its leaders, calling on them to terminate their LCMS RSO status and to return to biblical practices and a clear confession regarding their walk together with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.
Mr. Mark Bannan - Salem, Owosso, MI
Rev. Thomas J. Bernthal - Peace, Sahuarita, AZ
Rev. Theodore G. Bodjanac - Resurrection, Phoenix, AZ
Rev. John F. Boehringer - St. John's, Watertown, WI
Rev. Luke Boehringer - Gethsemane, Davenport, IA
Rev. Jon D. Buchholz - Emmanuel, Tempe, AZ
Rev. Johann Caauwe - Trinity, El Paso, TX
Rev. Michael T. Carr - St. Peter, Clovis, CA Prof. (em)
Daniel Deutschlander - St. Mark's, Watertown, WI
Rev. Rodney E. Dietsche - Peace, Green Lake, WI
Rev. Christopher S. Doerr - Grace, Waupun, WI
Rev. Ross Else - Emmaus, Phoenix, AZ
Rev. Paul C. Fetzer - St. John's, Clare, MI
Rev. Thomas Fischer - Loving Shepherd, Milwaukee, WI
Rev. Lester G. Fritz - Zion, Van Dyne, WI Michael Hefti - Faith, Radcliff, KY
Rev. Roy W. Hefti - St. Paul's, Bangor, WI
Rev. Stephen Hein - Christ, Prescott Valley, AZ
Mr. Kenneth S. Jamka - Trinity, Sierra Vista, AZ
Mr. Kurt W. Knurr - Trinity, Sierra Vista, AZ
Rev. Ronald G. Koehler, III - Grace, Tucson, AZ
Rev. John R. Koester - Trinity, Temple, TX
Rev. Robert Koester - NPH, Milwaukee, WI
Rev. Roger L. Kuerth - St. Luke, Watertown, WI
Rev. Paul J. Lidtke - Bethlehem, Oshkosh, WI
Mr. Harold I. Mears - Emmaus, Phoenix, AZ
Mr. Kevin Needham - St. Paul's, Saginaw, MI
Rev. David A. Nottling - St. John, Fox Lake, WI
Rev. Mark D. Ochsankehl - Trinity, Winslow, AZ
Rev. Aaron Odya - St. Peter's, Eldorado, WI
Rev. David J. Salinas - St. John, Victorville, CA
Rev. Paul Schaefer - St. Peter's, Plymouth, MI
Rev. Neal Schroeder - Divine Peace, Renton, WA
Rev. Paul Schulz - Grace, Safford, AZ
Rev. David R. Seager - Loving Shepherd, Milwaukee, WI
Rev. Gregory Sluke - Trinity, Redgranite, WI
Rev. James Strand - St. Paul, Bloomer, WI
Rev. Johnold J. Strey - St. Mark, Citrus Heights, CA
Rev. Jeffrey W. Suhr - St. John, Appleton, WI
Rev. Donald Swartz - Mt. Olive, Monroe, WI
Rev. Benjamin Tomczak - St. Mark, Duncanville, TX
Rev. Clayton G. Welch - Faith, River Falls, WI
* Required
If you are on Jeske's bus, you have job security.
If you are not on his bus, you will soon be washing the tread marks from your face.