Saturday, August 4, 2012 The Harmony of the Four Evangelists (9781468135565): Martin Chemnitz, Polycarp Leyser, John Gerhard, Dr. Richard J. Dinda: Books

The Harmony of the Four Evangelists The Harmony of the Four Evangelists (9781468135565): Martin Chemnitz, Polycarp Leyser, John Gerhard, Dr. Richard J. Dinda: Books:

The Harmony of the Four Evangelists, volume 1[Paperback]

Martin Chemnitz (Author), Polycarp Leyser (Author), John Gerhard (Author),Richard J. Dinda (Translator)

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GJ - Several volumes of The Harmony of the Four Evangelists are now in print in English. Three of the great Lutheran orthodox theologians participated in this work of genius:

  • Martin Chemnitz - the senior editor of the Book of Concord.
  • Polycarp Leyser - who rebuked the UOJ of Samuel Huber. He was also an editor of the BoC. Early in his career he was considered an expert in justification by faith.
  • John Gerhard - (not to be confused with the hymn writer Paul Gerhardt). He was a prolific author.

Pastor Bickel - "Please Explain Emergent Churches."
WELS, LCMS, and ELS Promote Them, Fund Them, Protect Them

Al Sorum is one of the Church  Growth plants at The Sausage Factory.
Emergent Churches are those where all confessional tags are avoided at all costs. The WELS emergents avoid "Lutheran" and "WELS" but it can sometimes be found in the small print.

Emergent characteristics are:
No liturgy.
No sacraments.
No pipe organ.
No hymns.
No sermons.
No creeds.
Jon Buchholz on CrossWalk - "No problem!"
The clergy dress like they are going to mow the hay or change the oil.
They advocate and practice women's ordination.
They have movies screens for their anything goes song lyrics.

The Lutherans often copy the sermons of their emergent heroes, like Groeschel.
They train with gay activist Stanley, cussing Calvinist Driscoll, space cadet Sweet, Babtist Stetzer, Beeson at Granger, Hyles at Willow Creek, the divinity school at Trinity Deerfield, and various morons at Fuller Seminary. WELS pastors like Rich Krause, John Parlow, Paul Kelm, Steve Witte, Larry Olson have DMins from various false teaching schools. But of course, Mequon itself is a Fuller clone now. They just do not grant drive-by DMins.

WELS has emergent churches all over - The CORE, Doebler's Rock and Roll Church, the Chicago one (where the pastor just loved Leonard Sweet).

The ELS has one too.

Missouri is loaded with them, and ELCA tries its hand claw at them as well.

Missouri and WELS congregations have actually joined the Willow Creek Association, returning them to the good old days of the Pietistic union churches. St. Paul in Germantown (Columbus, Ohio) was a union church for Lutherans and Reformed. So was historic St. John in Milwaukee, if memory serves me.

ELCA went back to union churches, after separating them for a time. WELS, Missouri, and the ELS are up to date with ELCA because they all work together, plan together, and prostitute themselves for Thrivent grants together.

Not a Photoshop - Mark Driscoll is the cussing pastor.
Dressing silly seems to be a requirement.
Face mikes - so cool.
Craig Groeschel is a Methodist EC emergent leader.
Two others are Ed Stetzer, Babtist; Leonard Sweet - New Age.
WELS adores all three false teachers.

Left to right: Parlow, Jeske, Kelm, and Patterson work together against Lutheran doctrine,
so they get the synod and Thrivent loot.

Andy Stanley is a closeted Babtist.
His church does not admit to be Babtist, but they dedicated babies instead of baptizing them.
WELS workers like Ski, Glende, Buske, Parlow worship with Stanley - and love it.
Gretchen earned a regal salary at Doebler's emergent mission in Round Rock.
Doebler famously prayed for a $200,000 grant to hire a worship leader.
In the old days, that was called a pastor.
Dr. Moo wants you to buy the NNIV, ideal for Emergent Churches.

Adulterous Pastor Jack Schaap Praised Emergent Churches

Someone commented on another Schaap video:

Few knew him as well as did I. Yes, he is a perverted, philandering, vulgar deviant unfit for the pulpit, but what does that say for the bought-and-paid-for, spineless clowns behind him who didn't stand up to Hyles for 30 years, or Schaap for 11 years? This church needs to be turned into a shopping mall.

The ministers who get featured have a lot in common, no matter what their denomination is. The fact is they belong to the Synagogue of Satan, like P-Boy, the consultant to Parlow, thanks to a Thrivent grant.

Study Jack Schaap for Clues on the Decline of WELS, Missouri, and the Little Sect on the Prairie

Her father was Jack Hyles,
also a womanizer.

Jack Schaap was fired for having an affair with a teen-aged girl. He is the son-in-law of Jack Hyles, who was known for having multiple partners. Hyles' fundy sons, also ministers, had the same reputation.

Hyles had buttons made that said "100% Jack Hyles." He never lost his job for his many improprieties.

Apparently the huge congregation by-passed the randy sons of Jack Hyles, choosing Jack Schaap instead. Since Jack married Hyles' daughter, they were still keeping the church in the family. That is why insider deals should be avoided. Large independent congregations rely on chips off the old block, but that often disappoints everyone, as the Schuller clan has proven.

Schaap is hard to quantify at the moment. Very little is on the Net. However, his shift from the KJV, after promising the opposite, is an indication. Another one is the growing clan of Emergent Church fans that he built up in the congregation. He began advocating Emergent Church behavior before his downfall.

Schaap's initial pledge about the KJV must have been dishonest. Another explanation is that time spent at Fuller Seminary changed his mind. Like the WELS and Missouri leaders, he felt it necessary to cloak his unionism.

The ministers who gush over Church Growth or Emergent Church are always Fuller Seminary victims. So many imitations of Fuller are out there now, that it is possible to become converted away from the Pasadena re-education camp. However, it is not likely. Look for outraged articles to appear later, articles about Schaap that detail his furtive study at those dens of iniquity. Those articles will come from disappointed Fundies who were already outraged by Schaap's weird sexual-Christological theories and his abandonment of the KJV.

Schaap's former church will not admit to additional teen victims. In fact, they are in full cover-up mode already. They have hired a powerful attorney (sound like WELS?) to gather stories from other girls, so they can avoid messy arrests and criminal trials, not to mention multi-million dollar settlements.

Jack Hyles is famous for having the largest Sunday School
and a harem.

Message to Joel Lillo:
A Faithful Remnant Will Teach the Gospel.
Not Personal - But the Truth of the Word

Febreze has left a new comment on your post "Kilcreased Blogs":

Joel, this blog has woken up many faithful Lutheran pastors and laymen. I hope that this blog wouldn't ever go down. It's the lighthouse during a storm. Enjoy your Pietism and universalism, while we'll enjoy the BoC and actually uphold it instead of being a hypocrite.


GJ - One dead certain give-away of a flimsy argument is the personal element. Sometimes it is expressed as "My pastor does not agree with you."

Even weaker is this gambit - "You are a bad person. You belonged to various synods. You did not go to our schools. You make people angry. Therefore, you are wrong."

My argumentation and my resume are irrelevant. There is no end to the chaos if people must stake their claims on either one. In fact, that is why so many shallow arguments start with Holy Mother Synod and continue with the Immaculate Conception of someone like CFW Walther. Since few MDivs do any serious study beyond seminary, most cling to the adolescent certainty that their professors must have been right about everything.

Mequon students bind their yellowed dogmatics notes. Their papers are supposed to regurgitate the regurgitations of seminary class. Anything else is dangerous.

Given this cob-webbed scenario, a doctrinal version of Miss Havisham's dreary home, no one should be shocked that pastors defend error by saying, "We actually agree," or "They are just talking past each other."

Ever since the Great Kidnapper landed in New Orleans and signed his oath of obedience to Bishop Stephan, the SynConference has waged war against justification by faith. That is the only justification taught by the Scriptures, the Confessions, and the post-Concord Lutheran Orthodox fathers.

With Wayne Mueller having disposed of the Book of Concord altogether, the Wisconsin Sect now aims to impose universal absolution on God by adopting Murdoch's NNIV, a fictional work so bad that Southern Babtists asked their book stores to avoid stocking the travesty. But WELS wants to make it their main Bible, with nihil obstat on the inside cover, signed by Pope Schroeder.

UOJ just drips from this article of the Augsburg Confession!
The UOJ arguments prove how dull, blinded, and hardened the SynConference leaders are.

Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Message to Joel Lillo: A Faithful Remnant Will Tea...":

Ichabod -

Thank you that you have shown, demonstrated and illustrated with your website some stark differences.

I've always thought that synodical (denominational) affiliation; coupled with (their) perspective church pension systems, pathetically end up being the worldly blood that is thicker than the Gospel water. [1 Peter 5:2-4 ; Titus 1:11 ; Matthew 23:14 ; Isaiah 56:10-11 ; John 15:1-3]

We are told by Scripture that Disciples of Christ are besieged by and affected by the spiritual battle which is waged in "high places." [Ephesians 6:10-18] Hence, it is of paramount importance, to be highly aware of one's spiritual enemies.

Who are a Christian's enemies? Obviously, many unbelievers, as that is expected, as they are outside the pale of Christianity [the church]. But, those within the church are very deadly because they foment and promulgate doctrines of devils, thereby leading souls, astray. [1 Timothy 4:1-2 ; 2 Timothy 3:1-5]

Nathan M. Bickel


GJ - When people run from their own confession of faith, they are either playing a game of deception or one of concealment.

The UOJ fanatics always cloak themselves with justification by faith, but they mean "faith in world absolution without faith." That has never been justification by faith.

There are many who believe in the Biblical doctrine of justification by faith, but they will not stand up for it, so they really do not believe it at all. If they did, they would confess the truth in the open. But some will object, "I would, but the synod would punish me." How can they believe in the power of the Gospel to erase their sins, the most powerful weapon of all, and yet fear the synod officials and their toadies? That means they really do not believe in the efficacy of the Word, the mercy of God, or His goodness.

God must be terribly weak or blind, to be weaker than the cowardly bullies of synod headquarters, to never see the needs of the faithful. I am going to erase Psalm 37:25 from my Bible, since it no longer applies.

KJV Psalm 37:25 I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous [justified by faith in Christ] forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.