Thursday, September 12, 2013

The LCMS Concordia Will Be More Difficult To Put in Order - Due to ELCA Ballast and Fuller Flotsam

My recently departed friend said,
"Never get on a  cruise ship with an Italian captain,
especially one wearing a mullet haircut."

Raise the Costa Concordia: 12 hours, 500 engineers and 18,000 tonnes of cement... how cruise liner will be lifted in most expensive maritime salvage operation in history

  • 114,00-tonne ship sank off the coast of Tuscany in January 2012 and is due to be lifted on Monday

  • Cost of raising it off seabed has ballooned to £500m

  • Underwater platform has been built on which ship will come to rest as jacks and underwater cables haul it upright

  • Divers have pumped 18,000 tonnes of cement into bags below the ship to support it and prevent it from breaking up

  • 32 people died when it hit rocks and ran aground off the island of Giglio after an ill-judged 'salute' to inhabitants by the ship’s captain

The Costa Concordia will finally be righted next week in the largest and most expensive maritime salvage operation in history.
The cost of lifting the giant cruise liner, which sank off the coast of Tuscany in January 2012, off the sea bed, has ballooned to £500million - a figure that could rise if there are problems, organisers admitted.
Thirty-two people died when the ship, with 4,200 passengers onboard, hit rocks and ran aground off the island of Giglio after an ill-judged 'salute' to inhabitants by the ship’s captain.
The Costa Concordia will finally be righted next week in the largest and most expensive maritime salvage operation in history
The Costa Concordia will finally be righted next week in the largest and most expensive maritime salvage operation in history. Thirty two people died when the ship hit rocks and ran aground off the island of Giglio in January 2012 after an ill-judged 'salute' to inhabitants by the ship's captain

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Appeasement on Friday the 13th - When Tim Glende's Brain-Damaged Staff Sues a Member of Their Own Congregation, Because They Are Passionate about Sharing Porn, Filthy Language, and Beer at Their Stinky Bar Mission

Winston Churchill defined an appeaser -

“An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.”

Someone suggested that I lay off the St. Peter Freedom's triple lawsuit against its own member, an attempt to make a restraining order stick, even though WELS Pastor Tim Glende's was tossed out of court like a moldy pizza.

The idea was - maybe Team Glende's lawyer would cut a deal and lay off the member whose wife was sexually harassed many times while Pastor Ski enjoyed the benefits of buying a bankrupt bar stocked with beer.

Appeasing Team Jeske is feeding a crocodile in the hopes of being eaten last.

Crocs attack and devour. They do not make deals. They do not compromise.  If you bow to a croc, he will bite that much faster.

Doctrinal warfare will last until the end of history, whether that be next year or century.

As anyone can see from the loyalties of such leaders as Valleskey, Bivens, Olson, Buchholz, and Kelm - the only moderation is sidestepping in their direction.

A vast gulf exists between liturgical worship and popcorn cola entertainment sideshows.  UOJ is ideal for those simpletons who think an untalented rock band is more effective than the Word of God.

The gulf between the Praise Bandits and the liturgical leaders will never be closed, although they promise much if only they are fed a few more grants, a bit more tolerance, and a silencing of all dissent.

UOJ and justification by faith are also polar opposites - not "two sides of the same coin," as Mischke and Webber have tried to explain away.
UOJ and Church Shrinkers - a connection?
Who trained Glende in CGM and treating women as property?
Who supported Stolzenburg?
WELS and ELS would be bankrupt today if people knew the truth.

Buchholz Extended the Left Foot of Fellowship to Pastor Paul Rydecki and His Congregation, But He Gave the Right Hand of Fellowship
To Jeff Gunn and Emergent Entertainment at CrossWalk in Phoenix

DP Jon Buchholz kicked out Circuit Pastor Paul Rydecki for teaching justification by faith,
although the DP promised the congregation they would continue to discuss the topic.
Next, Buchholz kicked out the congregation and foreclosed on the mortgage,
bragging about his ecclesiastical macho at the next conference meeting.
Circuit Pastor Steve Spencer got the Intrepid Lutheran blog going.


A Home in the ELDoNA

My Facebook friends saw this announcement on my timeline on Sunday.  Now I'm sharing it with all our Intrepid readers, so that you can rejoice together with me, my family, and my congregation.  I'm very happy to have completed the colloquy process and to be accepted as a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America (ELDoNA). It is my privilege to join the ranks of these faithful men and to recognize and be recognized in this fellowship of Christian pastors, together with the saints whom they serve. I have been searching for awhile for the Lutherans who honestly confess the faith of the Book of Concord of 1580 without compromise and without asterisks. By the grace of God, I have found them.  As I've said to Bishop Heiser and others, coming into the diocese is like coming home, and my brethren there have graciously welcomed me with open arms.

At our first Intrepid Lutherans conference, back in June, 2012, I presented a paper entitled, "Do we want to be Dresden Lutherans?"  I concluded that paper with these words:

No one has forced me to sign the Book of Concord. I have signed it because it is my confession.   I have signed it because I share the beliefs of the Dresden Lutherans, their exegesis, their interpretation, their sensibilities, their convictions, their love for sinners, their love for the truth, and their love for the Lord Jesus.  Their words are my words from start to finish, including these:

By God’s grace, with intrepid hearts, we are willing to appear before the judgment seat of Christ with this Confession and give an account of it. We will not speak or write anything contrary to this Confession, either publicly or privately. By the strength of God’s grace we intend to abide by it.

I would like to know who is and who isn’t committed to walking in the same direction with me, and with whom I should walk, arm in arm with the Dresden Lutherans, not by force or for convenience’ sake, but by conviction and for the sake of the truth. I want it to be the WELS with whom I walk along that road.  Do we want to be Dresden Lutherans?  As for me, I am WELS for now; Dresden Lutheran forever. So help me God.

At the time, I still had some hope that I might be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with my brothers in the WELS as a Dresden Lutheran, that is, a confessor of the Book of Concord.  I had to give them a chance to become the "confessional Lutherans" they so stubbornly claim to be.  But they were not willing.  So be it.  The Lord has been merciful and has provided a better confession of faith, and a ministerium in which I can honestly stand shoulder to shoulder with every other pastor, knowing that our confession is truly united.

It is not my intent to turn Intrepid Lutherans into a recruitment zone for the ELDoNA.  Intrepid Lutherans, as a blog, is not a church or an ecclesiastical fellowship, and is certainly not governed by any church body.  That said, I do want our readers to know where I, for my part, am coming from.  I will make no apologies for speaking highly and often of this orthodox fellowship, and I will not pretend that I do not earnestly hope and pray that others will explore the confession of the diocese and come to the same conclusion I have.

Enter the Apocalypse - The Fifth Seal Has Been Broken - Intrepids Link Ichabod

KJV Revelation 6:9 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that
were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: 10 And they cried with a loud voice,
saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on
the earth? 11 And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they
should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as
they were, should be fulfilled.

Lest it disappear after the traditional WELS witch-hunt:

Educational resources:
Book of Concord
Logia: A Journal of Lutheran Theology
The Kretzmann Project
Consortium for Classical & Lutheran Education
The Hausvater Project
Brothers of John the Steadfast
Lutheran Science Institute
Luther Academy
Historic Lectionary
Defending Christ (Apologetics)
Lutheran Resources linked on Ichabod

He Could Have Been Michigan Lutheran Seminary's President.
Pope Francis reaches out to atheists and agnostics - Telegraph.
UOJ Is Popular in Many Denominations

Pope Francis

I've loved, I've laughed and cried 
I've had my fill, my share of losing 
And now, as tears subside, I find it all so amusing 
To think I did all that 
And may I say, not in a shy way, 
"Oh, no, oh, no, not me, I did it my way" 

Pope Francis reaches out to atheists and agnostics - Telegraph:

The unprecedented gesture came as his incoming number two, theVatican's newly-nominated secretary of state, said that the rule that priests should be celibate was not "a dogma of the Church" and could be open for discussion.
Francis, who has won praise for spontaneous and unusual moves during his six month papacy, wrote a lengthy letter to a newspaper, La Repubblica, which the Italian daily printed over four pages, including page one, under the simple byline "Francesco".
"God forgives those who obey their conscience," he wrote in the unprecedented letter, the latest example of the markedly different tone and style from his predecessors that he has set since being elected in March.
The 76-year-old pontiff was responding to editorials written in July and August by Eugenio Scalfari, an agnostic and the paper's founder, in which he was asked whether "the Christian God forgives those who do not believe and do not seek faith".
Mr Scalfari said he had not expected the South American pope to respond "so extensively and so affectionately, with such fraternal spirit".
The Pope wrote: "The question for those who do not believe in God is to follow their own conscience. Sin, even for a non-believer, is when one goes against one's conscience.
"To listen and to follow your conscience means that you understand the difference between good and evil."
He said that the "mercy of God has no limits" and encompassed even non-believers, but his remarks failed to impress the Italian Union of Atheists and Agnostics.
"Why should a non-believer seek legitimisation from the Pope?" the association asked.
It dismissed what it called the pontiff's "nice words" and said: "What interests non-believers is certainly not 'forgiveness' from an entity whose existence we do not trust."
The Pope's reaching out to atheists echoes a homily he delivered in May, when he said that even atheists could be welcomed into heaven. That declaration caused consternation among Vatican officials, with a spokesman later appearing to backtrack on the Pope's remarks, saying that people who do not believe in God "cannot be saved".
In a further sign that the Church is edging towards more openness, Archbishop Pietro Parolin, a Vatican diplomat who will next month become the Pope's deputy as secretary of state, said that the principle of celibacy among clergy was "ecclesiastical tradition" rather than "Church dogma" and therefore open to discussion.
The Pope has struck a more inclusive tone since taking over as leader of the world's 1.2 billion Roman Catholics in March, notably reaching out to homosexuals on his return from a week-long trip to Brazil in July.
"If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?" the Pope said.

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