Saturday, September 28, 2013

Left-Wing Mainline Denoms, WELS-LCMS-ELCA, and Church of Rome Are United by One Dogma - Universal Forgiveness and Salvation.
Fuller Seminauts Too

Jack Cascione elaborates on his accusation that MDD Cwirla is a “sacerdotalist” and his own views on the voters assembly of a congregation as the supreme authority in the church by divine right. 

Hey, we may not agree with Jack on everything, but any friend of objective justification is a friend of ours.


The LCMS has a group of UOJ Stormtroopers, constantly praising one another and controlling dissent:
  • Harrison
  • McCain
  • Weedon
  • Wilken
  • Cwirla
  • Scaer
  • Cascione

They zap anyone suspected of JBFA with their hellish light sabres, loaned to them from their Father Below. He will want them back in a few years, when they complete their mission.

The speak darkly about those who question their dogma, since they consider that a denial of grace.

As the philosophers of rationalism like to say, "If God is gracious, then He has forgiven mankind. Any contingency (such as faith) is a work that denies God's grace."

KJV Romans 4:22 And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness. 23 Now it was not written for his 
sake alone, that it was imputed to him; 24 But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on Him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; 25 Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.

KJV Romans 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: 
2 By Whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory 
of God.

Since the LCMS has been building on Romans 4:25 alone (divorced from Romans 4:24) to support UOJ, the sect is clearly apostate, led by incompetents who cannot teach the Word of God and followed by sheep who will not contest error.

This is the end of time, the Age of Apostasy predicted in the Scriptures. How long it will last is beyond our knowledge, but the evidence is there.

Lutheran leaders fight for falsehood and against the truth. They punish the Gospel while rewarding and promoting Universalism.

Supposedly Paul Rydecki was such a bad influence that he had to be given the Left Foot of Fellowship, even while DP Buchholz was pretending to discuss the issue of justification by faith.

However, ex-VP Paul Kuske, Michigan District WELS, was only given a slap on his hammy wrist for opposing UOJ. Why does DP John Seifert prosecute the Intrepids for discussing doctrine while playing patty-cake with Kuske for being clear and surprisingly correct on an issue?

That is Hunter's own photo.
Only the background was changed.
WELS and Missouri consider him a great leader.

Signs of a Weak Argument Abound in UOJ

Typical UOJ argumentation can be found here.

Someone asked for Luther's castle analogy and got a copy of plus this odd remark

"This is a great quote, on which I have found deniers of Objective Justification to be incredibly silent,"

Deniers of OJ - that is begging the question, of course. The CLC (sic) UOJist imagines that his dogma is the gold standard of Christian doctrine.

Incredibly silent - "incredibly" is a funny, self-critical adverb to use, especially since this analogy has been addressed many times. Who are these deniers? No names.

The quotation destroys their delusions, but they cannot grasp that. Throughout Luther and the Book of Concord, the Reformer and the Confessors assert the universality of the atonement of Christ, the necessity of faith.

Their castle quotation does the same thing, but they pixelate the atonement by magnifying it until it is the only thing they want to teach, like Creation without the Trinity (Deism) or stewardship without Christ (Environmentalism).

The real point of UOJ is the entire world of pagans, polygamists, cannibals, head-hunters, and apostates being forgiven of all their sins and saved, without the Word, faith, or the Means of Grace. That is the message of modern liberal theology, which came from the fetid loins of Halle University, their common Alma Mater. Halle University was established for the movement called Pietism and gave birth to Biblical Rationalism.

The LQ (sic) denizens never deal with Robert Preus' rejection of UOJ in his final book. They do embrace such bizarre and pagan notions as these:

Cascione, illiterate, loves this quotation
and used it to prove how UOJ Robert Preus was.
Justification and Rome? - Mad Jack is silent on that book.

Can someone find a dumber statement than this?
 I doubt it.

UOJ Loves Praise Bandits

Think of the bad poses they erased!

Congratulations on Being So Schtoopid

The Book of Concord says we should read this commentary,
not LutherQuest (sic).

Unable to tell the difference between paid for and received.  Sigh

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Angela N (Angela_naglis)
Username: Angela_naglis

Post Number: 157
Registered: 3-2007
Posted on Friday, September 20, 2013 - 11:34 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I am looking for a Luther Quote that goes something along the lines like this...

If a man gives you a castle and you do not believe him,he certainly gave it and you have nobody to blame but yourself.

Can you help me find the exact quote?
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Timothy Blank (Timothyblank)
Intermediate Member
Username: Timothyblank

Post Number: 486
Registered: 11-2004
Posted on Saturday, September 21, 2013 - 12:46 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

This is a great quote, on which I have found deniers of Objective Justification to be incredibly silent,

But if you speak as the factious spirits and sophists do: “After all, many hear of the binding and loosing of the keys, yet it makes no impression on them and they remain unbound and without being loosed. Hence, there must exist something else beside the Word and the keys. It is the spirit, the spirit, yes, the spirit that does it!” Do you believe he is not bound who does not believe in the key which binds? Indeed, he shall learn, in due time, that his unbelief did not make the binding vain, nor did it fail in its purpose. Even he who does not believe that he is free and his sins forgiven shall also learn, in due time, how assuredly his sins were forgiven, even though he did not believe it. St. Paul says in Rom. 3[:3]: “Their faithlessness nullify the faithfulness of God.” We are not talking here either about people’s belief or disbelief regarding the efficacy of the keys. We realize that few believe. We are speaking of what the keys accomplish and give. He who does not accept what the keys give receives, of course, nothing. But this is not the key’s fault. Many do not believe the gospel, but this does not mean that the gospel is not true or effective. A king gives you a castle. If you do not accept it, then it is not the king’s fault, nor is he guilty of a lie. But you have deceived yourself and the fault is yours. The king certainly gave it.
Well, you say, here you yourself teach that the key fails. For the keys do not accomplish their purpose when some do not believe nor accept. Well, friend, if you call this failing, then God fails in all his words and works. For few accept what he constantly speaks and does for all. This means doing violence to the proper meaning of words. I do not call it a failure or a mistake if I say or do something, and somebody else despises or ignores it.

Luther’s Works Vol. 40, pgs. 366-367 (bold my emphasis).
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George Mueller (Mueller)
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Posted on Saturday, September 21, 2013 - 10:49 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

This is a wonderful citation that shows that Luther taught objective justification, though deniers of objective justification won't admit it. But then, if they're not going to believe the Bible, why should they believe Luther?
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Timothy Blank (Timothyblank)
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Username: Timothyblank

Post Number: 487
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Posted on Saturday, September 21, 2013 - 12:45 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Walther gave a very similar analogy in his Law and Gospel, pg. 375

To illustrate: Suppose a king has declared that a rebellious town has been granted full amnesty, and no one is to suffer for his sedition. In a case like that anybody can say: “The king has quelled the rebellion; he has conquered you rebels, but you can be of good cheer, because he has pardoned you. I know this for a certainty, because I myself heard the king say so.” If the speaker, in addition, were to bring a document signed and sealed by the king which contained the same statement, everybody would rejoice and begin to celebrate the event. The situation is identical with the case now under discussion. By the resurrection of Christ, God has declared that He is reconciled with all mankind and does not intend to inflict punishment on anybody. He has this fact proclaimed in all the world by His Gospel and, in addition, has commanded every minister of the Gospel to forgive men their sins, promising that He will do in heaven what the minister is doing on earth.

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Sharlene Miers (Joyfulnoise)
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Username: Joyfulnoise

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Posted on Saturday, September 21, 2013 - 2:19 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Even my 10-year old granddaughter understood this. She told me that it's like someone gave you a gift and you kept pushing it away and pushing it away. They still gave you the gift; you just refused to accept it. She was extremely serious when she explained this to me.
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George Mueller (Mueller)
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Username: Mueller

Post Number: 898
Registered: 11-2012
Posted on Saturday, September 21, 2013 - 2:34 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

It's amazing how a ten year old can understand what many highly educated theologians can't understand.
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Angela N (Angela_naglis)
Username: Angela_naglis

Post Number: 159
Registered: 3-2007
Posted on Saturday, September 21, 2013 - 4:19 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

It IS amazing how a ten year old can understand what scripture is saying better than some adults!
Why is it this way? It's frustrating.

Thanks everyone for the responses!