Monday, November 11, 2013

Like Jon Buchholz, MDiv, The SpenerQuesters Lecture and Hector Their Superiors,
And They Also Lack Learning, Discernment, and Manners

Brett Meyer (Brett_meyer)
Username: Brett_meyer

Post Number: 112
Registered: 1-2008
Posted on Monday, November 11, 2013 - 4:07 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Mr. Mueller, "The law tells the unbeliever that God is angry with him. The gospel tells him that God is at peace with him. The law tells him that he is a damned sinner. The gospel tells him that God, for Christ's sake, forgives him all his sins."

Rationalism. You worship a god that is not in Scripture. You worship the god of Universal Objective Justification.
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George Mueller (Mueller)
Senior Member
Username: Mueller

Post Number: 1064
Registered: 11-2012
Posted on Monday, November 11, 2013 - 5:03 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Here is the object of justifying faith according to the Augsburg Confession: "they are received into favor and that their sins are forgiven on account of Christ, who by his death made satisfaction for our sins." You reject this confession and call it rationalism. You accuse me of worshipping a false god because I confess the Augsburg Confession.
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Rev. David R. Boisclair (Drboisclair)
Intermediate Member
Username: Drboisclair

Post Number: 364
Registered: 1-2002
Posted on Monday, November 11, 2013 - 5:58 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Uh, Brett, you misrepresented what I had stated in a previous post. You posted above:

'Rev. Boisclair stated in this discussion that Christ's righteousness was imputed to the whole world for the forgiveness of their sins. Boisclair at 9:31pm, “affirms that sinners are justified by the imputation of the alien righteousness of Christ.'

This was the actual paragraph I posted on Friday, November 08, 2013 - 9:31 pm:

'Sola fide is a exclusive particle that affirms that sinners are justified by the imputation of the alien righteousness of Christ. Franz makes an excellent point that one doesn't always notice when one studies these chapters of Romans.'

I DID NOT post that Christ's righteousness was IMPUTED to the whole world. As DP Jon Buchholz indicates in his masterful essay on Justification of the past year a theologian should avoid using the word "impute" when he is speaking of universal objective Justification. I commend to all the reading of this essay that sets out the biblical teaching on Justification. 

Brett, Calvinism is spelled with a "i" in the second syllable, not an "a", and it should also be capitalized. Your pastor Greg Jackson, who is so keen on correcting his opponents' grammar should give his own congregation a course in English!

The rationalistic adherents of universal absolution brag about grace while showing none at all. The reason is clear - they have no Gospel, so fruits of the Spirit cannot grow in their parched and flinty hearts. They do not even love one another. McCain and Otten adore UOJ, but despise one another, even though they conspired to elect Al Barry  while denying it to everyone - even in print. Rolf Preus and others promote UOJ, but Rolf exists alone in the Synod of Rolfian Enthusiasm - SORE.

I agree with Boisclair that everyone should read Buchholz for the latest regurgitation of Stephan-Walther-JPMeyer UOJ. In defense of their mentor, George C. Knapp (Halle University), the Pietist was closer to the Gospel than they. One can take the Calvinistic translation by Woods and choose to understand it in the Lutheran sense, but the wording ultimately fails to be faithful to the Word of God - the only test that matters.

In contrast, Buchholz exhibits the combined weaknesses of:
  • Listening to Jay Webber.
  • Intellectual indolence.
  • Lack of study.
  • Unearned arrogance brought on by the accident of birth.
  • Keeping bad company - Jeff Gunn, Mark Schroeder, and the Den of Thieves (WELS Coven of Predators).
Only those conditioned by the contradictory nonsense of Walther and Scaer can find comfort and peace in the ravings of Buchholz. He is worse than an Enthusiast, because most Enthusiasts know their hive and defend it. Buchholz asks, "How am I an Enthusiast?" while separating the work of the Holy Spirit from the Means of Grace.

Who scurried up to Northern Wisconsin to nail down UOJ
for the Ski and Glende Anything Goes District of WELS?
Only Buchholz was shameless enough to exchange
hugs and hosannas with that horde of
peculators and pussilanimous polecats.
I see that the Hive is immune to Biblical doctrine but easily stung by references to their feeble grasp of English. They use a typo as an excuse to attack someone in public. One little (sic) shall fell them - Luther might say.

Our little congregation is doing a lot to undo the damage of SpenerQuest, to return Lutherans to the Sermons of Luther (published on Ichabod) and other Lutheran resources, including the seldom-studied Book of Concord.

I am thankful for those who faithfully confess the truths of the Word of God. One pastor expressed shock that Brett would put up with the abuse handed out on SpenerQuest. Brett and others see that his comments bring out the falsehoods of UOJ.

Confusion Reigns on SpenerQuest about Grace and Faith.
Confidential to LQ - Ed Preuss Became the Catholic He Always Was

Cascione and his pig-stealing friend McCain
love this passage from Preuss.
McCain makes Cascione seem charming and honest,
a good reason to keep the editor around.

McCain used to hang with the Cascione gang,
but they read Ichabod once. They realized
they were linking Paul's plagiarized Catholic Encyclopedia articles.
SpenerQuest is very sharp on doctrine!

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Brett Meyer (Brett_meyer)
Username: Brett_meyer

Post Number: 109
Registered: 1-2008
Posted on Monday, November 11, 2013 - 9:51 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Eduard Preuss - The Justification of the Sinner before God

"So, then, we are reconciled (2 Cor. 5:18); however, not only we, but also Hindus, and Hottentots and Kafirs, yes, the world (2 Cor. 5:19). “Reconciled,” says our translation; the Greek original says: “placed in the right relation to God.” Because before the Fall we, together with the whole creation, were in the right relation to God, therefore Scripture teaches that Christ, through His death, restored all things to the former right relation to God. We, then, are redeemed from the guilt of sin; the wrath of God is appeased; all creation is again under the bright rays of Mercy, as in the beginning; yeah, in Christ, we were justified before we were even born. For do not the Scriptures say: “God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them” (2 Cor. 5:19)? This is not the justification which we receive by faith, but the one which took place before all faith…"

That's not God's grace??!

Dr. Lito Cruz defends Justification solely by faith alone using Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions.

It seems it takes a theology degree from a 'Lutheran' seminary to teach and confess the false gospel of UOJ.
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Brett Meyer (Brett_meyer)
Username: Brett_meyer

Post Number: 110
Registered: 1-2008
Posted on Monday, November 11, 2013 - 9:54 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Mr. Mueller, does your version of the doctrine of UOJ teach that God justified the unbelieving world outside of His grace?

If that is true then God not only imputed Christ's righteousness without the Means of Grace but also forgave the unbelieving world without them being in His grace.

And you reject the charge of Enthusiasm? It is to laugh.
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George Mueller (Mueller)
Senior Member
Username: Mueller

Post Number: 1059
Registered: 11-2012
Posted on Monday, November 11, 2013 - 10:19 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

God justifies no one outside of his grace. The whole world has been justified by God's grace. Nobody but a believer stands in God's grace. Does this help?

I'm curious, Brett. You quoted this guy Cruz. Why? I had never heard of him before and now it appears that he was trained as a Calvinist. So why are you quoting a crypto-Calvinist to attack the Lutheran doctrine? What's even worse is that this guy criticizes us orthodox Lutherans for agreeing with Calvinists on the intensive perfection of the vicarious atonement! So he thinks that as a "Lutheran" he has to abandon, not only the errors of Calvinism, but the truth they teach as well!

George Rolf Preus Mueller is seriously handicapped by his lack of knowledge and dearth of reading. His first paragraph is a rat's nest of contradictions.

Dr. Lito Cruz has his own blog, and I often quote him. Cruz was once a Calvinist - that is one of the all-time favorite posts on Ichabod. When Lito Was a Calvinist has been read over 2000 times, roughly the same as LQ for a year. He is a Lutheran by conviction and by profession. The SpenerQuest denizens are Lutheran in Name Only, secret bed-fellows of the Universalists, scoundrels of the basest variety.

Samuel Huber was a Calvinist and became one again when allowed to join the Wittenberg faculty. He called his Lutheran opponents Calvinists when he reverted to Calvinism. That should sound familiar, since it is a favorite UOJ tactic. The UOJ Hive imagines that justification by faith is Calvinism, that justification without faith is Lutheran, that universal absolution is somehow different from Universalism. 

But - like I said - they linked McCain on their websty until they realized from my proof that their favorite editor is a thief and a liar.

McCain must be thankful his boss has a quickie drive-by doctorate. Otherwise the CEO might accuse McCain of intellectual fraud - not the best accusation to use at CPH.

George - or Rolf - should keep the lid on the airplane glue when he writes for SpenerQuest. I tried to parse his second paragraph and gave up in dismay.

This is George Mueller logic at its murkiest,
and yet it highlights justification by faith in a quirky way.
Justification is believing in the atonement of Christ,
as Luther and the Concordists always taught.

The UOJ Enthusiasts can lecture me on Biblical doctrine
once they have mastered John 16:8.