Wednesday, December 4, 2013

How Do I Talk to MLC Staff Who Know about the Summer Love-Fests Among the WELS Teachers during "Summer School?"
Alternately - How Do I Keep My Best Friend from Reading Ichabod?

Evangelism Day January 22, 2014
WORSHIP SERVICE: 8:30 – 9:15 a.m.
All assemble in the chapel.

Large Group Electives: 9:30 – 10:25 a.m., 10:35 – 11:30 a.m., and 1:50 – 2:45 p.m.
Large Group Elective 1: Making the Unknown Known: Reaching Out to the Hmong People:
Ben Schaefer and Nau Lee

All around us in America are different ethnic groups with diverse histories, cultures and religious
backgrounds. The Hmong people are one such group that God has brought to our country. How can we
share the word of Christ with them? What do we need to know to share the good news, which is brand
new to most Hmong people? The apostle Paul made the “Unknown God” known to the Athenians by the Spirit’s power—and our Lord gives us the same opportunity with the Hmong people. We will discuss some history and culture of the Hmong people, and highlight the work among the Hmong of Manitowoc.

Trinity Hmong Lutheran Church is one of the newest congregations in WELS, but it exists as part of the longest running Hmong ministry in our synod. Future pastors, teachers, and congregational leaders will see the beauty of these unique people in Christ and learn some lessons for cross-cultural outreach in a Midwestern parish.

Large Group Elective 2: Helping college students share their faith with other college students:
Ken Brokmeier
Your best friend from high school did not come to MLC but instead is at a public university. They (sic) have contacted you wondering what to say because their (sic) current roommate has made the request to bring their (sic) boyfriend/girlfriend back to the room on their (sic) next date (sic - missing word) spend the night in the room. How do you tell them (sic) “No?”

You begin dating someone who is not WELS (someone from work). At what point do you
bring up the subject of Jesus/religion and how do you do so? We will plan to discuss these and other
examples as we turn to God’s Word to discover how to share our faith with other college students.

Large Group Elective 3: Reaching Out with the Gospel to Muslims: Pieter Reid

There are more and more Muslims in both large cities and also smaller towns across America. What is my attitude toward them? “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:5). “God so loved the world…” and “God so loved the Muslim world…” Both statements are true. How do I develop the attitude of Jesus? I need to distinguish between the threat of Islam and showing care and concern for the soul of the individual Muslim. As a future congregational leader, teacher, or pastor, how can I not only encourage outreach, but also cross-cultural outreach and outreach to Muslims?

Mid-Week Advent Service, Wednesday, 7 PM

Advent, December 4, 2013

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

Mid-Week Advent,  Wednesday, 7 PM Central

The Hymn #81   Gerhardt         Thy Manger Is            3.60
The Order of Vespers                                             p. 41
The Psalmody            Psalm 100                             p. 144
The First Lection                    
The Second Lection         
 The Sermon Hymn #90  Gerhardt   Come Your Hearts 3.83

The Bible Is a Cradle Holding Christ

The Prayers and Lord’s Prayer                         p. 44
The Collect for Peace                                           p. 45
The Benediction                                                   p. 45
The Hymn # 93        O Lord We Welcome    3.40

First Mid-Week Advent Sermon

The Bible Is a Cradle That Holds Christ

I was listening to a discussion about Pentecostals today. They emphasize the displays of the Holy Spirit. Most people would identify that with speaking in tongues, singing in tongues, and various ecstatic displays, including what they call holy laughter.

One issue was – when did this start. Several people were talking about how the history gets nailed down to one specific time and place, Azuza Street, 1906.

I was thinking, “We are the most Pentecostal group of all, more Pentecostal than the Pentecostals.” That is simply because orthodox Lutherans do not separate the Word from the Holy Spirit.

Simply put, the Scriptures are the cradle that hold Christ. If people want the love, grace, and forgiveness of Christ, all they need is the Word of God, which conveys Christ to us.
We can see Christ on every page of the Bible, but that requires faith. Rationalists see errors or an ethical book or an interesting book from antiquity. How quaint!

But in fact the Holy Spirit is at work on every page of the Bible, in every verse, since all the verses of the Bible are part of that one unified Truth – the Word of God – the Book of the Holy Spirit.

Realizing this answers two basic questions.

One is confidence in the Holy Spirit at work

How do we know when God’s Spirit is accomplishing His will?

The answer is – whenever the Word is taught, heard, read, or remembered. That also applies to faithful teaching about the Word of God. A faithful hymn is just as much the Word of God as a faithful sermon is.

Jesus said, “Whoever hears you, hears Me.” When the apostles went out preaching the Gospel of the risen Lord, they were multiplying the places where Jesus was being brought to individuals.

Man looks for proof of the Spirit at work. The proof is the faithful teaching of the Word, not material signs that appeal to us. If we demand something appealing, gratifying, God will deny that, because He is the manager. We are not.

This also means that God is at work, no matter how long He seems to take, or how unpleasant the reactions are.

Paul preached and started a riot. He gave a long sermon and Eutychus fell dead out the window. He confronted Peter for inconsistent teaching, which led to the first Council. He was divisive, which is good, because his faithfulness to the Word divided truth from error.
So it is funny and sad that man looks for results instead of looking for where the Spirit is – in the Word.

The Other Is Having Christ as Our Comfort

This is directly related to the first part, because the Word and the Spirit are always together and never apart. That also means that the Word brings Christ to us.
To repeat the opening of John’s Gospel is to call upon Christ, to possess Him and all His benefits.

Wherever the Gospel is proclaimed, death is turned into life, sin into forgiveness, and anxiety into comfort.
It is true that the Gospel causes discomfort, anger, division, and rejection. And this too is the work of the Holy Spirit. We often need to have our faith exercised so we do not become a slug, like Jobba the Hut, apathetic and indolent about the Word, or hardened and blinded against it.

Most if not all orthodox Lutherans have gone through great turmoil about Christian doctrine, which has been their God-given path toward appreciating the Word of God and the Confessions.

Most in the ELCA seemed immune to the anti-Biblical stance of their leaders, until the 2009 vote showed them what a charade their denomination was, truly anti-Gospel while talking about the Gospel. Subtlety did not work on them, so God sent a hammer and fire, divided congregations and families, lawsuits and abandoned buildings. Some people think the congregation is the building until they realize the Word gathers the congregation.
Likewise, some adored pop entertainment worship and made fun of the ancient liturgy, not to mention those who appreciated it. But the errors grew, as they always manage to do, because mid-week services were absent, or the popcorn munching during the prayers was too loud.

So a new appreciated of the Word makes us all the more thankful for the comfort of forgiveness through Christ. Believing is forgiveness, even though this simple truth is debated, rejected, and condemned a heresy.

So when college students are talking about David and Goliath, they are speaking about faith in God – trust in Him rather than man-made weapons. And who was David? He was a young shepherd boy, at the start of his predestined role as the King of Israel, the model of the Messiah.

One of the most popular descriptions or titles of Jesus is – the Son of David. Likewise, He is called the Messiah (anointed king) or Christ (Greek for anointed king). When we hear about the shepherd boy David, we think about the Good Shepherd of John 10, the Lord is my Shepherd, Psalm 23.

We remember – He will lead His flock like a Shepherd. Isaiah 40, part of the great comfort passage of the prophet.

I will strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered – Jesus quoted that. So we use the Latin for shepherd – pastor – to this day.

When we have sons or grandsons, we think about that little shepherd boy, that moment when the boy is growing up and taking on responsibility. One model for that is David. And the other model is Jesus Himself.

In the crib, Jesus gathered His first flock. The wise men, shepherds, Joseph and Mary – all were gathered by the Word of God.

We like cradles for babies. We have a tiny one for a doll in our storage. We had a larger one for our son at Yale. Everyone passed it along. Jesus did not even have that. He had a manger for his crib, yet His work was not hampered by the modesty of his surroundings, a rented room.

For some, the Bible is still a humble cradle, not worth their interest. Bibles are everywhere and also nowhere (not read or studied, not even open). And yet that cradle, the Word of God, holds Christ and conveys His forgiveness to us.

Every part of worship is connected with justification by faith. We are alienated and anxious in carrying a burden of sin, but energized and thankful to God when absolved and blessed by the Gospel.

Your Laugh for the Day - From SpenerQuest

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Simon Reynolds (Simon)
Username: Simon

Post Number: 165
Registered: 1-2005
Posted on Thursday, November 07, 2013 - 7:33 pm:   Edit Post Delete PostPrint Post

Are there any more UNforgiving people on earth
than the UOJ stylists?
Any more angry, more abusive,
more tyrannical?
more ignorant of manners and the English language?

These questions are from Gregory Jackson's blog. The answer is obvious: Gregory Jackson.
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Rev. David R. Boisclair (Drboisclair)
Intermediate Member
Username: Drboisclair

Post Number: 349
Registered: 1-2002
Posted on Thursday, November 07, 2013 - 7:44 pm:   Edit Post Delete PostPrint Post

Gregory Jackson is a clinical case of projected behavior. He accuses others of logical fallacies when he continuously makes them himself. He picks on the grammar of people who post on his blog when his ardent followers have the worst grammar and spelling of all. He engages in character assasination. He also is a very bad scholar for all of his vaunted skills as one. He could have cut out his Ph.D. degree off the back of a cereal box. He made such a good beginning 30 years ago. He is an American "failure story."

Yes, Simon, you are 100% right!

What is really frightening is that he is an enemy to the true faith.
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Rev. David R. Boisclair (Drboisclair)
Intermediate Member
Username: Drboisclair

Post Number: 369
Registered: 1-2002
Posted on Tuesday, November 12, 2013 - 1:11 pm:   Edit Post Delete PostPrint Post

That I might forestall the slanderer's censure I will point out that in my above post I misspelled "assassinat
ion." Diabolon anathema esto.