Friday, July 11, 2014

WELS - Like the Church of England - Is a Few Years from Collapse

The Jeske coalition, aka Twisted Smile,
is losing by winning.

The average age of its members is now 61 and by 2020 a “crisis” of “natural wastage” will lead to their numbers falling “through the floor”, the Church’s national assembly was told.
The Church was compared to a company “impeccably” managing itself into failure, during exchanges at the General Synod in York.
The warnings follow an internal report calling for an urgent national recruitment drive to attract more members.
In the past 40 years, the number of adult churchgoers has halved, while the number of children attending regular worship has declined by four fifths.
The Rev Dr Patrick Richmond, a Synod member from Norwich, told the meeting that some projections suggested that the Church would no longer be “functionally extant” in 20 years’ time.


GJ - We already have the same report from the Evangelical Lutheran Synod, better known as the Little Sect on the Prairie. Their own study shows they will only be a footnote in the history books in a few years.

WELS has trapped itself in the failed tactics of Fuller Seminary, which was bad enough for generic Protestants, but far worse for any group pretending to be Lutheran.

WELS drives away its own and makes itself repulsive to anyone who thinks independently and questions the cult attitude of its leaders. Everyone is waiting for the day when WELS admits its crimes in the pages of FIC and on its dreadfully lawyered-up websty.

As one layman said, "WELS will be apologizing to Rome by 2017, to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. The Lutherans will be united around ELCA, and ELCA with Rome."

The worst false teachers - like Jon Buchholz, Paul Kelm, and Larry Olson - cannot tolerate anyone stealing their purloined glory. As toadies for Fuller, they expect everyone to be their boot-polishers.

We now know what their version of evangelism is:

  1. Get rid of the liturgy
  2. Turn sermons into coaching sessions
  3. Form an untalented rock band
  4. Teach that everyone is forgiven and saved without faith.

WELS is already a dismal failure under Mark Schroeder and his Church and Changers. When they get rid of the Boomers, through exile and burial, the bubble will collapse.

"You weren't born in Wisconsin.
Get out of here."
Abandoned church - probably in Detroit.

Unlike the ELS and LCMS, the WELS hasn't admitted to the
fact that its membership is graying, and this might lead to
a denominational implosion. Pastors and denominational leaders want
to keep their bloated salary structure. The ELCA wants to keep all its
seminaries, too. It's similar to how the mayor of Detroit could have gone 
the bankruptcy route 20 years ago, but even fought it until it was forced 
on him. Who wants to work for $100 grand a year under bankruptcy when 
one can make three times that or more? Same with Wagner, CEO of GM. 
No bankruptcy for him until he was forced out.

Worried about Weeds? Get Out of Gardening

You see a weed - I see food  that rabbits love,
a nutritious herb, a soil improver,
and compost material

A grandmother rebuked the grandchildren, when they complained about weeding. "Without weeds, everyone would be a gardener."

Our helper said, "The weeds are coming through the mulch. What are we going to do?"

I pointed out that the line of weeds developed where we expanded the rose garden. The grassy weeds found the weak-spot and sent up tentative strands. I have a fresh supply of newspapers, so we will put a layer in on top of the weeds and add some black dyed mulch. Sassy and I must return to Lowe's for mulch.

The sunny garden is weedier because we put the mulch on top of grass, without a newspaper layer to shut out all sunlight. I wanted to see how that worked - and it did not. I was counting on sunflowers and pumpkins to overwhelm the weeds, but the weeds have taken advantage of the soil creatures below and my watering above. The plants are all doing well, with a tiny bit of insect damage. I see the pumpkins, tomatoes, and the sunflowers, not the weeds.

We ran out of mulch for covering the back garden, slated for vegetables in the spring. Today I need to dig up two lanes in the future corn patch, where I will plant spinach, egg plant, kale, and lettuce. That area will be the corn patch in the spring, the one with the most sunlight. Corn wind-pollinates, so I need a number of rows devoted to America's favorite food - sweet corn. That area will be coached into maximum earthworm production, with a winter of mulch and a spring of compost.

We have a lot of gardens in the area. One is on an enormous double-lot. I noticed they planted far apart and mowed the grass between rows. That is not all bad, although some would avoid walking between rows, to keep from suppressing root growth.

Our helper said, "How are you going to plant in the spring? What do you do with the mulch?" I am  not sure how much mulch will be left, but usually it can be moved aside slightly for planting. The soil is bare and soft underneath. Warming of the soil really activates the decomposition and winter's mulch disappears fast.

In Midland I asked our neighbors to put all the grass clippings on our corn patch - from our yard and theirs. The lanky kid who mowed became a professional baseball player - major league. He and his family thought my gardening methods were bizarre, but they ate the sweet corn and the raspberries.

The fence garden has some weeds, but I used weeds to hold them back. Most of that area was covered with a mulch of dead weeds. Rather than scalp it down to bare soil, I pulled it back, dug a slot, and planted with abandon. I pushed the dead weeds back and sprinkled cypress mulch on top. I have 75 feet of fencing sprouting radishes, pole beans, Malabar spinach, bush beans, sunflowers, gourds, and hollyhocks.

The pole beans and Malabar spinach (a vine) are sending up long tentacles, just about connecting with the fencing. Similar vining is starting on the gourds and pumpkins.

That reminds me - I need scarlet runner beans in the spring, because they attract hummingbirds. I have to order them early because the fanatics use up the supply first thing. No, I have never eaten a scarlet runner bean. I grew them for the birds to enjoy the flowers.

Each feather is a work of art.

Birds, Butterflies, and Hummers
Many gardening books have lists of the best flowers or plants for birds, for butterflies, and separately for hummingbirds. I keep them in mind for landscaping. Like books, the best plants can be bought for very little at the right time. Most do not want to garden in the fall and do not buy much, but fall is the best time to plant trees and bushes. If I line the back fence with bushes to block the view of the trashy, grassy alley, I am going to get them at cut-rate prices or not at all.

Butterfly bushes can grow very tall and they will always attract butterflies with their blooms. I could get crepe mytle going, but that is so common around here. The question is, "Who does NOT have a crepe myrtle bush?" The list is small.

Separating Weeds from Plants
Weed seeds are distributed through the soil, and they last for decades without rotting. Some gardeners fear composting weeds, which are fresh and green, ready to activate the pile. Others never think of composting them on the spot by stretching them out where they were pulled, to shade the soil and keep their cousins from joining the upward growth.

Christian denominations no longer separate the weeds from the good plants. Instead, they are prone to harvest and sow weed seeds, saying, "Look at how fast they grow!"

Discerning the spirits is a primary task of all believers. The weedy growth of false doctrine is everywhere, but few want to do anything except praise the weeds.

Koine - WELS Panhandlers - Fakes a Soccer Injury

Koine tried to give the impression they had an accident, but the van was not damaged and no one was hurt.

So they asked for donations on their Facebook page and posted the above picture.

Donations? Are they a charity? They charge a $3,000 fee to show up, for assaulting ear drums with their Spike Jones arrangements and secular songs. "I pulled my collar tight against the calling crowd."

Is that a coaching hymn? Does it even make sense?

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Brett Meyer Tackles UOJ Again

Bad luck Brian has nothing but bad luck.

Polluted WELS Blog
Anonymous Anonymous said...
What now depends upon whether you are a pastor or layman. If you are a layman and your pastor preaches the Word of God faithfully and administers the sacraments rightly, stay. If not, leave. Find a congregation whose pastor does. If one can't be found, seek like minded brethren, form a congregation, and call a faithful pastor.

If you are a pastor, stop the marking and start the avoiding. If part of your congregation follows you out, then remain independent until you and your congregation find a body that is faithful to the Word both in profession and in practice. There's a veritable alphabet soup to explore.

Whatever your situation, it will require a tremendous amount of resolve, perseverance, and legwork on your part. However, you will be amazed at the depth of your spiritual growth when you've emerged at the other end of the process.

The Lord will never leave you nor forsake you.
July 9, 2014 at 12:19 PM
Blogger Robin D Fish Jr said...
Don't write off the Association of Confessional Lutheran Churches (ACLC). A year ago I would have suggested ELDoNA as well. That now depends on whether or not you believe in objective justification.
July 9, 2014 at 1:27 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"The atonement was Christ's complete and full payment for the world's sins. The sins of the whole world were laid upon Christ as the perfect and sinless sacrifice and He paid the all sufficient price for them."

Even the sin of unbelief?
July 9, 2014 at 2:45 PM
Blogger Brett Meyer said...
Anonymous asks, "Even the sin of unbelief?"

Yes, Christ died and paid for all sins including the sin of unbelief.

Everyone who was born not believing in Christ alone is or has been guilty of the sin of unbelief. It is not the unforgivable sin. Romans 11:23, "And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be graffed in: for God is able to graff them in again." This verse shows that Christ died and paid for the sin of unbelief.

UOJ contends that Christ was forgiven for every sin that was laid upon Him and His forgiveness is our forgiveness since He died in our place - (some versions of UOJ in the WELS have also taught that since the world's sins were laid on Christ they were taken off of us, thus making the world sinless) therefore the whole unbelieving world has been forgiven all sin.

In reality this forgiveness includes the sin of unbelief which Christ died and paid for - which has lead to the charge that UOJ teaches abject Universalism since the whole unbelieving world has been forgiven their sin of unbelief. Some have confessed a version of UOJ in which unbelief is the only damning sin which caused some to teach that Hell is full of forgiven and righteous unbelievers - or saints.

Scriptural truth is that all sins including the sin of unbelief were paid for by Christ's atoning death on the cross. All those who, by the gracious gift of Godly contrition and faith in Christ alone, look to Him for the forgiveness of sins and salvation, receive it. All those who remain in unbelief remain under God's wrath and condemnation - clearly not in His grace.

I contend that the false gospel of Universal Objective Justification (UOJ)has replaced Christ's Gospel of one Justification Solely by Faith in Christ Alone in the Lutheran Synods. There is not one tenet of UOJ which doesn't contradict Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions.

Thank you for your question.
In Christ,
July 9, 2014 at 3:32 PM
Anonymous Scott E. Jungen said...
Speaking with your WELS District President might seem like a good idea....shall we ask Pastor Paul Rydecki how that worked for him?
July 9, 2014 at 4:48 PM
Blogger Matthias Flach said...
Scott, you're right. The DP will always side with the synod against the pastor, and will almost always side with a congregation against the pastor.

Pastors are easily replaced. Congregations (and their CMOs) are not.
July 9, 2014 at 5:15 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"It's clear that the WELS is drifting further and further away from true Lutheranism."

In many ways it is lurching toward true Lutheranism, a reaction to American Evangelicalism.

"It's clear that the WELS is drifting closer and closer to generic Protestantism."

Many laypeople are, and not a few teachers and pastors; a better question is when did we not consider ourselves generic Protestants?

"It's clear that WELS leaders are unable or unwilling to exercise discipline against those who introduce and promote false doctrine and practice."

Sometimes the fish rots from the head. Not always, but in too many cases.

"It's clear that the WELS is hostile to those who cling to true Lutheran doctrine and practice."

Not hostile. Unnecessarily wary, yeah. If dudes can wear Hawaiian shirts and blue jeas and sport a cool hand-held microphone, then a neighboring pastor can wear a clergy collar.

"It's clear that the WELS cares more about outward peace than true unity."

This is easily overcome by speaking the truth (in love).

"It's clear that the WELS is decidedly anti-sacramental."

Well, DUH. Welcome to Calvinism and Pietism 101. "That's too Catholic!" Again, simply rebuffed by Catechesis. Not easily, but simply.

"It's clear that I could continue this list ad naseum. "

It's an honest take, but better to offer solutions than a litany of sins; anyone can do that.
July 9, 2014 at 9:22 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I see your dilemma, Brett. So if the sins of the world were laid on Christ as you say, where are they in relation to an unbeliever?
July 10, 2014 at 6:51 AM
Blogger Brett Meyer said...
Anonymous, "I see your dilemma, Brett. So if the sins of the world were laid on Christ as you say, where are they in relation to an unbeliever?"

Scripture teaches that the sins of the world were laid on Christ to pay for them. John 8:24 teaches that those who do not have the gracious gift of the Holy Spirit's faith in Christ alone remain in their sins and will die in them - I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins. and also Mark 11:26, But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses. - clearly they were not removed from the unbelieving world, nor were they forgiven by God, as the false gospel of Objective Justification teaches.

The Lutheran Synods continue to teach men, women and children the false gospel of Objective Justification which establishes a false object of faith - a supposed prior justification without faith. Whereas the Holy Spirit's faith worked graciously through the Means of Grace has Christ alone as it's object and in Whom it solely trusts.

In Christ,
Brett Meyer
July 10, 2014 at 8:57 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
So I'm confused. So all the sins of the world were laid on Jesus, except those who are unbelievers? Or were they laid on Jesus, only to be given back to the unfaithful?
July 10, 2014 at 11:36 AM
Blogger Brett Meyer said...
Anonymous said...
So I'm confused. So all the sins of the world were laid on Jesus, except those who are unbelievers? Or were they laid on Jesus, only to be given back to the unfaithful?

Both of the propositions you offer are wrong.

The sins of the whole world were laid upon Christ and He paid for them. Isaiah 53:6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.

All those who by the Grace of God are given the gift of faith which trusts in Christ alone are forgiven all sin, are adopted as sons and are saved eternally. Acts 10:43 To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins. And To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.

All those who do not have the gracious gift of faith which trusts solely in Christ alone remain (continue) under God's wrath and condemnation. John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And John 3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. neither are they forgiven without faith in Christ. Mark 11:26, But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.

The Atonement was Christ's payment for the world's sins. It was not the removal of those sins from anyone who does not have faith in Christ. This is as Scripturally true for all those before the Atonement as it is for everyone after the Atonement. As noted above, Christ is apprehended as Propitiation and Mediator solely through the gracious gift of faith which trusts in Christ alone, worked solely through the Means of Grace.

Unbelievers have not apprehended Christ through faith and therefore He does not mediate their Sin with God the Father and therefore they are not declared justified or righteous as the false gospel of Objective Justification teaches.

I hope this helps remove the confusion.
In Christ,
Brett Meyer
July 10, 2014 at 12:08 PM
Blogger Brett Meyer said...
Source of the above Scripture quotation:

Acts 26:18 To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.
July 10, 2014 at 12:10 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
They weren't propositions. I was clarifying your position by asking questions.

The sins of all men have been laid on Christ and he paid the debt owed; believers and unbelievers alike.

Good so far, Brett?

Got that, Anonymous?

Polluted WELS Answers Matt Westra

Matt is the new Joel Lillo

For Mequon grads who cannot find embedded links - 
Pastor Matt Westra left a comment for us. Let’s read through it. I’ll put his words in red.
I was sent this link by a classmate and would like to respond. (I realize I am over a week late but nothing goes away on the Internet.) As the pastor who planned and led this I would like it to be said that this picture is neither from a worship service or a concert and so I don't know why you are asking the question. 

So, it wasn’t a worship service OR a concert? Interesting. What was it then? 
(It truly is an "impertinent question" as it was never described or thought to be either a worship service or a rock concert by anyone putting the event together or anyone in attendance. There was a worship service but the author pretty clearly knows nothing about how that was led.) 

Are you referring to the specific picture that I used? Is that the issue--that this specific picture was taken when Koine performed at this mysterious non-worship, non-concert thing and not when they performed at the worship service? The official summary of the convention says that Koine performed at the opening service. So even if this particular photograph isn’t of the opening service, the point remains the same.

I’d be happy to post pictures specifically taken from at the worship service, but I haven’t been able to find any pictures of a worship service. Not a Lutheran service anyway with reverence and all the usual ceremonies, you know, like the Confessions say.

Whoever is the brave anonymous blogger who wrote this was obviously not there and did not bother to see if what he said about Koine and this picture was accurate and true. (Just briefly looking over this blog it seems that lies and inaccuracy are a theme.) 

See? This is the patented WELS method. Don’t argue the facts, just shut down the argument with sarcastic insults.

If someone is genuinely concerned about what this is actually a picture of you can look me up by my google account and e-mail me. As for me I have fed the troll enough and will not dialogue on an anonymous blog that very clearly has no interest in truth or accuracy.

Again, more of the WELS method. This was a public event, Matt. Why not just tell us all what the picture is about? Why the need to contact you personally? So you can make a list of the dissenters? 

Basically what you’re saying is, “Don’t worry. This is totally not what it looks like. It’s something else, but I won’t tell you what it is.” 

If you care so much about truth and accuracy, why not just tell us the truth?

Here's a link to the youth rally Facebook page. And here's the youth rally Instagram page. Maybe someone can scour the pictures and find some that depict the Lutheran worship service that Matt claims took place. I haven't been able to find any.


Der Schwarz Schaf said...
Well, well, so this blog is full of lies. This Matt fellow should then have pointed them out, correct? Is not such the proper procedure if he loves the truth so very much? Experience with the WELS sickopaths has shown the only truth they are really interested in is that nothing allowed anywhere in WELS is bad, wrong, or sinful. They miss the point that while that might be true sometimes, things allowed can be UNLUTHERAN! That's the point! Talk about dense! Heiliges Kanonenrohr!
Matthias Flach said...
Black Sheep, that's the way it works. Matt has the right last name, so he can make accusations without providing proof. I have the wrong last name, so I can't make accusations even if I do provide proof.
OCP said...
Techincally Pastor Westra is correct, although I'm not sure why he wouldn't elaborate. I was at the Rally, and the picture is from one of the Morning Devotions that Pastor Westra led. His spoken devotions (he led two of them) were excellent, but the stage set-up was exactly the same as it was for the Opening Service, except for Pastor Westra's visual aids, and an extra music stand that served as a podium during the Opening Service. I'm not sure how a "Morning Devotion" is something that is not "thought to be a worship service by anyone putting the event together or anyone in attendance," but that is a question that hopefully Pastor Westra will return to answer.

Matthias Flach said...
No, OCP, technically Pastor Westra is wrong. A morning devotion is absolutely worship. What else would it be?

This is a prime example of the WELS method. Evade and insult.

Anonymous Comment:

Higher Things is not the official LCMS youth gathering. It is sponsored by a relatively small group of committed Confessional Lutherans within the LCMS. The youth gatherings sponsored officially by the LCMS are much worse than anything the WELS does. As far as I know, the only synodically-sponsored youth gatherings that consistently have liturgical worship, with real hymns, etc., are those sponsored by the ELS.

More WELS Pollution

Two More Impertinent Questions

Since Matt loved my last two questions, I have two more. Before we play, take a look at these two pictures, shared with me by a loyal reader. One is a picture of the closing service at the youth rally and the other is a picture of a secular concert at the youth rally.


Here are my questions.

1. Can you tell which picture is the worship service and which is the secular concert?
2. What does it say that you can't tell the difference?


For comparison's sake

Below are two pictures from services at Higher Things (LCMS) youth retreats. Notice anything in these pictures you don't see in the pictures from the WELS youth rally?

Polluted WELS Comment - Synod Tactics - Recovery

Polluted WELS Comment:
Anonymous said...
I stumbled upon your web page today and have read through almost all the posts. The title of your page, "Polluted WELS" definitely caught my attention.

Although I am not a pastor, my congregation went through something your's seems to be going through. This was a few years ago. A bunch of the vocal leaders in my church wanted contemporary worship. Our pastor did not. Neither did a large "silent majority" of our congregation.

The WELS officials (not sure about their titles) came in and said we needed to have contemporary worship to grow. I asked where in the bible our mandate was to "grow."

The answer given was the so-called great commission. I pointed out that Jesus simply told us to go out and preach the gospel in that passage. I cited all the passages I could think of where Jesus promoted faithfulness over worldly success. And how he warned of the leaven that infects the whole lump and how he ws always talking about false teachings coming from within the church in those places.

I even pointed out that the ministry of the old testament prophets and even Jesus's own ministry would be considered a failure by WELS standards.

This did not sit well with the WELS officials, but it helped some others in our congregation to speak out and rally around keeping our church traditional.

I have to admit, at that time I didn't really know what the term "confessional lutheran" meant. I was really more into just keeping things conservative. I wanted my worship service to be like they always had been from when I was growing up.

I've learned a lot since then, and I do think we should be changing. But we should be changing by becoming more confessional, not less. Like have communion more often (even every Sunday?). Or by stressing the means of grace more.

So what happened at our church was this. The ones who wanted contemporary worship went off and formed their own church along with members from other local churches. Other congregations in the area were upset that this new church got synod funding and that it was taking some of their members away.

Our pastor gladly let the trouble makers go, and we encouraged anyone who wanted contemporary worship to go to that church instead.

It hurt our numbers and our offerings for a while. But many of us dug a little deeper into our pockets to make sure we could keep our pastor and our church. Now, we have a smaller group, but we are at least a like-minded congregation that can worship with a liturgy and without all the fighting and back-stabbing that was going on. It's much better.

So I don't know if you live in a bigger community with many WELS churches, but if you do, maybe you could send those vocal supporters of contemporary worship off to another congregation that already does that. I don't know if that's a normal thing you can do as a pastor, but it worked out in our situation.

My answer is probably not what you were asking about, but I wanted to tell you our story to let you know you are not alone. I will pray that you can keep your congregation and not give in to contemporary worship.

July 10, 2014 at 11:25 AM

When the Rain Starts, Real Gardening Begins - And I Sip Coffee

Supercell formation - picture source.
I had to hit the books - or rather - the Internet, for the way storms add nitrogen to the soil. The rain brings down fixed or usable nitrogen and lightning strikes also create fixed nitrogen. Secondarily, certain bacteria fix nitrogen in the soil, and they definitely like a cool drive to survive and thrive.

Precipitation creates heat, which drives the cloud higher, and that encourages more precipitation. The anvil shape forms when the cloud cannot go higher and stretches out at the top. Anvil clouds mean a big storm is underneath or soon to break loose.

Falling hail means the precipitation is so wild that the rain coming down keeps being swept up into the cloud again, forming larger and large hailstones. They are finally heavy enough to fall to the ground. The longer the upsweep continues, the worse the storm and the bigger the stones.

An example of the free-living bacteria is Azotobacter. Symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria such as Rhizobium usually live in the root nodules of legumes (such as peas, alfalfa, and locust trees). Here they form a mutualistic relationship with the plant, producing ammonia in exchange for carbohydrates. Because of this relationship, legumes will often increase the nitrogen content of nitrogen-poor soils.

I want to know how the plants figured out this swap between carbohydrates and fixed nitrogen. 

A day of rain is going to do far more for my gardens than anything I do. All I did was prepare the land to benefit from the rain. 

  1. Holds the rain and channels it gently down to the soil creatures.
  2. Feeds and shades the soil creatures, who till and fertilize the soil.
  3. Slows evaporation of the moisture.
  4. Prevents wind erosion of the best soil on top.
  5. Attracts birds with an abundance of insects and earthworms, so they devour the bad insects and grubs.
  6. Produces fixed nitrogen by absorbing nitrogen for decomposition and then releasing it slowly.

I also sowed with abundance, and that involved very little work. At one point I looked at the empty seed packets and thought, "Butterfly weed is planted already? I wonder where." And again, "All the bush beans are planted?"

This fact troubles me. In the past, most Christian groups once placed a priority on teaching the Word, even on knowing the Scriptures as an end in itself. For example, in the South, children compete in Bible Bowls for who can memorize the most verses, even entire books of the Bible. And they have traditionally taught faith in Christ.

In contrast, faith has little to do with most denominations today. The leaders are in love with entertainment, business methods, demographics, and statistics. Since they do not believe in the Word, they do not teach the Gospel. They teach narcissism to narcissists, who should have gotten their fix from Oprah or Tony Robbins. Clergy even want to be coaches or pay to be coached. One district president charges a $1300 annual fee to coach clergy.

If nothing is sown, there is no harvest at all.

A Perfect Ending for Gardening

Sassy and I went to Lowe's, where she normally stays in the car with the windows wide open. She loves going on errands but always barks at me to hurry up as I go inside. A Lowe's employee said, "Someone has a dog along." I told her that I leave Sassy where she can watch me shop inside the gardening center.

The Lowe's employee said, "Bring her inside. We love having dogs here. We get to pet them." Sassy was delighted to come inside. She stays close by and obeys my hand signals - usually. She had to check out some alternate aisles when I went to the mulch section. She comes back again so quietly that I call her "Ghost."

It was another almost-raining-but-just-stifling-hot mornings, so Sassy stretched out on the cold cement while I checked out. Sassy barked her happy barks - very loudly - as I finished.

I needed more mulch for the back garden and a bag to Photoshop the rose garden, where weeds slipped through the area between the first roses and the second group.

Our helper showed up to work on the back garden. I now have 75 feet of fence  planted with hollyhocks, pole beans, bush beans, Malabar spinach, pumpkins, and gourds. Soaker hose runs along the top of the fence. When the water is running, birds perch on it to drink and bath. In the artificial rain below, more birds gather to drink and clean their feathers. I have some shallow bowls placed to catch water for their ceremonies.

Birds also gather at the faucet, where someone laid brick long ago. This produces another shallow bathing and drinking spa. Our yard is constantly alive with birds, and we are getting some butterflies too.

Butterflies obtain salts and nutrition from mud and manure.

A puddling area of mud or manure is appreciated by butterflies. The front faucet area is frequently muddy, since it lacks a bricked area underneath it.

The ideal lawn and garden not necessarily friendly to all of God's Creation. A trashy yard is friendlier to them than a sculpted one. Supposed weeds like Queen Ann's Lace are attractive to bees and butterflies. Some birds nest in the ground, in tall grass and weeds. They always look annoyed when disturbed in any way.

I do not want to emulate Dogpatch, but I see tall plants as havens and food sources for a wider variety of life in the yard. We have a grassy-weedy no man's land between the houses on Joye Street and our street. That is where I sowed Queen Ann's Lace by tossing the seed-heads into the area.

I can picture some very tall varieties of Butterfly Bush lining the back fence some day. That would make a green screen that also attracts butterflies and other insects while serving as a place to store natural bird food for the winter (larvae).

Surprise Visit
Sassy supervised the latest effort, sitting in the shade and bringing her ball to me to toss. I already had the fence garden extended and watered, but I needed total mulch and newspapers on the future vegetable garden. Since it is mid-July, I decided against planting every row, but that might change in later. Spinach is a good crop to plant in the fall and harvest in the early spring.

We initially covered alternate rows with mulch and newspaper. Planting in the grassy row means digging it up, which is already done on the other side. We covered the rest of the garden with newspapers galore and cypress mulch.

Sassy began barking when we were almost done. She ran to the back gate, which I could not see. I assumed she was talking to the pit bull across the street.

When I was laying down the last few newspapers, our helper's family showed up on the other side, where the sunny garden is (tomatoes, sunflowers).

"I'll have one of everything."

"So that is why Sassy barked! She was happy to see you." I invited them to the backyard, so they came around. I had two little helpers to pick up more of my pruning work. They wanted to help again, as they do whenever they come along with their father. They  get paid, which was especially fun this time, because...

Just as we left the backyard, the ice cream truck turned onto our street. I yelled, "Run! Run!" Their mother saw he was already slowing down for them.

The kids had their money and could barely suppress their grins. Sassy joined them at the truck, because she loves ice cream treats. Instead, we had frozen yogurt inside.

Today we should enjoy the long-promised rain. The new mulch and newspapers will block grass and weeds from growing, and soil creatures will do the tilling for me.

One person calculated that the earthworm creates as much fine soil in his castings as he has food to eat. That means all the mulch and newspapers will turn into the best soil, teeming with soil creatures, from the little-known springtails to God's own plowman - the red wiggler.

From a WELS Layman - On Intrepid Lutherans

In Whom Do You Trust?
by Mr. Vernon Kneprath
… “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves” (Matthew 7:15). When people hear the words – prophet, pastor, minister, reverend, priest, pope, elder, deacon, monk, nun, religion, church – many automatically assume that whatever these people and groups say and do is God-pleasing truth. Not so fast Jesus says – don’t be fooled by outward appearances – watch out. Just because a person comes to you bearing the title pastor, just because a group of people claims to be a church or a religion, just because the music and pastor are hipper and trendier – that doesn’t mean they are providing eternally soul nourishing truth to those who are listening to them. Watch out for false prophets Jesus says and for good reason. “Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness” (2 Corinthians 11:14-15) …

These words are taken from a sermon preached by a WELS pastor in recent weeks to his congregation. The words of this pastor sound familiar to me; and for good reason; they are familiar because they faithfully reflect the words of Scripture.

Compare the words above to the words from a WELS Devotional Essay and Discussion, Outreach That Any Congregation Calling Itself ‘Evangelical Lutheran’ Will Do”, dated May 18, 2011:

… Evangelical Lutherans who are united in faith, trust one another. I trust my brothers in the WELS. Like me, they have been trained in the Word by the Word – all blessed by the Holy Spirit. They have been Called by God to serve in different communities as gospel-sharers to different cultures – ministering to a variety of Calling bodies. I can’t begin to know how they wrestle with the unique challenges in their congregations and communities. I trust they understand our Savior’s mission to preach and teach the gospel to those inside and outside their church’s walls. I trust they grapple with balancing their ministries and family lives like I do. I trust they, like me, work to nurture and reach out with the gospel – doing one without leaving the other undone. When I hear that a fellow pastor uses different worship styles than I do – I trust their use of Christian freedom and rejoice that they are sharing the gospel in a way they feel is best for their circumstances. When I hear that a fellow pastor is having a pumpkin-fest, a children’s carnival or some other unique gathering – I don’t think for a second that he believes pumpkins are creating faith or that his cleverness can make the gospel more powerful. I know exactly what he’s doing – he’s being shrewd in dealing with his community’s unbelievers so he can gather an audience. In time he will unleash the power of the gospel for the salvation of everyone who believes. I trust him. In the rare event that he gets a tad careless in his practices, I know he has a circuit pastor and a district president. I trust them too. And I trust that should these leaders offer loving cautions to a pastor/missionary that he would humbly take their cautions under advisement …

These words in this essay are unfamiliar to me, because I find no supporting Scriptural references. I see claims made to trust, but I find no evidence or basis upon which to place that trust.

Trust ...
    … is not blind.

    … is not automatic.

    … is the result of evidence seen and actions experienced.

    … is earned.
The Bible is clear that we are to put our trust in the Lord.

The Bible is clear that we are to test what we hear from men against what God has said in his Word.

Does membership in the WELS exclude anyone from the warnings Jesus gave? Surely we still recognize that there are hypocrites in every visible church - even the WELS.

Is association with a visible church body the basis for a “blind” trust?

Should variations in practice within a visible church, whether it be with regard to worship or any other church activity, not be tested against Scripture?

What are the lessons from Scripture regarding trust? How trustworthy did Israel prove to be throughout the Old Testament, in remaining faithful to God and his promises? How trustworthy did many of the Jews prove to be in Jesus’ time? History, whether it be recorded in the Bible or in history books since then, give us many examples of the visible church straying from God, over and over again.

There is only one deserving of our complete trust, the One and the Almighty. We have all the evidence we need for the basis of that trust in Holy Scripture. But, like the Thessalonians, we need to use God's Word to test everything of and from men, rejecting the harmful and holding on to the good (paraphrase of 1 Thessalonians 5:21).