Sunday, July 13, 2014

Largest Bird Feeder in Northwest Arkansas.
The Wormhaven Bird Spa

Norma Boeckler painted this robin, the blue bird, and the cardinals.

Rather than buy high-priced bird food from the specialty stores, I grow food for the birds, provide shelter for their families, and multiply the places where they can drink, bathe, and preen.

Whether we leave by the back door or front, birds on the ground take flight and land nearby, waiting for their next chance. Our birds population has grown with the gardens in the front and back, the acreage devoted to mulch and earthworms.

We improved the rose garden by putting a layer of newspaper and mulch on the grassy weeds that wormed their way through. The garden in the back was enlarged with newspaper and mulch too. The result in both places is the scattering of newsprint and mulch. I am not sure if it is more for nesting material or food - or both.

A used nest fell to the ground. It was solid with mud and strawy building material, with a garnish of gold foil. I can imagine other birds saying, "Why can't we have gold on our nest, like Bill and Rosemary's?" I left the gold in the grass to be used again.

Newsprint would be handy for nesting materials, but the soil life under the newspaper would be delicious for supper. I water on the dry days, so decomposition increases and the soil population zooms.

No wonder bird watchers buy mealy worms or raise them at home for their blue birds. Blue birds are delicate, small, and great insect eaters. They love suet in the winter.

Cardinals love sunflower seeds and pair off in the warm months. In the winter the males are not competing for a mate, so they will all eat together at the feeder. The males are stunning in their red splendor, and the females are equally attractive in their more modest feathers.


Grossbeaks are well named. Their powerful beaks mean they are experts at cracking nuts and hard seeds.

I missed the conference where they decided who would eat seeds, who would dive for fish, and who would specialize in insects. Even more complicated in God's Creation is their division of the food in each plot of land. They do not like competition, so one yard will have a single pair of cardinals, a single pair of robins, etc.

Except some decided to work as flocks, so entire flocks of starlings, sparrows, and cedar waxwings will land together, eat together, and  fly off together. That takes a lot of planning.


Mao drove off the sparrows - or at least his slaves did - and famine followed. Birds are the best helpers in the garden.


Starlings are beautiful, intelligent, and ferocious in eating insects and weed seeds. Why do people despise them? They are common - and they are pigs at the feeder. But we could never invent such a creature for doing good in our gardens. They are the only bird I have seen strolling through the garden to eliminate insects. They think they are just eating, but they are balancing nature.

Black-capped chickadee.

Chickadees are called the acrobats of the yard. They are exceptionally friendly to those who feed them. A cardinal cracks sunflower seeds in his powerful beak, but a chickadee holds the seed with his feet and hammers it open with his pointed beak.

Who decided to divide those tasks?

The Bird Spa
We go to a dental spa, where the dentist has changed the dental experience to make it more relaxing for the patients. They give us massages, bake fresh cookies, and treat us patients to the best care. Patients flock to them from all over, and come back to remain under their care.

People laugh at my concept of a spa for birds, but my yard is especially popular with them because of the attention I pay to their needs.

For the dry summer I am giving the birds a host of stations for their water needs. Every watering station has one to five shallow bird baths positioned to catch the fresh water from the normal watering chores. When the new dishes arrive, I will have about 12 pans catching water naturally, one from the AC condensate drain, the rest from soaker hoses.

If you look on Amazon, a bird bath starts at $30 and increases rapidly in price, because it is called a bird bath. However, a shallow dish costs $1 to $5 because of its humble name. They look almost the same and hold water in the same way. Birds want the safety of shallow water and enjoy fresh water. They do not care what the dishes cost.

I will probably get a birdbath heater for the winter, because birds need melted water all winter long. In Midland the birds lined up for my heated birdbath, two by two, and took turns splashing in that water. Everyone who got to see the line for the public bath enjoyed the sight.

Mulch and compost will also help feed them naturally during the winter, with an ample supply of creatures still at work. I will part with money for seed and suet, but the yard will provide most of the food, a wide variety of shelter, and clean water.

This beautiful birdbath can be re-created with a little bit of creativity.

Joel Lillo's Non-Apology and Non-Retraction

 WELS Pastor Joel Lillo said... on Polluted WELS
First of all, I'd like to apologize for my attempts at humor in previous posts. Yes, I think that Greg Jackson is reprehensible in his attempts to smear the character of people with whom he disagrees and I think that Brett Meyer is completely misguided in his support of Mr. Jackson, but my comments were a bit crude and I do apologize for them. I do not, however, apologize for my opinions of them.

As to Todd Friel and why he didn't go on to seminary... I thought I would comment because he was a member of my graduating classes at MLPS ('81) and NWC ('85). When we graduated, I don't think I was aware that he wasn't going on to Sem with us. While I can't speak for him with absolute certainty, I don't think that fear of GA was the biggest reason. His subsequent comments about not "being saved" back then indicate that he, at least, had some mixed feelings about God at the time. Personally, I think that's the biggest reason that he didn't go on.

Incidentally, Todd has a very intelligent broadcast. He takes a very serious look at the world of Evangelical Christianity and also combines it with some pretty entertaining humor. I've been listening for quite some time and I'm suitably impressed with the things God has done through his ministry. Give the show a listen on You just might end up enjoying it more than humorless confessional Lutherans have a right to.
July 13, 2014 at 6:25 PM


GJ - Joel is a true ecumenist. He loves every denomination except his own.

The Fourth Sunday after Trinity, 2014. Holy Communion, The Visible Word of Grace

The Fourth Sunday after Trinity, 2014 

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

Bethany Lutheran Church, 10 AM Central Daylight Time

The Hymn # 452 The Son of God 1:10
The Confession of Sins
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16
The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19
The Epistle and Gradual 
The Gospel 
Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed p. 22
The Sermon Hymn #531 Come Ye Disconsolate 1:15

Holy Communion - The Visible Word of Grace

The Communion Hymn # 308 Invited Lord 1:63
The Preface p. 24
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord's Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
The Hymn # 413 I Walk in Danger 1:67

KJV Romans 8:18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 19 For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. 20 For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope, 21 Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. 23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.

KJV Luke 6:36 Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful. 37 Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven: 38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. 39 And he spake a parable unto them, Can the blind lead the blind? shall they not both fall into the ditch? 40 The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shall be as his master. 41 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but perceivest not the beam that is in thine own eye? 42 Either how canst thou say to thy brother, Brother, let me pull out the mote that is in thine eye, when thou thyself beholdest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the mote that is in thy brother's eye.

Fourth Sunday After Trinity
Lord God, heavenly Father, who art merciful, and through Christ didst promise us, that Thou wilt neither judge nor condemn us, but graciously forgive us all our sins, and abundantly provide for all our wants of body and soul: We pray Thee, that by Thy Holy Spirit Thou wilt establish in our hearts a confident faith in Thy mercy, and teach us also to be merciful to our neighbor, that we may not judge or condemn others, but willingly forgive all men, and, Judging only ourselves, lead blessed lives in Thy fear, through Thy dear Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one true God, world without end. Amen.

Holy Communion - The Visible Word of Grace

When two things are neglected - the Word and justification by faith - the value of Holy Communion is lost and forgotten.

The foundation is essential - everything happens in the Christian Church through the Word and the Holy Spirit, since both work together at all times and never apart from each other.

Congregations have meetings, socials, and trips to theme parks, but these are not the work of the Holy Spirit. A meeting about doctrine would be, but those are few, because people are afraid of an open show of disunity, though they are not afraid of the consequences of hiding it.

One LCA "evangelism specialist" told ministers that the way to grow was baseball tournaments. "We got all our new members that way." Imagine if Jesus had thought of that.

Because people have forgotten the foundation of the Word, they look for outward success (their own measurements) and crave something that will satisfy that success. If someone is hearing the Gospel - just one person - that is success. The Biblical references to this are realistic. If a pastor can remain a believer, that alone is a success. Many have shipwrecked themselves due to a variety of temptations, from the carnal to the spiritual.

The purpose of the Word is singular - to create and sustain faith in Jesus the Savior.  The entire Bible is centered on this one theme. The Scriptures are an extended sermon about Jesus. As the Apostle John said - so they might believe in Him and by believing have forgiveness and salvation.

One of the best distinctions created about the Word and Sacraments is this - The invisible Word is taught and preached. The Visible Word is proclaimed in the Sacraments of Holy Baptism, Holy Communion, and Absolution.

Someone summarized LCMS sermons (perhaps unfairly) as a long condemnation about something, ending in "but Jesus died for your sins." In fact, everyone is much more eloquent in condemnation than they are in living and teach the Gospel of forgiveness. We can see the historical results, in entire denominations rooted in the condemnation of something and an extended Law effort to remind everyone about that crucial event and what they must do about it - forget faith in Christ.

The dying Church of the Lutheran Confession cannot get over WELS being slow about breaking with the LCMS. The clergy still talk about it as if it happened yesterday. Yet they also love, love, love Fuller Seminary doctrine and tactics - so why make a distinction today? Bad habits die hard, if they ever do at all.

Pietism itself is proof of the disasters awaiting those who neglect the Word and Holy Communion. All American Lutheran denominations were founded in the era of Pietism, so Halle and Spener were untouchables in that era.  Pietism emphasized works over faith and therefore offered Holy Communion rarely. In many places in America, Lutheran churches offered Holy Communion only three times a year. When the frequency went up  to 12, Lutherans in Canada left during the communion hymn - in droves. They still communed only three times a year.

Matthew 26:26-28
26 And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body.
27 And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it;
28 For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.

1 Corinthians Chapter 11

The Words of Institution that we use are a harmony of the Gospels and 1 Corinthians.
One issue is the body and blood of Christ. Given the creative and miraculous power of the Word, we know that God does not distinguish between His Word and His will.
When Jesus ordered the storm to be still, the storm immediately stopped. The Word is dominant over the created order because Jesus is the Lord of Creation.
When Jesus gave commands about the lack of wine, water became the finest wine.
All of His miracles took place through the Word and Holy Spirit.
Making the bread and wine to be merely symbolic is really a subtle evasion about the efficacy of the Word. There are many rationalistic statements made to justify this evasion, but they all fall flat.
Jesus definitely spoke the universal language of the time, Koine Greek. Unlike America, people spoke several languages, their own tribal language, like Latin or Aramaic, and the world language given to us by Alexander the Great - Greek. His Greek general held onto the Holy Land before the Romans grew in power and moved in. Everyone respected Greek culture and the Greek language. It united the civilized world, as Latin did later.
So Jesus did say, "This is My Body. This is My Bood." The verb "is" does exist in Greek and in the New Testament. There is no Aramaic NT from that time. It was written in the universal language. Many people rely on the text of the Bible until they want another text, as they do with the mysterious and never-seen Aramaic New Testament.
How is this possible? The miraculous is revealed to us through the Holy Spirit, and unbelievers simply cannot see or grasp this. Unfortunately, some become unbelievers step by step, rejecting one thing and then another in the Bible.
The miracles of Jesus, which many would never think of denying, support the Real Presence in Holy Communion. Jesus multiplied the loaves in the miraculous feedings. His divine nature was never limited by His human nature, so He appeared before the disciples in the locked room and passed through hostile crowds that wanted to kill Him.
Thus the Body and Blood of Christ can be both symbolic and real in the Lord's Supper because Jesus' Word consecrates the elements.
This must be very important, because Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper before He died for the sins of the world. And the Church practiced communion as a regular part of their services.
Denial of the Real Presence (via Calvin and the Mennonites) made communion less frequent, less important.
The Why of Holy Communion
This is easily answered by the text.
Matthew 26:28 
For this is My Blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.
Holy Communion is justification by faith in its purest form:
It is only for believers. Those who do not believe in Christ or understand His Word cannot grasp what the Lord's Supper is. 
  • It recognizes and highlights the atoning death of Christ, which was prophesied in Isaiah 53 and many other places. The Blood of Christ is the fulfillment of all the animal sacrifices of the Old Testament and the end of them. The one sacrifice of Christ unified all the predictions made in the past, all of them from the Holy Spirit.
  • It conveys the complete forgiveness of sin promised by God. So Holy Communion is an Instrument of God's grace. As Luther said - do not tell me about God's grace and tear down the bridge to it. This visible bridge to God's grace is always available to us and yet it is neglected by many because they see it as less important, or as only symbolic, or as too Catholic.
  • It is individual. As Luther observed, a sermon can fly right over the heads of people. They are distracted. It is not easy to concentrate on one topic for a period of time. But Holy Communion has us receive the visible Gospel. We have the Body and Blood of Christ in our hands, in our mouths, so we hear those Words of Distribution and cannot mistake them. 
  • It is the energy of the Christian life. Forgiveness received and appreciated is the energy of the Gospel affecting all our words and deeds. Everything has been accomplished, by grace, for our forgiveness and salvation. We receive this Gospel in faith as the utmost Good News and this is transformed into patience, generosity, forgiveness, love, and sharing of the Word.

Anonymous Attacks the Gospel on the Polluted WELS Blog -
Brett Meyer Answers

Comments on Polluted WELS Blog:
Blogger Brett Meyer said...
Anonymous at 4:45PM – in Isaiah 53:11 Christ uses the word ‘many’ and not ‘all’. It’s a clear distinction. ReferenceIsaiah 53:6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. Christ here uses the word ‘all’ in reference to the whole world. He doesn’t use the word ‘many’ as he does in verse 11. The doctrine of Objective Justification repeatedly changes the meaning of Christ’s Words.

Regardless of what you may feel my confession of the atonement does to the Gospel the Scripture verses I’ve used to defend my position are clear and do not allow for justification without faith, the payment of debt without faith, the grace of God without faith or redemption and reconciliation without faith in Christ alone.

You support the doctrine of Objective Justification by teaching the whole unbelieving world has been redeemed by Christ’s atonement. Yet there is no Scriptural proof that God ever declares this.
The Christian Book of Concord also rejects the redemption and reconciliation of unbelievers by faithfully confirming redemption and reconciliation are solely by the gracious gift of faith in Christ alone:
BOC: ”there must be faith in Christ by which we are reconciled to God and first obtain the remission of sin.”
BOC: ”58] … because for Christ’s sake we have a sure and firm reconciliation, if you believe, even though sin inhere in your flesh.”
BOC: ”61]… because by faith alone we receive remission of sins and reconciliation”

4] In opposition to both these parties it has been unanimously taught by the other teachers of the Augsburg Confession that Christ is our righteousness not according to His divine nature alone, nor according to His human nature alone, but according to both natures; for He has redeemed, justified, and saved us from our sins as God and man, through His complete obedience; that therefore the righteousness of faith is the forgiveness of sins, reconciliation with God, and our adoption as God’s children only on account of the obedience of Christ, which through faith alone, out of pure grace, is imputed for righteousness to all true believers, and on account of it they are absolved from all their unrighteousness.

“142] But righteousness is faith in the heart. Moreover, sins are redeemed by repentance, i.e., the obligation or guilt is removed, because God forgives those who repent, as it is written in Ezek. 18:21-22. Nor are we to infer from this that He forgives on account of works that follow, on account of alms; but on account of his promise He forgives those who apprehend His promise. Neither do any apprehend His promise, except those who truly believe, and by faith overcome sin and death.”

You also take Romans 5 verse out of context when you teach that the whole unbelieving world has been reconciled to God without faith in Christ. You left out the preceding verse nine which is integral to the statement made in verse ten and shows that those reconciled in verse 10 are justified and saved in verse 9 – verse 10 confirms those justified and reconciled in these verses are also saved eternally – “much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.”
Romans 5:9-10
9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.
10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.

UOJ teaches Universalism by its perversion of these verses to teach universal redemption and reconciliation with God for all unbelievers.

In Christ,
Brett Meyer
July 11, 2014 at 7:03 PM
Blogger Gregory Jackson said...
I didn't know this blog was about me. I thought the topic was "Polluted WELS."
July 11, 2014 at 8:07 PM
Blogger Brett Meyer said...
Anonymous at 5:17pm,

My comment on this thread July 9th, 2014 6:50am
The one thing a few of us contend is that the WELS holds to a false gospel as taught in their doctrine of Universal Objective Justification. No better time than the present to discuss and establish whether or not that doctrine is in harmony with Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions.

Not only is it a supreme endeavor to confess, discuss and defend the chief article of Justification whenever possible, but it also serves to clarify your options when considering 'So what now?'

If WELS is wrong about their doctrine of UOJ, and I contend that it is, then the LCMS and ELS are also wrong and the majority of churches in their fellowship which adhere to it would be out of consideration for 'So what now?'. Individual confessional churches who teach Christ's chief article faithfully and who are affiliated with those synods would be a consideration as well as independent confessional churches and ELDONA.

We couldn't be more on topic. I am waiting for the thread to open which addresses the called workers of the WELS, ELS, LCMS and ELCA duping the laity into financing Thrivent which is distancing itself from any Lutheran identity at light-speed while using their shared financial resources to support murder by abortion. But that is in-fact another topic.

Brett Meyer
July 12, 2014 at 5:13 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Mr. Meyer, you do not understand the sound pattern of words. If the many does not mean all, then Christ does not bear the sins of all. If He does not bear all the the sins of men and pay the debt price for all of them, the atonement becomes limited. You seem to okay with this arrangement.
July 12, 2014 at 5:15 PM
Blogger Brett Meyer said...
It's the doctrine of Objective Justification which abuses the pattern of sound Words.

It is only in the doctrine of UOJ where 'many' means all when it was Christ Himself who dictated the word in the verse to be many.

The imperative to remain faithful to the pattern of sound words is why I posted the quotes from the Christian Book of Concord.

He forgives those who apprehend His promise. Neither do any apprehend His promise, except those who truly believe, and by faith overcome sin and death.”

This statement alone rejects the entire false gospel of Objective Justification - and yet I posted three such quotes and there are many, many more.

”there must be faith in Christ by which we are reconciled to God and first obtain the remission of sin.”
”58] … because for Christ’s sake we have a sure and firm reconciliation, if you believe, even though sin inhere in your flesh.”

Anonymous states, "If He does not bear all the the sins of men and pay the debt price for all of them, the atonement becomes limited. You seem to okay with this arrangement."

Isaiah 53:6 clearly states that the sins of all men were laid upon Christ. Again, nowhere does the Bible teach that the debt of the unbelieving world was removed by Christ at the atonement. The atonement paid for all sins - no limitation. The doctrine of Objective Justification perverts Christ's Word to equate the atonement with justification. UOJ sees that Christ died for the whole world thus it falsely teaches the whole world must be justified. As already proven by Scripture Justification is by the gracious gift of faith in Christ alone. Therefore the Atonement (Christ's completed payment for the world's sins) isn't the same as Justification (an individual receiving Christ' righteousness through faith and being forgiven thereby). Calvinism makes the same error as UOJ in equating the atonement with Justification. The doctrine of Calvinism sees that only a few are saved (justified) and therefore limits the atonement (Christ's payment of sins) to a few. Both doctrines are false but UOJ goes one step further and separates Christ's justification, the forgiveness of sins, from eternal salvation. A good reason why UOJists should stop mocking Calvinists.

So again, I have retained the pattern of sound words and Many means some - not all. And all means everyone. The BOC confirms this as well. There is one justification which is solely by the gracious gift of faith in Christ alone.

In Christ,
Brett Meyer
July 12, 2014 at 6:31 PM
The personal attacks via email from this UOJ fanatic
set a new record in skunkery,
which proves he has nothing else lfet in his arsenic arsenal.