Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Silver Marks - Jeske and Schroeder -
Are Bewitched and Anesthetized by Money

This Photoshop of the Jeske Nebula,
drawing the Dollar Galaxy into its orbit.
was eerily prophetic.
One non-reader sent me a message that Mark Jeske was making $250,000 a year from being on the pan-religious Thrivent Board of Directors - the one that funds Planned Parenthood.

I looked for the Thrivent 990s and found a different figure for 2012.

This line shows him making $139,583 for working 10 hours a week for Thrivent, plus another $31,578.

The extra money is explained in the table -

I was intrigued about the figure used in the email. It could be current. In 2011, Jeske labored 10 hours a week for only 57,333.

His total compensation more than tripled in one year, so another significant increase is not unlikely. However, the Federal 990 forms are only posted up through 2012.

Similarly, the head of Concordia Publishing House head made almost $300,000 and Paul McCain made almost $200,000 in 2012.

Polluted WELS Has Two More Posts


A Travesty Examined, Part Eight

Another presentation at the Experience is It Takes Faith to Build a New Ministry. This presentation will be given by Mark Cares, who, by the way, is an antinomian who recently wrote paper claiming that the law shouldn't be preached to believers.

So, according to Mark Cares, what do you need to start a new ministry? Well, obviously the first thing you need is a divine call, right? You can't just take a new ministry upon yourself, you have to be called by the Holy Spirit to that ministry, right? And then, once you have received a divine call to begin a new ministry, what do you need to build it? This one's a no-brainer, right? You need the gospel in Word and Sacrament, right? Only the Spirit can build a ministry, right?

Nope. Not even close. You don't need a divine call. You don't need the gospel. Here's what you actually need, according to Mark Cares:

  • Having a bold vision that excites people
  • Building a board and staff of bold, passionate, and competent people
  • Instilling a “Go” and “Do” mentality
  • Striving for excellence in all facets of the work
  • Being flexible to the Lord’s leading

It is all about the money, as I will reveal in the newest post.

 Joel Dusek said...
So, evidently it take faith in one's self, organization, and board members. Failure is God's way of teaching you flexibility. That's not ministry, it a self-help group.
August 7, 2014 at 6:55 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Not to mention that the last point is pure enthusiasm. The Lord doesn't do any leading outside of the Word. said...
Saddened is right. A lot more Gospel work could get done. IF our leaders would "Just say NO!!!" To ALL and EVERY CGM piece of junk that arises, right away. Just stop it immediately! Then we could get back to just preaching and teaching. There, easy fix!
Blogger Vernon Knepprath said...

Very blunt, Pastor Spencer. But correct, and so simple, as you said. Stop preaching the wisdom of men; instead preach God's Word. We say it here on these blogs, just as many of us have said it in church council meetings, in voters' meetings, in gatherings of members of our congregations. And increasingly, when it is said in these settings, it is rejected. Rejected as in "That's not good enough". Rejected as in "We've tried that, it's not working, we're not growing". Rejected as in no longer trusting in the power of God and His Word, alone, to bring people to faith and grow the Church.
August 8, 2014 at 5:15 AM

RE: My Worthless Blog

Here's a nice comment:

I'm saddened to see that this blog is much like every other blog that addresses issues in the WELS. It is filled with the same old names of people who spout the same old criticisms. While there is much belly-aching and condemnation of the Wisconsin Synod, there is a woeful lack of actual rhetoric that looks to do something beneficial, to improve the WELS or to fix the problems. If many of you spent half the time actually working for solutions as opposed to just criticizing or calling out everything that is evil in the WELS, perhaps the Synod wouldn't be so bad and more gospel work would be done. Until that happens, blogs like this are pretty worthless.

Before someone can get to work fixing a problem, one must be willing to admit that there is a problem. Most in the WELS aren't willing to admit that there are problems in the WELS. Until that's the case, there's very little that can actually be done to fix things. I'm so sorry that it saddens you to face the fact that there are actual problems in the WELS, but there must be mourning before there is laughing.

This problem is compounded by the fact that not only are most in the WELS unwilling to admit that there are problems, they are even unwilling to tolerate others who dare to claim that there are problems. Telling the truth about the WELS and honestly pointing out problems is grounds for removal from the WELS. 

So how can I work to fix the problems when the simple act of identifying problems in need of fixing is grounds for termination?

Blogger Vernon Knepprath said...
"Saddened" fails to recognize that most posts in these blogs and many of the comments offer "something beneficial, to improve the WELS or to fix the problems". It's called the "Means of Grace". I suspect "Saddened" must be lumping the "Means of Grace" into what he says is "just criticizing or calling out everything that is evil in the WELS".

I apologize if I mis-stated the gender of "Saddened", since "Anonymous" is gender neutral.

August 7, 2014 at 6:59 PM

Blogger Ben Wink said...
Very well put, Vernon. With every new examination of this conference, it just becomes plain as the nose on one's face: If you want to be a leader in the church, lead with the Scriptures and the Confessions. Use the Means of Grace. Grow in the Word and let the Holy Spirit continue to do His work in your heart. Start with these tools that you should already have at your disposal.

Why are some so quick to jump on the secular flavor of the month bandwagon when it comes to ministry? Is not God's Word sufficient? Would it have been so terribly difficult to have a leadership conference that is set up with actual pastors, teachers, and missionaries talking about their individual fields? They could talk about their challenges and how with the Lord's help they learned from mistakes and continued to study the Word.

Why not have a Bible study that shows the great leaders in the Old and New Testaments and what made them great leaders of God's people and His Church? Why not go over the historical record in order to see what Luther went through in becoming a leader?

That would have been a conference that wouldn't draw objections. It would have been Bible based with discussion about actual experiences in actual congregations and classrooms and missions. Faith would have been strengthened and fellow believers would be encouraged.

Instead the Word apparently isn't good enough anymore in order to have a successful church and successful church leadership. You need business consultants, metrics, and holistic medicine to be effective in today's McChurches. How disgusting.
August 7, 2014 at 9:02 PM

WELS loves to tell everyone how to be pure Lutherans like them,
while shamelessly aping every crackpot on TV or in prison.
This can of WELS Rustoleum symbolizes their demonic ministry,
turning believers into Piestistic rationalists.

Narrow-Minded Lutheran Finds a Strange Harmony with Grace in Action (WELS) and ELCA

Greetings in our Triune God, Pastor Jackson!
I pray all is well with you and yours.  Please give Sassy a kiss for me.

Please check out ELCA's homepage, then read the quote from WLC President Johnson:
"GIA is passionate about leadership training and support - their coaching model is both impactful and practicable. I really appreciate their focus on supporting initiatives that powerfully share Jesus...or supporting the men and women who are God's hands and feet who take Christ to a hurting world. I am honored to partner with GIA."

"God's work, our hands," on ELCA's home page is very similar to President Johnson's, "...supporting the men and women who are God's hands and feet ..."  Are they going to the same gimmick seminars?

While I am not trying to downgrade helping others and telling the Gospel,  is raising children not pleasing to God?  Is being a husband or wife not pleasing to God?  Is being a good employer or employee not pleasing to God?  Are our earthly vocations in which we have been placed not ways to serve our neighbor?

Also,  note ELCA and LWF sending help to the Palestinians in Gaza.  While I feel sorry for the innocent people on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,  the key to fixing that problem is for both Jews and Mohammedans to repent and stop rejecting Christ.  We pray in our home every day for the Holy Ghost to bring them to faith in Christ.  However, I wonder if ELCA and LWF going to help the Christians being slaughtered and forced from their homes in Iraq?
Thanks for your work.  Your "little blog" is one of the few bastions of Lutheran orthodoxy.
Regards in Christ,



GJ - I am glad you mentioned that, Narrow. I am almost numb from all the blasphemies erupting from the Jeske coven.

You identified the old "God has no hands but yours," which the Methodists used until they melted like a July frost.

Pietism degenerates into rationalistic do-goodism, as Rick Warren and others have already demonstrated. WELS and Missouri figure they can work with all of ELCA - and you know what I mean - and not be polluted. However, if the archbishop of the Church of the Augsburg Confession showed up at one of their enchantments, they would go bezonkers with rage and fear.

Meanwhile, page-views are way up on the blog nobody reads.

3500 views yesterday and today,
consistently above 3,000 every day.
The Ichabod classroom without walls is expanding.

Kudu Don Patterson and Crosstrain - What I Discussed on Ichabod

Blogger Henry Town said...
You wrote, Matthias: "Nobody actually has any idea what GIA is. The experts' best guess is that it's some sort of mish-mash of various Church Growth entities."

Some "experts" I have spoken with tell me that the entities of GIA are becoming more and more accepted and powerful within the WELS. Consider that Pastor Don Patterson is very visible on the GIA website and now he is in his first term as the District President of the South Central District.

I've even been told that one entity of GIA, Crosstrain Coaching, had a prominent role in returning Pastor Ski to ministry in a WELS congregation.

The GIA website may show some neglect, but the people associated with it are not neglecting any opportunity to grow in influence within the WELS. If for no other reason, their free reign at this conference ought not be ignored by others in the synod.
August 7, 2014 at 12:37 PM

Blogger Matthias Flach said...
Yes, Henry Town, I can confirm that Crosstrain Coaching "helped" Ski with his "personal issues". He was then rushed to CRM status to accept a call into Patterson's district.

Quite a coincidence, no?

 Melanchthon said...
So if I understand correctly... Patterson's "business" took Ski on as a paying "client"... and then Patterson almost immediately put Ski on a call list in his district?! Gosh, that stinks to high heaven.


GJ - That's nothin' folks. Wisconsin Child and Family Services treated Joel Hochmuth for his addiction to child porn (young boys). Joel still worked at WELS headquarters, where his stash was found by the FBI. Mark Schroeder immediately spoke up for Joel and pronounced him absolved of all sin. Joel got an incredibly expensive lawyer, a very light sentence, and began offending again.

Innovative Means "Copied from Fuller Seminary" - Endorsement from a Collge (sic)

GIA's Jesus looks rather grim.

Ministry Leadership Institute is a part of GIA's Bible- based innovative ministry which provides leadership training and collaborates with others to equip believers to reach the lost and seek the next disciple.  MLI does this by providing training and professional coaching support opportunities for WELS pastors, principals, ministry leadership teams, and lay entities.
Mission Statement

The Ministry Leadership Institute (MLI) exists to help equip WELS called workers and congregations to carry out the great Commission and prepare God’s people for works of service.
Matthew 28 18-20 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Ephesians 4:11-13 It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, 12 to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

News on the Street - Under Construction for over Four Years

Likewise Future Products!


Testimonials and Comments:

“I appreciate Grace in Action’s willingness to work with leaders in the Minnesota District to further support the pastors in our district. Our pastors are so important to the Lord’s work!”

President Charles Degner, MN District [Jeske's Mystical Experience Worship Leader]
"GIA is passionate about leadership training and support - their coaching model is both impactful and practicable. I really appreciate their focus on supporting initiatives that powerfully share Jesus...or supporting the men and women who are God's hands and feet who take Christ to a hurting world. I am honored to partner with GIA."

Dan Johnson, President of Wisconsin Lutheran Collge (sic)


Mr Lincoln Rose Will Share Honors with the White Hybrid Tea Rose

“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.” Attributed to Abraham Lincoln

We are planning the roses for the next phase of the gardens. I was thinking of alternating the white rose with Olympiad, a pure red rose, very popular for the last 20 years. Mrs. Ichabod suggested the Lincoln rose, so I began reading about it again. We grew it in Midland.

A very well-known hybrid tea. Long pointed buds open into large, well-formed, long stemmed, fully double 4" blooms (petals 24+) of velvety, deep red. The velvety texture of the bloom is almost unbelievable. 'Mr. Lincoln' has outstandingly strong damask fragrance that seduces the senses. A vigorous, tall, upright continual blooming bush with dark green foliage. Makes a good cut flower.

Mr. Lincoln was introduced 50 years ago. Olympiad has almost no fragrance, but Mr. Lincoln is famous for its perfume, getting as many raves as Fragrant Cloud.

Rosarians love a perfect, high-pointed bud, which Mr. Lincoln has. The petals are heavy, velvety, and open slowly. Compare that with the Knock Out shrub rose, where the petals are light and open very quickly.

Aroma is another plus, so this is one that will fill the doorway and driveway with even more rose perfume.

The only drawback is the bloom turning a bit blue as it ages.

Mr. Lincoln bud.

Mr. Lincoln is descended from the Chrysler Imperial, a car and a rose no one talks about these days. Chrysler Imperial had many of these qualities, but Mr. Lincoln seems to have improved on them.

Older roses can be bought for a decent price while new roses are heavily promoted and sold at a premium price. I like to grow the roses that have a good track record rather than a lot of hype. If it is still selling after 20 years, there are reasons for that longevity.

Still, if I can try out a new rose for a bargain price - why not?

Mr. Lincoln makes an ideal rose
in gardens and in bouquets.

Thunder and Lightning - Rain and Inevitable Results

Spinach is the best or worst salad,
depending on when it is grown.

Our helper came by for the latest project last night. The stifling day was already turning into an evening with steady, cool breezes, the kind we experience when a thunderstorm goes north or south of us. We covered the new vegetable garden with newspapers and mulch. I planted a lot of spinach, and it was coming up, but spinach likes cool weather and this crop was tough and impossible to enjoy. The sunflowers rose up in the back, so they will benefit from the added mulch and newspapers.

Our helper wants more rain to help his lawn care business. The grass stopped growing two weeks ago, and his four clients have relatively little work for him. We have seen so many almost-storms that we dismissed the latest reports, but now the lightning is warning of the storm coming through.

The layers of newspaper and cypress mulch will shut down the growth of the vegetables, weeds, and grass in the new vegetable garden, depriving the green plants of sunlight. Mulch alone is not enough, and newspapers alone tend to fly away. Together they shut down the light and provide an attractive area where the only green growth comes from weed seeds that land on top.

Another domain takes over in the dark, especially with the rain falling. Heat loving bacteria will break down the high-nitrogen grass, spinach, kale, and weeds. Molds will help the process. The soil is teeming with various creatures that live on decay or feed on the these foragers of decay. At first the earthworms will stay away, because they abhor heat while loving the dark and damp environment we created. When more of the decay has advanced and the layer cools down, they will feast on the bacteria and devour the newsprint.

I discovered the love of earthworms for newsprint when I left a stack behind the garage in Midland. The idea was to get rid of the newspapers or use them to suppress weeds. When I lifted them up later, the stack of newspapers was solid, like plaster, and earthworms were all over the bottom - fat and healthy.

If I plant fall spinach to harvest in the spring, I will pull back the mulch and newspaper layer to reveal the bare soil, let the spinach germinate, and cover it when the hard frost comes. Believe it or not, the spinach will simply become dormant until spring, when the protection comes off and the soil thaws.

In contrast, the spinach yesterday was insect eaten, dry, tough, and bitter tasting. Spinach loves cold rainy weather and thrives when it is too cold for the insects to devour it. Also heat makes it go to seed, which is bad for spinach and lettuce alike.

Sassy missed her normal round of errands yesterday, because the car was too hot for her during the stops, even with the windows down. We made up for it with a 9 PM walk, and sat down with John on Joye Street to enjoy the evening breezes. Sassy assumes the guard position when we stop at a neighbor's. She sits up straight and looks around toward every noise and any movement. On the way home the kids along Scott Street called out her name and petted her.

I remain appalled by the city-slicker MDivs who cannot connect Creation to the Means of Grace. If God created the universe through the Word - "Let there be light" - then He also brings the righteousness of Christ to us through the Word.

We are new creations through the Word, not through our virtue, intellect, or merit. The Holy Spirit bears witness to this in us, because we love to hear the Gospel. We are comforted by Christ as the Good Shepherd. We trust in God's providence when we see His prodigal abundance around us.

The pole beans formed a green tracery around our chain-link fence. One sent a tendril out to wrap around the soaker hose suspended at the top. The tendril keeps the plant suspended and close to the water supply.
Now the plants are blooming, so beans will appear soon. Bees have appeared to pollinate the sunflowers, gourds, and pumpkins. Amazon sends me orders in two days (I hope) but the Creator sends bees without being asked. If the gourds and sunflowers were not pollinated by bees, there would be no production at all, just flowers that fell away in time.

Fighting against Creation is not wise. When man invents a better way to bring Christ to others, usually he is just borrowing from the pagans. His aping of unbelievers does not bring about any good results, but an abundance of bad results. Although he is pious about his intentions - he only wants to help the Church - his antagonism toward the Word and the Confessions gives him away. He is a base scoundrel, a murderer of souls, a greedy predator, and often a drunken lech besides.

The Word is just like rain and snow, bringing inevitable results. The weeds are going to green up , blossom, and bear seed after this storm. When the Gospel takes root, the weeds of false doctrine also spring up. Discerning believers harvest the good seed and suppress the weeds. Unbelievers, who belong to their Father Below, treasure and harvest the weeds while suppressing the Gospel - all the time with "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus" on their deceiving lips.

WELS Grace in Action Is Definitely WELS - Inflicted with Bad Spelling and Grammar

Personal Bio: Marcus Birkholz has been a WELS pastor for thirty-eight years.  This is his 25th year as Senior Pastor of Salem Ev. Lutheran ChurchStillwaterMN.   During his time in MN, he additionally served on the Board of Control for Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary and on the Evangaism (sic) Committee for the District of MN. He also serves currently as chairman of a non-profit educational organization, Friends of China, which builds bridges with Peoples Republic of China through English Second Language teachers. He and his wife, Sherilyn, have been blessed with four children and fourteen grandchildren.


Mr. Jay Johnson
Vice Chair

Personal Bio: Jay W. Johnson is a founding member of the fast paced, and ever evolving market of Internet Security. As an early adopter I have had the opportunity to be an integral part of several companies that have set the pace in our industry, and created products to improve the e-commerce experience on the Internet.  Jay has served in sales, marketing, technical, and executive management roles atAirDefense , CERTStationGE Capital TMS/ITSNT ObjectivesUnisysVeriSign,Xangati. Currently managing investments and assisting several young start up's, he prefers to spend time in his favorite charities and non-profit organizations. Two of those initiatives are IBD Society, a non-profit focused on supporting those inflicted (sic) with Crohn's Disease & Ulcerative Colitis, and recently joining Grace In Action. [GJ - Garbled spelling, garbled sentence structure]

Polluted WELS on Grace in Action - Which I Covered in 2010


A Travesty Sponsored, Part Two

The next big sponsor of the mystical Experience is Grace in Action (GIA). Here are a few fun facts about GIA:

1. Nobody actually has any idea what GIA is. The experts' best guess is that it's some sort of mish-mash of various Church Growth entities.

2. Church Growth is all about branding, but GIA seems to be clueless about creating a coherent brand. It's called Grace in Action, but its web address is nextdisciple, and then there's a tagline about "On Eagles' Wings". No one knows how all of these things fit together.

3. Church Growth is all about being hip and contemporary, but GIA's website looks like it was designed by a seventh grader in 2001. Dark text on dark backgrounds. The same image three different times on the homepage, each one cropped slightly differently. Dead links that go nowhere. It's a mess.

If the Church Growthers are going to condemn others for not having a clear vision or brand or web presence, they'd better get their own house in order first. Didn't Jesus say something about being judged by the same standard you use to judge others?

Blogger Mr. Douglas Lindee said...
(Deleted previous comment to correct a couple spelling/grammar errors...)

Time of Grace Ministry and Grace in Action directly cooperate in the recruitment of laymen, to join and serve "Time of Grace Ministry" as Ministers of the Word. We reported on this in 2013, in our report What on Earth could the CoP possibly have meant by THIS?. Here is what we wrote:

Finally, "Time of Grace Ministry" actively recruits fellow workers in the Ministry of evangelism through the efforts of partner Ministry Grace in Action. The network of Fellow Ministers recruited by "Time of Grace Ministry" through "Grace in Action" are referred to as Time of Grace Ambassadors. It is unknown how many Fellow Workers have partnered with "Time of Grace Ministry" in the work of evangelism, or how many of them are non-WELS Lutherans, but the documentation provided by "Time of Grace Ministry" via "Grace in Action" makes no mention whatsoever of restricting such "Fellow Ministers" to WELS, or even to a Lutheran confession, for that matter.

The thought at the time was that this was more than just a drive to recruit lay ministers out of local congregations as evangelists for "Time of Grace Ministry," but an attempt to build a membership base with a stronger commitment to "Time of Grace Ministry" than to Synod or the local congregation. People identify more strongly with causes they actively serve, especially those they feel (or "have been made to feel") so strongly about that they serve them for free. By recruiting volunteers out of local congregations all over the country, "Time of Grace Ministry" would have an evenly distributed network of support and positive sentiment, possibly enough to create an entirely new, and viable, Church Body if necessary. Maybe, maybe not, but at least the threat is there.
August 7, 2014 at 5:35 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Notice how the first and last letters in "GIA" spell "GA"?
August 7, 2014 at 5:58 AM 
[GJ - I think this is on purpose, because the "i" is normally dropped when the word is just a preposition. The real acronym is indeed - GA. Skull and Bones, another secret society, does similar things with word plays.]


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

WELS Grace in Action - Typical WELS CoP Inaction

It is getting difficult to kelm some websites, so I will provide a few links here.

That will take place in Austin. Timmerman is on the board of GIA. The odious Patterson network never rests.

The board of directors are another group of Daddy Warbucks. That is why the Minnesota and Wisconsin WELS DPs are the Gang of Four - all of them hostages to fortune, quaking lest their donors desert them for Missouri, ELCA, or the Assemblies of God.

I am leaving their link up for a time, because someone missed the earlier posting about this.

Notice how Church and Change keeps cloning itself while the so-called confessional WELS people do nothing.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Gunning For You - Grace in Action,
Jeff Gunn,
Kudu Don Patterson


Wednesday, December 1

7 pm - 9 pm Introductions, Top 3 Challenges,

Most Passionate in Ministry About,

My Goals for this Seminar Are

Thursday, December 2

8 am Breakfast

9 am Opening Devotion

9:15 am Spiritual Resiliency (Rick Loewen)

10 am Break

10:15 am Spiritual Resiliency (Rick Loewen)

11:45 am Lunch

1 pm Spiritual Resiliency (Rick Loewen)

2:30 pm Break

2:45 pm Developing a Growths Groups System from

Scratch (Jeff Gunn)

3:30 pm Break

5 pm Supper

6 pm Developing a Growths Groups System from Scratch (Jeff Gunn)

8 pm Social Hour

Friday, December 3

8 am Breakfast

9 am Opening Devotion

9:15 am Developing a Growths Groups System from

Scratch (Jeff Gunn)

10 am Break

10:15 am Preaching that Sticks (Don Patterson)

11:45 am Lunch

1 pm Effective Strategies for Developing Leaders

(Don Patterson)

2:30 pm Break

2:45 pm Effective Strategies for Developing Leaders

(Don Patterson)

3:30 pm Break

5 pm Supper

6 pm Group Debrief, Next Steps and 

Professional Action Plan

8 pm Social Hour

Your Costs?

  • Commitment to receive 12 months of services - including a monthly webinar and personal time with yourcoach
  • 3 days of your life for personal and professional training at a conference center*
  • Personal time for completing homework including self-assessments, personal inventories, specialized readings, and much more
  •  Willingness to exchange ministry strategies, Bible studies, and sermons
  • Willing to coach fellow participants
  • $1200.00 for the twelve months of services

*Services and costs for the 3 day conference subject to vary 

This ministry is being partially funded by Grace in Action (GIA) and WELS Kingdom Workers. 

Found these statements from Don Patterson following the link above:I was recently at the airport in Chicago, waiting in the baggage claim area. For some reason, our luggage was delayed, so I had time to do my favorite airport passtime - watching people.
In my search for interesting people, I saw one young couple, apparently reuniting after one of them had been on a trip. They were facing each other, foreheads pressed together, holding hands so tightly you could see their white knuckles. They were similing and whispering to one another, oblivious of their surroundings. Their display of affection was pure and undistracted.
It reminded me of how my wife and I acted in our first years of dating. Now, after 20 years of marriage, our love is weathered. We understand one another, trust one another and love one another, but instead of a "first love" attitude, we most often display a durable, "tried and true" type of love to one another.
In our relationship with him, God longs for us to stay in that "first love" frame of mind. In Revelation, Jesus cries out to one church like a wounded lover:
I hold this against you; You have forsaken your first love. Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first.
-Revelation 2:4-5
 God wants a passionate, undistracted relationship with us. How do we do that?
We have to get away and be alone with God. In a quiet place, we need to listen to Jesus, "forehead to forhead (sic)", taking in his love, contemplating what he did for us and thinking about his promises. When we do that, we fall in love all over again.
-Don Patterson
 "Jesus cries out to one church like a wounded lover"
"God wants a passionate, undistracted relationship with us. How do we do that?"
"We have to get away and be alone with God. In a quiet place, we need to listen to Jesus, "forehead to forhead (sic)", taking in his love, contemplating what he did for us and thinking about his promises. When we do that, we fall in love all over again."
Brett M - That's just more Methodist New Age enthusiasm and an open door to demons. It says nothing about Christ and the Holy Spririt only coming to us through God's Word. How is he listening to Jesus?  Is Patterson attempting to start another Time of Grace operation with A Reason for Hope?


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Grace In Action CrossTrain Coaching.
Don Patterson and Jeff Gunn Using WELS To Make Profits, Not Prophets

Grace In Action CrossTrain Coaching:

'via Blog this'

CrossTrain Ministries Coaching Network Conference
October 5th - 8th
Daytona Beach, FL
(Fly into Orlando International MCO)

Effective Strategies for Developing Leaders in Your Ministry
(Pastor Don Patterson)

  • Positive communications explaining what you do and why you do it
  • Enlist their services to enjoy opportunities to handle the Word
  • Give them opportunities to see the Word work.
  • Develop strong relationships that allow you to know individual's strengths and weaknesses and apply God's Word to both
  • Integrate the Word as part of every interaction with them.
  • Value the relationship with your leaders by being grace filled and forgiving
  • Live your expectations of others by being a servant
  • Live in the shadow of the cross instead of our success and failures

    Small Group Leadership
    (Pastor Jeff Gunn)

    The means of grace are the key to people growing in their faith. One way to deliver the means of grace to the people of our congregation is via a groups system. "Growth groups" are gatherings of 12-15 people in homes of the congregation for the purpose of sharing the word of God with one another, praying and worshipping with one another, enjoying fellowship, serving in the congregation and community, and reaching out with the gospel.

    PS - Don't forget the rice, Jeff.

    LutherRocks has left a new comment on your post "Grace In Action CrossTrain Coaching. Don Patterson...":

    The cost of ministry is rising...1200$ per year last May...up 100$ in October. Better sign up while you can!