Friday, January 23, 2015

Maynard G. Krebs Gardening
Buying Seeds - There Is Still Time

On the Dobie Gillis Show - "Work?!"

Today a  reader asked about seeds. Did I use seed tape?

My approach to gardening is to avoid as much work as possible, especially when the work is completely unnecessary or unproductive.

Soil should not be moved around unless necessary. The colonies of soil creatures, from fungi to earthworms, do better when their established networks are kept mostly intact.

We began spring preparations by laying down Jackson Mulch wherever planting areas were anticipated. Newspaper kept arriving, so I kept buying shredded wood mulch.

To plant edible pod peas, we pulled back the mulch a bit, threw in loose peas, and covered the area with some mushroom compost - sanitized horse manure, really like rich soil. Some of you city-slickers will never make it in gardening, with those wrinkled noses.

We pushed some mulch back a bit and turned on the soaker hose aqueduct along the fence top. That took all of 10 minutes, to plant two fat packages of pea seeds. I ordered more and will run them back to where the fence turns a corner, about 80 feet of free supports for pea vines.

Seed tapes are expensive and not needed, unless we want plants to grow up like soldiers on a parade field. Instead, wide rows are better for more production and suppression of weeds. If the soil is disturbed weeds can grow, but the weeds will not grow where productive plants shadow the soil.

As Ruth Stout observed, some weeds grow on top of mulch or grow through mulch. Those weeds can be pulled and placed on top of the mulch. They have the nitrogen and moisture content that help the soil. Plants mine minerals and move them around when composting and mulching.

When seeds pop up through mulch, they have instant protection against weather extremes, wind and rain erosion. The mulch feeds the microbes that make soil fertile, while favoring earthworms, the apex of soil generation. Worm food equals worm casts (poop), and worm casts mean the best soil. Mulch is worm food.

We already have our fertilizer (Jackson Mulch) in place, and birds rummaging through the mulch will prey upon the insects and grubs that damage crops.

The difference with a new rose garden is that we will plant the roses in the lawn, then surround the plants with Jackson Mulch, turning the lawn into instant compost. So much less work! My parents would look at my short-cuts, and say "You are so lazy!" When I carried 100 pounds of shortening down the basement stairs at the bakery, instead of 50 pounds, that was so-o-o-o lazy. It saved trips.

My grandfather invented things, so I look at gardening as a way to save labor, which all inventions do. I made tons of compost in piles and wheelbarrowd them around the yard. Like Edison before the light bulb, trimming lamp wicks, I said, "There has to be a better way."

I like having a compost pile, because they is the convenient deposit place for all kinds of rotting organic matter. We had a whole layer of banana peels and coffee grounds on top, then our helper added a layer of leaves to make room for the peas. The sycamore leaves refused to rot, so they piled up in the corner of the fence. Maple leaves are far more cooperative, staying in place and added to the Jackson Mulch.

So someone can generate tons of mulch without hauling it up and down, around the yard on soft soil, in a weak, cheap wheelbarrow. Of course, the big construction wheelbarrows haul more and create even more work per foot. Spring soil is not the best pathway for moviing materials.

Scarlet runner beans are relatively rare and hard to find late in the spring.
Hummingbirds love their flowers.

Buying Seeds
Drugstores and hardware stores are not the best places to buy seed. I will get tomato plants at Walmart and Lowe's. Tomatoes are weed-like, ready to grow and fruit in the bright sun. I took some half-dead leftovers from Walmart, late in the season, and grew some grew tomatoes, even though they were growing in the crabgrass of the sunny garden (no newspaper under the mulch).

Bargain seeds, leftover seeds - no problem. That is late in the season. It is fun to experiment with inexpensive seed.

I have some definite plans for seed in the garden, so I buy from Burpee's website. They have a great system for ordering in each category.

If I cannot find an odd seed, like Scarlet Runner beans, I look it up on Amazon. They have the unusual items that the big companies no longer carry.

When I buy praying mantis egg cases, I will get them from Amazon, the only place I have found them this year. By that I mean they are not in the big seed catalogs, where I used to find them...and scarlet runner beans.

By sticking to one company overall, I get emails about specials and sales. That works well for roses, too.

I never regret buying too much seed, because someone can use the seed. Kids love to try gardening. I could have used more pea seeds, so I ordered a big packet in addition. Someone else will grow them. Mr. Gardener will probably be buying seed, so we can do some swapping.

Peas will be growing when asparagus roots arrive. We will just plant them along the fence, giving up a few pea plants in the process. The pea roots will help feed the asparagus.

Keep your grandkids out of trouble - teach them gardening skills.

WELS, Missouri, and the Little Sect Model the Left Wing - Political Agenda Disguised as Education

Mark Jeske makes at least $170,000 to serve on the Thrivent Board,
so he can fund his favorite Left-wing cause, himself.

Unless you are blind or blind-drunk, you have realized that the entire public education system is designed to promote the agenda of the extreme Left.

Wherever you turn, the educational courses are not much different from life in Mao's China. Medical education is pro-abortion.

Social work is pro-abortion.

Charities like United Way are pro-abortion.

Universities are pro-abortion.

ObamaCare funds abortion.

Long before ObamaCare, ELCA's health insurance paid for abortion on demand - for their clergy, bishops, professors, and teachers. WELS and Missouri said - "No problem. We can work together."

Race for the Cure funds Planned Parenthood.

Every time you wipe cake crumbs off your mouth with "free" Thrivent napkins, you are endorsing and promoting the pro-abortion agenda of that insurance business. They fund Planned Parenthood too.

Look at any other issue and the Left's position on it - you will find that all educational courses in all aspects of America are slanted toward one viewpoint alone, condemning anything else.

The latest super-educational approach, successful beyond all hope, is diversity training - well, selective diversity training. It has nothing to do with race, gender, or the disabled. It is all about enforcing a quota system that serves the Left, funds the Left, leverages the Left.

WELS and Missouri, and their pipsqueak relations have done the same thing.

Everything is apostasy education. Borrow $80,000 to attend a synodical college - to learn classical Lutheran doctrine and academic content? Oh no. To learn how to glide along the apostate death spiral and profit from it.

Borrow $100,000 for an LCMS seminary degree. Ditto. Learn how to become anti-Lutheran, anti-Christian, in love with Fuller or the Church of Rome. For the weak, Eastern Orthodoxy is an alternative.

Find out how to make fun of the English version of Luther's Bible - the KJV - and promote various Calvinistic, feminist, demonic paraphrases.

Quit whining and give up on the established synods. It is all over.

Jon Buchholz bailed on the Jeske fund-raiser, then endorsed it.

Who Spoke on "Evangelism" (Church and Change) Day at Martin Luther College

Cheerleader tryouts for Martin Luther College will be held at the Joel Hochmuth Early Learning Center in March. 
Puh-leeze shave your legs first.

I had two great scoops for MLC "Evangelism" Day. The first time they listed all the Church and Changers who would appear.

The second time the list was leaked by someone and I posted them - Church and Changers again.

Should expect anything different this year?

If Glende and Buchholz can cripple their congregations with debt and skip town,
with both of them hailed as teachers in WELS,
why can't Ski do whatever he wants too?

Suspended Blogs Moved Down the List on the Left Margin

I did not want to get rid of suspended blogs that have a lot of good material on them, so I made up a separate list, alphabetical, and moved it down the line on the left. Thus I have active blogs in the upper left and suspended ones lower down.

The active blogs that I enjoy reading are back at the top. I find the list convenient for my morning reading, and I enjoy staying at the top by posting often.

"You stupid mule. I am going to beat your ascii."

WELS killed off Issues in WELS and chased away the writers for Bailing Water, three of them, as I recall. DPs like John Seifert organized death squads to get everyone off the list at the Intrepid Lutherans blog.

In contrast, anything related to Church and Change, the Jeske Mob, or Fuller Seminary is rewarded, promoted, funded, and praised by the "orthodox, confessional Lutheran" sect called WELS. Good think y'all voted for Mark Schroeder, to clean up the messes caused by Mischke and Gurgle. He is running again, on the Church and Change ticket, because they lub, lub, lub him.

John Lawrenz and Steve Witte - Church and Change founders,
now Asian seminary pest-presidents.
John was howling about everything had to change
when Mark Jeske was still on a trike.

Lawrenz, like John Brug, has an Old Testament PhD but neither one has a grasp of the efficacy of the Word taught so clearly in the Old Testament.

Creation took place through the Word, and Isaiah 55 teaches how everything happens through the Holy Spirit through the Word.

Witte has a drive-by DMin from Gordon Conwell, a joke upon a joke. Both of them have changed WELS for the worse, and they are proud of it.

WELS - "We are not Suthern Babtists.
They HATE the NIV.
We lub it."

Birds and Squirrels Love Cracked Corn - Hydroscopic Water

I bought cracked corn at the hardware store, a better buy than a bag of field corn ears. All the birds and the squirrels love cracked corn. I saw cardinals and blue jays on the ground for corn, so I decided to get that instead of sunflower seeds.

This time I added food to the wheelbarrow, as well as the filing cabinet folly and the ground near the trees.

The energy of the sun and the wealth of the soil
are given back to God's creatures in the yard.
I am not up with the birds. I am up before the birds. They seem to take their time to warm up and get breakfast. We had a light frost, and that may affect their need to eat. Why not stay warm in bed until the sun is really up?

I was grading essays before this. At 8:30 AM I am posting and drinking fresh coffee. I open the window to hear the birds burbling as they enjoy their food. The starlings are hanging from the suet and eating most of the day. Nothing lasts so long as suet in a mesh bag.

I looked out to see a chickadee grab a sunflower seed from the bird feeder. Doves and the squirrel are eating the cracked corn. The cold weather includes groups of male cardinals eating together. Later they will woo a mate and pair off for nests and territories. Then the male cardinals will get very jealous of the males they see in reflections here and there.

Blue jays eat from bird feeders on a pole, but they are happy to eat corn from the ground, too.

Later Today - Extending the Soaker Aqueduct
All my soaker hoses on the dead tree were damaged on the end, so I bought an extension for the aqueduct on the fence.

I will run the next 50 feet of soaker hose on the ground, to water the sunflower seeds I just planted and the Butterfly Bushes waiting to break dormancy. Watering settles the soil around newly planted seed and increases the rate of decomposition for the mulch.

I have never found dry mulch on top of the soil. It must be the way mulch captures and holds the moisture bound up in the soil. Each soil particle has a film of hydroscopic water around it. Only baking the soil will make the water go away. That adds up to a lot of water, and a good reason the soil creatures can thrive in an ocean of "dry" ingredients like sand and clay. The soil particles are not dry at all but coated to provide channels for transportation and food. Bacteria and slugs travel on slime, so that water matters especially to them. Humus, soil creatures, and earthworm casts also contribute to soil moisture.

Over 60,000 kinds of protozoa are known and, contrary to any residual youthful hope you may have that they only live in pond water, a majority of them live in the soil; however, all do require moisture to lead an active life . 

Lewis, Wayne; Lowenfels, Jeff;  (2010-09-10). Teaming with Microbes: The Organic Gardener's Guide to the Soil Food Web, Revised Edition (Kindle Locations 1123-1125). Timber Press. Kindle Edition. 

Protozoa need moisture to live, travel, and reproduce, and hydroscopic water— that thin film of water left on the surfaces of soil particles and aggregates— provides it, under normal soil conditions. If things dry up, however, most protozoa stop feeding and dividing and go dormant, encasing themselves in a cyst.

Lewis, Wayne; Lowenfels, Jeff; (2010-09-10). Teaming with Microbes: The Organic Gardener's Guide to the Soil Food Web, Revised Edition (Kindle Locations 1169-1171). Timber Press. Kindle Edition. 

As I mentioned before, a few days of sun and wind dried out a row of newspapers and sent them flying around the yard. We used wood mulch to pin them down again, since the backyard leaves abandoned their post and frolicked in the wind. Where the leaves are wet and packed, a bit slimy, they weigh down newspapers and promote soil creature population growth.

Newspapers are thin sponges that hold and give up moisture easily; the newspapers breathe and do not promote bad decay in the soil. That is why plastic "weed barriers" are terrible and never work well. Weeds pop through them and get tangled up in the mess.

Hydroscopic water is a thinner film of water, only a few molecules thick, which, like capillary water, is attached to extremely small soil particles by virtue of electrical properties . This film is so thin that the bonds between water molecules and soil particles are concentrated and extremely hard to break. 

Roots cannot absorb it, therefore, but this film of water is critical to the ability of many microbes to live and travel. Even when conditions are dry, the soil particulate surface holds some hydroscopic water; it is impossible to remove it from soil without applying lots of heat and actually boiling it off. Just about half the pore spaces in good soil are filled with water. The other half are filled with air. 

Water movement pushes stale air out and sucks in air from the surface, so adding water means an exchange of air occurs, which is important . If a healthy soil food web is in place, the metabolic activity of soil organisms uses the oxygen and creates carbon dioxide.

Lewis, Wayne;  Lowenfels, Jeff; (2010-09-10). Teaming with Microbes: The Organic Gardener's Guide to the Soil Food Web, Revised Edition (Kindle Locations 374-381). Timber Press. Kindle Edition. 

Therefore, if God had not designed soil to hold this film of water--or water to cling to soil particles-- most of the life in soil would suffer and die back, with plants suffering with them. Water obeys the conditions placed upon it at Creation, and those rules provide for the entire population of life, from the smallest microbes to man, the epitome of everything on earth.

WELS Documented Blog Records the Sect's Abusive and Hypocritical Behavior

WELS Synodicat demonstrates how to instill obedience and humility in pastors.

I spoke out once and I received a forced resignation during my vicar year. I would not marry a couple that my bishop asked me to marry. He asked me to lie and forge his signature on the marriage license (he was going on vacation the week of the wedding). The next thing I know I was accused of dividing the congregation, undermining his authority, not agreeing with church fathers, changing sermons in the pulpit, the list goes on.

After a year of emails, calls, and meeting, I was told that I did not possess the qualifications to serve in the pastoral ministry. I asked for specifics and i was told to consider 1 Timothy 3 and the Ten Commandments. I tried attending Bethany Lutheran Seminary but was not allowed to attend because the President of Bethany Lutheran Seminary did not receive a recommendation from WLS... I asked him he if had received any reasons as to why I was not suitable for the ministry. He told me the answer he received was "unknown reasons."
I even had MLC professors ask WLS professors as to why I was not allowed back. The answers they received, "they didn't know."
Which contradicts the emails I received which said the faculty discussed my future ability to attend WLS and said that I was not qualified.

If you ask i can forward the emails to anyone who wishes. My former classmates have not even talked to me since the incident. My former Pastor wouldn't even ask why I wasn't allowed back to continue my studies but told me to accept the answers from the seminary since they were far wiser men than he.

So I left the WELS. Yep, I'm was tired of getting the runaround for doing the right thing so I left. I'm much happier now, I will never trust another Pastor in my lifetime but that's me and my situation.

I have church services right here in my living room with my family and I pray that I can teach my daughter not only what Jesus has done for us but to have the courage to do the right thing when the situation comes.
Or try asking your called worker wife to explain what is going on between her and the Pastor and see what happens. A called worker wife who was already caught cheating & lying threw her teeth about it twice. And one of those incidences resulted in a forced resignation from a previous call for cheating with a Pastor only because I had documented evidence. Suddenly, she claims to be the lifelong victim of abuse. And factor that her daddy works at synod headquarters and her brother is the principal at the church/school. And her brother straight faced told me when I was going to divorce her... "God hates divorce," "And he personally hates seeing broken homes on campus." And I was already pre-judged for being in violation of the 8th commandment by the CP for doing exactly what I am doing now. You want documentation? I have plenty. You want names? I would be more than willing to provide them.

GJ - These are but indications of the normal conduct of abusive WELS pastors. I could list many more, but people fear retaliation against their family members or complete abandonment by their families. WELS leaders have no trouble initiating whisper campaigns against anyone who crosses them. Because the clergy are so cowardly, they shrink back or even join with the Slander Machine managed by the Love Shack. It is so much fun to say, "I hear that..."

They do not like my signed articles and use guilt by association with anyone who employs more than a dozen brain cells at once. But what does the Synod President do? He has a "confidential conversation" and makes the other party swear never to reveal a word. What a convenient way to poison the well.

It goes back to CFW Walther, their hero. He blamed Martin Stephan's adultery on Mrs. Stephan. He broke with Loehe, perhaps because Loehe developed healthy strong leaders for America rather than pimping a bevy of young girls for a lusty, diseased bishop. The victors write the history, but Walther wanted no history written at all - ever wonder why?

If Anonymous Says Something Worthwhile, It Will Be the First Time -
But...Sob...He Is Going! Bad Spelling and All

Anonymous is so wise, so wonderful -
why does he not share his name?

I am tremendously disappointed in this blog site. I thought you would be sharing ideas and events in other WELS congregations. Instead, you are simply regurgitating the complaints and gripes that have been expressed on other sites. Some of those no longer exist. [GJ - And why is that, anon? Were they forced to shut down by threats from those who patiently use God's Word to cover up for felons, drunks, adulterers, and peculators?]

You are addressing the very same things that Greg Jackson puts on his site, Ichabod. I think of WELS Documented now as no different than his, except you don't have the goofy insane pictures. 

And then the resident WELS Romanizing pastor, Steve Spencer, who calls himself "Father," shows up on this site, too, like he has on all the others. I'm just waiting for you to deny universal objective justification

What you and others are doing is simple: you are impatient with the means God's Word gives us to resolve problems. You are impatient with the procedures we have established in the WELS to resolve issues. So you are trying to make an end run and deal with these matters on your own. Good-bye, so-long, auf Wiedershehen (sic), farewell.

They spell badly in English and German.
Can they be trusted with theology?