Thursday, February 19, 2015

Boycott the Emmaus Conference, Part 17.
Send Jay Webber, STM Candidate, and Jon Buchholz, MDiv, Back to School

Romans 4:24-25King James Version (KJV)

24 But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead;
25 Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.

Webber and Buchholz want to be experts in Romans, but they cannot grasp that Romans 4 destroys their entire argument. They must either charge St. Paul and the Holy Spirit with being fickle, or they have to concede that Walther and his syphilitic bishop were false teachers. They would also have to conclude that the Synodical Conference was bereft of doctrinal integrity for citing Romans 4:25 constantly in support of its precious Universal Objective Justification. Therefore, the Brief Confession of 1932 is a farce for getting the Gospel wrong, for inserting Halle University's rationalistic Pietism into Lutheran doctrine.

Jay Webber cited Halle's Rambach against Chemnitz
on the Steadfast Lutherans blog.

The other hidey-hole for UOJ Stormtroopers is Robert Preus' support of the dogma, but his final book repudiated that claim, even though it was edited by his UOJ loyalist sons. The following two quotations are citations from Justification and Rome, Preus' final book.

This Calov quotation is from Justification and Rome,
belying the claim that Calov was another UOJ fanatic.
When did the imputation - counting us righteous - take place?
Quenstedt is not in Walther's cell group.

Below is J. Gerhard, who was cited falsely by the Synodical Conference
as a UOJ leader, even though he worked closely with Martin Chemnitz.

Better Than C. S. Lewis - Secret Plans for the Jackson EZ Bird Swing Released to the Public

When dawn, the rosy-fingered child of Morn appeared, Sassy Sue was inkling her need for food. She acted as if she wanted to go out in the dark, but stopped at the watering jug, which is also next to food barrel.

Do you want to go out?

No motion.

Do you want some water? Have some.

No motion.

Are you hungry?

Sassy smiled that I figured her out so fast - for a human.

I got Sassy some breakfast and blogged. The thaw began in earnest, so I decided to pick up some meds and stop at Lowe's, to repeat the glorious experience of the Jackson EZ Bird Swing. I am not sure if I copied the idea or figured it out.

This Jackson EZ Bird Swing parts are simple to buy, inexpensive, and simple to install, assuming a wooden overhang.

1. Measure from the eaves or wooden structure to the mid-point of the window from inside. A good place to observe the birds is halfway down the window and a little distance from the feeder.
2. You will need two chains cut to the length measured above. The exact length is not crucial because...
3. A metal pole with screw threads hangs from the two chains. Extra length of the pole is good for stability in hanging. The diameter has to fit through the links.
4. Two screw hooks are needed to hang the chains down from the wood. They will not bear much weight. so I get large, thin ones. The hooks are secured  to allow the pole to reach through the chains with several inches at least on each end.
5. I secured the pole to the chain on each end with electric tape, to keep the pole from coming out, but that is unlikely with the threading and the gentle action of the swing.

Why does this work so well?

Birds do not stay on a feeder too long. They like to fly from a perch to the feeder and then to their perch again. The small ones feel safer taking a sunflower seed away and opening it up. Chickadees pound it open with their beaks, holding the seed in their feet. If the little ones open the seed on the swing, that is the best show in town.

A cardinal will sit at the feeder and do the work with their beaks alone. They seem to be grinning as they man-handle the seed.

The swing is an ideal resting place. The birds can observe everything around them, and they are away from obvious danger, such as a bush hiding a cat. They may eat or preen or relax on the swing.

Once they are used to humans nearby, they become oblivious to being watched. The bird-watcher can be inches away.

Some enhancements.

  • Drape lint and twine around suet baskets hanging from the feeder. Birds will come to it for nest material. Dryer lint can also be  packed into empty suet baskets.
  • Place seed on the window sill. Often baby squirrels will sit there and eat, and so will smaller birds. My ledge is narrow, so that excludes larger animals.
  • Throw bonus amounts of food around the base of the feeder. Extra activity draws more birds, and more will land on the sill and the bird swing.

The squirrels have left empty corn cobs below the two feeders they use - a message?

Birds Have Eaten Most of the New Suet and the Old Supply.
Diversity at the Jackson Bird Spa

A reader sent two hand-made, wooden suet feeders. I filled them and the birds emptied them. I refilled some older bags of suet. That is gone. The previous bags that went down slowly are hanging flat.

A trip to the meat market will refill them tomorrow. I am also running low on sunflower seeds and dried meal worms. Sharon Lovejoy suggested many kinds of seed, including wheat and corn, for a greater variety of birds.

Diversity of food helps. Another method is to have various levels and types of feeding stations.

I keep the squirrels on the filing cabinet at the Jackson Bird Spa. They leave the bird feeder near our window alone. Chickadees raid the nearby one all the time, and we get purple finches resting and eating there. Starlings are used to seeing me stand inches away, and all the birds are getting accustomed rather than flying away at the slightest movement.

Multi-Level Marketing
The Jackson Bird Spa has many important features:

  • The filing cabinet has a top, a shelf underneath, and a drawer, so various animals feel comfortable using one of the levels. If a squirrel is in the drawer, the birds are on the top layer.
  • A pile of sticks is stacked up for perching. Many birds will rest there, do some beak wiping, or look for food that I toss there.
  • The ground has four pans of water, often frozen now, but thawed with hot water each afternoon. The birds are increasingly more fun as they splash and drink there. The starlings are clowns or little children in the baths.
  • The abundance of leaves and mulch means that insect life is ready to pop up and feed more birds as the soil and air warm up.
  • The aerial aqueduct will sprinkle and bathe many birds at once, giving them a safe place to get cleaned and watered. Where the hose puddles on the ground, shy birds like the cardinal will gather.

PS - Sassy says I owe her a walk outside.

Winter's Blast Felt in NW Arkansas.
Kind Words about Moles and Toads

The Wind in the Willows is a book I cannot give away.
This passage reminded me of why I started a blog about my hometown, Moline.

The Wind in the Willows, Kenneth Grahame, Chapter Five, Dulce Domum, Excerpts, Public Domain 

We others, who have long lost the more subtle of the physical senses, have not even proper terms to express an animal's inter-communications with his surroundings, living or otherwise, and have only the word `smell,' for instance, to include the whole range of delicate thrills which murmur in the nose of the animal night and day, summoning, warning? inciting, repelling. It was one of these mysterious fairy calls from out the void that suddenly reached Mole in the darkness, making him tingle through and through with its very familiar appeal, even while yet he could not clearly remember what it was. He stopped dead in his tracks, his nose searching hither and thither in its efforts to recapture the fine filament, the telegraphic current, that had so strongly moved him. A moment, and he had caught it again; and with it this time came recollection in fullest flood. 

Home! That was what they meant, those caressing appeals, those soft touches wafted through the air, those invisible little hands pulling and tugging, all one way! Why, it must be quite close by him at that moment, his old home that he had hurriedly forsaken and never sought again, that day when he first found the river! And now it was sending out its scouts and its messengers to capture him and bring him in. Since his escape on that bright morning he had hardly given it a thought, so absorbed had he been in his new life, in all its pleasures, its surprises, its fresh and captivating experiences. Now, with a rush of old memories, how clearly it stood up before him, in the darkness! Shabby indeed, and small and poorly furnished, and yet his, the home he had made for himself, the home he had been so happy to get back to after his day's work. 

[ GJ - But Ratty refused to take a detour! He was too busy.] 

Poor Mole stood alone in the road, his heart torn asunder, and a big sob gathering, gathering, somewhere low down inside him, to leap up to the surface presently, he knew, in passionate escape. But even under such a test as this his loyalty to his friend stood firm. Never for a moment did he dream of abandoning him. Meanwhile, the wafts from his old home pleaded, whispered, conjured, and finally claimed him imperiously. He dared not tarry longer within their magic circle. With a wrench that tore his very heartstrings he set his face down the road and followed submissively in the track of the Rat, while faint, thin little smells, still dogging his retreating nose, reproached him for his new friendship and his callous forgetfulness. 

The Mole subsided forlornly on a tree-stump and tried to control himself, for he felt it surely coming. The sob he had fought with so long refused to be beaten. Up and up, it forced its way to the air, and then another, and another, and others thick and fast; till poor Mole at last gave up the struggle, and cried freely and helplessly and openly, now that he knew it was all over and he had lost what he could hardly be said to have found. 

The Rat, astonished and dismayed at the violence of Mole's paroxysm of grief, did not dare to speak for a while. At last he said, very quietly and sympathetically, `What is it, old fellow? Whatever can be the matter? Tell us your trouble, and let me see what I can do.' 

Poor Mole found it difficult to get any words out between the upheavals of his chest that followed one upon another so quickly and held back speech and choked it as it came. `I know it's a -- shabby, dingy little place,' he sobbed forth at last, brokenly: `not like -- your cosy quarters -- or Toad's beautiful hall -- or Badger's great house -- but it was my own little home -- and I was fond of it -- and I went away and forgot all about it -- and then I smelt it suddenly -- on the road, when I called and you wouldn't listen, Rat -- and everything came back to me with a rush -- and I wanted it! -- O dear, O dear! -- and when you wouldn't turn back, Ratty -- and I had to leave it, though I was smelling it all the time -- I thought my heart would break. -- We might have just gone and had one look at it, Ratty -- only one look -- it was close by -- but you wouldn't turn back, Ratty, you wouldn't turn back! O dear, O dear!' 

Recollection brought fresh waves of sorrow, and sobs again took full charge of him, preventing further speech. 

The Rat stared straight in front of him, saying nothing, only patting Mole gently on the shoulder. After a time he muttered gloomily, `I see it all now! What a pig I have been! A pig -- that's me! Just a pig -- a plain pig!' 

Read this brilliant analysis of the author's life and his classic work.


GJ - The Wind in the Willows became part of our father/son vocabulary, especially when LI and his grandfather tipped their rowboat into the river. "Please, Ratty. I want to row - now!"

The animal characters are everlasting - in the book. The Disney version is a sad corruption, turning classic literature into a dumb cartoon.

Moles are rampant in our yards here. I have talked it over with Mr. Gardener many times. He has lived here decades and never saw anything like last year's run of moles. I have not tried to kill them or drive them away or trap them.

I sought comfort and wisdom in A Blessing of Toads, by Sharon Lovejoy, which is on its way to Norma Boeckler's home and gardens. Lovejoy has something good to say about every creature in the garden.

Lovejoy gave the mole a chapter. I doubt her remedies for keeping them away, but not her advice about their benefits. Moles feast on insects, slugs, and grubs in the soil. The disruptive tunnels, near the surface, are their feeding runs, which are often temporary. The permanent tunnels are another foot below, and their construction results in the famous molehills of soft earth piled on top. So moles get rid of pests but they also mix, aerate, and soften the soil. They are giant earthmovers in comparison with earthworms. Lovejoy - "On the Matter of Moles," A Blessing of Toads.

Wayne Lewis wrote about those who hate on the larger animals, squirrels, mice, groundhogs, rabbits, chipmunks, voles, moles, prairie dogs, gophers, snakes, lizards— all burrow and travel in the soil, mixing, moving, and depositing organic matter and providing pathways and reservoirs for water and air...

The role these larger animals play in a vegetable garden is very different from the role they play in other parts of the yard. But wherever they roam, their role is important and entirely underpinned by microarthropods and microorganisms, which far outnumber them in any soil food web. The dung of all reptiles, mammals, and birds serves as a food source for other members of the food web community, which recycles it into nutrients. They also carry microbes on and in their bodies and feet from one location to another, and at death their carcasses are decayed by soil life.

Lewis, Wayne;   Lowenfels, Jeff;  (2010-09-10). Teaming with Microbes: The Organic Gardener's Guide to the Soil Food Web, Revised Edition (Kindle Location 1503). Timber Press. Kindle Edition. 

Lovejoy did not admit to moles eating earthworms (a death penalty in ancient Egypt) but the soil food web concept means providing for the tiniest soil creatures so the larger ones can feed on them and recycle them. Earthworms simply multiply according to the moisture and organic matter given them, and they make good soil even better while supporting any creature that needs their high protein bodies, whether birds or moles or snakes.

You are probably wondering - why the strange title? Lovejoy played on the unusual names for groups of animals: a pride of lions, a murder of crows, a parliament of owls, an exaltation of larks, a charm of finches. She reject the official  "knot of toads," and offers hers - "a blessing of toads."

I covet toads and want more of them in my garden, so I am on the lookout for broken flower vases to serve as their shelters and homes. Toads are the number 1 enemy of slugs. Note that moles are eating them below ground while toads snag them above ground. Toads also eat enormous amounts of insect pests and feast on ants. Lovejoy, "A Blessing of Toads," A Blessing of Toads.

Compost - build it and they will come - up from the soil.
My Midland compost fed birds on top as they perched and waited for movement.
The wily blue jays loved to feast there.
Any deep pile of organic matter will compost, including leaves alone,
but most of us do some mixing of soil, leaves, and garden trash, plus weeds.

From the Oracle of New Ulm

Sam-Amber told Zach, another MLC graduate, "I caught your gay."

Sam Birner graduated from Martin Luther College, WELS, in December, 2014.
Now he is Amber Noel.

WELS Discussions

  • Amber Noel Birner Well, in my case specifically I do plan on marrying someone who is male, as I currently have a boyfriend. 
    However, your statement is interesting because if you recognize it is a correction, then that would be recognizing I am female, so then for a het
    erosexual relationship I would date a male, otherwise if I dated a female it would be a lesbian relationship.

    Now, could I marry someone who is female? Sure! I *am* attracted to women. But then it would be a lesbian relationship not a heterosexual one. 

    It really *is* a clear cut difference because transgender people exist in many sexual orientations however, so it is still a very clearly different topic.

How Apostasy Supplants Faith in ELCA, WELS, LCMS, ELS, and Splinters.
Boycott the Emmaus Conference

Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson passed the dream resolution--
gay ordination and marriage--at ELCA's 2009 coven.
Liz Eaton ousted him through the power of quotas and became the new ELCA boss.
Graphic by Zach Engelman

First read this important and unsurprising note from Virtue Online:

By Julian Mann
Special to Virtueonline
February 13, 2015

Arguably the most serious threat to Reformed Anglican ministry in the Church of England since the Laudian persecution of the 17th Century came to light at this week's General Synod in London.

It has now emerged that all candidates for ordination selection are being required to assent to the House of Bishops' five guiding principles over women in the episcopate. This in effect means Reformed Anglican candidates have to agree with women bishops or be unable to serve local parish churches as licensed ministers...


This is how requirements, certifications, and quotas work together. Step by step, the denomination changes from traditional Christian views as mandatory--even if not believed--to submission to the most anti-Christian position possible.

The secret apostates work to get their guy on the board. He establishes seniority over time and quietly gets his associates on the same board or parallel structures. There is always a waiting period, when both sides apparently have an equal representation, but that shifts toward the unbelievers' position and is backed by Chopham armor rules. To question the new ruling is tantamount to excommunication.

An Evangelical minister mentioned his opposition to women's ordination in a conversation with his Presbyterian superior at the time. He was immediately kicked out of the ministry of his own denomination, although he promised never to mention his position. Although the Presbyterians had promised "tolerance" of male-only ordination, they quickly set that aside, making the former view illegal at all seminaries and districts. The natural consequence was the election of a female executive to rule over all.

The Church of England managed to survive without women clergy - ever since the Reformation, but once women's ordination was passed, women bishops were approved. The new position is canonical law. They will get their Katy Schori in time, accelerating the decline.
"Did you just question my authority as bishop?"
ELCiC's Susan Johnson

ELCA in the USA and its Canadian flavor (ELCiC) did the same, leveraging women's ordination into women bishops and then--as justice demands--a woman chief executive with the same One Ring To Rule Them All attitude, no matter what the denomination.

Church and Change Paradigm
WELS did the same with Church and Change beginning in the pre-Seminex era. Some of the apostates--like Jungkuntz and Gehrke--were exposed and sent packing. Those who agreed with them formed Church and Change and adopted Church Growth as their magic spell to unite them against traditionalists.

Paul Kelm became the synod expert on evangelism - a created job."Our synod now has a fulltime executive secretary for evangelism. He's the Rev. Paul Kelm; and we need him. We need him to be our evangelism advocate."
Rev. Ron Roth, The Evangelism Life Line (WELS), Winter, 1985 p. 2.

Some early Changers were Steve Witte, John Lawrenz, John Parlow, and Paul Kelm. David Valleskey and Frosty Bivens ran off to Fuller Seminary to have their brains shrunk (even more). The Popes Speak (aka Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly) began peppering their mediocre little journal with references to Church Growth. TELL was started with the goal of promoting the anti-Lutheran, anti-Christian ideology of Fuller Seminary, Robert Schuller, and Paul Y. Cho (a greedy, corrupt jailbird to inspire future jailbirds in WELS).

SP Naumann infallibly endorsed TELL - and the rot accelerated.

Children, children - this never had anything to do with helping any church grow. The agenda was apostasy, and it came from sneaky little parasitic liars who wanted to live off the work of others while destroying the work of others.

First they denied the Church Growth agenda existed - as Wayne Mueller did in print, even while feverishly promoting it in every way possible. They acted troubled about the whole issue - and I do mean acted. Once they had total control, they began chopping heads in earnest. Finally, people realized, "No one can question these people or their little fantasies. I need a call, a house, benefits, and the esteem of my equally timid brethren."

Boycott the Emmaus Conference
The foundational error is their denial of justification by faith. Nobody would have predicted the twaddle of "everyone is forgiven and saved, whether they believe or not" in the era of Synodical Conference President Gausewitz.

JP Meyer taught this UOJ nonsense at The Sausage Factory for decades. Not only did he publish it in Ministers of Christ, but WELS recently reprinted the volume, showing that Bishop Stephan's syphilitic delusions had become canonical in the Wisconsin Sect. No wonder, if you want your ministers three sheets to the wind, your file-swapping child pornographers, your cross-dressing and sex-changing men, the sect needs something equally idiotic and perverted to support it. UOJ delivers.

The ELS, LCMS, and WELS have already started their functional merger through Thrivent and their only dogma - UOJ. The purpose of the next conference is simply to nail down the basis for union.