Monday, August 3, 2015

Helianthus - Double Whammy - Perennial Sunflower

Double Whammy Perennial Sunflower

I gladly volunteer to shop at our local Mom and Pop store, Walmart, which began a few miles away and has done well ever since.

My first stop is the gardening department to see which plants are being sold. They rapidly change the selection due to weather changing and plants conking out in the heat and sunshine.

I also get birdseed when I am running low. I enjoy having finch food in the main feeder, where all the small birds gather and feed during the day.

Lantana and butterfly

Last time I bought a very large hanging Lantana plant for $4 and no one knew what it was. Today I finally planted it in the Jackson Bird Spa area. That section has most of the butterfly and hummingbird plants -

  • Butterfly Bush
  • Bee Balm
  • Lavender
  • Chaste Tree
  • Coreopsis
  • Beautyberry
  • Scarlet Runner Bean

Sassy waits in the driver's seat when I go inside,
but she stays home during the inferno season.

Sassy loves to ride along in the Ichaboat, but the weather is too hot, even while driving with AC on the meatlocker setting. She got her evening walk after my trip to the store. Everyone calls her by name and she wags her entire body going over to meet her friends.

I often invite Sassy outside while I work. Sometimes she stretches out on the concrete patio to show she is bored and ready to rest. Or - she sits by the door to go inside.

If I dig a hole, she looks carefully inside it. 

Neighboring dogs get her attention at times. Most of the border disputes have been settled. However, when she saw a young couple having a picnic in the next yard, Sassy tried to bark them away.

 New Bee Balm is being sold at Walmart now,
but I got them at bargain prices earlier,
because the collection was getting beat up in the sun.

Ideas for Gardening - Late in the Season

This is a good time for bargain hardware, such as half-price sales on birdbaths (or kiddie pools, much cheaper and larger), garden path stones, and other equipment. The stuff will all be good next year and well into this fall as well.

When seed packets get ultra-cheap (like a dime or two each), they are worth trying this year or next. They lose a lot of zip over the winter, but a dime's worth of beneficial insect plants will normally go far, since those common plants will often seed themselves - like dill.

I am planning for a heated birdbath this winter. If we have a rough winter, a bird bath warmer will bring in birds from all over. They need to bathe and preen their feathers, so frozen water and snow do not help.

When I did this in Midland, I had birds lining up in two columns to take their baths until pushed out by the ones behind them. I had to add gallons of water to the bath each day.

The special heaters turn off when dry and only heat the water past the freezing point.

Birdbath warmer, Duncraft.

The Boring Pro-Harrison Blogs Are Silent

As of noon, Central Daylight Time, no one has posted about the Matt Harrison lawsuit story.

I looked for something on SpenerQuest - only two posts about the Harrison house fire.

I looked for a defense on UnSteadfast Lutherans - just prayers for the SP's house fire.

In desperation, I looked up the American Lutheran Publicity Bureau's online forum - nothing was posted so far.

As noted before, although a few LCMS pastors are criticizing me for posting news, another one verified that the story was already out and being sent into congregations.

SP Harrison Story Already in Top Five for the Month

No Lutherans are in this group photo.
They teach justification without faith, UOJ.

Pastor Herman Otten has already posted a story about SP Matt Harrison settling a sexual harassment lawsuit for $1 million. Otten claims to have the documents and says that Matt the Heretic Impaler has not answered. The post is already in the Top Five for the last 30 days.


The recent wrist slap of Matt Becker, energized by Harrison, may be a reason for the story being pushed to the front. In the past, blackmail-like threats have been used against leaders to make them back down. The Left does not forgive, does not forget.

Your beloved synodical leaders live on malicious gossip. I have seen them at work, lying through their teeth, slandering their fellow pastors. Nothing is too low for them, too deceptive to try, but they react in horror when the truth gets out - they point their crooked fingers and screech.

Let us look at one example. Darwin Schauer was a Missouri Synod sex offender who was coaxed into their lay ministry program to offend a second time as a lay pastor. Steadfast Lutherans posted about this crime and the facts involved with LCMS leaders facilitating the crime and covering up for it. Matt Harrison ordered his fan club (Steadfast UOJ Lutherans) to erase the evidence - and they did.

Now the story exists on this blog alone, with 22 tagged posts.

The Editor Who Erased the Sex Scandal Now Complains about LCMS Apostasy

Joshua could have stood up to Matt the Fat, 
but he caved, erased the Darwin Schauer thread, and got a promotion.
The bossman at No-Fast Lutherans calls JBFA teachers "morons."

No caption needed.

No-Fast Lutherans.

Me? Stand firm?

Otten Is Bitter!

I posted the Harrison story on Facebook, and several people began telling me to take the story down. I should have posted some eye bleach, like a picture of Walther, to calm them down. They have not accepted the truth about Stephan yet, and still venerate CFW, so facing the facts is not likely.

One said, "Otten is bitter," which is not much of a refutation. I have seen this approach so many times. The personal attack is supposed to erase the story, if lies do not. The result is people staying calm about clergy rape, murder, and abuse while the audience goes ballistic over reporting. The alternatives are clear.

A. The Story Is True. If the LCMS Synod President paid $1 million to settle a sexual harassment lawsuit, and various people knew this, then it should be reported to the synod.

B. The Story Is False. If there was no lawsuit, that can be proven easily enough with a well-crafted lawyerly letter. Harrison has not responded, Otten says. If Matt has, he can tweet the letter.

Illumine - WELS.
They have one symbol right.

Shouldn't We All Be Bitter?

If we look around at what the Boomers have done to destroy the Lutheran Church, shouldn't we all be bitter?

The "conservative" synods have conveniently forgotten their history of teaching justification by faith, so they now have wolf-shepherds present their precious UOJ dogma as the Chief Article of the Christian Religion - forgiveness without faith.

One result is the multiplication of New Age copycat missions (no money spared) that have little to do with Lutheran worship, Lutheran doctrine, Lutheran hymns, and Biblical sermons.

I blame Boomers because they have initiated these changes and retaliated against anyone who dares to question them.

My home church is so thoroughly ELCA that I will not even visit it, but when I became a Lutheran 50 years ago, the worship and sermons were traditional. I hated the superficial services at the Disciples of Christ congregation where my family went. When I joined WELS, I found they were aping the Disciples of Christ professor at Fuller Seminary and adopting the Disciples of Christ personality cult form of growth - which almost always failed.

Mark Schroeder - the high school principal with almost no parish experience - campaigned for synod president as a reformer - all lies. He curled up in the lap of the Jeske-Patterson Crime Family and signed his Non-Aggression Pact with the New NIV. He has quashed intelligent discussion. He told one postulant who visited him about the errors of UOJ - "Don't think about it too much." Now, now - it worked for Mark Schroeder and Jon Buchholz - it will work for you, too.

In WELS, murdering church workers are protected, child porn users are publicly absolved of all sin, and faithful pastors are excommunicated.

True, we do not know of any new murders under Schroeder, but his Jeske-Patterson Crime Family pals stole St. John Lutheran Church and its endowment - and everyone is silent. Yet there is an ex-WELS pastor there now - and he is ELCA now.

Alleged Lutherans teach against this - there is the scandal.