Friday, April 21, 2017

Comparing Traditional Bible Translations

In Biblical translations, the Protestants drove off the road after WWII. Most of them were associated with the Left-wing National Council of Churches, earlier called the Federal Council of Churches. The FCC was so Communist that scandals erupted and they changed their name, ending the scandals.

The NCC sponsored the Revised Standard Version, which was hyped as much as the NIV later, especially since every denomination got behind it, sooner or later. Before the RSV, the KJV reigned supreme. Some Protestant became suspicious when the RSV experts decided the Virgin Birth prophecy in Isaiah 7 only predicted a young woman would bear a child, forgetting the phrase  God with us - Emmanuel. Let's face it, the RSV was a Bible from liberals and for liberals, clearly intended the break the grip of the King James.

All modern translations follow the dynamic equivalence nonsense from that heresiarch who put his stamp on all the Biblical societies - Eugene Nida. That theory gave everyone a license to make the Bible text say anything they wanted it to say. The New NIV is an example of delivering exactly what the mainline apostates and Church Growth apostates demand to hear - all are justified in Romans 3:24, even though the all is missing from all Greek texts.

The modernists were already getting three examples of this phrasing wrong, which the KJV has precisely as written in Greek -

Romans 3:22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: (not in, but of, see Galatians and Philippians)

Like the Virgin Birth omission, this addition of all has to be a new low in prostituting Biblical translation to the demands of the market place. Another example is Willowcreek only buying Bible that are feminist, which will certainly lead to pan-sexual Bibles. Like Marble Collegiate Church in NYC, the gulf between the founders and the present demons occupying what others labored for - is impossible to describe completely.

Lizard Hands - Murdoch owned your NIV Bible,
though I heard he sold it.

Although SP Mark Schroeder inkled that he hated the New NIV, that monstrosity from Lizard Hands has become the official WELS translation. Mequon won that round, which was one more eructation from the unified Church Growth UOJ faculty.

Where Are the Lutheran Groups?
WELS jumped 100% into the New NIV, which is appropriate for Pietists in the last stage of the Great Apostasy.

The Little Sect on the Prairie (ELS) seems to like the New KJV, as do the CLC (sic) and ELDONUTs. However, ELDONA also likes the Calvinist ESV (the RSV edited by a Calvinist), which is also a tendency in the LCMS.

ELDONA does not like the KJV21 or the Third Millennium Bible. One layman donated a number of both. Nobody thanked him or acknowledged the Bibles. He does not even know what happened to them. That suggests that the Right Reverend Bishop James Rodham Heiser pressed the shun button on the entire KJV family - except the Babtist New KJV. Do not search for logic in all this - I am only reporting what I know.

Comparing the KJV21 and Third Millennium
I look at the sacramental passages, which the modernist ones - including the New KJV - fail miserably. It is not only a matter of imposing their anti-sacramental views, which reveal opposition to the efficacy of the Word, the work of the Holy Spirit exclusively through the Word. Their failure to translate properly comes from slapping words into a text that were never there.

I am going to list key passages - KJV, KJV21, and TMB. Forget the New KJV, which I have shown before to be Babtist. The luv of the New KJV among the micro-mini-sects suggests they are Justification-by-Faith starved, just like WELS. If you want to find those blokes getting an education, it is always at a Babtist conference or college, Baylor included.

Romans 3:22King James Version (KJV)

22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:

Romans 3:2221st Century King James Version (KJ21)

22 even the righteousness of God, which is by faith of Jesus Christ, unto all and upon all those who believe. For there is no difference,
TMB - by faith of Jesus Christ.

Matthew 28:19King James Version (KJV)

19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

Matthew 28:1921st Century King James Version (KJ21)

19 Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost,
Go ye therefore and teach all nations

1 Corinthians 10:16King James Version (KJV)

16 The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ?

1 Corinthians 10:1621st Century King James Version (KJ21)

16 The cup of blessing which we bless: is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break: is it not the communion of the body of Christ?
TMB it not the communion of the blood of Christ?...communion of the body...

1 Peter 3:21King James Version (KJV)

21 The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ:

1 Peter 3:2121st Century King James Version (KJ21)

21 The like figure to this, even baptism, doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ,
...baptism, doth also now save us

Conclusion So Far
I use the KJV all the time, so I do not read the KJV21 or TMB often. They are synoptic in agreeing with the KJV, which is the intention. I see only minor, inconsequential differences in these comparisons.

EC President Oren Paris III and Shelton face 13 wire fraud counts instead of 10.
Charges added against former Arkansas lawmaker in bribery case.
The defendants each face up to 20 years in prison, plus fines and forfeiture of any money or property acquired.

 The defendants each face up to 20 years in prison, plus fines and forfeiture of any money or property acquired.

Charges added against former Arkansas lawmaker in bribery case:

"Former Republican Sen. Jon Woods is accused of accepting bribes from Ecclesia College President Oren Paris III in return for state grants to the college, the Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reported. Randell Shelton Jr. is accused of passing the bribes to Woods through his consulting firm in return for a share.

The amended indictment shows Woods faces 15 counts of wires fraud, instead of 12. Paris and Shelton face 13 wire fraud counts instead of 10. All three also face one count of mail fraud.

The defendants each face up to 20 years in prison, plus fines and forfeiture of any money or property acquired. They are scheduled to be tried together in May.

Woods and Paris were released on a $10,000 bond, and Shelton was released on a $5,000 bond.

The amended indictment also names former Republican Rep. Micah Neal, who allegedly helped Woods direct the state General Improvement Fund money to Ecclesia College in 2013 and 2014."

 Henderson did not know he was on the Ecclesia Board of Regents.
This so-called board never met, and Pat Boone could
not remember the college or being asked.

'via Blog this'

Progress of Luther's Sermons

Volume 1 of Luther's Sermons is having a final look, because extra readers really help. Norma Boeckler is already working on the art.

Volume 2 already has one reading, which I will edit for the typo repairs.

Other volumes are being worked on or finished for their first proofing.

My extra job the last two months has been dealing with all the appointments for cancer diagnosis and treatment. Any doctor's appointment is good for 1/2 day's time and energy - hurry-up and wait. And there were a lot of appointments. But that has been worthwhile and also had far better results than anyone imagined.

I expect to have four or more of the eight volumes done this year, then some additional Luther's works - the Catechisms, for example - following.

  • Some anticipated new works are:
  • The Lutheran Dictionary.
  • Two Felons and One Christian Leader: Stephan, Walther, and Loehe.
  • The Parable of Growth.

 Readers should be getting their copies of The Lost Dutchman's Goldmne.
Let me know if you have not.

Rain, Rain, Stay a Day - The Creation Gardening Is Bursting with Life

Sweetheart Calladiums came from Florida Calladiums

Yesterday I planted the Calladiums that came in the mail. Almost every one was a triple, so they will put on a great display, with color matching the big Crepe Myrtle.

One bloom of the Crepe Myrtle displayed its color close-up.

 The lower half of the Crepe Myrtle was pruned
after the first bloom, which lasts a long time.
The upper half housed the Cardinal nest.
No one else prunes the first bloom, which gives color into late fall.

The new Crepe Myrtle twigs finally leafed out and began growing like weeds. Two are almost waist-high now.

The Mr. Lincoln roses popped new leaves four days after planting. I watered the new roses and Calladiums to give the little bulbs a start and the rose canes some extra moisture.

Nothing brings on rain like watering and visiting Walmart. By the time I was going to Walmart for medicine we had an afternoon of rain (scattered showers?) building up to a cloudburst when I went into the store and departed. Unlike the customers who bent their heads to avoid the rain - does that work? - I went in happy to have all the plants watered and fertilized.

The rain washes pollen out of the air, which was already coating cars like golden powder. I would not dismiss the added benefit of tree contributions to the soil. The pollen, leaves, and seeds add tons of organic matter, if only people would notice.

Almost Eden and I covet pine needles, so they are in short supply on our block.

I never know what a surprise rose will yield.

Another day of rain should leave standing water in the backyard, weeds reaching new heights, and the second rose garden in full bloom. Those roses get bonus rain-barrel water, so that gave them a jump. John Paul II was in full bloom. In the front, Easy Does It was completely in bloom, with bright orange flowers on short stems - typical of floribundas. Later the stems will be much longer. As readers recall from last summer, the Easy Does It ($5) roses would always have plenty of blooms to share.

Some buckwheat (not a grain!) should arrive today. Since that is sown, I will be out in the rain sprinkling the seeds in the butterfly garden, under the maple tree, and in the backyard.

Cat Mint mounds rather than taking over - at least I hope so.

One principle of beneficial insect plants is having them grow near the victims of insect pests. Therefore, I want various hosting plants close to the rose garden. Buckwheat will be in bloom quickly and for a long time. I have tiny mints from last year maturing and blooming already - Mountain Mint, Cat Mint, and Horse Mint.

Spirea Neon Flash - from Almost Eden

Another principle is having blooms open up at various times, besides having plants that seem to be ever-blooming. Contributions come from Crepe Myrtle, Spirea, clover, and dandelions (a herb!).

For the most part, adult beneficial insects need nectar and pollen, while the younglings feed on the pests, growing up where the livin is easy.

One of these mornings you're gonna rise up singing
And you'll spread your wings and you'll take to the sky
But 'til that morning, there ain't nothin' can harm you
With Daddy and Mammy standin' by.
Summertime - The Gershwins.

The mistake many gardeners make is killing all the insects and spiders with poison sprays and particles, when almost all of the creatures are beneficial. The toxin-gardeners also drive away other voracious and useful creatures, from the toads to the birds, none of which thrive on dead, poisoned insects.

One reader wants me to publish a second Creation Gardening book, and I am gathering photos to help that happen. My initial plan is to use the parables of Jesus as the basis for the booklet.

The retail site is here, but readers can obtain it for the author's price or less - by emailing.