Friday, January 12, 2018

Norm Fischer Looks at Concordia Seminary's Can of Worms - Fudging on Creation.
January 15, 2018 Christian News

I began reading a column from Norm Fischer, originally from the Steadfast News group blog, reprinted in Christian News, p 5. I was surprised to find something good in Steadfast News, but then I realized Fischer is a layman. He is a clear writer and fun to read.

The issue has three or four steps, maybe more by now:

  1. Concordia, St. Louis questioned key issues in Creation, caving toward evolution - the length of a day and the age of Mother Earth. Chuck Arand either wrote the article or followed up on it.
  2. Two districts sent letters to Concordia to address the issue.
  3. The entire faculty accused every pastor in two districts of violating the Eighth Commandment.
  4. Matt the Fatt, who failed to get his doctorate at the seminary, joined in.

As always, Lutherans want to argue the fine points of the distraction rather than deal with the main issue, which is not Creation in this case.

 Do the faculties teach this? If so, they should
reject UOJ and fellowship with ELCA.

Why is the Missouri Synod working religiously with ELCA?
Why do LCMS pastors join Rome and Eastern Orthodoxy?
Why do Walther's disciples agree with WELS/ELS about Church Growth and Justification without Faith? and
Why are they fudging on Creation?

 The Jackson Rose Garden grows flowers without chemical
fertilizers or chemical toxins. Neighbors wonder, "How do you do that?" It is Creation gardening, I explain. God mulches and so do I. The best pest destroyers spin webs and fly around the roses.

We went to see a famous Calvinist talk about religion and politics. The attendance was small. I looked him up and he was quoted saying - "We have to compromise on evolution or we will become irrelevant to the modern world."

The problems with the LCMS/WELS/ELS seminaries will never be solved until they believe, teach, and confess the efficacy of the Word. There are little proofs of their apostasy, such as working with ELCA, going to Fuller, scarfing down Thrivent dollars, and teaching against the Chief Article - not to mention not knowing the Chief Article at all.

The question is not -

  • Do you believe God created the universe in six 24-hour days? but - 
  • Do you believe the Son is the Creating Word of John 1:3?

  • Does the Gospel Word plant faith in our hearts through the work of the Holy Spirit? or
  • Do we hear the entire world has been absolved of sin, without faith, and say - Yes, I have decided that is true!

All the Lutheran synods are swarming hives of Enthusiasts, always buzzing about this and that, filling the world with their nonsense while insisting on being taken seriously. The synod leaders are no better.

Review of WELS Professor John Brenner's Dissertation - "The Election Controversy Among Lutherans in the Twentieth Century: An Examination of the Underlying Problems" - Marquette University, 2012

 John Brenner posed with his sisters at Michigan Lutheran Seminary, garnishing his Geneva gown with a device called preaching tabs or preaching bands.

John Wesley also wore preaching tabs, which can be found
on some Roman Catholic robes too.

A reader was kind enough to send me his copy of Brenner's book, published by Northwestern Publishing House - The Election Controversy among Lutherans in the Twentieth Century, 363 pages. I suspected from the title that it was a dissertation, so I eventually found the link.

Marquette University was founded as a Jesuit school. Marquette - as viewed in Wikipedia.

Brenner also wrote a history of the seminary at Mequon, which I will review after it arrives.

To make this review more convenient for the readers and my eyes, I will quote from the PDF of the dissertation,  published here.

The Missing Foundation - Book of Concord
I am not alone in wishing the Olde Synodical Conference would stop treating their mythical history as the norm for all doctrine and practice. Although Brenner claims his work is a "critical history," the book and dissertation are anything but critical. We can still read Thucydides and see both sides of an issue, varying causes and opinions. Brenner is no Thucydides.

Supposedly the election conflict began in the 19th century, but that ignores two matters of great importance -

  1. The Chief Article of Christianity - Justification by Faith.
  2. The article on Election from the Book of Concord.
For those two reasons, Brenner's work is useful for seeing the spiritual and academic blindness of the Olde Synodical Conference. Brenner simply assumes that the Walther-centric history of the Lutherans, as fashioned by the myth-makers, is the actual history of Lutherans in America. Of course, that is rubbish.

Useful Points in the Book
The mild Lutherans object to polemics, perhaps because polemical writing serves to bring up the real issues. "Error loves ambiguities," as Krauth wrote. 
  • Brenner argues the WELS point of view and names a variety of mostly forgotten figures and institutions.
  • The Chief Article of WELS - Universal Objective Justification (UOJ) - is the basic for this entire work.
  • No one with average reading ability can ever claim again, "But I did not know WELS was attacking the Gospel."
 This is the explanatory note by the Calvinist translator of
Knapp's doctrinal textbook for Halle University. The double-justification language became popular in the Olde Synodical Conference and is often defended and used today.

Election and UOJ

Does anyone read this? 
13] Therefore, if we wish to think or speak correctly and profitably concerning eternal election, or the predestination and ordination of the children of God to eternal life, we should accustom ourselves not to speculate concerning the bare, secret, concealed, inscrutable foreknowledge of God, but how the counsel, purpose, and ordination of God in Christ Jesus, who is the true Book of Life, is revealed to us through the Word, Book of Concord, Formula of Concord, SD, Election.

I am not going to claim status as an expert in Walther, so I appreciate Brenner associating the Election issue with UOJ, which has been called Objective Justification (by the Calvinist translator of Knapp), General Justification (Hoenecke), and in Brenner's work - the Justification of the World.

All these terms have this in common - a divine (but unrecorded) decree that everyone in the world - past and present, with a special emphasis on unbelievers - is absolved of all sin.

The key explanatory word here is - decree. That concept is corruptly borrowed from Justification by Faith, which is God's declaration that people are forgiven - if they believe in the One Who raised Him from the dead. That is clearly individual, not universal, which shows how the UOJists conflate and confuse the Atonement with Justification by Faith.

Romans 4:24 But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; 25 Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.

Note that Romans 4:25 - by itself - is used by teachers to prove UOJ when the verse clearly teaches Justification by Faith in harmony with Abraham being justified by faith in Genesis 15.

Since Walther was anxious to teach Justification without Faith, or Easter as World Absolution without Faith, he promoted his Halle Pietism by declaring that Christians were elected without faith.

Thus Walther himself caused this great division in order to prop up and invalidate his false doctrine of UOJ.

 UOJ is the engine that drives Church Growth apostasy.

 You must make a decision to accept Walther's world absolution dogma! How many clergy have tried to force this on their congregations, who know better!

Justification in Brenner
Justification by Faith is used as a phrase 14 times in the dissertation. That can be checked by using control-f and putting that phrase in the window that appears. This handy feature counts the times it is used and takes the reader from one example to the next. By the way, it is an ideal tool for editing. That works on the PDF opened on the Net and also on Word documents.

Justification by Faith is quoted 15 times by Brenner in identifying the view of the opponents. Nota bene! Although he corrects notes that Luther told us to judge all doctrines by Justification by Faith, Brenner does not follow that rule at all.

Justification of the World


The topic was objective or universal justification (usually spoke of in Norwegian circles as the “justification of the world”). 
Brenner, p. 149.

The Augustana Synod was concerned that the expression “justification of the world” denied the necessity of justification by faith.
Brenner, p. 150.

Since Schmidt in the Election Controversy was contending for election in view of faith, he was beginning to have difficulties in speaking of a justification of the world apart from the faith of the individual. In fact, Schmidt declared that the real issue in conflict was justification. Schmidt’s essay on justification presented at the very first convention of the Synodical Conference, however, had clearly taught a justification of the world.
p. 150

The final free conference met in Goodhue County, Minnesota, June 27-July 4, 1883. The subject for discussion was the doctrine of absolution. One side historically taught universal or objective justification (justification of the world), contending that the pronouncement of forgiveness won by Christ and declared by God to the world leads people to believe in their Savior. The other side was not willing to speak of justification apart from faith (subjective or personal justification).
Brenner, p. 150. GJ - See Knapp's translator for this double-justification formula. But do not look for it in the Book of Concord, Luther, or the Scriptures.

Nowhere does the Bible speak of the Gospel being "everyone is already forgiven." No one is forgiven without faith in Christ. The foundational sin is unbelief. And yet Brenner correctly says that the Old Synodical Conference thought preaching universal absolution without faith actually promoted faith. But only if that faith was trust in this universal absolution without faith.

The real issue was Justification by Faith, as the conferences reveal in various ways and Brenner must concede. UOJ led to Walther's bizarre speculations on Election and divided Lutherans, benefiting Walther's struggle for power and control.

Brenner articulates Justification by Faith a bit and mentions the efficacy of the Word, but he is like a Mormon in dealing with the Gospel. He uses the words but he does not believe them. Like Brug, he writes about the Word without grasping the Biblical doctrine of the efficacy of the Word. Therefore, teaching forgiveness - without the Word, without faith, without the Holy Spirit at work in the Gospel Word - is no problem for him or Brug.

However, this puts the Olde Synodical Conference at the lowest point in its checkered history. The ELS/WELS/LCMS agree with ELCA, which is also going downhill and picking up speed toward its destruction. Mainline Protestantism in America came from Pietism and gradually became more rationalistic and Universalistic. The ELS/WELS/LCMS have nothing germane to say about ELCA or apostasy. They are the Me Too Lutherans.

LCMS and Their Calvinist Church Unique
From a Reader

From a Reader -

Hello Pastor Jackson
I would like to share with you some information I found about a Church Growth program in the LCMS called 'Church Unique'.
Recently I was told that a page appeared in an LCMS church's website announcing a initiative called 'Church Unique'. That is the name of a book by Will Mancini, a former Reformed minister. Here is a link to Will Mancini's website:
'Church Unique' is also the name of a program. According to the Church Unique website "Church Unique was written by church consultant Will Mancini, an expert on a new kind of visioning process to help churches develop a stunningly unique model of ministry that leads to redemptive movement."


Here is a link to the Church Unique website:

"Church Unique is primarily about your church's identity. It show church leaders how to identify and unlock their congregation's individual identity as a tool for unleashing their one-of-a-kind potential."
Here is a link to the website of the consulting company (Auxano) he formed to train people in the Church Unique program:
After browsing thru these websites it is clear to me that the Church Unique program is pure Calvinst, Church Growth Movement, Enthusiasm. I don't understand how or why a LCMS church would become involved in something like this.
I did an internet search using (this doesn't work with Google) using the following keywords
+LCMS +"church unique"

and it returned a couple of pages of links to LCMS churches which are involved in the Church Unique program and to LCMS meetings in which Church Unique was discussed. It appears that Church Unique may have support from the LCMS hierarchy, not only from the district hierarchies.
The LCMS has its own in-house Church Growth entity called Transforming Churches Network (TCN). TCN was founded about 8 or 9 years ago and was very high-profile for a few years, but I don't recall hearing anything about it recently. Perhaps the TCN fervor ran its course, and now Church Unique is the
hot Church Growth program in the LCMS.
I hope this information is interesting to you. In your blog you mention the CGM activities in the WELS, but it appears that the LCMS is not immune.

GJ - 

Missouri is whole hog into Church Growth, with five named people in the dubiously titled Church Growth Hall of Fame, or is that Shame?

Waldo Werning, who was Herman Otten's "secret agent," promoted CG throughout WELS, the Little Sect, and the LCMS.

Robert Preus, earlier a rabid advocate of UOJ, had Werning on his faculty and endorsed Church Growth.

I tend to name WELS false teachers more often, because I know a greater percentage of them. UOJ and Church Growth go together like Sam and Ella - salmonella, get it?

From the Lighthouse Blog
What Would D. L. Moody Say Today to Moody Bible Institute About Mingling Truth and Error?

 Dwight L. Moody

From the Lighthouse Blog - What Would D. L. Moody Say Today to Moody Bible Institute About Mingling Truth and Error?:

"By Dwight L. Moody

I do not see how any Christian, most of all a Christian minister, can go into these secret lodges with unbelievers. They say they can have more influence for good, but I say that they can have more influence for good by staying out of them and reproving their evil deeds.

You can never reform anything by unequally yoking yourself to ungodly men. True reformers separate themselves from the world. But, some say to me, if you talk that way you will drive all the members of secret societies out of your meetings and out of your churches. But what if I did? Better men will take their places. Give them the truth anyway, and if they would rather leave their churches than their lodges, the sooner they get out of their churches the better.

I would rather have ten members who are separated from the world than a thousand such members! Come out from the lodge.

Better one with God than a thousand without Him! We must walk with God, and if only one or two go with us, it is all right. Do not let down the standard to suit men who love their secret lodges or have some darling sin they will not give up! (source:

(Photo in public domain.)"

 How is it that Barth/Kirschbaum appeal to conservative Evangelicals, the Fuller Church Growth faculty, Marxists, liberal Protestants and Catholics? They perfected the art of Yes and No, leading others in crafty conduct and language.

'via Blog this'


GJ - Many people enrolled in various Lodges, often as the first churches to reach the lands being opened up to farming and ranching. Since many Evangelical and Lutheran ministers were also members, the laity saw no harm in the Lodge.

The Lodge is not as secretive as some imagine. I know many of the rituals and claims. Their dogma is easy to find, and it is anything but Christian.

The Lodge may have taught the mainline denominations how to double-speak, pretending to be Christian while being anti-Christian. My maternal grandfather was a leader in his lodge and taught his local minister the rituals. My mother and sister joined, and I was recruited but demurred. Later, under the influence of an LCMS pastor in St. Louis, my mother rejected the Lodge completely, after years of ignoring it.

The Lodge is not doing so well today. The Detroit Masonic Lodge downtown - simply The Masonic - was built beyond anyone's imagination for size and splendor, but it is on the brink. If you are a Church Growther (Shrinker), click on the link. There are your buddies, your examples, your dark future. Flint's Masonic is up for sale - only $500,000.

I used to go to my hometown's Scottish Rite Cathedral to hear special guest celebrities. That building was up for sale not long ago.

Like the UOJists, Masonic leaders are notorious liars. Yes, various famous men have been Masons, but the Lodge deliberately exaggerates the stories about these men. Certain Masonic leaders know what they really stand for, but the rest of the members are allowed to blend the Lodge in with their own religion, lack of religion, or Christianity. The Mormons were long treated as a renegade Lodge by the Masons, because so many LDS rituals are blatant copies of the original.