Thursday, August 9, 2018

Blind Guide Cascione Will Prove...
Please Find the Chief Article First

Two men with no synod and a lot of hot air.

Pope John the Malefactor told me Kovaciny was not in the ELS. I said, "I saw him installed as a missionary to the Ukraine."

What do all UOJists have in common? They all lie.

I understand that Kovaciny was forced out of the ELS years ago, so I wonder if Cascione got his facts wrong again.

Blind guides like to go around and lead people into the pit. I wrote about the ending of Mark in Thy Strong Word, 18 years ago. However, I would not associate myself with Cascione's blather about anything, even if he got his tongue notarized by a Supreme Court Justice.

Cascione denies the Chief Article of the Christian Church, the Master and Prince, the judge of all articles of Christianity. So why would anyone listen to him about any religious topic?

OK, class. What is the Chief Article? Justification by Faith.
Who endorsed this in the Book of Concord? Melanchthon, Luther, and the Book of Concord editors.
Who opposes the Chief Article?
Otten, Cascione, Matt the Fatt, WELS, LCMS, ELS, ELCA, Bishop Liz, Pope John the Malefactor, David Valleskey, Jay Webber, Frosty Bivens, Bishop Stephan, CFW Walther.

He even lies about the name of his discussion site. LutherQuest? The principal members hate Luther's doctrine and loathe dealing with it. They respond violently (and often anonymously) to Lutheran doctrine. They refuse to own up to the vacuity and falsity of their contumacious dogma.

More Disinformation from Crypto-Calvinist News

Let's start with Calvinism, fellow students, since that sect is cited so often we might jump to the conclusion that LCMS leaders know what they are talking about.

Calvinism does not recognize the Means of Grace and rejects the efficacy of the Word. Let that sink in for a long while.

How are people saved? Preaching? Teaching? Holy Baptism? Oh no. Churches preach and teach and baptize but nothing happens unless the Holy Spirit chooses to visit that day.

Those people are saved who were elected to be saved and those who are doomed were elected to be doomed. This takes place in God's sovereign will, without faith, the Word, or the Means of Grace.

The Sacraments, according to Calvinists, are simply ordinances or laws to follow as a sign of obedience.

 "Herman, Jack, Rolf, David, Jon-Boy, Jay - do you see that?
Our favorite terms came from a famous Calvinist interpreting a Halle Pietist!
We're doomed, I tell ya, doomed." (Unnamed former UOJist)

Calvinists are elected to grace without faith and saved without faith.

Calvinism entered the Lutheran Church through Pietism, which straddled the Lutheran-Calvinist divide through unionism, since "doctrine divides." So unity comes from being Calvinistic, dumping the Biblical distinctives, and ignoring the contradictions.

Calvinism becomes pure rationalism over time, which is exactly what happened with Halle Pietism - overall the source of Lutheran denominations in America (LCA, LCMS, WELS etc). Halle was not the only Pietistic beehive, but it was the main one. All the Church Growth and Missional claptrap is modern Pietism, cell groups especially.

If this does not make people think of the strident UOJ salesmen, I give up.

Here are some obvious advantages of UOJ - for the apostates:

  1. Unionism is easy, since everyone is born saved. 
  2. The liturgy, creeds, and hymns are conveniently tossed aside for the same reason. 
  3. Sermons become law tirades, either for social activism (ELCA) or for coaching (WELS).
  4. The Biblical issues fade in importance, though one must carefully guard against an emphasis on faith in Christ.
 The Streets of Rome. All we need is incense.

Christian News Is a Giant False Flag
Although CN has retained Walter A. Maier on its list of saints, the tabloid promotes Calvinistic UOJ to the point where hardly any mention is made of Justification by Faith. Everyone still living who writes for the tabloid is a dedicated UOJ drone.

An illusion is preserved by mentioning Surburg and Walter Maier. 

Since UOJ is rationalistic and anti-Gospel, objecting to any false doctrine of the LCMS seminaries is shameless hypocrisy. Are they weak on Creation? CN, the seminaries, the Dogmatanic, and the Enormous Ghastly "Small" Catechism  reject the Chief Article. They love, love, love ELCA and Thrivent. They are all in bed together, so they are just fussing for show and for donations.

UOJ - the enemy of Biblical doctrine - throws open the door to complete doctrinal indifference.

 Cascione quoted this nonsense with approval. Justified before birth? That sounds so Calvinistic, except the few become everyone. Calvinits become Universalists, then Unitarians, then atheists.