Thursday, February 28, 2019

Upcoming Books in Order - Calvin, Luther, and the Ichabod Lutheran Dictionary

AKA Martin Chemnitz, aka the Second Luther, aka the Senior Editor of the Book of Concord. 

Calvin Ruined the Protestant Faith is almost done. The book will be in larger print, full-color, also in Kindle, and later a free PDF. The book includes Zwingli's influence, but try to fit that into a book title.

The author's price will be about $5, so it will be attractive as a book for adult classes.

I am looking into making all my books free PDFs in their most edited form, the level of near perfection sent off to the printers.

We have Luther's House Postils ready for printing next - very close to it. These are sermons for the household, which Ludwig Fuerbringer valued for their advice about marriage, children, and other household matters. There are three volumes, illustrated by Norma A. Boeckler, and to be in color, black and white, and Kindle. Gems will be published a little later (not started yet).

The Ichabod Lutheran Dictionary is being worked on - definitions, trivia, a little fun here and there.

Justification by Faith - Exegesis. So many ignorant louts are braying and hee-hawing about their Objective Justification that someone needs to provide the exegesis for Justification by Faith, the Chief Article of Christianity. 

The plan is to do this in English and Greek, with English being dominant. Exegesis simply means - to declare, which means explaining what the text actually says. 

In John 1 - the Logos is the exegesis - He declares the true nature of the Father. Jesus is the exegesis, so we should not be shy declaring the text as revealed - rather than theses from Halle Pietists and Fuller alumni.

Public Domain Notice for All My Books

To help distribute more Gospel material freely, I have made all my books public domain, which means no permission is needed to reprint, edit, or translate my publications, past or future included. No fees are necessary or expected. Giving credit for using the original is sufficient – name, author, and date.

Do Dogs Change Behavior as They Grow Older?
Yes, Sassy Is Definitely More Mischievous

 Sassy's missing leg, amputated because of a horse kicking her, is the result of neglect from long ago. We adopted her because we could see her personality on the website featuring rescues.

Someone wrote a story about dogs changing their personalities as they grow older. Yes, they lose their puppiness, but Sassy seems to have more of those appealing qualities than ever before.

For example, she enjoys her little pranks. I was watching the news when she decided to put her claw on my stomach. She communicates with her paws a lot. This time she slowly dragged her claw on my skin. I yelped and she laughed. She does not just grin, but really laughs at the fun. My wife Chris said, "And you laughed." Yes, of course, but I am blamed for encouraging her. That was a one-time trick.

 Sassy tolerates her Voyager but loves the Town Car limo.

She returned to getting my attention with strange noises. I look up and wonder if something is malfunctioning. I looked up twice before I noticed it was the claw plucking at the metal shelf.

Some other claw tricks are:

  1. Batting my leg lightly, which calls for something I should do.
  2. Making the touch a little stronger each time.
  3. Dragging her claw across my kneecap with some force.
  4. Triple-dragging her claw, looking fiercely at me.
  5. I often ignore that at first and say, "Watch Sassy." I know - it is my fault for encouraging her.
Once she has established friendship with someone on the block, she sits down on the sidewalk, in their way, until they pet her and talk to her about how sweet she is. I said to one, "You made her day." She said, "She made my day." If they are brother and sister, both have to pet her and compliment her.

One couple demands "love" from Sassy before we go. They cup a hand and Sassy pushes her soft muzzle into it, licking the hand. At that point she backs away and barks sharply. "Do you have something to do?" Bark! Bark! "Do you have an appointment?" Bark! Bark! Bark!!

Sassy is friends with a lot of dogs who bark at her and play tag a bit through the fence. She loves to get three pit bulls barking at her, so she only needs to be nearby to hear them on alert. She loves to walk "innocently" near their wooden fence to start a ruckus. She watches me because I discourage it. That is just as much fun for her as seeing her favorite huskies and shepherds. She has overdone this at times, so she acts like it is just another stroll in someone's  front yard.

Sassy walked into view to be in this photo. Our granddaughter went over backwards and held the pose, laughing and unhurt. Sassy upstaging her made it even funnier.