Thursday, March 14, 2019

Second Installment - Posts with More Than 1,000 Views

 Historic St. John Lutheran Church, Milwaukee,
kicked out of WELS, stolen back - with its endowment.

Ending at page 43, Ides of March, 2015.

Management by Lying, by Theft - Historic St. John Lutheran Church, Milwaukee, WELS 

So Many Absurdities in the UOJ Dogma of Webber, Buchholz

SUI - Studying Under the Influence - WELS - 2,800+ views

Matt the Fatt's Reaction to Matt Becker Being Given a Pass

WELS Teacher Arrested

WELS Legacy of Nastiness Will Bury It - over 3,200 views

Notes about UOJ

More Facts against UOJ

Reasons To Boycott UOJ Emmaus Conference - almost 5,000 views

Easter Sermon of Paul Rydecki

WELS Documented - almost 5,000 views 

Zak Stowe and Sam Birner, Martin Luther College, WELS

From Zak Stowe at MLC, WELS - almost 3,000 views

Cross-Dressing instead of Bearing the Cross - MLS, WELS

Rev. Horst Gutsche Confirmed His Work with David Koenig, CLC

Maria Morgan is Norma A. Boeckler's daughter.

Louie's Big Day - Children's Book from Maria Morgan

Norma Boeckler's Religious Art Book

Luther's Sermons - Trinity 8 - Beware of False Prophets

Polluted WELS Blog Posts Preserved via This Link - 3,000 views

Creation Gardening Links

Attorney Rick Techlin Documented Glende Bullying the Victims of Ski-Glende Abuse

WELS GLBTQ and Allies

Printed Books and E-books from Norma A. Boeckler

Top Ten Crimes in WELS - 5,000 views

Tim Niedfeldt - May the Angels Lead You To Paradise

Thrivent and Planned Parenthood - LCMS Suddenly Schocked?

Pope Paul McCain - Unrepentant Plagiarist

Ski Learned To Ooze Jesus on People from Jeske - Scrotum Sermon

Ski Will Be Declared a Saint by WELS - over 3,000 views

Sing Along with German Hymns and Lyrics - Links to Hymns!

Team Glende's Epic Humiliation in their Court Case

Packet of Luther Sermon Links - almost 2,000 views

All the Hitler Videos - over 2,400 views

Tim Glende's Lawsuit against Member - Denied!

The CORE and Plagiarism at Glende's Congregation - over 3,500 views

Matt the Fatt's Mission Roots - over 2,000 views

DP Engelbrecht and SP Mark Schroeder Bailing Out Ski

ELCA Bishop Liz Takes Charge - How Did That Happen?

ELCA Teaches DP Buchholz Dogma

Luther's Sermon for Trinity 10

Jesuit Pope Francis Embraces UOJ, Too

Mark Jeske - Three Synod Man - ELCA, LCMS, WELS

Lil Packet of Luther Sermons - Rogate Through the Ten Lepers

Woody the Woodpecker Debate Rages On - 2700+ views

end page 64  5-14-13

Additional Copies of Calvin Ruined the Protestant Faith Have Been Ordered

The first few copies of Calvin Ruined the Protestant Faith arrived in home - even ours, so I sent another round out.

The new orders have March 25th as the arrival date, which varies like the weather. The latest ones were early.

The prices on Amazon are non-profit, but the author's prices are below that by about 33%.

Kindle ebooks are 99 cents. Only the huge ones are $2.99.

The best way to say thanks is to go to the Amazon and Kindle pages for a given book and comment on it. Basic rules are below.

Now Arriving - Calvin Ruined the Protestant Faith

Calvin Ruined the Protestant Faith just arrived. I know some are getting theirs today - or soon.

The book is a visual delight, thanks to Norma A. Boeckler. I kept it in large format because those prefer a printed book also like the larger size.

I have started another round of print orders.

LutherQueasies Mocking Justification by Faith

LutherQueasy kills threads once I have sliced the low-class baloney they put out. With malice prepense, I quote them verbatim.

I wonder if someone there has GA experience from WELS - playing a game, taking both sides at once.

United by allegiance to their Father Below, they began quoting Melanchthon's Apology, one of the best sources for Justification by Faith.

First it was SS, then Rolfie One-Note, whose devotion to forgiveness without faith makes me dab the tears (of laughter) from my eyes.

Working my way through Scaer's undisciplined autobiography, I noticed him using Subjective Justification as a synonym for Justification by Faith. Either the Ft. Wayne faculty and students are fatally stupid, or they play for the gallery du jour. They spew hatred for the Chief Article - as LQ and Rolfie always do - or they do a U-turn for a moment and wear the livery of the Christian Faith. But the trouble with being a chameleon is - they can turn every color but white.

To be clear, Objective Justification is NOT the Atonement, and Dr. Robert Preus said so.

To correct Dave Scaer - with a in-house ThD from the hive CFW Walther built - Subjective Justification is agreeing with the absolution of the world without faith. Let's hear it from the kidnapper, gold and land thief, and riot organizer hisself -

 This is a clear, articulate reproduction of Halle Pietism, as taught by Bohemian Pietist Martin Stephan to Pietist CFW Walther, BA.

"Let not many be teachers." The less one knows about Biblical doctrine (see P. Hale, the Preus clan, Oh! Jay Webber, Mad Jack Cascione, the faculty of both LCMS seminaries, Mordor, and the Little Schoolhouse on the Prairie) - the more one ignorantly yaks about his specialty.

The greater condemnation is reserved for you, brothers, for playing political games to enjoy the income, prestige, security, and benefits of your position. James 3:1 - for reference.

Mediocrities in the Church Visible are drawn together by their need for unearned luxury and acclaim. One liar honors the other, and all liars stick together. Could this be why WELS-LCMS are failing almost as fast as their brethren and sistern in the other mainline sects?

Rolfie One-Note tells people I am not allowed to quote his father's book, which he supposedly edited without noticing its repudiation of UOJ. However, he solved that problem (like Hale) by not mentioning it in his North Dakota lectures.

The Ft. Wayne Twist - Revealed by One of Its Graduates

Someone I have known for a long time challenged me to define Justification since I criticized OJ so much.

I wrote him, "We are forgiven our sins if we believe in the One Who Raised Him from the dead."

He jumped all over me as a heretic, so I explained patiently that I was paraphrasing what Paul wrote in Romans 4:24-25. Remember the OJists are fanatical about Romans 4:25, going back to their precious Brief Statement and Halle U - but only as long as Romans 4:24 is blacked out of their consciousness.

So I asked him for his definition. Note the strange addition - "We are forgiven if we believe in the One who already forgave us, Who raised Him from the dead."

The Ft. Wayne M.Div. had to insert the Justification of the World phrasing which is the heart of OJ and its only message. Faith is not only excluded but treated as toxic. OJ is God's declaration of Universal Forgiveness, thus they amalgamate the Atonement with forgiveness through faith in Christ.

The CFW wagon is a rusty old carriage with the wheels falling off. Some cling to it because denying CFW means abandoning their peculiar claims to glory. How could Holy Mother Missouri, Holy Mother WELS, Holy Mother ELS, and Holy Mother CLC (sic) be wrong? Not just wrong, but damnably wrong as Paul stated in Galatians 1:8 - No Other Gospel!

If not by faith, then by works, and these sects teach salvation by works just as ferociously as their supposed enemy, ELCA.

Lutheran Books To Read - Reposted from 2016

 Every serious, faithful Lutheran should start with Luther's sermons
and the Book of Concord.

Looking for Lutheran New Testament commentaries? Here is a complete set online, free, by the great Henry Eyster Jacobs.

Henry Eyster Jacobs helped translate this volume,
and WELS pastors always bought it in the past.
The volume has great Justification by Faith posts from the
Age of Orthodoxy.
Print copies, new reprints, and old prints,
are all over Lutherdom.

Heinrich Schmid was instantly condemned by the Booze Brothers in Fox Valley, WELS, so he must be good.

This is a compilation of quotations on various doctrinal topics - in English. Not only was Schmid condemned as a "false teacher," but I was pilloried for listing this link to a free, online copy of Schmid. Oh, the horror! That is how dummified the WELS graduates are today. When I was in Gawa's dogmatics class, we read through many of these quotations in class. Recently, the Mordor class notes stamped JBFA quotations for dogmatics class as MISLEADING!

 Tyndale and Shakespeare (Oxford) established the English language. The Tyndale translation was the basis for the
King James Version. The KJV is literature.

One of the most viewed paged on Ichabod is this extensive list of Lutheran resources, including Luther, Melanchthon, and many other authors of interest to faithful Lutherans.

DropBox links to all my books - free. To the complete set of Lenski's commentary - free. To Luther's Sermons individually and merged into one PDF file, with the Gems.