Tuesday, July 16, 2019

LutherQuest (sic) Is Pooled Ignorance - What a Fetid Pool

Rev. Kevin D. Vogts (Kevin_vogts)
Senior Member
Username: Kevin_vogts

Post Number: 1794
Registered: 1-2005
Posted on Tuesday, July 16, 2019 - 12:16 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

>>Lenski too believed in Objective Justification, but he used different terms

That was always my impression too, which would explain how this didn't drastically warp his overall teaching. However, I have had pastor friends argue quite vociferously that Lenski should be shunned, for his position on this as well as what seem to be chiliastic tendencies some places in his New Testament Commentary

GJ - Tis funny how these superficial Enthusiasts want to enroll their superiors in the Hall of Objective Justification Numbskulls.

Jay Webber, a typical Ft. Wayne graduate, gave Martin Luther a membership.

Lenski's family was part of the very large group that left Pope Walther behind, with CFW's Calvinistic Election without Faith backing up his Calvinistic Justification without Faith.

No, Lenski never taught OJ. He wrote, rather succinctly, "No one is forgiven without faith."

I think Lenski's language was rather loose in his effort to make the OJists see the light; hence his use of "objective reconciliation."

I use Lenski all the time, and our group has produced a complete set of free Lenski PDFs.

The free Lenski PDFs and other resources can be found here.

Putting Your Finger on Gut Feelings!

Rev. David R. Boisclair (Drboisclair)
Advanced Member
Username: Drboisclair

Post Number: 650
Registered: 1-2002
Posted on Tuesday, July 16, 2019 - 1:59 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Yes, Pastor Vogts, you are putting your finger on the gut feeling I have about the position of ELDoNA and GJ: they interject a gap between Christ's atonement and its appropriation by faith. Paul Rydecki's watershed paper that paved his way into ELDoNA, "Forensic Appeal to the Throne of Grace," gives one the impression that there is an unpredictable interval between my appeal to the throne of grace, and God's answer. One has the suspense of waiting to see if God will forgive me.

Another Doofus post on LQ!

WELS Pastor Steve Spencer Still Shilling for Jack B. Simple Casione (no synod)

Jack Cascione and Assumption of Walther Gang continue to ignore these Scriptures and even the phrase Justification by Faith.

------ Original Message ------
From: "Rev. Fr. Steven D. Spencer" <frspence@gmail.com>
To: "Rev.'d Dr. Greg Jackson" <greg.jackson.edlp@gmail.com>
Sent: 7/16/2019 8:45:19 AM
Subject: FW: Book Review: "The Path to Understanding Justification" by Dr. GregoryJackson


I understand you no longer care what I think. But I believe Jack treated you quite fairly in this review. He would like to print your reaction in CN.




Hi Steve. Jack is welcome to copy and paste from my blog at any time. I already posted my reaction.

I think it is a pity you would associate with him. But lie down with dawgs, git up with fleas.

In Christ,


 Covers and illustrations by Norma A. Boeckler.

If Objective Justification Is the Gospel, Then Why Are These Things True?

 The Righteous Brothers, Robert and Jack, pictured here, took over the LCMS by swinging the Objective Justification axe.

Objective Justification - the unbelieving world absolved of all sin and declared righteous - is exalted by:

  • The LCMS dogmatics, the new LCMS catechism, Matt the Fatt, Paul the Plagiarist, Christian News, LutherQuest (sic), Pieper, Mueller, the Great Inerrant Walther, Martin Stephan STD, Halle's Rambach, and Wittenberg's Samuel Huber;
  • The WELS catechisms, from Kuske on, Mirthless Mark Schroeder, etc;
  • Pope John the Malefactor, all the way back to Koren, who had a crush on Walther.
  • ELCA, in those places where they actually concede that God exists.

 Who is better known and loved? Leyser or C. Peter Wager?

 Why do they not admit to Samuel Huber veneration? He was in the bag for OJ long before Stephan and Walther.

If Objective Justification is the Gospel - as claimed by so many - then why are these things true?

  1. The LCMS-WELS-ELS are collapsing in membership, church attendance, and seminary enrollment.
  2. The leaders (just like ELCA) are known for attending Fuller Seminary, Willow Creek, and Trinity Divinity School.
  3. The clergy and professors are so ignorant of Biblical doctrine that they screech like witches when they hear about Luther's Biblical doctrine while they parrot Calvin and Zwingli.
  4. The road to promotion is not through Biblical knowledge but through the Schools of Enthusiasm promoted by those apostate Lutheran leaders, ELCA included.
  5. Creation is denied by the faculty of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis; criticism of their Seminex stance is "slander!"
  6. The dying WELS seminary in Mequon continues its GA/HB secret hazing ritual.
  7. These sects are dependent on Thrivent for cash. They shamelessly promote a second-rate company that shares the doctrine of ELCA and the murder record of Planned Parenthood.
  8. The political and educational leaders are paid substantial sums of money to increase the speed of the decline.
  9. Now that no one is fooled by their supposed distance from each other, the LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) are united by one thing Objective Justification - and proud of it.

 How does someone become president or a professor at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary? Answer - Attend Fuller Seminary and deny it.