Thursday, August 29, 2019

True of Higher Education - Even More True of the "Conservative Lutherans."
LCMS-WELS Working with Bottom-Feeding ELCA

All four leaders are older and fatter, unified - as I have often said - through Thrivent and the Siebert Foundation, Church & Change and the Jeske Crime Family

Atheist philosopher warns against ‘illiberal liberalism’ at universities

John Gray was writing for the Unherd website about his concerns that “illiberal liberalism” is pervasive in university culture.
He said students are told disagreement is wrong and that anyone who departs “from the prevailing progressive consensus is not just mistaken but malevolent”.


Gray, who has written books on atheism and religions, made his comments under the title “Why the humanities can’t be saved”.
He said that in previous years humanities subjects helped students stretch their mind in ways that would be useful for working life.
But now “progressive dogmas” are passed down as “self-evident truths” despite them having “zero utility in the world”.


Gray warned that freedom of mind is being lost and quipped: “Losing the ability to think while attending a university may be considered a misfortune. Incurring fifty or sixty thousand pounds of debt in order to do so looks like carelessness.”
He went on to consider the reasons for this and said that the “metamorphosis in liberalism that has occurred over the past generation has played a role”.
Gray said instead of being tolerant, “it has become a persecutory orthodoxy that tolerates no view of the world other than its own”.

The philosopher's claims are so true that I never planned to work in higher education. I landed in situations where I could teach freely, and the student response has been quite positive. I even taught critical thinking as a required course and many classes based upon that certification. (I took a test to allow me to take a course to qualify me to teach critical thinking and related courses.)
However, I experienced the one-sided assumptions of liberal schools (Yale, Notre Dame) and much worse in WELS-ELS-LCMS-CLC (sic). I was allowed to speak independently in college, YDS, and ND. But church institutions are more Stalinistic than Stalin's own era was. 
Are Lutherans less genocidal than Stalin, working with a religious insurance company to make America safe for abortions, late-term abortions (infanticide), and worse?
Wherever the Left takes hold, thinking stops. That is why people are abandoning the news organizations tied to specific politicians and political agencies. No one seems to notice this, but people are abandoning the synods large and small at the same time.
Contradictory Dogmas of the Left-wing Lutherans: ELCA-WELS-LCMS-ELS-CLC (sic)
  1. The Scriptures are the foundation for all teaching and practice, BUT their primary theologians are Karl Barth and his young mistress Charlotte Kirschbaum. This gangrenous Barth influence comes through Fuller Seminary and high-toned modern theological centers.
  2. Martin Luther is a great, Biblical theologian, BUT they have grown beyond that Medieval monk.
  3. The Book of Concord is second only to the Bible as a norm, BUT it is "boring and irrelevant," as one WELS leader said so succinctly. 
  4. Once a year, sola fide is spoken in quavering tones, BUT they teach Justification without Faith and continue to circle around the same Calvinistic and Pietistic arguments. Their position puts ELCA in the same stall with WELS-LCMS-ELS-CLC (sic).
  5. They are proud of their Lutheran heritage, BUT they kneel before every possible heretic, some of those celebrities already disgraced by their conduct and their doctrine

 They have kissed up to all these false teachers, BUT only for the best of reasons.

ELCA Has Determined That Jesus Is NOT the Only Way of Salvation,
But the Jeske Crime Family Moves On Anyway

WELS Discussions on Facebook

Scott Kruz shared a link.
You may not like what's happening to our worship life and theology but you don't have a choice. You see, my friends, even our very own WELS pastors attend Change or Die and will be sitting at the feet of the apostate ELCA ministerium as well. It's clear they've "learned" from them in the past and have no qualms about doing so in the future.
Personally, I'm praying for an early death.

Change and Die! Speakers, LCMS, ELCA

2019 Change and Die! Speakers

Rev. Dr. Dale A. Meyer

Rev. Dr. Dale A. Meyer

Rev. Dr. Dale A. Meyer is the president of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. President Meyer has been speaking and preaching for more than 40 years and his areas of interest and study include 1 Peter, the church in a changing culture, and the Sabbath applied to life today.
Rev. Heidi Neumark

Rev. Heidi Neumark

Rev. Heidi Neumark is a founding member of South Bronx Churches, an ecumenical community organizing group that trained local leaders, built hundreds of low-cost homes, and established a top-ranked public high school.
Evil Steering Committee
Rev. Walter Baires, ELCA South Central Synod of Wisconsin
Rev. D.Min. Bruce Becker, WELS, Time of Grace Ministry
Rev. Heidi Borkenhagen, ELCA Grace Lutheran Church, Grafton
Michelle Burmeister, Siebert Lutheran Foundation
Gretchen Jameson, Concordia University
Charlotte John-Gomez, Siebert Lutheran Foundation
Rev. D.Min. John Parlow, WELS, St. Mark Lutheran Church, De Pere
Rev. Randy Raasch, First Immanuel Lutheran Church, Cedarburg
Rev. Matthew Short, ELCA Greater Milwaukee Synod
Rev. Tom Wink, Retired, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Pewaukee

  • Pam Bain Seriously? “Rev. Neumark is the author of "Breathing Space: A Spiritual Journey in the South Bronx" and SHE will talk about ways to engage your ministry in the reality around you and how to *****organize the community to build up leadership and createSee More
  • Sam Novak If there should be any dialogue, it should be between WELS and LCMS devoting themselves to the preservation of Lutheran confessionalism and Christian orthodoxy.
  • Bernardo Cueto I agree with your post, but what do you mean by “praying for an early death”?
    • Scott Kruz Nothing makes sense. The arms of Jesus are far superior to the tentacles of the collectivist-left religion.
  • Jeffrey Basch how about restoring the TLH hymnal and the historical lectionary?
  • Lee Liermann So Pastor's can attend a conference to learn from someone with which we are not in fellowship and from someone whom we would not recognize as a Pastor but the poor layman shouldn't even pray say at the dinner table with a family member who might be LCMSee More
  • Cathy Kivela I had read some ‘end of the ages’ type books and was pretty much told by a pastor to steer clear of anything not coming from Wels....he also said most lay people cannot discern the biblical truth from fiction....needless to say, I was not happy with him.
  • Jeffery Clark Not just attend!

    Rev. Dr. John Parlow, St. Mark Lutheran Church, De Pere
    See More
    • Joe Jewell Plus:

      Rev. Dr. Bruce Becker, Time of Grace Ministry
    • Scott Kruz Wow! These men will be continue to be quite successful as they continue to align themselves with this organization and its goals. It's really amazing to watch, isn't it?
  • Joe Jewell And lest we leave the LCMS out of it, they got the *president* of Concordia Seminary to speak at this thing?!
  • Zachary Semmann Even from a practical perspective, why would we want to discuss anything with a church body that is hemorrhaging members? ELCA churches, whether they change or not, close practically every day.
  • Thomas Alan He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.”
    Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!
  • Justin Heise I know more than one admin has already replied to this post, but isn't this an opportunity to bash? "Bashing is a harsh, gratuitous, prejudicial statement with no intent to constructively contribute to a discussion on the merits and faults of something or someone in an intelligible (or articulate) way." 

    That's all this post is. Shouldn't the admins remove this? No one is discussing whether this is good or bad, what is good or bad, etc. Everyone is just bashing those who have organized this or who might attend. Why isn't this being removed?
    • Scott Kruz Justin, not bashing at all.
    • Scott Kruz But I do get your point. Imagine if you agreed with this apostasy and all you wanted was to denigrate those who were making obvious what was happening by bringing it into the light? You would, of course, make baseless accusations of "bashing".
    • Justin Heise It's exactly bashing, that's why I quoted the rules in the sidebar. You made a prejudicial statement with no intent to contribute to a discussion. You just wanted to point out how wrong these people are. 

      A discussion would point out the positives or 
      See More
    • Scott Kruz They are welcome to delete the post. This whole world is going to hell anyway, so why bother exposing what is happening as church bodies fornicate with each other at ecumenical conferences that serve to promote the views of an apostate ministeirum?
    • Scott Kruz Oh, and please have someone execute me for the sin of "bashing". I can't exist in a non-sensical world run by pro-collectivist thugs.

No! - Useless, Useless, and Useless.

The Actual ELCA Report

”ELCA Churchwide Assembly rejects statement that Jesus is the only way of salvation
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America at its recent Churchwide Assembly adopted an inter-faith policy that asserts there are “limits of our knowing” the way to God the Father. One voting member challenged the apparent universalist language and called on his fellow Lutherans to affirm Jesus' statement of John 14:6 that He is the only way of salvation.
Here is the report of what happened from the Institute on Religion and Democracy:
As a large group of ecumenical and inter-religious guests stood on the assembly stage, Chair of the ad hoc inter-religious task force committee, Bishop Patricia J. Lull of the Saint Paul Area Synod, presented a hearing report to the assembly. She acknowledged a proposed recommendation called a section of the policy statement “inconsistent with Scripture.”
The amendment was submitted by voting member Zachary Johnson of the ELCA’s Northwestern Minnesota Synod. Johnson proposed lines 630-655, titled “Limits on our knowing,” from the policy statement be struck from the declaration. Those lines read:
"The Lutheran tradition offers other reasons for caution about our claims to know. Luther said that no human could know another person’s relationship with God. What that person says or does gives us clues, but, ultimately, we cannot see into someone else’s heart (Luther, Bondage of the Will). Similarly, Luther insisted that we cannot know the inner workings of God. God has revealed God’s attitude toward us, overall purpose, and character, but the inner workings of God remain hidden. Hence, we must be careful about claiming to know God’s judgments regarding another religion or the individual human beings who practice it.
There is another reason for caution. As mentioned above, the Lutheran tradition has understood the word “faith” to mean trust rather than affirming beliefs. Hence, we also must be careful not to judge our neighbors only on the basis of their religious beliefs, as they may or may not tell us much about how our neighbors relate to God. There is no substitute for exploring together what matters most to others and to us. The full story of the relationship between our neighbor and God is beyond our knowledge, and even our calling. In the context of inter-religious relations, we do not need answers to these questions in order to treat one another with love and respect, find ways to cooperate for the sake of the larger community, practice hospitality, or witness to the good news of God’s love, forgiveness, and new life in Christ. All we know, and all we need to know, is that our neighbors are made in God’s image and that we are called to love and serve them."
Johnson’s challenge recalled Jesus’ words in John chapter 14 verse 6, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
“We have a clear statement from Jesus, who is fully God and fully man,” Johnson’s proposed amendment read. “We do therefore have a basis to know God’s views on religions that do not require faith in Jesus Christ as God’s son.”
According to Lull, the concerns raised by Johnson were discussed by the ad hoc committee. The committee ultimately declined to forward the amendment to the assembly because, as Lull explained, the policy’s text “undergirds a posture of curiosity and humility” as the ELCA seeks to “learn from and engage” their inter-religious neighbors.
Undeterred, Johnson then made a motion to amend from the floor. “I am here to speak truth to power, even if it is an inconvenient truth,” Johnson said during his address of the motion. “I would urge this assembly to repudiate and repent of any false teachings.”
Pastor Jennifer Chrien (Southwest California Synod) spoke against the amendment, saying, “Frankly I am embarrassed that we are having this conversation right now in front of all of our inter-faith guests.”
She continued, “Our God is big enough for our family to include all of these interfaith siblings. Our God is big enough to admit that we do not know everything there is to know.”
Johnson’s motion to amend was overwhelmingly defeated. The policy statement was adopted with 97.48% voting in favor.
Video of Thursday evening’s plenary is available below. The controversy begins at about 1:19:20.
My comment: If the ELCA is no longer willing to say that Jesus is the only way of salvation, especially in front of invited guests from non-Christian religions who need Christ's saving Gospel, the ELCA is no longer a Lutheran denomination. The Lutheran Church has always taught that we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone (Ephesians 2:8-9), by Christ alone (John 14:6, Acts 4:12).”