Friday, September 20, 2019

From Virtue Online - And LCMS-WELS-ELS Are Almost There

These barely literate opponents of the Chief Article will never get in the way of Mark Jeske's Change or Die! Conference.But they long to extend the Left Foot of Fellowship to anyone who threatens their insecure snuggle in the bosom of Thrivent, abortion, and kinship with ELCA.

Virtue Online -

Albany Bishop William Love now faces trial for defying GC Resolution B012. It's a foregone conclusion. A tribunal (hearing panel) set up to try a bishop for putting scripture ahead of a General Convention resolution on same sex marriage, will prove conclusively that The Episcopal Church is hell-bent on going to hell and taking as many bishops as it can with it.
Based on past evidence, the Rt. Rev William Love, the gentle, godly Anglo Catholic bishop of Albany will, at trial, be found guilty, convicted and deposed. He defied a mandate allowing a handful of his priests the right to perform same-sex, ungodly "marriages" because TEC's General Convention passed Resolution B012 approving of what God has never approved, but they have decided, in their worldly wisdom, to approve anyway. General Convention believes they have changed God's mind for Him, something that no church in 2000 years has managed to do, scaling the heights of hubris and theological arrogance. Bishop Love presently faces a "partial restriction on ministry," but that will soon become absolute.
Bishop Love's "sin" is that he dared to stand up and say that God does not, nor has He ever approved of sex outside of marriage between a man and a woman and for his faithful stand he will get the equivalent of a beheading, or be burnt at the stake. Thomas Cranmer would be proud of him. He also said that diocesan canons trump General Convention resolutions, a heresy that shrieks for correction. His execution will be done with all the high-sounding nomenclature of inclusion. At a very minimum he will be suspended but, in all likelihood, Bishop Love will be deposed, tossed out of the church and allowed to collect whatever pension he can scrape out of the CPF for his years of service.
The jury, you will be thrilled to know are all progressive bishops, clergy and a laywoman. They were handpicked to make sure that nothing could go wrong for the Church, or right for the godly bishop.

 Bishop Love (left) and Curry. The Lutherans no longer have two sides. The LCMS-WELS-ELS-ETC slaver for the fool's gold of Thrivent, Siebert, and Time of Grace.

GJ - Pretty funny below. LCMS-WELS-ELS-ETC are dying after five decades - and counting - of Church Growth Calvinism - and Objective Justification.
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Daniel Gorman (Heinrich)
Senior Member
Username: Heinrich

Post Number: 4080
Registered: 11-2004
Posted on Friday, September 20, 2019 - 10:46 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I don't see anything on the conference page that would preclude a confessional Lutheran from participating. My only concern is with the conference's tacit approval of Mrs. Orellano's usurpation of a pastoral office.

If the topic is "Change or Die", the Siebert conference should look at the failure rate of ELCA "churches" that have abandoned the gospel. They changed and they died!

Change or Die!. LutherQuest - Squeaks Out a Protest about the Two Rev Heidis. ALPB Silent. Christian News Almost Silent. Gay Ordination & Abortion on Demand

ELCA Pastor Heidi Neumark is a long-time mentor for the gay ELM group. Their profiles helpfully provide the proper pronouns to use, so consult the profile list first.

 ELCA Pastor Heidi Borkenhagen was given the task of getting her congregation into the Reconciled in Christ gay advocacy group. She is on the steerage commitee (sic) because for the last three years, they cannot spell committee correctly.

LutherQuest (sic) and Christian News have timidly mentioned, with a total lack of detail, the October 10th Mark Jeske Change or Die! conference.

ALPB has said nothing, perhaps because they approve ELCA domination.

Steadfast Lutherans (sic) are so far into themselves that they probably do not know yet.

Gottesdienst would need to look into their crowded sacristy closet.

Epic Break-Through for the Forces of Apostasy

Many things are accomplished by this tenth anniversary of Jeske's Change or Die!

  1. Women's Ordination - approved!
  2. Gay Ordination and marriage - approved!
  3. Abortion for any reason - approved!
  4. Doctrinal unity via Objective Justification - their glue!
  5. Ministry strategies via Barth/Kirschbaum and Fuller Seminary - but of course.

 "Be patient, mein Karl. We will re-imagine Christianity in our image, and our Father Below. Schtop with the footsie. This is a formal photograph."