Friday, September 27, 2019

WELS SP Schroeder - "WELS Is Becoming More Confessional."

 "WELS is becoming more confessional." - WELS SP Mark Schroeder. Pictured - ELCA Pastor Heidi Neumark, Jeske's Change or Die! speaker, 2019.

Dishonest Conversation Has Become the Norm - Church and State

 The Three Stooges could look quite serious at times. No, I am not comparing them to synodical leaders. You jumped to that conclusion - confess your sins against the Eighth Commandment and Matthew 18.

I reposted about WELS as an abusive cult here.

ELCA Exposed provided this link about the collapsing membership figures of the mainline denominations. The article is poorly written, but the figures show what the Left and its precious Church Growth Movement have done.

How many have considered the covert success of Church Growth, which is truly ecumenical? The Roman Catholics have used it too. The result of Church Growth activism has been an exodus of members from their own denominations. LCMS-WELS are just as Leftwing as their pretend enemy, ELCA.

The results are clear - the Left owns the schools of higher education, the denomination's properties, and the denomination's financial assets. The apostates have total control and the means to stop any small group from taking back power.

So fierce - and yet shivering while he barks furiously.

ELCA could consolidate its seminaries on one campus, but so could LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic). Mark Jeske has already taken the next step toward ELCA owning the chihuahua synods, so named for their tiny size, their nasty barking, and their lack of bite.

ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) leaders have excommunicated Justification by Faith, the Creeds, the Book of Concord, and liturgical worship. Anyone who remembers Howdy Doody can recall how all of this has taken place before their eyes.

Dishonest conversation has accomplished the improbable, a bloodless takeover of church institutions, parallel to what has happened to American education.

 If the Thought Police in the synod have not admonished you, then you are not doing any thinking on your own.