Thursday, January 2, 2020

So I Googled "Lutheran Library" - And Who Was First and Best?

This is Alec Satin's weighted blanket. He has gathered over 150 Lutheran/Christian ebooks for free, and many are making their way into print at low, non-profit prices. Our little group has published 11 volumes of Luther's Sermons as free PDFs, two collections of Luther's sermon quotations free, and Kindles at 99 cents for all books (except larger ones - $2.99).

The Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry. Non-profit publisher of Christian books. Ebooks provided without cost or fees. All hand-picked for a new generation ...
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You've visited this page many times. Last visit: 1/2/20
Jan 18, 2019 - The new site should make it easier for you to find and access excellent Christian reading material from the Lutheran Library. Even if you are not ...

 People pay princely prices for CPH books to support the royal salaries at CPH - figures no longer easy to obtain.

Lutheran Library without Luther's Sermons or Much of Luther at All! But Walther, Mmmm mmmm Walther! Big Buck$ for These Books. Start at $250 for Basics.
Since the days of the Reformation, certain key books have been a part of the life of Lutherans: the Bible...

The books in The Essential Lutheran Library will serve to give shape and definition to the faith and life of every Lutheran Christian. Included in this special ...

 Why did McCain's Cyberbrethren blog disappear? Plagiarism? So why is he shearing the sheep and fleecing the shepherds at CPH?

A Lutheran Layman Describes the Great Affinity between the Calvinist Revivalists and Fuller. George Gerberding, The Way of Salvation in the Lutheran Church -
Thanks to the Lutheran Librarian, Alec Satin!

 The free ebook, The Way of Salvation, is found here at the Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry. 
It may be in print soon. 

Lutheran Layman:
In The Way of Salvation in the Lutheran Church, George Gerberding gives a great example of what happens with those who do not believe in the Efficacy of the Word, The Office of the Keys, and The Means of Grace. Revivals were sweeping across 19th century America. In its wake, it left the ashes in such area as the "Burnt Over District" of upstate New York. The pastors in the General Council often had to pick up the pieces in their mission work. The following is an excerpt from chapter 23 called Revivals:

"We object to the modern revival system, because it rests on an entire misconception of the coming and work of the Holy Spirit. The idea seems to be that the Holy Spirit is not effectively present in the regular and ordinary services of the sanctuary, that since the day of Pentecost He has come and worked with power during every revival and then departed to be absent until the next.

 George Gerberding wrote about building congregations and was known for accomplishing genuine growth based on Biblical doctrine. Who would have guessed that he did not need gourmet coffee, no-talent rock groups, and marketing studies? Doth ye wish to measure Werning's and Ron Roth's fame? - look around at the destruction.

This is directly contrary to the teaching of the Divine Word. When Jesus was about to leave His disciples, He said, John 14:16: “I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever, even the Spirit of truth.” From these words, and others spoken by our Saviour, two things are plain: That the Comforter came as the visible Christ’s substitute, and that He came to abide. The system also undervalues the divinely ordained means of grace. Little if any renewing grace is expected from the sacrament of Christian baptism. Few if any conversions are expected from the regular and ordinary preaching of the Word. Little if any spiritual nourishment is expected from the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Because the regular Church ordinances are thus undervalued, they are largely fruitless. Few conversions are expected during the ten or eleven months of regular church services. It naturally follows that the unconverted will shake off all serious thoughts under the regular church services, under the plea that they will give this matter attention when the next revival comes around. And even the work of sanctification for the saints is largely crowded into the few weeks of revival. It is doubtless for this reason that we find so much levity and irreverence in many so called revival churches. Because the Holy Spirit is not supposed to be effectively present in the Word and Sacraments, there is nothing inspiring and uplifting in these things. A careful observer can not fail to notice that in churches which believe in grace through the means of grace, there is an atmosphere of deeper solemnity and more earnest devotion than in such revival churches. Another objection to the modern revival system is the utter indifference to doctrine that generally goes hand in hand with its methods and practices. To “contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints” seems to be altogether out of place at a modern revival. The popular sentiment is: it makes no difference what a person believes, or to what church he belongs, or indeed, whether he belongs to any, if only he is converted, if only his heart is right! Hence we find but small provision, if any, for doctrinal instruction in the revival system. Those who are expected to be gathered in and brought to Christ, are left in ignorance of the great doctrines of sin and salvation. 

They have the most imperfect conception of God’s Way of Salvation. And yet they are expected to enter upon that way and walk in it! The first and great object of the revivalist seems to be to work directly on the emotional nature of his hearers. And when the feelings are aroused, when the excitement is up, the hearers are urged to come forward, stand up, to follow the saw-dust trail, etc. Now there is no true religion without feeling, no true piety without heartfelt sorrow for sin, longings for union and fellowship with God, together with a childlike trust and love to Him. But when Paul was sent to convert the Gentiles, he was directed first of all “to open their eyes,” that is; to instruct them, and then to “turn them from darkness to light.” The revivalist, however, makes a short cut and goes at once to the feelings, contrary to the Scriptures and to the laws of the mind. Therefore the revivalist not only permits, but encourages the ignorant and inexperienced to assist in exhorting and helping such as are inquiring after life and salvation. But, “can the blind lead the blind? Will they not both fall in the ditch?” Better let these novices sit at the feet of Christ! We may also mention the proselyting spirit that so often accompanies this system. How with all its protestations of charity, brotherly love, and union, it often runs out into the meanest spirit of casting aspersions on others and stealing from their churches. We might speak of the divided churches that often result. As Dr. Krauth once forcible said: “They are united to pieces, and revived to death.” No wonder, that in sections of our country where this system has held sway, worldliness and skepticism abound. These places have been aptly called “burnt districts.” It seems next to impossible to make lasting impressions for good on such communities."

In Christ,

First Part - The Life of John Bunyan - The Pilgrim's Progress
Wednesday, 7 PM, January 8th

 Bunyan understood the Slough of Despond. The fun part comes from the names of those who left Christian and went back.

 Bunyan loved Luther's Galatians, unlike the great and wise leaders of Lutherdom today. They teach against Luther's great book.

Biography of John Bunyan

The origin of The Pilgrim’s Progress defies logic. We would expect the greatest of English classics, after the King James Bible, to come from someone with an excellent bloodline, education, and scholarly surroundings. He was born in Bedfordshire, England, in humble circumstances, around 1628. His father was a tinker, someone who repaired and fashioned metal objects. His parents were very poor, but they sent John to a free school, to improve his lot in life, but he was an inattentive student.
His early behavior was legendary, but for the wrong reasons:
John’s ungodliness was as advanced as it was offensive. Few could equal him in cursing, swearing, lying, and blaspheming. He was the ringleader of the village immoralities – a great sin-breeder, infecting all the youth of the neighborhood with all manner of youthful vanities. He cared nothing for Holy Scripture, preferring a ballad or the local news.[1]

He was already a soldier when he was 16 years old. Most likely he fought for the King, which is ironic. The restoration of the monarchy led to his later imprisonments. Meanwhile, he was tortured by his wanton behavior and feelings of doom. Friends suggested marriage and he wed. We do not know the young woman’s name, but she brought two books with her – The Practice of Piety, by Lewis Bayly and Arthur Dent’s The Plain Man’s Pathway to Heaven. She helped him learn to read again, but he remained fixed between some adherence and his bad habits. This continued for some time.
Bunyan came across a copy of Luther’s commentary on the book of Galatians. It was the most well-suited thing imaginable for Bunyan at this time, for Luther was a man who had similar passion and emotional contrasts. No other book was ever so precious to him, except the Word of God. Bunyan’s turmoil continued, and it is told in Grace Abounding.[2]
During this time Bunyan lost his first wife and also moved gradually into serving as a church deacon, then pastor in 1657. His church was Nonconformist, which meant they were independent of the Church of England.
Bunyan’s change from his old days was so complete that people gave credit to God’s powerful grace in this conversion, which was aided by his first wife’s Christian faith, his learning to read Christian books, and attendance in worship. Even so, he suffered great turmoil during this transition.

Second Part, Restoration and Imprisonment

[1] Bunyan, John. Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners (Updated, Illustrated): A Brief Account of God’s Exceeding Mercy through Christ to His Poor Servant, John Bunyan . Aneko Press. Kindle Edition.

[2] Bunyan, John. Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners (Updated, Illustrated): A Brief Account of God’s Exceeding Mercy through Christ to His Poor Servant, John Bunyan . Aneko Press. Kindle Edition. Luther’s Galatians Lectures (also called Commentary) is recommended by the Formula of Concord for additional study of Justification by Faith.

 LCMS seminary graduates say, "Really? Let's join Rome"

Starting January 8th - Wednesday, 7 PM Central

 This is a pivotal stop in the journey. Bunyan studied Justification by Faith in Luther's Galatians.

 The work has two parts. We will cover Part 1, about Christian. 

The Pilgrim’s Progress as an Allegory

 The burden on his back - his sins.
He is studying the Bible to find his way.

We use figures of speech in our normal conversation, but seldom think about their use. Some come from the Bible, where the best known ones are called parables. Luke 15 is an example of parables used to introduce one of the most significant parables.
Luke 15:1-7 is the Parable of the Lost Sheep.
Luke 15:8-10 is the Parable of the Lost Coin.
Luke 15:11 begins the Parable of the Prodigal Son, illustrating the Old Testament custom of moving from the lesser (the sheep and the coin) to the greater – the Prodigal Son. The two introductory stories get us accustomed to the feelings of loss and recovery. The story of the impetuous son, the forgiving father, and the self-righteous brother teaches us the nature of our gracious heavenly Father. Concrete images and associated emotions embed the Biblical lesson.

We are heirs of Greek and Latin literature as well. We use these figures daily:
·        I almost died – Exaggeration or hyperbole.
·        The salad was like twigs and pine cones – simile.
·        He is a dog – metaphor.
·        That was no small task – litotes, a double negative used for a positive, considered an understatement for effect.
·        He gave the wrong reason for the wrong evidence to the wrong person – anaphora, repetition of a phrase for emphasis.
Many more figures could be listed.

The allegory is the grandest tool of our language. An entire book can be an allegory. Used poorly, the result is odd or tedious. The Marriage of Mercury to Philology by Jupiter belongs in a special class – unread, unloved, and largely unknown, except among Medieval scholars. The Lord of the Rings can be seen as an extensive allegory, especially because J. R. R. Tolkien was a Roman Catholic. Likewise, the movie E. T. suggests similar themes, the script written by a Roman Catholic. Some allegories are quite obvious in their intent:
1.      Animal Farm, by George Orwell
2.      The Chronicles of Narnia, by C. S. Lewis – children see Aslan as Jesus, but adults miss that entirely.
3.      Plato’s Allegory of the Cave
4.      The Faerie Queen – by Spencer
5.      Herman Melville Moby Dick
6.      St. Paul – the armor of God – Ephesians 6

The Pilgrim’s Progress is an allegory, which might be described as a parable with fictional characters. This means we should read The Pilgrim’s Progress slowly and considers its lessons. This work is not a novel, but a way to explain essential lessons from the Bible. The wealth of the book comes from its details. The author explored the challenges and temptations of Christian, the allegorical hero, on his way from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City. The names and mishaps are often humorous and always instructive.

Wounds Leave Scars - The Pain Is Not Forgotten

 There is a pope's crown in every briefcase, and that includes the micro-mini sect tyrants not shown.

The clergy leaders and their sycophants may be too blinded and hardened to realize what they have done on a massive scale. Not only have they failed to display the understanding, compassion, and mercy one would expect. No, they have also absolved the guilty while piling punishment on the innocent, not neglecting to rob widows and orphans with their greed.

I doubt whether an internship at Chick Fil A would help those leaders. I loved the video of Pope Che slapping away the hands of a woman begging for help (she crossed herself first). That is the real Pope Francis, Society of Jesus.

Winning is losing with these bullies, but they do not know it. People remember. Entire families pass on the stories. Clergy families do too. And teacher families. As a deceased pastor told the story, when he manned the Come to WELS booth at the fair, people walked by angrily pointing and saying, "Never again!"

 This is actually a fish-hat for bishops, to feign the humble and meek nature of the Pope. They would love to dust off the tiara or crown.

 Here is a nod to Marian papists in the LCMS. The oil painting was featured in the plagiarist's blog. A friend added the plagiarist for fun. Weedon probably has this folded up in his wallet or pinned to his chasuble.

Chik Fil A - Where Future Lutheran Pastors Should Be Trained

In contrast, at McDonalds, even the managers snarl at the customers! They forgot Sassy's cone at their drive-through, so the manager said, "Here's your cone - GRATIS!" Only... I ordered it and paid for it. 

Mrs. Ichabod began craving macaroni and cheese at Chik Fil A the moment the delicacy appeared on TV. We were most of the way there for an appointment, so we went to the location in Fayetteville.

The parking lot was jammed and the line for drive-through was blocking the few remaining places.  I wedged the Voyager so close to a parked truck that I had to exit from the passenger side.

We walked toward the front door and saw an employee taking orders from cars lined up for the drive-through. She was smiling and putting the orders in, facing away from us. She turned 180 degrees to greet us and smile.

The inside was so jammed with people waiting to order that I called for a surrender and retreat. "We have it at home in the freezer." Mrs. Ichabod negotiated a compromise. "Greek grilled salmon?" I voted for the new plan and we went there.

During lunch I thought about the Chik Fil A difference. Most fast food places - and almost all stores - feature sullen, detached employees trying to hide their pain. Chik Fil A is shockingly warm and friendly, with helpful employees who ask about the order to make sure the customer gets the right items.

I have been through employee training where all kinds of lessons were presented about greeting people, smiling, and being relational. I enjoyed that. I even told people, "My job is to help you find items. Loading shelves is just a hobby when I am free." One elderly lady wished for a personal shopper, and I said, "I am it." We went all over the store looking for her items. As a cashier, I bantered with each customer, told jokes, and only got one sour-puss who was in a hurry. However, very few people took this training seriously, and the manager was the worst of all.

Corrupt Fruit from the Tree of Unbelief

WELS-ELS-LCMS honchos brag about one thing. They all agree that the entire world was pronounced righteous (Objective Justification) - though they remain vague about when this happened and where it was revealed - only to them - in the Bible.
Matthew 7: 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: 27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.

Why do people get frostbite visiting WELS-ELS-LCMS congregations? Why are people leaving these quasi-Lutheran sects in droves?

The reason is not - "They need Chik Fil A training," but they do need the Gospel and a foundational emphasis on faith in the Savior. The LCMS-WELS turned away from their original Justification by Faith training and began adhering to ELCA's dogma. They even repeat it in the LCMS Dogmatanic - "Grace is not grace if faith is required." (See if Romans 4 contradicts this ecumenical slogan - by faith Romans 4:16 Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace...)

What is the result of this ELCA all-inclusive, all-denominations, all-religions, all-37-genders religion? I know the answer from Google alerts, which gives me news releases from various ELCA seminaries. Every student and every pastor must be a Social Justice Warrior, regardless of where this agenda leads. As they used to say in show business, this has led to an eight-door exit from ELCA and its baby sisters in Universalism. No Gospel - all Law, and human law at that - mostly borrowed from the pagans and the occult.

Martin Luther College, The WELS School of Ministry