Thursday, July 2, 2020

What Was I Predicting? The News Is NOT the News

Who made sure her face hung out for the photo of Chelsea Clinton getting married? - Ghislaine Maxwell, the procurer of young girls for Jeffrey Epstein's blackmail business. Hugh Hefner also taped and blackmailed!

Robert Maxwell  (born Ján Ludvík Hyman Binyamin Hoch) - the father of Ghislaine - was a major media figure in Britain and also connected with Israel, spying, and who knows what.

Q has been warning that a major arrest would bring down the House. The cryptic messages also mentioned the keystone.

I consider this the keystone, propping up the entire corrupt machine of criminal behavior, trafficking, drugs, blackmail, and massive government corruption.

The SDNY attorney general (Berman) was kicked out of office, and Maxwell was arrested within two weeks. "We have everything." Does anyone think the NSA cannot track anyone it wishes? I use them when I lose a password - 1-800-NSA-HELP. They have it all. Receipts too. "Do you want a printed receipt? - they ask me. "No, I just email the NSA when I need one." They always smile knowingly.

Criminals are stupid. They do not know this about the NSA. Knowledge is power. When knowledge butts up against the threats of the powerful, knowledge wins.

There are many photos like this. The connections are vast, because Epstein had what these men wanted. Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, and Ghislaine Maxwell posed together too. Q has exposed so many already.

Lo how the mighty are fallen - Harvey Weinstein arrested, Jeffrey Epstein did not commit suicide, and Ghislaine Maxwell is arrested.

Predicting the Next Few Months

 I told the kids, "Stay off the roses!" In truth, it was a little more exciting than that.

I decided to post a few unsolicited predictions for the next three months. Every news item on TV is directly related to the elections, or really The Election, in November.

We will have Wuhan Flu until the election, when it will cease to have any value in the voting, cheating, and alleged mail-in voting.

Most of the cheating will be reduced at this election. The 2018 election allowed the Demsheviks to win the House - on purpose, which eliminated Speaker Paul Ryan as a political heavyweight.

President Trump will win both Houses.

Some of the Art of War methods are being used.

"Appear weak when strong." - Things are about to pop when it seems Trump is on the ropes.

"Deceive the enemy." - I hear statements from the Trump side that misdirect attention or clearly contradict what is known. 30,000 child traffickers have been identified in Germany, but that is not in the news. Strange - because that was always a major goal.

The enemy identifies itself all the time, with the symbols of Satanism, adrenochlorine, trafficking - and worse. Once you know what the main symbols are, they appear everywhere. My Yale supervisor said he helped his son identify trees, and suddenly he saw the unusual ones "everywhere." Did they suddenly grow up, or did the scales fall from his eyes?

"The best victory is when no lives are lost." - People typically talk about major military battles where countless lives are lost and property is vaporized. However, this President does not aim at such hollow outcomes.

As my chess hero, Nimzovitz has written, often a major advance opens up a critical weakness. I read today that massive gifts to one "charity" are being funneled to Joe Biden's campaign. That is illegal when matched with money laundering.

Nothing says Art of War like Biden's campaign. People will look back on these months and say, "Did you see that coming?" And I will say, "Yes, I did."

Remember, I was the one talking people off the ledge on election night, 2016. What I said about the tactics used proved to be true and my claims were supported in the independent media.