Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Read "The Error of Modern Missouri" - Free PDF or Inexpensive Print Book

PDF Free Version of The Error of Modern Missouri

Inexpensive Print Books from Alec Satin Are Found Here

Hello Pastor Jackson

Some time ago you wrote in your blog about the book "Errors of Modern Missouri", which had just been re-printed by the Lutheran Librarian.  

I bought the book and finally finished reading it. I found it to be a very effective exposition and defense of the traditional Lutheran doctrines of election and justification, against the doctrines of CFW Walther.

The book also gave me an insight into how UOJ came about: Walther removed faith as a instrument of justification, and replaced it with the idea that everyone is justified by the death of Christ, without regard to faith. One then became saved when he 'accepted' his already justified status.   


Matthias Loy on the Sacraments

[From St. Mark, Delaware, Ohio -

"Rev. Loy is elected President of the Evangelical Lutheran Joint Synod of Ohio, a position he held for 32 years. He also composed 42 hymns for the Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal."

“For these rites,” [says the Apology of the Augsburg Confession, Art. 13, § 4. 5,] “have God’s command and the promise of grace which are peculiar to the New Testament. For when we are baptized, when we eat the Lord’s body, when we are absolved, they ought certainly to assure us that God truly forgives us for Christ’s sake. And God at the same time, by Word and by rites, moves hearts to believe and conceive faith, just as St. Paul says, ‘Faith cometh by hearing.’ Rom. 10:17. But just as the Word enters the ears, in order to strike hearts, so the rite itself meets the eyes, in order to move hearts. The effect of the Word and of the rite is the same, as it has been well said by Augustine that a Sacrament is ‘a visible Word,’ because the rite is received by the eyes, and is, as it were, a picture of the Word, signifying the same thing as the Word. Wherefore the effect of both is the same.”
 Loy's Church in Delaware, Ohio, north of Columbus, is in the paws of ELCA. Rev. Kenneth DeWalt, a student of Lenski, served the congregation for 30 years. After that, a series of interim pastors followed. Another hymn-writer besides Loy, Emmanuel Cronenwett, also served St. Marks.

But to be… marks of profession among men is not the chief end of the Sacraments. Therefore those who teach that this is their only purpose are grievously in error.
The truth which the Scriptures teach and the Church of the Reformation confesses is so distasteful to many that, in their endeavor to escape it, they can think of no better purpose for which the holy Sacraments were ordained than that of being marks of recognition as Christians. All the power and grace of these divine institutions is thus denied, and the holy Sacraments with their potency and mystery and heavenly comfort are reduced to mere labels by which the observer may know who wants to be regarded as a Christian and who does not.
From Loy, Matthias. The Augsburg confession: An Introduction To Its Study And An Exposition Of Its Contents Columbus, Ohio: Lutheran Book Concern, 1908.

 Pastor Emmanuel Cronenwett

Yale Medical Scientist versus Fauci, Who Mandated Face Diapers for Us,
But Not for Fauci

Mrs. Ichabod and I worked at the Yale Medical School in 1972-73. She did research for a professor at the Yale Child Study Center there. I looked up and xeroxed medical journal articles for a government program.

Our good friend from church was a PhD and MD at Yale Medical, working at the physiology lab.

 The mask is for thee, not for me.

 The company he keeps.

Finally - The Declaration of Independence's Stance Is Supported Many Ways

Pro-abortion. Pro-abortion. Pro-abortion and honest about it. Pro-abortion.
Thrivent is pro-abortion with ELCA, and conservative capons go along with it.
Where is the stink-eye? Where is the Left Foot of Fellowship?

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

When the spiritual values are neglected, the visible church becomes one more human institution. 

"This has been a fruitful subject. I have dwelt upon it at some length because I feel that the Church’s spiritual equipment is the cardinal and fundamental thing. It does not consist in trappings, or sensational programs, or discussions of civic and economic arrangements; it consists in spiritual efficiency through the Christ of the gospel. “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.” Thus far we have considered the great impelling motives of the Church’s call. We must now speak briefly of the call itself." 
Leander Keyser, sermon, submitted by Alec Satin, Lutheran Librarian

Is Life Today One Big LARP?

 "Theology is the grammar of Faith," as Paul L. Holmer wrote. Synodical grammar is atrocious today.

LARP stands for Live Action Role Playing. The term is often used today. The idea is that paid members of an event create a false impression by the way they act during and after an event. The LARP becomes a factual news item and part of history.

For example, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was real, but the "surprise" part was not. Republicans in Congress held an investigation. Most people will say today that we had no idea that a giant, noisy convoy of ships steamed across the Pacific, using ship-to-ship radio, and remained undetected. Books have written about what we knew then and who was kept in the dark, such as the Pearl Harbor commanders.

There are alternate narratives to many major events in history, especially in the last century. I enjoy reading about them and considering which versions are the most credible. America is not strong on knowing or retaining history facts. I can picture a nation-wide poll on Waterloo coming up with "a famous song by Abba," not the date (1815) and the main characters (Napoleon, Wellington)

QED, the Wuhan Flu is real, but the response has been a LARP, especially the legendary and imaginary "second wave," a clever way to sell face-diapers in many imaginative designs.

 The ushers, greeters, and ministers must smile, and be Golden Retrievers, not guard dogs of the Faith.

The Denominations and Synods - One Giant LARP
I read that Mrs. Jerry Falwell Junior was quick to rebuke anyone (via her contacts) who suggested Liberty University was less than perfect. I thought, "Yes, just like like WELS, Missouri, ELCA, the CLC (sic) and the rest." Criminals are absolved and promoted. Those who question Holy Mother Synod President Hategood are beaten like rented mules - their first and last warning.

The Hategoods are simply the fruit of the 150 year old LARP. They should be pitied, because the evil tree will always produced corrupt fruit. When the current crop is finished producing unbelievers, new examples of the same syndrome will replace them.

The Calvinists first - as Congregationalists - became Unitarians at the academic and clergy level. The real truths were limited to the Brotherhood of Man and the Fatherhood of God. I saw that in New Haven, when a church group (Congregationalist in origin) was horrified that I agreed with the articles of faith in the Apostles Creed. Yale Divinity School (Congregationalist in origin) swore that no more Lutherans would be hired to teach there - those professors were too conservative.

The Methodists and Episcopalians joined the parade to perdition. The first steps were Social Gospel activism, aided and abetted by "Biblical scholarship" that treated the Scriptures as one more interesting book, entirely human in all respects. Sometimes the Social Gospel activists were discovered to place all their trust in Marxism...oh no! Everyone got used to the Marxists pushing their agenda at all levels. Lutherans were always "a day late and a dollar short," as Stanley Hauerwas liked to say in his ethics classes.

Lutheran embraced and militarized the same goals as the mainline denomiations, first on the left side (ALC, LCA) then on the right side (WELS-ELS-LCMS):

  1. The KJV is spoiled by relying on a bad, old, unscientific text.
  2. Our genius generation knows how to promote a new, scientific Greek text of the New Testament.
  3. The Bible is just a book about religion.
  4. Jesus died on the cross to free us from lack of success, poor time management, and neglect of socialism.

Not entirely, but for the most part -

  • Lutheran worship is gone.
  • The Creeds and Confessions are "boring and irrelevant" as one WELS leader said.
  • Any old Bible will do since we learn so much from 57 varieties of each verse.
  • Lying, deceit, and slander are the modus operandi in all the synods, serving their Father Below.

2 Timothy 4 KJV
I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;

2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.

3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.

 This cat has chick-pox. Where is your face-diaper?