Monday, October 5, 2020

Lenski Links - Now Fixed

Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa.

If you had trouble with the Lenski folder link, so did I. I have had to redo that link. 

I am fixing to fix them, and they are fixed.

Thank you for your patience and Monte for telling me (diplomatically, gently, sensitively).

This is the corrected ALL-LENSKI Dropbox link for the free PDFs

World Missions - "I Am So Glad To Be in This Group!" - Free Books (PDFs) for Lutheran World Missions

This is the corrected ALL-LENSKI 
Dropbox link for the free PDFs

We have two special Facebook pages for making the free PDFs available for people. 

Free Books for Lutheran World Missions - 100 members and growing.

Classic Lutheran Books - 305+ members.

One of my overseas Facebook friends wrote, "I am so glad to be in this group!"

I pointed out that when we started to gather "a few" old Lutheran classics, we wanted to  make sure people knew how to get them. 

The most important American Lutheran authors are - 
  1. Lenski
  2. Loy
  3. Jacobs
  4. Krauth
  5. Schmauk, etc.
These authors were usually only found at seminary auctions, when pastors died and the library already had those volumes.

I enjoy promoting something worthwhile, so I did some reviews on Amazon and on my blogs. I thought Facebook would reach some new people. 

The surprise was the number of PDFs Alec Satin created. After we printed Luther's Postils, where he was the major worker, Alec caught the print book fever and began converting prepared PDFs into low cost print books.

Some people have reprinted public domain books, but they often charge a large sum for a substantial profit. The books we provide are non-profit and designed to be used in future generations, not locked up in an estate trust.

These print books are sold non-profit, and many have been supplied at the author's or editor's price, which is very low indeed.

Gold from the Lenski Mine - NT Commentaries and Books.
New Gospel Sermons & Kings and Priests

I have uploaded the new, improved PDFs of Lenski's New Testament commentaries. These are clearer, easier to read, and work better on the computer. They are public domain.

I have also added Lenski books published by the Lutheran Librarian - aka Spindletop - for his astonishing production volume.
  • King and Priests
  • New Gospel Sermons
  • Etc

Several people helped with this, including Zach Engleman and Alec Satin. There are probably more to add to the list.

Spindletop is the legendary gusher that staggered everyone in its production of oil.

Add Lenski's Gospel Sermons to His Commentaries
On Your Favorite Books Shelf, Or As a PDF on Your Computer

“Christ our Savior and all his apostles preached justification by faith, even as did the prophets of the Old Testament. Justification is the central doctrine of all the Scriptures, the heart and soul of the entire Christian religion. All believers are justified, all the saints in heaven now have been made what they are by justification, and at the last day the righteous at Christ’s right hand will be there because they have continued in justification to the end.”

“Thank God, the Bible is in men’s hands today! Whoever will can have it in our whole land, and can read and study it as much as he desires. But what do we find in this free land of ours? The most deplorable ignorance of the Bible. And alongside of it the most dangerous misuse of the Bible… Here is God’s own Word, the great treasure house of heaven, and here is the key to unlock all its treasures for us… O the sadness of this lack of use, and of this misuse of the Holy Scriptures!” — R.C.H. Lenski

Richard C. H. Lenski (1864-1936) best known for his insightful and still invaluable series of New Testament Commentaries. Professor of theology at Capital University and President of Western District of Joint Synod of Ohio. He served as editor Die Lutherische Kirchenzeitung.

The Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry finds, restores and republishes good, readable books from Lutheran authors and those of other sound Christian traditions. All titles are available at little to no cost in proofread and freshly typeset editions. Many free e-books are available at our website Please enjoy this book and let others know about this completely volunteer service to God’s people. May the Lord bless you and bring you peace.

Free PDF of Lenski's New Gospel Sermons - Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry

Every time you review a worthwhile Lutheran book, 
an angel gets his wings.

Stump's Bible Teachings Available in Print And
As a Free PDF

Stump's Bible Teachings (print version) can be found here.

“The book presents Christian doctrine and Christian character, as both are drawn from the words of the Bible. It sums up the Biblical teachings concerning divine truth and human life, and presents the principles of the Christian religion both for the guidance of faith and intellect and for the formation of character…

“Throughout the work the aim has been to draw the teachings of the Bible directly from the sacred record itself. Technical theological terms have been introduced only where it has been deemed necessary to make their meaning clear to the pupil. It is hoped that the Scripture references cited in the margin will lead many to an earnest searching of the Holy Book for its words of truth and life.

“Whatever aspect of a Biblical doctrine promised to be most helpful to the pupil has been adopted. It will be found, therefore, that some chapters are prevailingly doctrinal in character, others are critical and apologetic, and still others slightly historical; while the ethical and parenetical element has been permitted to pervade many parts of the book which are more strictly doctrinal in character.

Joseph Stump (1866-1935) studied at Capital University and the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia. He taught at the Chicago Lutheran Theological Seminary and the Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, where he was also President.

The Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry finds, restores and republishes good, readable books from Lutheran authors and those of other sound Christian traditions. All titles are available at little to no cost in proofread and freshly typeset editions. Many free e-books are available at our website Please enjoy this book and let others know about this completely volunteer service to God’s people. May the Lord bless you and bring you peace.

The free PDF of Stump's Bible Teachings is here, at the Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry.

Take worthwhile books out of stealth mode by posting reviews. Every book review helps.