Stump's Bible Teachings (print version) can be found here.
“The book presents Christian doctrine and Christian character, as both are drawn from the words of the Bible. It sums up the Biblical teachings concerning divine truth and human life, and presents the principles of the Christian religion both for the guidance of faith and intellect and for the formation of character…
“Throughout the work the aim has been to draw the teachings of the Bible directly from the sacred record itself. Technical theological terms have been introduced only where it has been deemed necessary to make their meaning clear to the pupil. It is hoped that the Scripture references cited in the margin will lead many to an earnest searching of the Holy Book for its words of truth and life.
“Whatever aspect of a Biblical doctrine promised to be most helpful to the pupil has been adopted. It will be found, therefore, that some chapters are prevailingly doctrinal in character, others are critical and apologetic, and still others slightly historical; while the ethical and parenetical element has been permitted to pervade many parts of the book which are more strictly doctrinal in character.
Joseph Stump (1866-1935) studied at Capital University and the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia. He taught at the Chicago Lutheran Theological Seminary and the Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, where he was also President.
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The free PDF of Stump's Bible Teachings is here, at the Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry.
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