Saturday, June 12, 2021

If the Boomers Are So Smart, Why Have Their Synods and Seminaries Floundered

The graphic may seem inadvertently positive, but the proven results of apostasy are evident to many people today. 

God is not going to allow His Gospel to be mocked forever. The events leading up to this debacle can be outlined. 
  • German rationalism was appealing to many intellectuals, who had little or no faith (like WELS today). The Social Gospel was a tool for replacing the Gospel with the Law. They were Woke! before most of us were born. 
  • Getting all denominations united led to building a headquarters in New York City, which became the base for the Federal Council of Churches (Marxist). For public relations, the FCC  was renamed the National Council of Churches. 
  • The unionists meet at Fuller Seminary today - better funding, easy degrees, and a bonus - the Roman Catholic Church in attendance. ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC! - they all love Church Growth, teaching the same fads, and saying, "The others are floundering too."
  • The seminaries realized that they were wasting time teaching Hebrew and Greek, so they switched to dummy practical classes taught by synod cast-offs. Few have the capacity to address a Scriptural issue. Instead, they repeat their Fuller slogans and delusions of their Holy Mother Synod, each one far superior to the others. Ha!