Thursday, December 30, 2021

Making It Easy - Linking Nutritional Benefits of My Favorite Healthy Foods

Three of our members encouraged me on the topic of nutrition and avoiding bad foods. I am not an expert, which I have proven with my bad habits. However, I can link some of my favorite foods and their benefits, with the experts explaining.

Walnuts are the ultimate heart medicine, and cholesterol fixer. Good for -

  • Anti-oxidants
  • Omega 3
  • Anti-cancer
  • Lower weight and blood sugar
  • Brain function
  • Anti-oxidants
  • Vitamin E
  • Blood sugar control
  • Magnesium, good for many benefits, including blood sugar
  • Lowering bad cholesterol (beats statins, believe me; my cholesterol is perfect because one member sent me walnuts until I was addicted)
  • Weight loss
  • Lots of nutrition
  • Incredible amounts of Vitamins K and C
  • Anti-oxidants, fiber, and potassium
  • Omega 3 and also lowers blood sugar
  • Can be boiled, microwaved, or cooked crispy

  • Protein, fiber, and iron
  • Lowering blood sugar
  • Satisfying hunger and improving digestion

Kale is the superstar of greens and lasts all winter under the snow. Did God plan that?

  • "For example, one cup (67 grams) of raw kale packs 684% of the Daily Value (DV) for vitamin K, 206% of the DV for vitamin A and 134% of the DV for vitamin C (2)."

"Collard greens are a good source of calcium and the vitamins A, B9 (folate) and C. They’re also one of the best sources of vitamin K when it comes to leafy greens. In fact, one cup (190 grams) of cooked collard greens packs 1,045% of the DV for vitamin K (6).

Vitamin K is known for its role in blood clotting. In addition, more research is being done regarding its ability to improve bone health (7Trusted Source).

One study in 72,327 women aged 38–63 found that those with vitamin K intakes below 109 mcg per day had a significantly increased risk of hip fractures, suggesting a link between this vitamin and bone health (8Trusted Source)."



"Spinach is a popular leafy green vegetable and is easily incorporated into a variety of dishes, including soups, sauces, smoothies and salads.

Its nutrient profile is impressive with one cup (30 grams) of raw spinach providing 181% of the DV for vitamin K, 56% of the DV for vitamin A and 13% of the DV for manganese (9).

It’s also packed with folate, which plays a key role in red blood cell production and the prevention of neural tube defects in pregnancy (10Trusted Source).

One study on the neural tube defect spina bifida found that one of the most preventable risk factors for this condition was a low intake of folate during the first trimester of pregnancy (11Trusted Source).

Along with taking a prenatal vitamin, eating spinach is a great way to increase your folate intake during pregnancy."

GJ - Spinach loves the cold damp weather of early spring and easily lasts when planted before the winter. It bolts (goes to seed and is bitter) when the weather warms and bugs work it over late in spring. Early fresh spinach is a treat, right from the garden. Ask my rabbits.

More leafy greens are described here.

Dr. Fuhrman emphasizes beans (of all types), greens (of all types), plus uncooked nuts and seeds. If you want the book, I will be happy to mail it to you. I am getting it for about 99 cents.

Vimeo - Testing Chapel Improvements

 Vimeo Player will appear below this message.


Second desktop - Melanchthon - for sound.

Using files from the second computer, not from an Internet link.

Original and best desktop - Luther - for Vimeo.

Camera - original one since the tripod has not arrived for the new one (which is much bigger).

Ways To Improve Home Reception

Use Google Chrome for the browser.

Clear the browser history. Very important.

Adjust the Vimeo player - set it on automatic or on a lower setting (less demanding). Look for the sprocket (gear) on the lower right of the Vimeo player.

Guess what? My cell phone went bonkers so don't try to phone tonight. email -

Response to Previous Post about Rolf, OJ, and ELCA

Responding to This Justification Post - 

From a reader:

Dear Pastor Jackson,

I have struggled for a long time with 2 Cor. 5:19.  There are many interpretations of this verse.  I had come to think mine was unique, if I could back it up.  

I have to start with a translation, taken literally from the Greek:  "That is that God was in Christ the world reconciling to himself not reckoning to them the trespasses of them and having put in us the message of reconciliation."

The word reconcile is often equated with justification, and this is the verse used to prove it, because it supposedly defines reconciliation with non-imputation of sins.  Reference is made to Psalm 32:2, but that psalm is spoken by David, a believer, and the non-imputation is toward believers.

I agree somewhat with Lenski that reconcile is used in two ways.  This first way is not justification.  Furthermore, the imputation / reckoning is not about the imputation of Christ's righteousness, but literally this: not reckoning to them the trespasses of them, because the trespasses are reckoned to Christ.

I think too little is made of a parallel between verse 19 and 21.  Verse 21 explains and augments verse 19: "The one not knowing sin on behalf of us sin he made that we might become the righteousness of God in him."  As in verse 21, verse 19 is about Christ taking on our sins and the sins of the world (John 1:29).  The purpose was that "we might become the righteousness of God in him," not that all have become the righteousness of God in him, as the UOJists proclaim.  I don't recall who said it, maybe Aegidius Hunnius, but nowhere in Scripture is the righteousness of Christ imputed without faith.

Phil 3:9 bolsters this: "And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith."

Of course, the UOJists will says that is subjective justification, and does not disprove universal justification, but a proper reading of 2 Cor. 5:19 does when compared with all of Scripture.  Nowhere is Christ's righteousness imputed without faith except in a spurious reading of 2 Cor. 5:19.

This shined brightly when I saw your posts again from Justification and Rome, p. 72 

"When does the imputation of Christ's righteousness take place?  It did not take place when Christ, by doing and suffering, finished the work of atonement and reconciled the world to God. Then and there, when the sins of the world were imputed to Him and He took them, Christ became our righteousness and procured for us remission of sin, justification, and eternal life. 'By thus making satisfaction He procured and merited (acquisivit et promeruit) for each and every man remission of all sins, exemption from all punishments of sin, grace and peace with God, eternal righteousness and salvation.'"

"But the imputation of Christ's righteousness to the sinner takes place when the Holy Spirit brings him to faith through Baptism and the Word of the Gospel. Our sins were imputed to Christ at His suffering and death, imputed objectively after He, by His active and passive obedience, fulfilled and procured all righteousness for us. But the imputation of His righteousness to us takes place when we are brought to faith."

This is stated so beautifully and fully comports with my interpretation of 2 Cor. 5:19, that it is about the imputation of the world's sins to Christ, not the imputation of Christ's righteousness to the world, a matter that requires faith in the procured and promised forgiveness of sins.  Verse 20 concerns this latter reconciliation when it says: "Be ye reconciled."

Blessed New Year to you.

Beans, Green, Nuts, and Fruit

Nine days ago I realized my pancreas warrantee had expired. I began reading Furhman's book above, realizing I need a revolution in my habits.

I have lost a pound a day since then. 

My all-American diet previously included:
  1. Some McDonalds and diet drinks.
  2. Too much bread and bakery.
  3. Portions too large.
  4. Not enough exercise.
  5. Desserts - the staff of life.
Fuhrman's book emphasizes
1. Greens 
2. Beans - various types
3. A variety of fruit, blueberries, apples, oranges
4. Nuts like walnuts especially, almonds
5. Low on eggs, meat, cheese, and fish
6. No sugared or diet drinks.

Lunch today -
A small can of kidney beans with walnuts
A bowl of blueberries

Lunch was delicious, satisfying, and a boatload of good nutrition. Breakfast was two eggs and one piece of NY rye toast.

I really enjoyed the beans and blueberries because I was slightly hungry but not starving. The dessert cravings have gone away slowly. Giving up diet cola has been tough. 

At the gym they said they would be swamped with  new memberships in January-February, cancellations starting in March. Consider your New Year's resolutions on hold.

I sent Fuhrman's book to four people because eating is more than a matter of weight and blood sugar, though both matter a great deal. A lot of information is about heart healthy/blood pressure improving foods. 

Your Daily Wake-Up Article

ELDONA is almost 100% Ft. Wayne, where seminary students were expected to kiss the OJ ring of Robert Preus and David Scaer. It warmed my heart to see Jim Heiser and Rolf Preus shoulder to shoulder for one brief, shining moment.

Today I made some cinnamon pour-over coffee and sat down to read something interesting, amusing, shocking, or outrageous.

 Robert Preus taught this nonsense to his students at Ft. Wayne, but clearly saw the errors in his final book, Justification and Rome. Rolf and Daniel were too clueless to edit the counter-arguments out of the book.

The ALPB Online Discussion Forum was supposedly on the topic of the ELCA Bishop kicked out of her own political group. But no, it was actually another debate between the ELCA journalist-pastor Charles Austin and Rolf David Preus, son of Robert Robert Preus, son of Jake Preus, who also began Jack Preus - LCMS President and brother of Robert Preus. I think Rolf is back in the LCMS to stay, though he was ELS, then in his own Rolf Synod, then in fellowship with ELDONA, then back in the LCMS.

 Jay Webber (ELS) and Jon-Boy Buchholz traveled to the Emmaus conference to promote OJ, which also tickles the granite heart of Matt the Fatt. Why did the professors stay away in droves? Why did three synods rely on these two yokels?

What staggered me was the realization that they were debating - again - even though both teach the same Objective Justification, the world being absolved of all sin, somehow without the Word, without the Means of Grace, without faith in Jesus Christ.

I use control-f on each issue of Calvinist News (nee Christian News, nee Lutheran News), looking for key words to see how the Walther worshipers are doing. The cub editor never lets these terms appear on the grace-infused pages of his tabloid:

  1. Justification by Faith
  2. The Means of Grace
  3. The Efficacy of the Word.
The terms in blue are basic to Biblical, Lutheran doctrine. Justification by Faith is named repeatedly in the New Testament and taught by the Holy Spirit with great clarity. Efficacy as a word-group in Greek is also used many times over and taught in various ways, such as Isaiah 55:8ff.
The Means of Grace serves as short-hand (like the Holy Trinity) for what the Scriptures teach - God's grace only coming to us through Instruments or Means - the invisible Word of teaching and preaching - and the visible Word of the Sacraments.

When ELCA pastors and professors speak of grace, they mean that the entire world is already forgiven. Like the WELS-LCMS-ELS OJists, the concept of faith makes ELCA angry, but they normally tiptoe around their Helen of Troy to avoid unpleasantness.

Robert Preus' last book, edited posthumously by Rolf and Daniel, includes many quotations devastating to the foolish cause of Objective Justification. Rolf tried to deny this, but when he gave his Dakota lectures, he failed to cite Justification and Rome.

So why does Rolf argue with Charles Austin? Neither one seems to concede their mutual unfaith, their dogma from the Halle and Norwegian Pietists, their repudiation of the Scriptures and the Book of Concord.

My other puzzlement is how clergy can be so offended by - and against - the King James Version but let these Scriptural blasphemies rule their lives and their dying synods. 

Robert Preus' dying words can be read in the graphics below.

 Ft. Wayne and Wayne Mueller - a merger of false teachers. 

 The rank stupidity of J. P. Meyer has been endorsed by the new edition of his work, editing by Panning, the New Testament professor.

Has anyone read a more astonishing rah-rah for Universalism?

 It's time for you to make a decision for OJ.

 Valleskey's legacy - to make J. P. Meyer took relatively wise.

 Here is the start of it all in the Synodical Conference, which has united all Lutherans with ELCA.