Monday, February 28, 2022

Fuhrman's Disease Proof Your Child - And Maybe Your Inner Child

Disease Proof Your Child

I found another Fuhrman book - Disease Proof Your Child. The title evokes recent memories of mothers handing their children McDonalds french fries to keep them soothed in the car. 

When I slogged vegetables at Walmart, the biggest laughs among us were the technicolor cereal aisle - air-puffed sugar confections - and the tiny air-puffed balls of sweetness for babies in their section, so they could grow into Count Chocula.

Merge the Dracula theme with fake chocolate and sugar. Mmmmm.

Furhman makes a good argument for starting children with highly nutritious greens, fruits, vegetables, and nuts instead of sugary, salty, and fat foods. 

I see so many morbidly obese young children that it makes me groan. Children are normally high energy, so how much sugar and fat are being consumed to keep them roly-poly before first grade?

Yes, I had access to desserts as a child, but my parents were always urging vegetables on us. My mother fell for cow's milk "building strong bones and muscles." The Dairy Council gave teachers beautiful color posters about all the high fat, high protein foods we should eat, diminishing the use of vegetables, fruits, and nuts.

Calcium is easily obtained from greens, without the salt, sugar, and fat. We got our milk at elementary school too. We paid our milk money for that each week. Once a year we got chocolate milk - and we loved it. 

Fuhrman argues that children will love the good foods they are offered. No secret - the worst garbage (salt, fat, sugar) is found in the form of prepared food ready to microwave or grab from the fast-food window.

I can testify that eating greens and beans has eliminated most of my desire for desserts and junk food. Apples and oranges are my new dessert, about four portions a day. Spinach is shockingly delicious and satisfying in a huge bowl with walnuts, a bit of dressing, flax seed, and blueberries - three blood pressure reducers marked in blue.

We all have different tastes, and beans vary widely. I favor the more flavored types, though they may have more sugar and salt. I have always liked lima beans so I bought some cans for a lunch or supper. Soup is good to blend with vegetables and mushrooms.

I am getting better at getting ingredients cooked to the right temperature. Ice cold mushrooms do not taste right in warmed vegetable soup. Frozen peas warm up fast in the soup, so I look for other frozen ingredients, like the green pepper and onions frozen together. There are also pearl onions and other combinations.

Am I disease proof? I dropped to my lowest weight since we had a President from California. My blood pressure dropped to normal and I stopped the calcium channel blocker. My blood sugar is probably near normal, so I wait for the A1C in March. 

Yes, I fell off the no-dessert wagon a total of four days in two months. I eat some fast food with Sassy, but buy no colas with or without sugar. 

This is not a diet but a big and welcome change in habits. I reduced meat to three times a week, no milk or milk products, no eggs, no fish. I have had a little cheese on toast but it made my head pound each time, which I consider a salt alert. Pizza? - not even thought about, though I love Chicago pizza.

 Fuhrman was an Olympic skater. So far, I like the heart book the best - concise and clear.

 The End of Heart Disease. The used copies are generally very inexpensive, because they were not read much and were left in the estate.

Spiritual Blindness Exemplified - Bible Bucks for Dummified Devotees

 Herman Otten got into the Bible business with the AAT, or Beck Bible, which has the same errors as the NIV - such as the true ending of Mark being doubted. Like all those who set aside the KJV, Otten promoted Objective Justification - not Justification by Faith, the Chief Article.

I ignored daily or hourly emails, and even tried to stop and block them. However, they had a sale on KJVs with a big discount and no shipping. $8 each. With 11 point fonts, they are easy to read. They are not as gigantic as the ones with the Very Large fonts, but also not limited by Lilliputian size and the need for a battery-powered magnifying glass that lights up tiny store and prescription labels.

Notice that the Little Three Bible Paraphrases (ESV, RSV, NIV) are cheaply made and often higher priced. Bibles are business. The new ones have to pay rebates to the store (illegal but made honest with "shelf rental" fees). Your ESV-RSV-NIV Bible may generate higher fees, a great incentive to feature boy, girl, teen, newly-wed, mother, combat soldier versions.

Let me illustrate with one teeny-tiny selling book bought by a writer. He finds out that 250 copies will cost as much from the printer as 500 copies or even 1000 copies. He may order 5,000 copies, as Cascione did, and rue the day. Once free copies are given away, 4,967 copies are left to sell. The individual writer has a big bill and no place left in the house for storage.

But the Bible seller will always have good sales and can remainder the leftovers, like the NIV Las Vegas edition. I should be in marketing.

I look at a Bible at the WM and see a bit of money for paper and ink, everything else in that book as profit. That is also why synods bring out new, worse hymnals - because volume sales cancel the original cost and becomes pure profit. "Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow." That is a hymn too - not just a slogan at ELCA-WELS-LCMS publishing headquarters. 

Why do they cooperate on everything but hymnals? "Benjies" is the answer. It is all about the Benjamin Franklins.

They Blinded Me with Greenbacks!

Old Man Jeske had to publish an article on the blatant errors in the "classic" NIV. I remember him going over that in his Old Testament class. He also enjoyed his trip to Israel. The students were impressed that he got to help on the NIV, but the list of helpers was longer than Paul Kelm's gimmicks. I wondered if he had any influence, especially when looking those little errors in the old NIV, which only grew worse in the new ones. The NIV has more face-lifts than Celine Dione, and with worse results, too. The same is true for the red National Council of Churches' ESV and RSV. 

The ESV is a little more Calvinist than the RSV, though I wonder how much more damage can be done to either paraphrase. The superior attitude broached - "I use the ESV, not the NIV" - is more like comparing road kill for supper. Don't gag - I know a WELS pastor who bragged about saving money that way.

No matter what the Bible bucks do to seduce the synods and pastors, the KJV still has the best text (Majority, Traditional, Byzantine, Stephanus, Ecclesiastical) while the rest keep making changes to call their snip, clip, copy and paste jigsaw puzzles "the earliest, best, most scientific" - so perfect that they change their Greek text annually. And what do they have? The Nestle-Aland-UBS is almost the same as the Westcott-Hort and the fraudulent Westcott-Hort has been exposed as a bunch of text theories easily refuted.