Wednesday, January 25, 2023

The Light of the World


The Light of the World

KJV Matthew 5: 14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. 15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

            Luther used the sun and the moon to compare the Gospel with the Law, since the energy of the sun is needed for the moon to illuminate the night sky. In the same way, the light of Christ is in those who believe in Him and absent in those who do not. Even the smallest light can be seen in complete darkness. In fact, utter darkness makes light especially important for believers and unbelievers alike.

            President Ronald Reagan’s farewell speech included this Biblical reference:

“In my mind it was a tall, proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, windswept, God-blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace; a city with free ports that hummed with commerce and creativity. And if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here.”[1]

            No one can hide a city built up high on a hill or mountain. The light of that city penetrates the darkness and draws people to it. In contrast, darkness makes people afraid, and they stumble from the smallest obstacle. When my brother lost his shoe in a sheep pen at night, we were playing with the farmer’s children. No one knew how to find it in the muck – until the farmer brought out his flashlight, laughing. The farmer did not hide the light but shone it until the shoe was found and extracted with the expected jokes.

            The secondary light from the Light of the World shines in us as we practice the forgiveness which bears fruit in love. Most importantly, that begins with our own households, where faith, forgiveness, and grace dissolve the darkness of our natural selves and selfishness. The early Christian martyrs witnessed to their faith by dying instead of silencing themselves and hiding the truth. They were honored to model the Savior and in doing so spread the Gospel. John Hus’ death as a martyr paved the way for Luther stating “We are all Hussites” and the Reformation changing Europe and the world.

            The light does not remain within the household but spreads so that all people will have the chance to see the meaning of the true Christ, the Savior of the World.

Smiles from Giving


At Christmas, a neighbor brought me gifts, smiling, barely speaking English. She was one of the first to identify me as the phantom rose donor and daffodil distributor. She stopped her car as she was going by our rented house on the cul-de-sac. "You gave us roses. I see you."

For Christmas, she knocked on the door, smiled and gave me a brand-new blanket, a big cup full of candy, and a few other items. I passed the blanket onto someone who cannot bear the cold.

Giving makes us smile, a great feeling. I am looking forward to the daffodil crop, which will be distributed to everyone and anyone. Cutting flowers makes the bulb stronger.

We have a newborn in our congregation - Avelin. Mothers give so much and people love to give to babies.

We have an unusual book program. We give Bibles and doctrinal books to people without cost. I reasoned that the doctrinal and historical books have more reach when given away. I look at the 3,000 book collections - staged behind pastors who do not read those books, but talk endlessly on their videos. I figure others would like to have the King James Version and books about the Bible's message.

I wanted to send the Martin Chemnitz biography to a pastor. In his land, the book sells for $255 from Amazon. Here it sells for $5. I sent him two. 

People have given the most in publishing by writing reviews for Amazon. That gets others out of their Objective (Faithless) Justification air castes.

PFC really liked my three-volume Byzantine Empire boxed set, one of my all-time favorite books, so I gave the set to him, almost new. I am not going to read the set again when there is so much else to do, and I am glad when others appreciate worthwhile books. I did that at UOP until we got to the generation that views TikToks rather than reading any books.

After Priest Exorcises All Demons From Her Home, Pelosi Becomes A Republican

Solar Powered Snow Removal

We had a big snowfall by NW Arkansas standards, maybe six (6) inches, perhaps 8 inches falling with 2 inches of immediate melt. I learned long ago from my Laotian neighbors that early shoveling avoids later ice chipping. I went outside - before coffee! - and began. Half my driveway was already melted by the rising sun, in spite of cloud cover.

My solar powered corn shovel is a good blade for pushing the rest of the snow down toward the street or off to the sides. Filled with Planet Fitness pride, I decided to do my sidewalk as well, just as the Laotians did. The sidewalk had a lot of melt from the garden and was heavy like white lead. Or were my muscles turning to mush? Scholars are divided.

I would rather have snow as a blanket over the garden than strong icy winds slowly killing the tender upper part of roses.

Snow is also good for all other plants, keeping them warm (by their standards), hydrated, and nitrogen fertilized by melt. Snow has usable nitrogen and is very good for hardy or fall-planted bulbs, root strengthening, and the multiplication of microbes.

Andrea Has a Baby Sister - born January 24, 2023


Andrea's baby sister - Avelin Kirtsen, 8 pounds, 1 ounce.