Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Blasphemy Essay - Part Five - The Leaders Are Lying about
"Always Teaching Objective Justification" - Ha!

This is what you lust for - LCMS-ELCA-WELS-ELS-CLC.

This is what your synods abandoned and spat upon: The Lost Dutchman's Goldmine.

Part Five - Blasphemy

The Lutheran Leaders Are Lying about "Always Teaching Objective Justification" - Ha!

They are lying to you - Justification by Faith was taught in the early days of the synods (maybe not in the ELS), snuffed out after the Brief Statement, 1932, was canonized and gilded with fool's gold.

The Synodical Conference Small Catechism was edited by Carl Gausewitz, Wisconsin Synod, who died young, and was thrown under the bus. Try to find a copy now! They are as scarce and apologies from Mirthless Mark Schroeder.

CFW Walther was a Pietist fanatic from the start, following one Pietist guru and then becoming a disciple under Pastor Martin Stephan, after the first Pietist guru died. Walther always taught the entire world being forgiven and saved without faith. We can see in the Concordia Publishing House catechism booklets that Justification by Faith was taught in the KJV version of the catechism and also in the Synodical Conference catechism of Gausewitz.

The Norwegian Pietist brothers, Jack and Robert Preus, followed the Objective Justification error, but Robert wrote his last book, Justification and Rome, destroying Objective Justification.

Debate? They are both Objective Justification Enthusiasts.

ELCA and the LCMS-ELS-WELS-CLC (sic) Confuse Justification and Atonement - Part Four of the Blasphemy Essay

Johann Wilhelm Baier was born in 1647 and died in 1695. He taught at Halle University, the mother ship of Pietism, a fact never mentioned when people say "Oh! Baier! Walther edited him!"

Justification/Atonement - Fourth Part of the Blasphemy Essay

Bishop Martin Stephan's pimp, CFW Walther, began forging the dogmatics leg irons of Missouri with his edition of Wilhelm Baier, a 17th century Pietist dogmatician at Halle University. Baier is now largely forgotten, or ignored, or forgotten-yet-praised because he was blessed by the Great Walther Himself and Francis Pieper Himself. 

Halle's Pietism soon turned into rationalism, the branch now highly praised by ELCA Biblical scholars and CPH (see the elaborate pratfall of their two volume Gospel of Mark commentary).

Nobody ever says, "Oh! Rambach!" - except Jay Webber rose to support this Halle Pietist on 1 Timothy 3:16. See Steadfast (sic) Lutherans.

The Halle gang is protected by the Pietistic and the Rationalistic strands of Lutheran apostasy and blasphemy. Just to be polite - the doctrinal foundation of Walther and Pieper was not the Lutheran Reformation but the Halle Deformation. That is why Jay Webber so gleefully embraces the Pietist Quistorp to prop up his Objective Justification errors. And yes, Walther also liked and quoted Quistorp.

1Johann Quistorp; quoted in C. F. W. Walther, Justification: Subjective and Objective (translated by Kurt E. Marquart) (Fort Wayne, Indiana: Concordia Theological Seminary Press, 1982), p. 21. 3. Cited by Jay Webber.

Lutheran dogmatics are best summarized by their reactions against the constant yowling pack of Calvinists, who were always trying to pick apart Luther, Melanchthon, Chemnitz, and Gerhard (not to be confused with the hymn writer Gerhardt).

Many are waiting for a retraction from David Scaer. The peacock is a symbol used by Luther - the strutting know it all who makes a lot of noise because its feet (foundation) are so ugly.

Just to be concise and not turn into another batch of verbose dogmatics experts, faithful Lutherans can summarize the error of the Objective Justification fanatics as merging Justification by Faith with the Atonement.

Traditional Lutherans believe in Justification by Faith because they have not been brain-damaged by repeat-after-me graduates and professors of Mordor, Ft. Wayne, St. Louis, and the Little Schoolhouse on the Prairie. The OJ cancer is deeply troubled by the Chief Article, because faith is necessarily individual, not universal. 

The ELS is in denial about their favorite dogma being pure hogwash. The Halle DNA mixed with Calvinist Enthusiasm created an eternal truth - the residents in Hell (Hitler, Stalin, Mao) are guilt-free saints.

Heirs of Knapp-Woods confused people into thinking that the entire world was absolved of all sin - that believing this nonsense was Subjective Justification - two justifications without faith! Walther taught making a decision for Objective Justification was just perfect.

The poorly educated leaders of the synods think they can paste sticky notes all through the Bible - OJ and SJ. "For God so loved the world (OJ!) that He gave His only Son (OJ again!) so that whosoever believed (SJ!) in Him might not perish (OJ!) but have everlasting life."

The man who covered up his bishop's syphilitic adultery until the right time to stage a riot and steal gold, land, and books - that Pietist embraced the Objective Justification taught by Martin Stephan, STD.

Their idea of salvation is exactly the same, with a minor concession from LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC side - an individual must make a decision, agreeing that everyone is already forgiven and saved without faith. 

Is everyone clear on this? The president of WELS' shrinking seminary was an expert on Church Growth and grace without the Means of Grace.

ELCA has reached the obvious conclusion of apostasy - grace means everyone is forgiven and saved, without faith. They say, twisting Romans 4, that it is either grace or faith, and faith is Law.

The whole stack of Lutheran leaders has united around Thrivent loot and quasi-Unitarian dogma - social activism as necessary, faith in Jesus Christ the Son of God, not.

"Our work is done. Pacification is complete. All accept the forgiveness of salvation of all people. Our members are fewer but the dogma is pure.

Luther's Sermons - Quote of the Day

Link - Luther's Sermon on the Unbelief of Thomas - The First Sunday after Easter 

4. So the Holy Spirit illustrates and teaches now in this example that without faith we are simply blind and completely hardened, as we see everywhere in the holy Scriptures that the human heart is the hardest thing in the world, harder than steel and adamant. And on the other hand, if it be bashful, despondent and soft, there is no water nor oil so soft as the human heart.

5. You find many examples and narratives illustrating this in the Scripture.

Pharaoh, before whom Moses performed so many terrible signs and wonders that he could not reply to them, yea, he had to admit that it was God’s finger and therefore also confessed he had sinned against God and his people etc.: yet his heart became harder and more obdurate continually until the Lord drowned him with all his army in the sea. Likewise also the Jews; the more powerfully Christ proved both by word and deed that he was the one who was promised by their fathers that he should be a blessing to them and to the whole world, the more vehemently and bitterly they raged against him and their hatred, blasphemy and persecution knew no measure nor end until they condemned their Lord and God to the most ignominious death and crucified him between two malefactors, nothing could prevent it although Pilate the judge himself declared against them that he was innocent, creation acted differently than usual and thereby testified that its Lord and Creator hung there on the cross etc.; likewise the thief freely confessed publicly, although Christ truly hung there and died, yet he was a king who had an eternal heavenly kingdom; and the heathen centurion publicly cried: “Truly this was the Son of God,” etc. Matthew 27:54. This all, I say, helped nothing to bring about this conversion.