Monday, May 29, 2023

Would Someone Explain the ELCA Graphic?


Someone wearing an alb has bright red paint in the shape of a hand on her face coupled with a concerned look. That strikes me as hammy and disrespectful, as if formal wear for church worship can be used as a bulletin board for causes. Note Liz Eaton's first tenuous step in that direction, below.

May is now designed for a new cause in ELCA, though they might want to include the unborn on their growing agenda list. Their favorite insurance company, Thrivent, is gung ho for abortion on demand. Their LCMS-WELS-ELS bootlickers have no problems with that. 

One wonders why the ELS-ELCA-WELS-LCMS are separate when they are shrinking faster than ever.

Wayne Mueller denied in print that WELS had anything to do with Church Growth, the message being "We love it!"

Wayne's son Adam was given a national (for WELS) speaking role as an expert in education, after the parish drag picnic he led with children present and helping out - way ahead of the radical Left.

 This statement is all one needs to know about the perfidy of WELS and its decline. 

Note that he, perhaps a council member, was wearing Adam's dress.

WELS is not that far from ELCA's agenda. The Wisconsin Synod is actually ahead of ELCA in their enjoyment of drag. All the photos I published earlier were from WELS, not borrowed from some hidden cameras. 

Memorial Day 2023


Let's Hear from the Peanut Gallery - Objective Faithless Justification


The Scaer graphic seems to have set off the short-fused "Father." The quotation is something Scaer published via the Ft. Wayne vanity press or CPH.

Correction - thousands of posts, millions of views - they add up.

People ask me about the LCMS-ELS-WELS obsession with Objective Faithless Justification. Some chaps below did not know there was something other than their precious Universal Objective Justification, NewSpeak from Purple Papal Palace.

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Pentecost Monday - John 3:16-21


Link to Complete Sermon - Pentecost Monday. John 3:16-21. Christ as Mediator and Savior and his Judgment on the World and Believers


1. This is another of the true Gospel lessons, such as John is accustomed to write; for he writes in a way to make him alone worthy the name of an evangelist. Now, as you have often heard, the Gospel teaches nothing but that one must learn to know Christ alone, and so the Holy Spirit teaches nothing more. Therefore, examine only the words themselves; they. are weighty, precious and comforting beyond measure. First Christ says: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life.”

2. Now, notice that Christ represents the Father to us as none else than the all-loving and magnetic one, and he brings us through himself to the Father. Everything Christ does tends to help us to acquire a loving confidence in the Father. To simply fear the Father confers no benefit; but to bear to him a companionable love of rare quality makes us blessed.

Now, Christ says here, the Father so loved the world that he gave his beloved child for the world, and instituted for us a way to come to him; that way is Christ. I have often said that faith alone is not sufficient before God, but the price of redemption must also be in evidence. The Turk and Jew, too, believe in God, but without means and mediator.

3. What is now the cost of redemption? Today’s Gospel points this out.

The Holy Spirit teaches everywhere that we do not possess the Father except through a mediator, and he will not allow us to approach the Father without one. Now, the schools teach us to approach the Father without a mediator, through our own good works. That means to reject Christ as a mediator, as Jeremiah tells us did the godless, who thought and said: Let us send wood to him as his food, and we will root him out of the land, and there will be no remembrance of his name. But their plans did not result as they intended they should. Therefore, let us never join them. It would be at the peril of our lives, for we should be despising the priceless sacrifice which the Father made for us. But let us thank the Father for ordering it as he has, and placing between us one who is God and equal with God, and also man, on a level with man; for we are human and he is God. Where God and man oppose each other, man meets with instant destruction, for he cannot stand against God. God has intervened by placing as mediator one who is alike true God and true man. Through him we are to come to the Father; with the price we can pay nothing is accomplished.

 The Path To Understanding Justification by Faith