Thursday, July 13, 2023

How Do You Handle an Empty Cathedral of Woke?


WELS kicked Pastor Kevin Hastings out because he spray-painted the sidewalk of another WELS parish. Historic St. John Church in Milwaukee quit WELS.

WELS used a law firm to kick Pastor Hastings out, take over the parish, and grab its funds. They offered Hastings a pittance.

Various links to the melodrama can be found here from the blog labels -> Historic St. John Lutheran Church.

 The Wiki entry is a bit shy about the details. 
 Paul Demcak and Tim Kitzman were named as trustees in an article in 2014.
They have the answers to the journalist's questions. They went to Fuller Seminary and its satellite institutions of tomfoolery.


How Do You Resurrect an Empty Church?

America’s aging houses of worship face a stark choice: sell, redevelop, or pray for a miracle.

I Found the IP Address by Using Calm, Careful Steps.

Email  Is No Longer Down.  A few Icha-fans wanted to express their appreciation and beg for more posts.