Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Overturning the Reformation - Using and Abusing the Adiaphora - Matters of Indifference

Luther and Melanchthon provided the initial materials promoting and defending the Reformation.

Martin Chemnitz studied under Luther and Melanchthon, combining the previous work of Lutheran Melanchthon, continuing the work of his professors with the help of his colleagues.

X. Church Rites.

From the Book of Concord, Formula of Concord, Epitome

Which are [Commonly] Called Adiaphora or Matters of Indifference.

1 Concerning ceremonies or church rites which are neither commanded nor forbidden in God’s Word, but have been introduced into the Church for the sake of good order and propriety, a dissension has also occurred among the theologians of the Augsburg Confession.

STATUS CONTROVERSIAE: Chief Controversy concerning This Article.

2 The chief question, however, has been, whether, in time of persecution and in case of confession, even if the enemies of the Gospel have not reached an agreement with us in doctrine, some abrogated ceremonies, which in themselves are matters of indifference and are neither commanded nor forbidden by God, may nevertheless, upon the pressure and demand of the adversaries, be reestablished without violence to conscience, and we may thus [rightly] have conformity with them in such ceremonies and adiaphora. To this the one side has said Yea, the other, Nay.

AFFIRMATIVE THESES: The Correct and True Doctrine and Confession concerning This Article.

3 1. For settling also this controversy we unanimously believe, teach, and confess that the ceremonies or church rites which are neither commanded nor forbidden in God’s Word, but have been instituted alone for the sake of propriety and good order, are in and of themselves no divine worship, nor even a part of it. Matt. 15:9:In vain they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

4 2. We believe, teach, and confess that the congregation of God of every place and every time has the power, according to its circumstances, to change such ceremonies in such manner as may be most useful and edifying to the congregation of God.

5 3. Nevertheless, that herein all frivolity and offense should be avoided, and special care should be taken to exercise forbearance towards the weak in faith. 1 Cor. 8:9; Rom. 14:13.

6 4. We believe, teach, and confess that in time of persecution, when a plain [and steadfast] confession is required of us, we should not yield to the enemies in regard to such adiaphora, as the apostle has written Gal. 5:1: Stand fast, therefore, in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again in the yoke of bondage. Also 2 Cor. 6:14: Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers, etc. For what concord hath light with darkness? Also Gal. 2:5: To whom we gave place, no, not for an hour, that the truth of the Gospel might remain with you. For in such a case it is no longer a question concerning adiaphora, but concerning the truth of the Gospel, concerning [preserving] Christian liberty, and concerning sanctioning open idolatry, as also concerning the prevention of offense to the weak in the faith [how care should be taken lest idolatry be openly sanctioned and the weak in faith be offended]; in which we have nothing to concede, but should plainly confess and suffer on that account what God sends, and what He allows the enemies of His Word to inflict upon us.

7 5. We believe, teach, and confess also that no Church should condemn another because one has less or more external ceremonies not commanded by God than the other, if otherwise there is agreement among them in doctrine and all its articles, as also in the right use of the holy Sacraments, according to the well-known saying: Dissonantia ieiunii non dissolvit consonantiam fidei, Disagreement in fasting does not destroy agreement in faith.

NEGATIVE THESES: False Doctrine concerning This Article.

8 Accordingly, we reject and condemn as wrong and contrary to God’s Word when it is taught:

9 1. That human ordinances and institutions in the church should be regarded as in themselves a divine worship or part of it.

10 2. When such ceremonies, ordinances, and institutions are violently forced upon the congregation of God as necessary, contrary to its Christian liberty which it has in external things.

11 3. Also, that in time of persecution and public confession [when a clear confession is required] we may yield to the enemies of the Gospel in such adiaphora and ceremonies, or may come to an agreement with them (which causes injury to the truth).

12 4. Also, when these external ceremonies and adiaphora are abrogated in such a manner as though it were not free to the congregation of God to employ one or more [this or that] in Christian liberty, according to its circumstances, as may be most useful at any time to the Church [for edification]. (Source: )


GJ -

WELS-LCMS-ELCA-ELS-CLC (sic) were so weak in Biblical doctrine and the Book of Concord that they worked together to destroy their own sects, boasting about their superiority while banning the King James Version. Evidence? above and below.

American Lutherans - All Synods - Began Their Self-Destruction 100 Years Ago

The Bible is a matter of indifference, according to the really cool Lutherans. And why not? Protestants invited the Roman Catholic leaders into the American Bible Society at the very beginning. The same happened in Europe with the much worse United Bible Societies.

Were not the ecumenical agencies building and improving, from the Great Depression onward?

They played Magician, concentrating on one hand (a better, clearer Bible!) so nobody cared about the other hand (verses and words eliminated by the Improvers). They  watered down faith in Jesus Christ and His Divinity, using Greek texts that very few scholars and leaders could see or discuss or question. The magicians who know the tricks can easily bamboozle those who do not see the obvious.

Protestants felt warm and cozy about their friendships with Roman Catholic leaders. The genius of Roman Catholicism is its foundation in the greedy, and horribly corrupt visible institution - Holy Mother Church.

Lutherans began discovering that Luther was much more Roman than the Reformation allowed. Here are some of the baby steps that Lutherans and many Protestants (especially Episcopalian) have already taken to get in bed with Whore of Babylon (Revelation 17):

The Dirty Dozen

  1. Forcing the three-year lectionary, acting as if the historic lectionary was deficient.
  2. Honoring saints and famous people instead of Jesus first
  3. Promoting gay liturgical garments and paraments - when not wearing old jeans and yardwork shirts
  4. Insisting on the non-canonical Apocrypha and making those boring and uninspired books higher in value than the Scriptures.
  5. Encouraging famous pastors to join Rome and pull more high profile victims.
  6. Making it essential to burn incense.
  7. Sprinkling the congregation because priesthood does.
  8. Favoring the priest or father title because it is Roman and more glorious.
  9. Wearing albs, which became a license to purchase CM Almy costumes, extravagantly expensive, demanding more and more frills - mitres for the pseudo-bishops, copes to add another expensive garment, giant wooden staff crosses (crossiers) to impress the audience. Add communion sets on sale for only $8,000.
  10. Gathering semi-secretive groups, like the Society of the Holy Trinity (STS in Latin, appropriate for most of them).
  11. Relying on leaders to tell them what to do and knowing that the hierarchy will never allow a Biblical debate on anything.
  12. Teaching against Justification by Faith and denying that grace comes to us only by faith in Jesus Christ the Savior, the Son of God, Romans 5:1-2.

CM Almy Expanding Its Collection of Costumes

CM Almy has expanded its costume collection from bishops to queens. Profits have soared.  

 The papal tiara went out of style but still tickles the Big Guy in Rome.

 Infallible author - Calvinist News.
"Officer, I swear the pole hit me."

 Cope - exquisite taste and cost. You deserve this after trying to learn Greek from flash cards.

 This bishop's staff cost $2,400 - just like the Gospel accounts, eh?

 A bishop's cassock need not be humble. This one only cost $1,090. 

 The Roman lobby of the LCMS was not yet ready for papal liturgical equipment. Note - only one chin.

 Matt the Fatt wore his cope in Europe, a farewell to the Lutheran Reformation, a signal to the Jesuits - "We won!"

The masks do not match and - try not to focus on the belly-button. 

 DeJaynes followed the example of Bishop Martin Stephan, who was the first bishop ever in Illinois.

Daily Lutheran Sermon Quote - Trinity 9 - "Thus no heart can ever be right without faith, so that even nature forces the confession that no work makes one good, but that the heart must first be good and upright."


Click for the Complete Trinity 9, Second Sermon

10. Is not this a perverted and blind people? They teach we cannot do a good deed of ourselves, and then in their presumption go to work and arrogate to themselves the highest of all the works of God, namely faith, to manufacture it themselves out of their own perverted thoughts. Wherefore I have said that we should despair of ourselves and pray to God for faith as the Apostle did. Luke 17:5. When we have faith we need nothing more, for it brings with it the Holy Spirit, who then teaches us not only all things, but also establishes us firmly in it, and leads us through death and hell to heaven.

11. Now observe, we have given these answers, that the Scriptures have such passages concerning works, on account of such dreamers and self-invented faith; not that man should become good by works, but that man should thereby prove and see the difference between false and true faith.

For wherever faith is right it does good. If it does no good, it is then certainly a dream and a false idea of faith. So, just as the fruit on the tree does not make the tree good, but nevertheless outwardly proves and testifies that the tree is good, as Christ says, Matthew 7:16: “By their fruits ye shall know them”--thus we should also learn to know faith by its fruits.

12. From this you see, there is a great difference between being good, and to be known as good; or to become good and to prove and show that you are good. Faith makes good, but works prove the faith and goodness to be right. Thus the Scriptures speak in the plain way, which prevails among the common people, as when a father says unto his son: “Go and be merciful, good and friendly to this or to that poor person.” By which he does not command him to be merciful, good and friendly, but because he is already good and merciful, he requires that he should also show and prove it outwardly toward the poor by his act, in order that the goodness which he has in himself may also be known to others and be helpful to them. 

13 So you should explain all passages of Scripture referring to works, that God thereby desires to let the goodness received in faith express and prove itself, and become a benefit to others, so that false faith may become known and rooted out of the heart. For God gives no one his grace that it may remain inactive and accomplish nothing good, but in order that it may bear interest, and by being publicly known and proved externally draw every one to God; as Christ says, Matthew 5:16: “Even so let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” Otherwise it would be but a buried treasure and a hidden light. But what profit is there in either? Yea, goodness does not only thereby. become known to others, but we ourselves also become certain that we are honest, as St. Peter in 2 Peter 1:10 says: “Wherefore, brethren, give the more diligence to make your calling and election sure.” For where works do not follow a man cannot know whether his faith is right; yea, he may be certain that his faith is a dream, and not right as it should be. Thus Abraham became certain of his faith and that he feared God, when he offered up his son. As God by the angel said to Abraham, Genesis 22:12: “Now I know, that is, it is manifest, that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.”

14. Then abide by the truth, that man is internally, in spirit before God, justified by faith alone without works, but externally and publicly before men and himself, he is justified by works, that he is at heart an honest believer and pious. The one you may call a public or outward justification, the other an inner justification, yet in the sense that the public or external justification is only the fruit, the result and proof of the justification in the heart, that a man does not become just thereby before God, but must previously be just before him. So you may call the fruit of the tree the public or outward good of the tree, which is only the result and proof of its inner and natural goodness.

This is what St. James means when he says in his Epistle, James 2:26: “Faith without works is dead.” That is, as the works do not follow, it is a sure sign that there is no faith there; but only an empty thought and dream, which they falsely call faith. Now we understand the word of Christ: “Make to yourselves friends by means of the mammon of unrighteousness.” That is, prove your faith publicly by your outward gifts, by which you win friends, that the poor may be witnesses of your public work, that your faith is genuine. For mere external giving in itself can never make friends, unless it proceed from faith, as Christ rejects the alms of the Pharisees in Matthew 6:2, that they thereby make no friends because their heart is false. Thus no heart can ever be right without faith, so that even nature forces the confession that no work makes one good, but that the heart must first be good and upright.