Thursday, August 3, 2023

The Non-Gospel of Calvinistic Pietism and F. Pieper - Regurgitated Anew by Brad Kerkow ELS


Why do the Waltherian dimwits cite Romans 4:25 when the context demands the entire sentence? The Brief Statement, canonized by the LCMS-ELS-WELS places itself above the Scriptures and against the Scriptures.
August 2023.
The Reason Why You Can Share Jesus with Anyone!
One of the greatest comforts for the Christian is the teaching of Objective Justification. This is the teaching that God has declared the verdict of ‘not guilty’ upon the world for the sake of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.
Here is comfort for you: Do you ever wonder whether your sins are truly forgiven? Do you have a past sin that haunts you? Do you wonder if God is still angry with you? Well, if the whole world is declared 'not guilty' for the sake of Christ, then you also must be included. Franz Pieper said,
"The reconciliation which Christ brought about is history, a finished event lying in the past that pertains to all mankind and is of an entirely objective character. For it does not consist in a change of mind or "moral transformation" on the part of man, but in a change in God; God in His heart is not imputing their trespasses unto men, but forgiving them (2 Cor 5:19)."*
God has forgiven you in Christ! He has declared it! It is an historic fact. This is also true for anyone else you meet (i.e. any other human): If the whole world is declared 'not guilty' for the sake of Christ, then they also must be included. Pieper continued, referring to the Apostle Paul's words in 2 Corinthians 5,
"To the report of the finished universal objective reconciliation the Apostle immediately adds that God has committed unto us the Word or news of this complete reconciliation in order that men may share in the finished reconciliation."*
This is the reason why you can share Jesus with anyone! We use the Means of Grace (God's Word and the Sacraments) to do this. In fact, the above quote comes from the section of Pieper's Christian Dogmatics which discusses and explains the Means of Grace. God's Word and His Sacraments are the means which He has chosen to deliver this beautiful truth of Jesus' forgiveness for everyone.
This does not mean that everyone will go to heaven. The other aspect of justification is Subjective Justification which means the benefits of God's verdict of 'not guilty' become yours through faith. Sadly, some people will reject this truth and remain in their sin. But until Christ returns we live in this time of grace and we can confidently use every opportunity to share the Gospel with others and let the Holy Spirit work faith in their hearts.
Be comforted, and know that you can share this comfort with anyone. No one is excluded, including you.
God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them. And he has entrusted to us the message of reconciliation. Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, inasmuch as God is making an appeal through us." 2 Corinthians 5:19-20
*Francis Pieper, Christian Dogmatics, Vol. 3, (St Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1953), p. 105.
Rev. Brad Kerkow, Evangelism and Missions Counselor (ELS)

David G. Peters and 8 others

Alan Lubeck Author
To Gregory L. Jackson
Try reading the Bible as though it doesn't contradict itself and submit yourself to the revelation that justification is already in Christ and received from Him to the individual through faith. You don't manufacture justification with faith you receive it. The objective justification denier heretics imagine a justification that somehow didn't get off the ground in the work of Christ, it wasn't finished...till you justify yourself with faith. I notice in the article that Pastor Kerkow is careful to point out that everyone is justified IN CHRIST. He doesn't teach that the individual is justified apart from Christ...but IN Christ who IS already the justification of the world. The article is sound. "Therefore, as one trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all men."

GJ - Quoting without a citation and without the translation is lazy. No wonder the newest NIV spells out Universalism so clearly.

WELS and LCMS Delegates, Visitors, and Mourners - Listen Up.
Everything Being Done By the Leaders Is Wrong!


 Liz Eaton is already showing that her victory was Pyrrhic

I know how many will respond. "So what does he know? He drives a 21 year-old car and broadcasts from the spare room of a rented house."

The Solution

WELS, Missouri and the other corporations have established a fool-proof method of failing. They are not businesses, nor are they charities or agents of social work activism.

They have already flopped and will continue to decline, like the 300 year old church near the Philadelphia seminary (ELCA), closed by now.

Congregations and church bodies can only thrive on faith in Jesus Christ, the efficacy of the Word, and the Means of Grace. 

The heirs, actually the illiterate inbreeds of CFW Walther, have squashed faith in Jesus Christ with so much energy that they rave like crack-heads against Justification by Faith. Their favorite Bad Bibles - the Evil Four Plus the Beck - are designed, fluffed, and edited to destroy faith in Jesus Christ and His Gospel Message.

The time has come for these money-fied institutions to stop robbing everyone with their deluxe salaries, benefits, cars, and vacations. They do not visit the poor but grovel before the rich.

I realize than many want to drag out their pathetic CPH books and similar toxic publications, as if they hold the ultimate truths. Here is a laugh - a future seminary WELS president attends Fuller Seminary, denies going there, and writes a disgusting textbook textbook on how to do everything wrong via Fuller. The efficacy of the Word? - what's that. The Means of Grace - no, we need to grow. 

Nothing good will happen until the dreary denominations return to the Source - the Scriptures. Any version will do, as long as it is equal to the King James Version and not other cures like the Covid vaccines and kudzu vines. 

Since the victims of this fiasco are being threatened with even more toxic waste, they have to rely on the King James and shorter works by Luther, not 400 page "Small" Catechisms.

Romans 1-5 is a good start.

Efficacy - One Word To Cure the Ills of Christendom - "And God Said - Let There Be Light: And There Was Light."



Only two books in the Bible start the same way - "In the beginning..." 

People should be especially alert to this fact. This statement by God is so powerful and eternal that not even the Bad Bibles -- the Evil Four Plus One - can extinguish Creation by the Word.

Genesis 1 opens with the Holy Trinity - the Father commanding  Creation, the Son executing His commands, the Holy Spirit conveying this truth to us.

John 1 teaches us that the Son is the Word of God, and He is named as God - I AM - in many sermons of the Fourth Gospel. The three-fold use of the Word in John 1 reflects the Triune God and the Three Persons.

KJV John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2 The same was in the beginning with God.

3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

The English language, blessed by the KJV and Shakespeare, has given us a key to modern science. All living things are creatures - created - and not evolutes - evolved through dank and complex accidents developed in perfect harmony over billions of years.

Creation itself is proof of the efficacy of the Word. In my study of Judaism during seminary and Yale Divinity School, I learned that rabbis considered the Word to be God's powerful Word in every possible way. There are many rabbinical stories that illustrate this power.

Calvinists treat the Scriptures as dead letter. The preacher or teacher must make the Bible appealing and reasonable. For them, the Scriptures are like a garden statue, pointing the way, nothing more. That is why the Calvinism of Stephan/Walther has turned into rationalism and Universalism in WELS, Missouri, the CLC (sic), and ELCA. Seminex was widely scattered in the Lutheran groups, like the flu, among pastors and congregations who bowed to Tietjen. A surprising number of ELCA bishops were first in Seminex, crawling out of the Slough of Despond to infect more people. 

Roman Catholics worship and obey the Pope's commands, which are always contrary to the Gospel. That makes the Smells and Belles of high church Lutheranism so appealing to those wearing papal costumes.

Those who pretend to love the Book of Concord also fake a knowledge of Martin Chemnitz. The Formula of Concord, 1580, leaves them in the dust. 

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Trinity 10 - "O, Jerusalem! if thou hadst known what I know, thou wouldst seek thy peace."


Complete Luther Sermon - Luke 19:41-48. Tenth Sunday after Trinity

6. As though he would say: Oh, if you only knew what belongs to your peace, that you might not be destroyed, but be preserved with both temporal and eternal peace, you would yet this day consider, and redeem the time! And now it is high time for you to know what is for your highest welfare. But you are blind, and will neglect the opportunity, until there shall be neither help nor counsel. As though to say: Here you stand, firmly built, and within you are strong and mighty men, who, secure and happy, think there is no danger! Yet, about forty years more, and you shall be utterly destroyed. The Lord plainly says this in these words: “For the days shall come upon thee, when thy enemies shall cast up a bank about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side and shall dash thee to the ground, d and thy children within thee; and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another; because thou knowest not the time of thy visitation.”

7. But the Jews were stubborn, and depended on God’s promises, which they thought meant nothing else than that they should continue forever.

They were secure, and vainly thought: God will not do such things to us.

We own the temple; here God himself dwells; besides we have mighty men, money and treasures enough to defy all our enemies! For even the Romans, and the emperor after he had conquered the city, confessed that the city was so well and firmly built, that it would have been impossible to take it, had God not especially willed it. Therefore they trusted in their own glory, and built their confidence on a false delusion, which finally deceived them.

8. The Lord, however, saw deeper into the future than they when he said:

O, Jerusalem! if thou hadst known what I know, thou wouldst seek thy peace. Peace in the Scriptures means, when all things go well with us.
You now think you have pleasant days, but if you knew how your enemies will encamp round about you, compass you about and hedge you in on every side, crush you to the ground and demolish all your beautiful buildings, and leave not one stone upon another; you would eagerly accept the Word, which brings to you solid peace and every blessing. [The woeful history of the destruction of Jerusalem you can read in books, from which those who wish will easily understand this Gospel.] 9. God caused his threats to be executed even thus, that the city was besieged at the time of the Easter festival, when the Jews were assembled within the walls of Jerusalem from every land, and as the historian Josephus writes, there were together at that time about three million people. This was an enormous multitude. Only one hundred thousand people would have been enough to crowd the city. But all this great multitude God in his wrath intended to bake, melt and weld together into one mass of ruin. Yet, the Apostles and Christians were all out of the city, they had withdrawn into the land of Herod, Samaria, Galilee, and were scattered among the heathen. Thus God separated and saved the good grain and poured the chaff into one place. There was such an immense multitude of Jews present, that they were sufficient to devour a whole kingdom, to say nothing of only one city. They also fell into such distress and famine, that they devoured everything and had nothing left, until they were at last compelled to eat their leather bow-strings, shoe latchets and shoe leather; and finally mothers moved by their distress butchered their own children, which the soldiers snatched from them, for they smelt the odor of the boiling meat through the squares of the city. They used dove’s dung for salt, which commanded a high price. In short, there was distress and bloodshed enough to melt a rock to tears; so that no one could have believed that God’s wrath could be so horrible and that he would so unmercifully martyr a people. The buildings and the streets were piled full of the dead, who perished from starvation, and yet the Jews were so raging that they defied God and refused to yield, until the emperor was compelled to use force and capture the city, when they could no longer maintain their ground.