Thursday, November 9, 2023

ELCA Professor Carl Braaten, A Paul Tillich Groupie, Has Died, Age 94 -
Co-Author of Notorious Braaten-Jenson Two-Volume Christian Dogmatics


Carl Braaten promoted the faith without belief  gibberish that overturned what his missionary father taught. Oddly, Carl thought the Seminex faculty, who joined Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago, were the real radicals.

Braaten and his team of professorial apostates put together a massive, two-volume Christian Dogmatics where all the basics of the Christian Faith were denied. I bought the set from Fortress so I could copy the main quotes. Then I sent it back saying it was a pile of rubbish, trying to be polite. Fortress wrote back, "They are using it in all our seminaries." Soon after, Fortress was denying the seminaries were using it as their textbook.

An LCA pastor said at a retreat I attended on my way out, "Everyone should get Braaten-Jenson. They are conservatives. Their colleagues are saying that God-language is useless and meaningless now." 

"Later they quote Braaten again, saying that as ELCA Lutherans we believe as truth, "If Jesus is the Lord and Savior, he is the universal Lord and Savior, not merely my personal Lord and Savior. Because Jesus is the unique and universal Savior, there is a large hope for salvation, not only for me and others with the proper credentials of believing and belonging to the church, but for all people whenever or wherever they might have lived and no matter how religious or irreligious they may have proved to be themselves."

One of the blokes said in their book - The Trinity is nothing more than God, the man Jesus, and the Spirit as the spirit of the believing community. [From memory, more or less] That should make everyone jump up and buy the $80 two-volume set.

AAL/Lutheran Brotherhood/Thrivent kept getting the LCA/ALC/LCMS/WELS/Thrivent professors and leaders together as one giant marketing scheme, though watered down with other non-profits, not just the apostates Lutherans.

I could go on about where Braaten-Jenson took the Lutherans. I even published Liberalism, Its Cause and Cure. The collapse has already begun, but it really started in those early days when they could get away with undermining Lutheran doctrine and the KJV.

The Race Continues with Dustmop, Porchi, and Charlie Sue


I should get some photos of Charlie Sue soon. She is the leader along the fence-line. We have a pug on west fence, Doggie Daycare on the north fence, Dustmop and Porchi on the south fence. The south was dug in many places so chicken wire was attached to the fence and along the ground.

A group of children were outside (70+ degrees) with Little White Dustmop and Porchi. Charlie was itching to do more running, so I talked with the kids and yelled "Run, run, run!" at the competing dogs. Charlie got this going, and Porchi joined. Dustmop is around many days, so he learned the chant too. 

Porchi wanted some personal time, so he stood on his hind legs against the fence and enjoyed his huge head being stroked while I praised him. He likes that more than running, but he does both. All three dogs have dug under the fence to some extent. Dustmop could run under it both ways, no trouble. I have added more heavy objects along the part where the chicken wire bends onto the ground to impede their adventures.

I gave Porchi two toys to play with and bring back, on a quieter day. He took each one with glee and looked hurt about bringing them back. He walked as far away as possible to work them over. He has not learned to share.

Charlie loves chasing balls and squeaker toys but does not bring them back. She makes a point of hiding them. She parked three of them along the fence shared by Doggie Day Care. It will be funny to see if she places them back there later. When the grass and weeds were high in a couple of places, balls were hard to find. She fetches them back part of the time, hides them the rest of the time.

St. Narthexius Is Hard To Find These Days


St. Narthexius and his coffee beans have been banned from the Contemptible Worship congregations - due to popcorn, soft drinks, and worse. His beans were too stout, just like his doctrine.

Which denomination? They are all the same, go to all the same conferences, and think all the same things about Mammon, the source of their glee...and downfall.

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Therefore we are to put all our trust only in the Lord, and say: "O Lord, thou art my life, my soul and body, my goods and possessions, and all that is mine."


Luther's Complete Sermon -> 

Luther's Sermons - Matthew 22:15-22.
Twenty-Third Sunday after Trinity

18. Therefore we are to put all our trust only in the Lord, and say: O Lord, thou art my life, my soul and body, my goods and possessions, and all that is mine. Do thou direct and ordain it all according to thy divine will. In thee do I trust, in thee do I believe. Thou wilt surely not desert me in such a perilous undertaking with such and such a man, whom I do not trust. If thou knowest it to be good for me, then see to it that he be true to me; if thou dost not see that it will help me, then do not let him keep his word. I am content, thy will be done.

19. As soon, however, as you think a purchaser to be an honest man who will keep his word, and of whom you are certain that he will not deceive you; so soon you have fallen away from God, have prayed to a specter and put your trust in a liar. Therefore, in dealing with a man, just think in this wise: If he is true, it is good; if not, why then, in God’s name, let him be; he cannot do otherwise than lie and deceive. I will leave it all to God; he will make all well.

20. Out of such false and wicked confidence placed in man there has crept into Christianity the abuse of the worship of saints. By this the Christian church, that is, the true assembly of the faithful, have suffered notable decline and damage. What else has saints’ worship been but solely a devilish thing? For thus have people reasoned: Such and such a man has been holy; such things has he said and done; therefore we will follow after him, and teach and do likewise. St. Jerome, St. Augustine, and Gregory have done this; therefore it is right, and I will believe it. St. Francis, Benedict, Dominicus, and St. Bernard have lived thus, have done such and such a thing; therefore will I also live thus, and do as they have done.

Furthermore, St. Augustine has been saved by such a rule. Alas, what a poor, unstable, miserable thing this is, nought but lies and dreams of man. I should damn St. Augustine and his rule, had he laid it down for the purpose of being saved thereby. So blind and foolish is our reason, that it will accept even a specter and a fiction, whereas only God’s Word is to be accepted in matters of salvation. If, for example, Herod, Pilate, Caiaphas and Hanes preached the Gospel, I should have to accept it. And, on the other hand, if those who are considered saints arose and preached lies, about regulations, hoods and gowns, tonsures, ceremonies and other inventions of man, I ought not to accept them. For in such cases not the persons are to be considered, but that which they preach.

21. Now someone might say: See here, would you be wiser than all church fathers and saints, than all bishops and rulers of the whole world? Far be it from me. I do not claim to be wiser than they. But this is true: It is impossible for that which is wise, prudent, great, handsome, mighty and powerful before the world to agree with the Word of God. For thus it is ordained by God, that such people must always persecute the Gospel; if they were not such the Gospel would not shine and triumph as it does. The Roman emperors Hadrian, Trojan and Diocletian were the wisest of rulers, and reigned so well that all the world praised their government. Yet they persecuted the Gospel and could not tolerate the truth. Likewise do we read of Jewish kings, Ahaz and others, who governed well, that they despised God’s Word and acted contrary to God’s will. In our times there have never been emperors, princes, or other people to compare with those.

But then it had to come to pass that God put all wisdom of this world to shame through the foolishness of preaching, 1 Corinthians 1:21.

22. All this is shown to us in this Gospel, which, though apparently simple and ordinary, is exceedingly rich and comprises many things. How then does the Lord finally deal with the Pharisees after they had shown him the tribute money, and answered that the image and superscription was Caesar’s? The Evangelist tells us that he answered thus: “Render therefore unto Caesar the things that are Caesars; and unto God the things that are Gods.”