Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Needs More Work -Tried To Start Zoom at 3:30 PM Central Today


Tried To Start Zoom at 3:30 PM Central Today - Did Not Work, Will Try the Meeting Instead of the Webinar. A group will have a joint meeting on technology Thursday, Zach is convening it through Zoom.

A Reader Found Another WELS Fad - Which I Visited - By Browser -
Nine Years Ago

The Appleton Alcoholics were hotter than Georgia asphalt for the Andy Stanley Treatment, which has blossomed among the Babtists and others for years now

Previously I posted about the Unstuck fad in WELS, which may have sputtered.

They adored Paul Y. Cho in South Korea, until he was found guilty and tossed into the slammer.

David Valleskey's lopsided smile, half regret, half triumphant, reminds everyone that Mark Jeske often does the same in photos. 

The accounting has already started for these buddies from the same seminary class in Mordor, Wisconsin. 

Kent Reeder - Illumine - WELS

Eight years ago, WELS Pastor Kent Reeder, did his best to out-Kelm Paul Kelm, birthing Illumine, like one of those lab experiments from a midnight monster movie channel. Reeder is on LinkedIn, a good way to find out what individuals say about themselves. One famous LCMS star did that and soon erased his own basic facts - too much revealed.

Luther and the Concordists did not say -

  1. Come to my church
  2. Find a friend here
  3. Embrace the love, have some popcorn and soda
  4. Coin a cool name for our (name the sect)  church, and hide the denomination.
The Reformation taught the Bible (Traditional Text, not the Tischendorf-Westcott-Hort) to explain its meaning and to refute errors.

Seductive marketing gimmicks are not effective. They claim the concept but reject the truth - 
The Holy Spirit is always at work in the Word and never apart from the Word.

"Kent Reeder makes Mark and Avoid Jeske look confessional." Aye, and they have so much to confess.

"Started Illumine Church in Rock Hill, SC in 2013. Planting a new church in Seattle, WA as of May, 2019. Distributing resources through Illumine Content. Led the Hearts & Hands Workshop in 2018, and continuing to encourage creativity through the Community of WELS Creatives. Former director of Camp South and the Amazing Race."

"Though much of my time in city ministry has been affected by pandemic realities, one of the things I’ve observed is that there’s a lot of listening to do in a city context. In suburban and rural spaces, it’s a lot easier for an organization to have an influential voice simply by speaking - there aren’t that many voices trying to be heard. Cities are bigger, more complex, and (certainly) louder - so listening and finding the right moments to participate in existing conversations becomes more important. (So far, at least!)"

Some say, in whispers, that Reeder is Paul Kelm II!

Daily Luther Sermon Post - Epiphany 5 Epistle Lesson - "Let us disregard, therefore, the saints who elect and love themselves; who adorn themselves with the works of the Law; who observe fasts and discipline; who regard raiment and position, for they are unwilling to be sinners before God. Our ornaments are unlike these, and not associated with such mockeries."

Complete Epistle Sermon for Epiphany 5 - Colossians 3:12-17.Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany



COLOSSIANS 3:12-17. 12 Put on therefore, as God’s elect, holy and beloved, a heart of compassion, kindness, lowliness, meekness, longsuffering; forbearing one another, and forgiving each other, if any man have a complaint against any; even as the Lord forgave you, so also do ye: 14 and above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfectness. 15 And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to the which also ye were called in one body; and be ye thankful. 16. Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly; in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts unto God. 17 And whatsoever ye do, in word or in deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.


1. This text is also a letter of admonition, teaching what manner of fruit properly results from faith. Paul deals kindly with the Colossians. He does not command, urge nor threaten, as teachers of the Law must do in the case of those under the Law. He persuades them with loving words in view of the blessing and grace of God received, and in the light of Christ’s own example. Christians should act with readiness and cheerfulness, being moved neither by fear of punishment nor by desire for reward, as frequently before stated. This admonition has been so oft repeated in the preceding epistle lesson that we know, I trust, what constitutes a Christian.

Therefore we will but briefly touch on the subject. “Put on, therefore.”

2. In the epistle for New Year’s day we have sufficiently explained the meaning of “putting on”; how by faith we put on Christ, and he us; how in love we put on our neighbor, and our neighbor us. The Christian apparel is of two kinds — faith and love. Christ wore two manner of garments — one whole and typical of faith, the other divided and typical of love.

Paul here has reference to the latter garment, love. He would teach us Christians the manner of ornaments and apparel we are to wear in the world; not silk or precious gold. To women these are forbidden of Peter (1 Peter 3:3), and of Paul (1 Timothy 2:9). Love for our neighbor is a garment well befitting us — that love which leads us to concern ourselves about the neighbor and his misfortunes. Such love is called the ornament of a Christian character — an ornament in the eyes of men.

3. Observe the tender and sacred style of the apostle’s admonition, a style he is wont to use toward us. He does not drive us with laws, but persuades by reminding us of the ineffable grace of God; for he terms us the “elect of God,” and “holy” and “beloved.” He would call forth the fruits of faith, desiring them to be yielded in a willing, cheerful and happy spirit. The individual who sincerely believes and trusts that before God he is beloved, holy and elect, will consider how to sustain his honors and titles, how to conduct himself worthily of them; more, he will love God with a fervor enabling him to do or omit, or to suffer, all things cheerfully, and will never know how to do enough. But he who doubts such attitude of God toward himself will not recognize the force of these words. He will not feel the power of the statement that we are holy, beloved, elect, in the sight of God.

4. Let us disregard, therefore, the saints who elect and love themselves; who adorn themselves with the works of the Law; who observe fasts and discipline; who regard raiment and position, for they are unwilling to be sinners before God. Our ornaments are unlike these, and not associated with such mockeries. They are honesty, sincerity, good works, service to our neighbor. We are unfettered by laws regarding food, raiment, times, etc. We are holy in the sight of God, before whom none can be holy until he sees himself a sinner and rejects his own righteousness. But the class mentioned are holy in their own estimation; therefore, they ever remain wicked — sinners in the sight of God. We are beloved of God because we despise ourselves, we judge and condemn ourselves and reject our selflove.

The others, because they love and esteem themselves, are despicable and unacceptable in the sight of God. Again, we are chosen of God for the reason that we despise ourselves as filth. Such God chooses, and has chosen from eternity. Because the would-be saints elect themselves, God will reject them, as indeed he has from eternity. Now, this is what Paul means by these words, “A heart of compassion.”

Four Volume Work on the Apocalypse - Alec Satin's Lutheran Library

ALPB Online Discussion Forum - Hinting about ELCA? or LCMS-WELS-ELS-ELDONA-CLC (sic)


From this point error soon goes on to its natural end, which is to assert supremacy. Truth started with tolerating; it comes to be merely tolerated and that only for a time. Error claims a preference for its judgments on all disputed points. It puts men into position, not as at first in spite of their departure from the Church's faith, but in consequence of it. Their recommendation is that they repudiate that faith, and position is given them to teach others to repudiate it, and make them skillful in combating it." (pp. 195-196)

From: "THE CONSERVATIVE REFORMATION AND ITS THEOLOGY as represented in the Augsburg Confession and in the history and literature of the Evangelical Lutheran Church" by Charles P. Krauth, D.D. (1871). [Note date

J. Thomas Shelley


GJ - When I created the graphic above and posted it, someone wrote, "Are you the one who sent around the Krauth statement? It sounds like you, but it has no name attached." I wrote back, "It is fitting for all the synods. I do not put my name on any graphic, because I want them to circulate, not to have them immediately banned."

The Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry from Alec Satin has produced far more than a bookmobile-worth about the Lutheran Church and related topics. LL consistently outranks on Google the hideous Concordia Publishing House (note the Krauth statement) - which charges a fortune for their apostate creations and the occasional classic.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Trying the Zoom Webinar Tomorrow Afternoon


I plan on activating the Zoom Webinar tomorrow afternoon. 

An M.D. Has Videos and Books To Offer - The Message - Plants Cure Diseases - The Wrong Foods Promote Diseases


 His webpage can be found here -

I was watching some nutrition videos on Amazon Prime when I found Dr. Greger and watched the presentation.

Many videos can be found at the link (no cost, no spam). Here are some free, parallel YouTubes.

How Not To Age

How Not To Die

A New Sheriff in Town - Zoom Trials Daily


  1. Our congregation began with Ustream until IBM absorbed it and later shut it down. 
  2. Next we used Vimeo, which improved in some ways but is quite unstable.
  3. Zoom is the best available, but I was slow in getting it to work and made mistakes. Their help was limited to sales people saying "I'm just in sales" and links.
I will be trying out the Zoom Webinar daily, Tuesday - Saturday. I want to become familiar with it and also make the transition easier.

First of all, the regular Word document with all the information will be sent to the group individually via email. 

The second email will appear afterwards. Clicking on that will start the Zoom, which will begin 15 minutes early, perhaps earlier. The service will start at 10 AM, Central Standard Time and include the Bible study afterwards.

The live broadcast will be permanently saved, so those in Western areas can watch from the saved version. I expect to have the saved version posted in the Ichabod blog for that day and also in the blog where our Reformation Seminary has posts.

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Epiphany 5 - "In that the Savior pictures here also Satan scattering his seed while the people sleep and no one sees who did it, he shows how Satan adorns and disguises himself so that he cannot be taken for Satan."


Complete Sermon -> Luther's Sermons - Matthew 13:24-30.
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

7. Today’s Gospel also teaches by this parable that our free will amounts to nothing, since the good seed is sowed only by Christ, and Satan can sow nothing but evil seed; as we also see that the field of itself yields nothing but tares, which the cattle eat, although the field receives them and they make the field green as if they were wheat. In the same way the false Christians among the true Christians are of no use but to feed the world and be food for Satan, and they are so beautifully green and hypocritical, as if they alone were the saints, and hold the place in Christendom as if they were lords there, and the government and highest places belonged to them; and for no other reason than that they glory that they are Christians and are among Christians in the church of Christ, although they see and confess that they live unchristian lives.

8. In that the Savior pictures here also Satan scattering his seed while the people sleep and no one sees who did it, he shows how Satan adorns and disguises himself so that he cannot be taken for Satan. As we experienced when Christianity was planted in the world Satan thrust into its midst false teachers. People securely think here God is enthroned without a rival and Satan is a thousand miles away, and no one sees anything except how they parade the Word, name and work of God. That course proves beautifully effective. But when the wheat springs up, then we see the tares, that is, if we are conscientious with God’s Word and teach faith, we see that it brings forth fruit, then they go about and antagonize it, and wish to be masters of the field and fear lest only wheat grows in the field, and their interests be overlooked.

9. Then the church and pastor marvel; but they are not allowed to pass judgment, and eagerly wish to interpret all for the best, since such persons bear the Christian name. But it is apparent they are tares and evil seed, have strayed from the faith and fallen to trust in works, and think of rooting out the tares. They lament because of it before the Lord, in the heartfelt prayer of their spirit. For the sower of the good seed says again, they should not uproot it, that is, they should have patience, and suffer such blasphemy, and commend all to God; for although the tares hinder the wheat, yet they make it the more beautiful to behold, compared with the tares, as St. Paul also says in 1 Corinthians 11:19: “For there must be false factions among you, that they that are approved may be made manifest among you.” This is sufficient on today’s text.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Epiphany 5 - "Permit me to make an observation here for the benefit of the wise and learned who study the Scriptures. Imitating or guessing is not to be allowed in the explanation of Scripture; but one should and must be sure and firm."


Complete Sermon -> Luther's Sermons - Matthew 13:24-30.
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Text: Matthew 13:24-30. Another parable set he before them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man that sowed good seed in his field : but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares also among the wheat, and went away. But when the blade sprang up and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. And the servant of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst thou not sow good seed in thy field? whence then hath it tares? And he said unto them. An enemy hath done this. And the servants say unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? But he saith, Nay; lest haply while ye gather up the tares, ye root up the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather up first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them; but gather the wheat into my barn.

1. The Savior himself explained this parable in the same chapter upon the request of his disciples and says: He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man; and the field is the world; and the good seed, these are the children of the kingdom; and the tares are the sons of the evil one; and the enemy that sowed them is the devil; and the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. These seven points of explanation comprehend and clearly set forth what Christ meant by this parable. But who could have discovered such an interpretation, seeing that in this parable he calls people the seed and the world the field; although in the parable preceding this one he defines the seed to be the Word of God and the field the people or the hearts of the people. If Christ himself had not here interpreted this parable every one would have imitated his explanation of the preceding parable and considered the seed to be the Word of God, and thus the Savior’s object and understanding of it would have been lost.

2. Permit me to make an observation here for the benefit of the wise and learned who study the Scriptures. Imitating or guessing is not to be allowed in the explanation of Scripture; but one should and must be sure and firm. Just like Joseph in Genesis 40:12f. interpreted the two dreams of the butler and baker so differently, although they resembled each other, and he did not make the one a copy of the other. True, the danger would not have been great if the seed had been interpreted to be the Word of God; still had this been the case the parable would not have been thus understood correctly.

3. Now this Gospel teaches us how the kingdom of God or Christianity fares in the world, especially on account of its teaching, namely, that we are not to think that only true Christians and the pure doctrine of God are to dwell upon the earth; but that there must be also false Christians and heretics in order that the true Christians may be approved, as St. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 11:19. For this parable treats not of false Christians, who are so only outwardly in their lives, but of those who are unchristian in their doctrine and faith under the name Christian, who beautifully play the hypocrite and work harm. It is a matter of the conscience and not of the hand. And they must be very spiritual servants to be able to identify the tares among the wheat. And the sum of all is that we should not marvel nor be terrified if there spring up among us many different false teachings and false faiths. Satan is constantly among the children of God. Job 1:6.

4. Again this Gospel teaches how we should conduct ourselves toward these heretics and false teachers. We are not to uproot nor destroy them. Here he says publicly let both grow together. We have to do here with God’s Word alone; for in this matter he who errs today may find the truth to-morrow. Who knows when the Word of God may touch his heart? But if he be burned at the stake, or otherwise destroyed, it is thereby assured that he can never find the truth; and thus the Word of God is snatched from him, and he must be lost, who otherwise might have been saved. Hence the Lord says here, that the wheat also will be uprooted if we weed out the tares. That is something awful in the eyes of God and never to be justified.

5. From this observe what raging and furious people we have been these many years, in that we desired to force others to believe; the Turks with the sword, heretics with fire, the Jews with death, and thus outroot the tares by our own power, as if we were the ones who could reign over hearts and spirits, and make them pious and right, which God’s Word alone must do. But by murder we separate the people from the Word, so that it cannot possibly work upon them and we bring thus with one stroke a double murder upon ourselves, as far as it lies in our power, namely, in that we murder the body for time and the soul for eternity, and afterwards say we did God a service by our actions, and wish to merit something special in heaven.

6. Therefore this passage should in all reason terrify the grand inquisitors and murderers of the people, where they are not brazened faced, even if they have to deal with true heretics. But at present they burn the true saints and are themselves heretics. What is that but uprooting the wheat, and pretending to exterminate the tares, like insane people?

7. Today’s Gospel also teaches by this parable that our free will amounts to nothing, since the good seed is sowed only by Christ, and Satan can sow nothing but evil seed; as we also see that the field of itself yields nothing but tares, which the cattle eat, although the field receives them and they make the field green as if they were wheat. In the same way the false Christians among the true Christians are of no use but to feed the world and be food for Satan, and they are so beautifully green and hypocritical, as if they alone were the saints, and hold the place in Christendom as if they were lords there, and the government and highest places belonged to them; and for no other reason than that they glory that they are Christians and are among Christians in the church of Christ, although they see and confess that they live unchristian lives.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

The Fourth Sunday after Epiphany, 2024 - Asleep in the Storm

 Matthew 8:23-27

Bethany Lutheran Church

Springdale, Arkansas

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

Hymn #648         I Am Jesus Little Lamb              
The Confession of Sins
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16
The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19
The Epistle and Gradual Romans 13:8-10
The Gospel Matthew 8:23-27
Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed p. 22
Sermon Hymn #649     Jesus Savior Pilot Me

Asleep in the Storm

Hymn #307         Draw Nigh                 
The Preface p. 24
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord's Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
Hymn #341    Crown Him With Many Crowns                         

Prayers and Announcements
  • Zoom tests will start this week, via emails which are the link. Let me know if you do not get them. 
  • Medical care - Pastor Jim Shrader, Lori Howell, Randy Anderson, Kermit Way, Sarah Buck.
  • Alicia Meyer thanks Bethany Lutheran Church for the flowers. She is getting better.
  • Avelin Anderson, 8 pounds, 1 ounce, was born January 24th one year ago.

KJV Romans 13:8 Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. 9 For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 10 Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.

KJV Matthew 8:23 And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him. 24 And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but he was asleep. 25 And his disciples came to him, and awoke him, saying, Lord, save us: we perish. 26 And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. 27 But the men marvelled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him!

Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany

Lord God, heavenly Father, who in Thy divine wisdom and fatherly goodness makest Thy children to bear the cross, and sendest divers afflictions upon us to subdue the flesh, and quicken our hearts unto faith, hope and unceasing prayer: We beseech Thee to have mercy upon us, and graciously deliver us out of our trials and afflictions, so that we may perceive Thy grace and fatherly help, and with all saints forever praise and worship Thee; through Thy dear Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one true God, world without end. Amen.  

Asleep in the Boat

KJV Matthew 8:23 And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him. 24 And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but he was asleep.


This Gospel, as a narrative, gives us an example of faith and unbelief, in order that we may learn how mighty the power of faith is, and that it of necessity has to do with great and terrible things and that it accomplishes nothing but wonders; and that on the other hand unbelief is so fainthearted, shamefaced and trembling with fear that it can do nothing whatever.

KJV John 14:11 Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake.

Epiphany -  Jesus Seen by the Wise Men

Epiphany 1- Jesus Talking with the Elders

Epiphany 2 - Jesus Turned Water into Wine

Epiphany 3 - Jesus Cured the  Centurion's Servant 

Epiphany 4 - Jesus Is Asleep in the Storm.

The word epiphany is used for the divine power of the Son of God revealed to others, and miracles are the visible sign of Jesus' work. People fall prey to doubts and fears, even when their knowledge includes a lot of Biblical evidence. This season leads to Lent, where faith was tested and the faith of Jesus strengthened the disciples in their fears and doubts.

This miracle is especially memorable because the disciples left with Jesus after the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5 - 7, and were in the boat with Him when a fierce storm struck. They were in a state of terror, yet Jesus was asleep.

KJV Mark 4:37 And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full. 38 And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish?

This is the great battle, between faith and fear, one working wonders of the highest rank, fear doing the opposite - making us weak, shameful, quivering in fear, crying that there is no hope.

How many students have stormed out of the classroom because the test was too great? Or quit because everything seemed overwhelming? Previous difficulties can foster fear and create an almost instant response to the problem because it is happening again. The ship was swamped with the waves crashing over the hull. We often say we are swamped at work, but this was life-threatening.

We are very courageous when nothing is happening, but even the fear of something can make reason and faith fly out the window.

25 And his disciples came to him, and awoke him, saying, Lord, save us: we perish.

The disciples were especially upset because of Jesus! They were alive, but wet, and cold, and they fear the next blast from the storm. "Lord, save us. We are perishing!" As Luther observed, fear makes faith fly out the window.


For it is the great characteristic and power of faith to see what is not visible, and not to see what is visible, yea, that which at the time drives and oppresses us; just as unbelief can see only what is visible and can not in the least cleave to what is invisible.

26 And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.

The great pity is we have overwhelming numbers of clergy, professors, and synodical managers - who are followers of the fads, not leaders of faith. Two recent fads are Refuge and Unstuck. Both are contrary to the Scriptures, which is their desire. 

Faith begins with Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He is the One who explains God the Father to us, and the Holy Spirit is source of that spiritual knowledge. Where would we be without the comfort and inspiration of the Savior. The managers, professors, and clergy are too overwhelmed with doubt to teach the truth about Jesus Christ. In the echo chamber of the Now, these sayings build up in their minds and the congregations are deprived of the Gospel.

Seminary students are not taught the Truth, but the status quo of loving and obeying Holy Mother Synod. Try to prove Walther was less than divine - the hatred and scorn will be the waves crashing on your little boat. Fellow students will laugh at someone who takes the Scriptures seriously, especially in Hebrew and Greek. The Greek New Testament they are given (Unfaith Bible Society and/or Apostate Bible Society) is a joke borrowed from Tischendorf (Codex Sinaiticus hoax)  and Westcott/Hort (the secret Greek New Testament behind the Revised KJV that flopped). The CPH Gospel of Mark two-volume set uses the Vatican Codex as its model, as if Rome protected it from error. It is very common today to have these great scholars - ahem - say Mark ends with Mark 16:8, so there is no empty tomb, no risen Christ. 

We should follow Luther's example in faithfulness and note that the unseen things are the most powerful, coming from God, and following their own schedule, not ours. The things we see or anticipate seeing are fearful to us. That is why we should end the day with prayer to God through Jesus Christ. The first part should be thankfulness to God for family, friends, fellow believers, blessings from God, etc. Asking forgiveness is another part. Addressing needs and fears are also an important part of prayers. Even Jesus said, "If it is Your will, take this cup from Me."

Fears come upon us but they are vanquished by faith in the Savior. The false teachers are victims of their own fears. They do not want to be scolded by their peers or lose choice benefits, so they take the easy way which leads the fear-mongers to say, "Atta-boy, atta-girl." That is how the radical unbelievers took over the denominations. 

But no matter how bad things are - that which we see - the blessings and eternal life are invisible and yet the surest thing in life itself, through Christ.

The end.