Monday, January 22, 2024

Nutrition - Bad and Good: Brief List


 DQ - while others were posing for a photo, I struck.

Bad Nutrition Metrics Can Be Photographed at WalMart, 

Any Major Grocery Store, Fast Food, Or Delivery

"The perfect commodity - make them for pennies, sell them for dollars, and they are addicting." Donuts and ice cream, not to mention cigarettes. 

  1. All milk products are loaded with fat, and some (like cheese) also with salt. That includes cottage cheese, yogurt of all kinds, "skim milk." Ice cream and DQ are high in fat and sugar. 
  2. Breads and rolls are mostly white flour, which like white rice and sugar, offer quick energy, quick hunger, and quick fast.
  3. The stores do their best to promote impulse items facing them - candies, diet candies, chocolates, cheap chocolates, sugar-based candies and caramels, chips of every flavor with tons of salt - white flour - and fat.
  4. The grocery workers laugh at families who buy breakfast cereal, colorful and sweet, loaded with white flour, enchanting with the artwork grabbing the attention of the kids riding first class in the cart. New baby mothers buy little sweet puff balls and other mouth opiates. French fries are ideal in the car, with the trifecta of potatoes, fat, and salt, matching the muffins and sandwiches. 
  5. The grocery store equation adds so much more with aisles packed with soft drinks and "diet" soft drinks of all types, a magnificent display, including salty fizzy water, very much like the colas but without taste.
  6. The chips aisle is also a display of our contempt for the fatty treats, the salty treats, and the fatty salty treats cooked in grease - or baked - so fulfilling every few hours.
  7. The pharmacy - a big money-maker - treats symptoms, seldom the disorder. They like to sell expensive protein and milk products with questionable results.
  8. Meat is essential, but it can be overdone in various ways. 

The Edible Pharmacy - 

Greens, Beans, Mushrooms, Vegetables, Fruit, Nuts, Seeds

Produce is necessarily healthy, and the frozen greens, beans, and fruit are exception in nutritional value.

  • The smallest part of a grocery store, missing at fast food places, bakeries, and candy stores, is nutrition.
  • Chopped frozen greens are incredibly powerful in reducing hunger, slowing down digestion with fiber, and unleashing a powerful blend (varying) of nutritional benefits. Popular chopped frozen greens are: spinach, turnip greens, kale, and collards. They are quadruplets with four different blends of nutrition. 
  • People laugh about beans, even though the great orator Cicero was named Chick Pea in Latin. Beans are packed with protein, fiber, and a variety of nutrition. Some of my favorites are chick peas, lima beans, and kidney beans. They are low fat (unless bacon is added) and low salt (watch the labels).
  • Lunch for Charlie Sue and me - greens, chick peas, walnuts, lima beans, flax seed, blue berries, onions and peppers, and sliced sausage. Charlie Sue only eats the sausage.
  • In produce I buy apples, bananas, blue berries, oranges, pears, pineapples - not all at the same time. I aim at 4 to 6 fresh fruits a day.
  • Walnuts are the inexpensive statins I use (no prescription required), and I have some ground flax seed each lunch.
  • Dr. Joel Fuhrman's works have encouraged me to have daily doses of greens, beans, fruits, nuts, and seeds. I also have mushrooms for each meal.

 Many roses grow hips, which are fruiting pods filled with Vitamin C.

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Epiphany 4 - Asleep in the Storm - "This Gospel, as a narrative, gives us an example of faith and unbelief, in order that we may learn how mighty the power of faith is, and that it of necessity has to do with great and terrible things and that it accomplishes nothing but wonders; and that on the other hand unbelief is so fainthearted, shamefaced and trembling with fear that it can do nothing whatever."


Complete Sermon - 

Luther's Sermons - Matthew 8:23-27.
Fourth Sunday after Epiphany.
Christ stilling the Tempest, or Faith and Unbelief, and Love


Matthew 8:23-27. And when he was entered into a boat, his disciples followed him. And behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the boat was covered with the waves; but he was asleep. And they came to him, and awoke him, saying, Save, Lord; we perish. And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, 0 ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. And the men marvelled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him?


1. This Gospel, as a narrative, gives us an example of faith and unbelief, in order that we may learn how mighty the power of faith is, and that it of necessity has to do with great and terrible things and that it accomplishes nothing but wonders; and that on the other hand unbelief is so fainthearted, shamefaced and trembling with fear that it can do nothing whatever. An illustration of this we see in this experience of the disciples, which shows the real state of their hearts. First, as they in company with Christ entered the ship, all was calm and they experienced nothing unusual, and had any one asked them then if they believed, they would have answered, Yes. But they were not conscious of how their hearts trusted in the calm sea and the signs for fair weather, and that thus their faith was founded upon what their natural eyes saw. But when the tempest comes and the waves fill the boat, their faith vanishes; because the calm and peace in which they trusted took wings and flew away, therefore they fly with the calm and peace, and nothing is left but unbelief.

2. But what is this unbelief able to do? It sees nothing but what it experiences. It does not experience life, salvation and safety; but instead the waves coming into the boat and the sea threatening them with death and every danger. And because they experience these things and give heed to them and turn not their fear from them, trembling and despair can not be suppressed. Yea, the more they see and experience it the harder death and despair torment them and every moment threatens to devour them. But unbelief cannot avoid such experiences and cannot think otherwise even for a second. For it has nothing besides to which it can hold and comfort itself, and therefore it has no peace or rest for a single minute. And thus will it also be in perdition, where there will be nothing but despair, trembling and fear, and that without end.

3. But had they had faith, it would have driven the wind and the waves of the sea out of their minds, and pictured before their eyes in place of the wind and tempest the power and grace of God, promised in his Word; and it would have relied upon that Word, as though anchored to an immovable rock and would not float on the water, and as though the sun shined brightly and all was calm and no storm was raging. For it is the great characteristic and power of faith to see what is not visible, and not to see what is visible, yea, that which at the time drives and oppresses us; just as unbelief can see only what is visible and can not in the least cleave to what is invisible.

4. Therefore God bestows faith to the end that it should deal not with ordinary things, but with things no human being can master as death, sin, the world and Satan. For the whole world united is unable to stand before death, but flees from and is terrified by it, and is also conquered by it; but faith stands firm, opposes death that devours everything, and triumphs over it and even swallows the insatiable devourer of life. In like manner no one can control or subdue the flesh, but it reigns everywhere in the world, and what it wills must be done, so that the whole world thereby is carnal; but faith lays hold of the flesh and subdues and bridles it, so that it must become a servant. And in like manner no one can endure the rage, persecution, and blasphemy, infamy, hatred and envy of the world; every one retreats and falls back exhausted before it, it gets the upper hand over all and triumphs; and if they are without faith it mocks them besides and treads all under its feet, and takes pleasure and delight in doing so.

5. Further, who could conquer Satan with his innumerable, subtle suggestions and temptations, by which he hinders the truth and God’s Word, faith and hope, and starts so many false doctrines, sects, seductions, heresies, doubts, superstitions and innumerable abominations? The whole world compared with him is like a spark of fire compared with a fountain of water. All must be here subject to him; as we also see, hear and understand. But it is faith that keeps him busy, and it not only stands before him invulnerable, but also reveals his roguery and puts him to shame, so that his deception fails and he faints and falls; as now takes place with his indulgences and his papacy. Just so no one can allay and quiet the least sin, but it bites and devours the conscience, so that nothing avails even if the whole world were to comfort and support such a person, he must be cast down into perdition. Here faith is a hero, it appeases all sins, even if they were as many as the whole world had committed.

6. Is there now not something almighty and inexpressible about faith that it can withstand all our powerful enemies and gain the victory, so that St. John says in his first Epistle 1 John 5:4: “This is the victory that hath overcome the world, even our faith?” Not that this is done in peace and by quietly resting; for it is a battle that is carried on not with out wounds and shedding of blood. Yea, the heart so severely experiences in this battle sin and death, the flesh, Satan and the world, that it has no other thought than that it is lost, that sin and death have triumphed, and that Satan holds the field of battle. The power of faith however experiences but little of that. This is set forth in our narrative, when the waves not only dashed into the boat, but even covered it, so that it was about to go under and sink, and Christ was lying asleep. Just then there was no hope of life, death had the upper hand and had triumphed; life was lying prostrate and was lost.

Warning = The 'Gesima Services Have Been Replaced By More Epiphanies


Various church bodies that use a liturgical calendar have dropped the Septuagesima, Sexagesima, and Quinquagesima Sunday service names. I will follow those minor changes and remain with the historic readings for those Sundays as named, following Luther.

This link from Vanderbilt University provides a good summary of the liturgical calendar, as it is this year.

There are many liturgical calendars followed by Lutherans and other groups in the past.

From a Concordia Lutheran Confeference congregation:

The most familiar series of texts for the Church Year are the ancient or historic pericopes, which include lessons from both the Gospels and the Epistles. These have been in use from the earliest times and with only slight variations are still used today in the Lutheran, Episcopalian, and Roman rites. These were read in The Service and usually formed the text for the sermon so that in time they became a sort of Bible for the worshiper containing a great sotre of priceless truths made living through serial preaching upon them. They are supplemented here by a series of Old Testament selections made by the Commission on a Common Liturgy. These Old Testament selections, paralleling the Epistle and the Gospel selections, add variety and stimulation for the preacher without changing the essentials.

For seventeen years Gottfried Thomasius was an active pastor in Erlangen and Nurember. In 1842 he accepted the position of professor of dogmatics at the University of Erlangen and exerted an influence equalled by few teachers of his time. In 1865 the General Synod of Bavaria approved a pericope system arranged by him and recommended it for use in the churches in Bavaria. The selections offer a series of Gospel, Epistle, and Old Testament texts

The Wuerttemberg Selections date back to 1843 when they were published in the Kirchenbuch (Church Book) of the Evangelical Church of that province. As in other provincial churches, the historic pericopes were supplemented by newer selections which take the entire Scriptures into purview although the Wuerttemberg Selections include only three texts from the Old Testament.

Four series of pericopes were introduce in 1843 in the provincial Church of Hamburg. Of these, two were based on the historic Epistle and Gospel selections with only slight variations and are therefore not listed. Those here given consist of Epistle and Gospel selections with the addition of fifteen texts from the Book of Acts in the non-festival half of the Church Year. In addition, five texts from the Psalms and the Prophets are interspersed among the Gospel selections. The Epistles also contain a number of texts from the Prophets as well as one from the Book of Revelation.

The Evangelische-Kirchliche Konferenz,formed in 1852, became the official bond between the Evangelical State Churches of Germany. Although its decisions were only advisory, the Eisenach Conference accomplished much in the field of hymnology, liturgiology, administration, and policy. In 1896 the Conference approved the work of a committee which had been named to revise the historic pericopes and to supplement them with a series of Epistle, Gospel,and Old Testament selections. These Eisenach Selections came into quite general use in Germany and later also in America. They are included in the General Rubrics of the Common Service Book and will appear also in the Common Lutheran Hymnal.