Saturday, April 13, 2024

The Four Waltherian Cults - LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) - Are Models of Hypocrisy,
But Don't Tell - They Smash Folks and Slither Away


The Four Waltherian Cults - LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) should be called the Tiny Four, because the size of ELCA impresses them so much - like the fragrance of a city dump in July.

Let's just calm down and figure out what I am saying through experience, attendance at their meetings, serving in the WELS and the much worse Church of the Lutheran Confession (sic).

All Four Waltherian Cults are loyal (but dishonest) concerning their doctrinal virginity. But Missouri and WELS, even a bit of the ELS favored Justification by Faith and taught it. 

Stretch out the time frame - Carl Gausewitz produced a Small Catechism used by the entire Synodical Conference, one of many catechisms like the Schwan, no doubt. 

Missouri produced a beautiful set of Luther's works in German, a work of art in publishing. Modern Missouri sold Luther trinkets in 2017, probably made in Red China.'

The ELS left the Big Norwegians over their fondness for Objective Faithless Justification

The Four Waltherian Cults are so anxious about getting near an outsider (except ELCA) that they wash their sanctified and sanctifying hands if anyone questions them, especially when the manages are blatantly lying.

But - as indicated - they grovel before ELCA and the Church Growth lords. Isn't it odd, Waltherian members, that they hate Luther so fiercely (Justification by Faith) and love Fuller graduates so lovingly? The least qualified Waltherian cult leaders are the most elevated, the quickest to be given fake doctorates and DNA protection.

I found DP Patterson managing Easter Egg hunts and his fellow pastor promoting pet the bunnies. Patterson and Kelm gave papers to the Mordor faculty about improving the ghastly results of their teaching.

Another Megachurch Southern Baptist For Lutherans To Follow - Steven Furtick


Another Example for Shepherd Sunday - the Hireling in a $2,000 pink sweater.

Steven Furtick is the newest mega-pastor in the media. Put his name in a search engine and see how little is said about him. He graduated from the Louisville, Kentucky Southern Baptist Seminary. Christina and I drove there for dissertation research. Their library gladly gave me a box of books for my project. At our alma mater Augustana, I had to beg the librarians to let me borrow some books for my dissertation. 

Furtick began his mega-church in 2006. His Elevation Church produces Elevation Music for Elevation Worship.

Furtick speaks at events all over the world including the 2011 Global Leadership Summit hosted by Bill Hybels,[9] the C3 Conference 2012 hosted by Ed Young Jr.,[10] the Hillsong Conference 2012 hosted by Brian Houston,[11] and the Presence Conference in 2012 and 2013 hosted by Phil Pringle.[12] 

 This link will provide a rich supply of links about Steven Furtick. 


These false teachers, including a Roman Catholic Archbishop and a few Baptists, are or were idolized by the Wisconsin Synod and the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. District Pope Patterson (WELS) flew a bunch loyalists to a mega-gathering of fellow travelers in Florida. Was that the Exponential Conference? Email me if you were there.

WELS has spent money on The Unstuck Group, too.

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Second Sunday after Easter - "Accordingly, they are never true shepherds who, in preaching, have their own popularity, profit and advantage in view."


Complete Sermon -> Misericordias Domini. Second Sunday After Easter. John 10:11-16. Christ’s Office and Kingdom; or How Christ is the True Shepherd


25. Now, he contrasts the good shepherd with a wicked one, or a hireling, and says: “The good shepherd layeth down his life for the sheep. He that is a hireling, and not a shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, beholdeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth, and the wolf snatcheth them and scattereth them: he fleeth because he is a hireling, and careth not for the sheep.”

26. In the strictest sense, he alone is the shepherd; and yet, as he alone is Christ but nevertheless calls us by the same name — Christians — even so, though he alone is the shepherd, he designates all those who exercise the office of the ministry among Christians by that name also. In like manner in Matthew 23:9 he forbids us to call any man on earth father, for one is our father, even he who is in heaven, yet Paul calls himself a father of the Corinthians when he says: “I begat you through the Gospel.” Corinthians 4:15. Thus God acts as though he alone would be our father, and yet he attributes the name to men also, so that they are called fathers.

But they have no right to this name in themselves; only in Christ is it theirs: even as we are called Christians though we have nothing of our own, but all we have has been given to us, in him. Now, “the hireling,” says he, “whose own the sheep are not, beholdeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth,” etc. That is a hard saying, indeed, that some who truly preach and administer the Gospel and strengthen and heal the sheep, finally allow themselves to be carried away and leave the sheep when they are most in need of help. As long as no wolf is in sight, they are active and. tend the sheep; but when they see the wolf breaking in, they forsake the sheep. If the sheep have been well kept, till they are strong and healthy and fat, they will then be all the more acceptable to the wolf, for whom they have been kept.

27. How does that happen? Well, says Christ, in my kingdom, whose whole object is to strengthen the weak, heal the sick, comfort the sorrowing, and so forth, the holy cross will not be wanting. For, if we preach that Christ alone must receive, strengthen, heal and help us poor sheep, and that we cannot, by our own strength and works, help ourselves, and that, therefore, all works and whatever else the world pretends to offer in its many religious services are of no avail, the world cannot abide such preaching. Hence, it is but natural that the Gospel should bring with it the holy cross, and that they who confess it before the world should risk their necks in so doing.

28. Because this is so, the good shepherds are thus distinguished from the hirelings. Whoever is a hireling will preach the Gospel only so long as they say of him that he is a learned, pious and good man; but when he is attacked, and men begin to denounce him as a heretic and a knave, and challenge him to a dispute, he recants or runs away, and abandons the poor sheep in their distress, and things are in a worse state than they were before. For what advantage has it been to the poor sheep that they had once been well kept? Had the shepherds been faithful, they would have sacrificed their bodies and lives for the sake of the sheep, and would have given their necks to the executioner for the Gospel’s sake. Accordingly, they are never true shepherds who, in preaching, have their own popularity, profit and advantage in view. They are surely hirelings; for they seek their own advantage, even when they dispense the true doctrine and Word of God. Therefore they continue only as long as they are honored and praised.

Hence they retract, and deny the Word, when the wolf comes, or flee and leave the sheep in the lurch. The sheep bleat for pasture and for the shepherd to protect them from the wolves, but there is no one to succor them; thus they are deserted when they most need some one to help them.

29. Such will be the result when men once begin to lay hands on and persecute us in earnest. There will be preachers who will hold their tongues and flee, and the sheep will be pitiably scattered, the one running here and the other there. God grant that there may be at least some who will stand firm and risk their lives to rescue the sheep. Thus Christ has here portrayed the hireling. He then proceeds: “I am the good shepherd; and I know mine own.”

30. There is a great deal contained in these words, far too much to be exhaustively treated here. He speaks here of his own peculiar calling. “I know mine own,” he says, “and mine own know me.” How is this to be understood? That he explains further when he says: “Even as the Father knoweth me, and I know the Father.”


31. How is he known of the Father? Not with an earthly, but with a heavenly, knowledge. Of that we have spoken more fully before, and the substance of it is this: Christ recognizes us as his sheep, and we recognize him as our shepherd. Now, we have heard what a good shepherd is, and also who the weak sheep are. He knows us to be such sheep as are weak, sick and broken. That is: It does not make any difference in his regard for them that they are weak and sickly, and he does not despise and reject them on that account; but he pities and heals them, even though they be so diseased that the whole world concludes they are not his sheep. Such is the world’s knowledge, but that is not the way that Christ distinguishes them.

He does not look upon their condition, but looks to see whether they are sheep, whether they may be designated sheep. He looks at the sheep, not at the wool.

32. Now, they are good shepherds who imitate Christ and know the sheep in the same way; who look at the person, not at the faults, and know how to distinguish between the sheep and the disease.

33. Even so the Father knows me also, says Christ, but the world does not know me. When the time comes for me to die a shameful death upon the cross, all the world will say: Well, is that the Son of God? That must be a malefactor, owned, body and soul, by the devil. And thus the world will look upon and know me; but my Father will say: This is my beloved Son, my King, my Savior. For he will not look upon my sorrows, nor upon my wounds, nor upon my cross and my death, but he will see the person that I am. Therefore, though I were in the midst of hell and in the jaws of the devil, I must again come forth, for the Father will not desert me. And thus I know my sheep and am known of them. They know that I am the good shepherd and know me; and therefore they come to me and abide with me, and they are not afraid because they are weak and sick, for they know that I will receive such sheep. He now concludes and says: “And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold; them also must I bring, and they shall hear my voice; and they shall become one flock, one shepherd.

34. Some have explained this passage in such a way as to make it appear that it will be fulfilled shortly before the last day, when the Antichrist appears, and Elias and Enoch. That is not true, and it is the devil himself who is responsible for this belief of some, that the whole world will become Christian. The devil did this that the true doctrine might be so obscured so that it might not be understood. Therefore be on your guard; for this passage was verified and fulfilled shortly after Christ ascended into heaven, and is still in process of fulfillment. When the Gospel was first proclaimed, it was preached to the Jews; that nation was the sheepfold.

And now he says here: “And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also must I bring.” Here he declares that the Gospel is to be preached to the gentiles also, so that they also might believe in Christ, that there might be one Christian communion, composed of Jews and gentiles. This was afterwards brought about through the apostles, who preached to the gentiles and converted them to the faith. Accordingly there is now but one church or communion, one faith, one hope, one love, one baptism, etc.

And this continues to be so at the present day, and will continue until the day of judgment. Hence, you must not understand this to mean that the whole world, and all men, will believe in Christ; for this holy cross will always be with us. They are in the majority who persecute Christ, and therefore the Gospel must ever be preached, that some may be won for Christ. The kingdom of Christ is in process of growing and is not something that is completed. This is, in brief, the explanation of this Gospel.