Avoid the Luther post on Exaudi - at all costs! That simple, plain sermon will demolish David P. Scaer, who holds the David P. Scaer Professor of Nonsense Chair at the fading Ft. Wayne Cemetery.
The Waltherian Four - LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) have sought to ravish ELCA members by pointing out how horrible ELCA is. They were licking their lips and counting their Thrivent bucks from 1987 onward. They knew that the ELCA losses would fill their churches - or at least slow down the melt-down.
Let us guess ELCA was losing 2 million of their 5+ million members after 1987, which had the potential of being a gusher for the Waltherian Four, a regular Spindle Top of excess. "What are we going to do when all those ELCA escapees land in our almost empty churches, colleges, and seminaries?"
I talked to Schaller after a conference, a nice guy and rather practical.
A well known church consultant - Lyle Schaller - went along with the joke. ELCA would shed members just by the change. WELS even sent Schaller prophecies around to amuse and energize the ministers. Little did they know about the efficacy of the Word in the Means of Grace.
They were all wrong. Luther emphasized faith in Jesus Christ and the cross that came with faith. He borrowed this doctrine from the Apostle Paul and the Savior. By Luther's time the Church of Rome had become so vile, corrupt, and money-oriented that people craved the clear Biblical teaching of the Reformation: Luther, Melanchthon, and Chemnitz.
This is the biggest laugh of all. The Waltherian Four are lost in their navel gazing and follow ELCA, their connection greased with Thrivent money.