Thursday, June 6, 2024

Thirty Minutes with Melanchthon


Our leaders in Scriptural studies, the key Reformation teachers, are:
Melanchthon, and

Clyde Manshreck, one of Roland Bainton's students at Yale, wrote an excellent book, Melanchthon, The Quiet Reformer. I first became interested in Melanchthon at Augustana (Augsburg Confession) College.

1. Melanchthon and Luther lived to be 63 years old. Melanchthon (1497-1560). Luther (1483-1546).

2. They had opposite personalities and both were language geniuses. They greatly admired each other and also had their conflicts. Philip gave the sermon at Luther's funeral.

3. The Walther Four - LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) - like to brag about being Confessionals, and Orthodox. However, they despise the Augsburg Confession, which is the standard across the world. Their so-called Orthodoxy is largely from Pietism and Calvinism.

4. One clear statement of doctrinal agreement on Justification is found in the graphic above.

5. Melanchthon was denied a priceless library from his great-uncle John Reuchlin when he sided with the Reformation. Reuchlin, like Erasmus, supported the Reformation a bit but returned to the Roman Catholics.

6. Melanchthon had far more students than Luther because of their age difference. Philip was greatly admired across Europe and could have accepted an appointment as the greatest scholar in any kingdom.

7. Philip's contributions to the Book of Concord, 1580, were: 
  • The Augsburg Confession, 1530 - with notes from Luther at a safe castle.
  • The Apology (Defense) of the Augsburg Confession.
  • Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope
Martin Chemnitz edited the Book of Concord, widely admired, seldom studied or taught. He learned from Luther and Melanchthon and enjoyed the combination of polemics (Luther), humor (Luther and Melanchthon), and an enormous knowledge of theological literature.

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - "On the other hand, that poor, wretched, abject male counterpart of Cinderella, Abel, well represents the obscure little brotherhood, the Church of Christ."


Luther's Sermons - 1 John 3:13-18.
Second Sunday after Trinity

8. When mother Eve, the dear, godly woman, bore her first son, she declared in her joy and her hope of God’s promise of the future seed that should bruise the serpent’s head: “I have gotten a man with the help of Jehovah” (Genesis 4:1); and she named him Cain, which means “obtained,” as if she would say, “I have obtained the true treasure.” For she had not before seen a human being born; this was the first, precious fruit of man. Over Cain she rejoiced, pronouncing herself blessed. This son was trained in the hope that he should be a savior of the future race, a comfort to his brothers and sisters with all their offspring. Nor was he unaware of these proud hopes. Proudly he lorded it over his brother, who in contrast had to bear the ignominious name of Abel, meaning “nothing,” or “vanity,” as if voicing the thought of the parents’ hearts: “Alas! this one has no future. Cain is the rightful heir to the blessing God has promised man; he is lord and master of his brethren.”

9. It is likely that the godly father and mother for many years drew their solace from the hope placed in their first-born son, as they looked forward with intensest longing to the redemption from their deplorable fall.

Doubtless they trained both sons very carefully and instructed them concerning their own sin and fall and the promise God had given them, until they were fully grown and had entered into the priestly office. Cain the first-born was particularly zealous in that respect, desiring to be first inasmuch as he offered his first fruits of the earth, given by God and obtained by his own labor, as he no doubt had seen his father offer. Abel, however, the inferior, the poor shepherd, offered the firstlings of his sheep, given him of God and obtained without effort and toil of his own. Now, God in a wonderful way manifested his preference concerning the gifts upon the altar. Fire descended from heaven and consumed Abel’s offering, but Cain’s remained. The fire was the sign of God’s favor. The text says: “And Jehovah had respect unto Abel and to his offering: but unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect.” Genesis 4:4-5.

10. Thereupon Adam and Eve saw that the hope and solace centering in their first-born son, were a delusion. They began to learn the wonderful judgments of God, who gave precedence to Abel, the male counterpart of Cinderella —which is all he was in his own sight when he compared himself with his brother. Now Cain, with full confidence in his position, spoiled by the delusion of his parents that as the first-born he was God’s preference, felt himself outraged. His hypocrisy, hitherto masked, comes to the surface. He burns with secret hate against God, with hate and anger against his brother, which he takes no trouble whatever to disguise. The parents rebuke him, but effect nothing. The flame of his resentment rises higher, and meeting him alone upon the field, he fells him to the ground.

Far from contemplating amendment of life or seeking grace from God, he has no mercy upon the only brother he has on earth, who has done him no harm whatever. He cannot forgive him and leave him in unenvied possession of the grace of God.

11. Such was the solace and joy poor Adam and Eve lived to experience in their first children! From this time on their earthly life was fraught with gloom and sorrow, particularly since they could not but see the source of these in their own fall and they would have pined to death had not God comforted them with another son. For when it became evident that the hope they had placed in Cain was a delusion, and that they were deprived of the son who, beyond a doubt, possessed the grace of God, they, without another son, would not have known where to look for the solace of the promised seed.


12. Note, in this man Cain is pictured the world in its true, characteristic colors; in him its true spirit stands reflected. Certainly his equal has never been. In him are unquestionably prefigured the very flower, the very quintessence, of holiness on earth—the most pious servants of God. On the other hand, that poor, wretched, abject male counterpart of Cinderella, Abel, well represents the obscure little brotherhood, the Church of Christ.

She must yield to Cain the lord the distinction of being everything before God, of being the recipient of every gift of God, of being entitled to all honor and every privilege. He feels important in his imagined dignity, permits this spirit to pervade his sacrifices and his worships, and thinks that God cannot but favor and accept his offering rather than that of his brother.

Meanwhile, the pious Abel goes his way, meekly suffering his brother’s contempt. He willingly yields Cain the honor, esteems himself vastly inferior and beholds no consolation for himself aside from the pure mercy and goodness of God. He believes in God and hopes for the promised future seed. In such faith he performs his sacrifice as a confession, a sign, of his gratitude.

13. This illustration is intended by God as solace for his little throng; for the incident is not written for Abel’s sake but for the sake of the humble children of God, whose condition is like that of Abel. God has not forgotten them, though they are haughtily ignored by proud Cain, who regards them as nothing in his presence. God graciously looks upon them and rejects proud Cain with his birthright and offering.

14. Innocent Abel becomes the object of anger and hatred when the Word of God lays hold of Cain revealing God’s displeasure where he had fancied himself worthy, and God’s unwillingness to regard his offering and devotion as superior to this of his brother and more meritorious. Cain begins bitterly to hate and persecute his brother. He finds no rest until Abel is laid low and cut off from the earth. Now you have the cause of the world’s hatred and anger against Christians; simply this, as John says of Cain: “Because his works were evil, and his brother’s righteous.”

15. What offense had godly Abel committed against his brother to be so hated? He had even regarded that brother as the first-born, as vastly superior to himself, and had done him all honor and loved him as became a brother. He was easily satisfied, desiring simply the grace of God. He prayed for the future seed, that is, for the salvation and happiness of his parents, his brother and the entire human race. How could Cain be unmerciful and inhuman enough in his frenzy to murder his own flesh and blood?

The answer is found in the fact that the devil had filled Cain’s heart with pride and vanity over his birthright. He considered himself a man of distinction, with every claim upon God’s favor and sinless, whilst his brother was nothing whatever. Cain’s heart is devoid of true brotherly love; he has only contempt for Abel. He cannot endure God’s manifest favor toward his brother, and will not be moved by the injunction to humble himself and seek God’s grace. Anger and envy possess him to the extent that he cannot tolerate his brother alive. In violation of God’s commandment and his own conscience, he becomes a murderer, and then goes his way as if he had done right.

16. This is what John means when he says that Cain had no other cause for his crime than that his own works were evil and his brother’s righteous.

Missouri Follows ELCA! - The Walther Four - LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic) -
Follow Harrison!


The Missouri Synod is comprised of followers, not leaders. The clergy learned more from Fuller Seminary graduate programs than they did from their two, feeble seminaries. Ditto WELS, ELS, CLC - and they all bragged about it from their neo-Calvinist pulpits. But face it - the LCMS continues to worship CFW Walther, who was a greater scoundrel than his Bishop Martin Stephan, because Walther signed on Stephan's bishop promotion, knew of the bishop's adultery long before staging a riot, and stole Stephan's gold, books, and property - for the glory of God, of course.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion was a manufactured fad from the 1960s, but it was forced upon higher education only a few years ago. It seems as if many institutions were lying in wait for more to join the happy throng.

Unlike many other destructive ideas for the masses, DEI soon created a backlash against its destructive agenda. Decades ago, Fuller Seminary stated in its catalog that anyone who questioned women's ordination would get a visit from their Church Growth secret police. Perhaps the futurist revolutionaries will back down before everything is destroyed. ELCA is doing its worst, and Missouri will continue to serve as the Judas Goat, leading everyone else to the slaughter house.

Judas Goat - 

a person who betrays followers or dependents, often unwittingly as the tool of an enemy:

Some say the leader of the union is a Judas goat, far too cozy with management and making too many compromises.

Missouri Synod - One-Stop Shopping for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion


Rachel Furgeson is the ninth "conservative Lutheran" with a Jesuit PhD, from St. Louis University.

"A small group of faculty and staff members at Concordia University Chicago (CUC), River Forest, Ill., recently field-tested a new CUC curriculum titled Unity and Civility in a Diverse Community. The group, which numbered about 10, worked through the curriculum together, led by CUC Professor of Music Dr. Maurice Boyer. The curriculum was created by a committee chaired by Dr. Rachel Ferguson, director of CUC’s Free Enterprise Center and assistant dean of the CUC College of Business. 

Ferguson, who has also been instrumental in developing the curriculum, said its purpose is “to provide a biblically grounded approach to many of the questions that other institutions of higher education are answering with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion content."

Diversity, unity, civility: New curriculum grounds all three in Christ

Erich Heidenreich (Erich)
Senior Member
Username: Erich

Post Number: 1785
Registered: 12-2004
Posted on Wednesday, June 05, 2024 - 9:45 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

From The Reporter, June 3, 2024, Diversity, unity, civility: New curriculum grounds all three in Christ


The curriculum was created by a committee chaired by Dr. Rachel Ferguson, [co-author of Black Liberation Through the Marketplace: Hope, Heartbreak, and the Promise of America]...

Some of the topics covered in the course include...

The blessing of diversity and how that, too, flows from the Creator;

How people navigate issues of power and authority as they serve in the roles into which God has placed them...