Thursday, June 13, 2024

Reformation Seminary - Basic Biblical Doctrine



Inerrancy contrasts with My Little Toy Paraphrases

Inerrancy has been used a lot, but the term seems empty today. How can they promote the new Bibles with the Greek text corrupted by Sinaiticus, Vaticanus, and Dynamic Equivalence?!

By the way, Fundamentalist is a term that came from conservative Calvinists, not from snake handlers, tongue-speakers, and rednecks.

The Dynamic Equivalence (anything goes) translations come from the unified Biblical associations, which include the Church of Rome. The modern translations are not inerrant, as shown by their weak and fractured passages, the soup is so watered down. The paraphrases - living, amplified, who knows what else? - are the rotten smell of the earlier playing around with D.E.'

The NIV, RSV, ESV, NRSV, Beck, and others fail miserably, and they make money.


The Spirit is always at work in the Word of God: this is the primary stance of the Reformation, but laughed at by such notables as Calvin, Zwingli, and the Pope du jour.

Therefore, preaching, teaching, and Holy Communion are always the work of God.

Just as Jesus Christ is powerful, united in His human nature and divine nature, so are the Scriptures. The Biblical books are written by ordinary people and guided by the Holy Spirit. Very few theologians and scholars accept this, substituting their own fantasies, criticism, and erasure.

One example is the "faith of Jesus," found in Romans 3:22, Galatians  2:16, and Philippians 3:9. Why are the apostates so keen on showing faith in His human nature? 

KJV Romans 3:22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:


The Scriptures are clear. We may have trouble with certain passages, but this is not the fault of the author or the Spirit. We often need more study and comparisons to understand. Jesus did not want every person to grab His teaching and mislead Him.

The darker or more difficult verses are illuminated by the brighter, easier passages.

Likewise, we cannot build a new cathedral because something gets people all excited, and they rush around like chickens in a tornado.

Assume the Best

I have gone through several excitements of Jesus' infant narratives. There is another one - Thomas - being waved around for money and publicity. Common sense is not that common anymore.

The Son of God and the Father help us through the Spirit in learning more and removing false ideas.

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Trinity 3 - "Yea, what is still more, Christ himself does this, and to this end was he sent; for no man fulfills the law of God as perfectly as he. We are scarcely a spark amid the divine fire and light. He is the fire of which heaven and earth are full."


Third Sunday after Trinity , Luke 15:1-10. Christian Conduct Toward Sinners. The Parable of the Lost Sheep

14. Christ was filled with all righteousness, and might justly have condemned us all as sinners. But he did not do so. What did he do, then?

He gave himself to be our Servant. His righteousness has served for our sins, his fullness for our feebleness, his life for our death. This we find illustrated, for our example, in the Gospel before us, where he bears himself with such friendliness toward sinners that the Pharisees murmur.

The Lord therefore sets before them the following parables in order to teach how they are to receive sinners and be of service to them, saying: “What man of you, having a hundred sheep, and having lost one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it, etc. Or what woman having ten pieces of silver, if she lose one piece, doth not light a lamp, and sweep the house, and seek diligently until she find it?”

15. Christ is both the shepherd and the woman; for he has lighted the lamp, that is, the Gospel, and he goes about in the desert, that is, the world. He sweeps the house, and seeks the lost sheep and lost piece of silver, when he comes with his Word and proclaims to us, first our sins, and then his grace and mercy. Christ’s declaration, that he is the shepherd and has laid our sins upon his back or shoulders, makes us trust in him fully, and makes publicans and other sinners run after him. These would not have come unto him thus, had they regarded him as a hard and wrathful judge; for they had previously acknowledged themselves to be sinners and in need of his grace.

And so they were drawn to him when they heard his loving doctrine. Here comes the sheep out of the wilderness, and here the lost piece of silver is found.

16. Learn from this, then, that our neighbor is to be sought as a lost sheep, that his shame is to be covered with our honor, that our piety is to be a cover for his sins. But nowadays, when men come together they backbite one another; and thus they would show how zealous they are against sin.

Therefore, ye men, whenever ye come together, do not backbite your neighbors. Make not one face at one person and another at some one else.

Do not cut off one man’s foot and another man’s hand; make no such traffic of living flesh. Likewise, ye women, when you come together, conceal the shame of others, and do not cause wounds which you cannot heal. Should you meet with anything like this in some one’s house, then throw your mantle over shame and wounds, and close the door. A very good reason for doing this is, that you would have others do the same to you. Then, if you have kept the matter secret, bring the parties before you afterwards, and read them a good lecture; and let it remain with you as a secret.

17. Christ, too, acts thus. He keeps silent and covers our sins. He could, indeed, expose us to shame, and could tread us under foot, as our text shows that the Pharisees did. But he does not do so. All will be brought to light, however, at the final judgment. Then everything hidden must be revealed. Then the virgin must place her crown upon the harlot, the pious woman must throw her veil over the adulteress, and everything we have must serve as a garment to cover the sins of others. For every man shall have his sheep, and every woman shall have her piece of silver. All our gifts must be the gifts of others.

18. Hence there is, in God’s judgment, no greater sin on earth than that pious men and women and virgins commit when they despise those who lie in their sin and would appropriate to themselves their natural gifts, puffing themselves up and despising their neighbor.

19. Hence this Gospel is very comforting to sinners. But whilst it is friendly to sinners, it is a source of great fear to Pharisees. Had this Gospel been nothing more than a good counsel, it would not have been so comforting; but now that it has been commanded I can recognize the mind of God in Christ, since he will have it so, and enjoins that we are to cover the sins of others. Yea, what is still more, Christ himself does this, and to this end was he sent; for no man fulfills the law of God as perfectly as he. We are scarcely a spark amid the divine fire and light. He is the fire of which heaven and earth are full.

Lutherans Must Do More Research on Their Own


I enjoy chasing down the facts from synodical headquarters and seminary libraries. I have published plenty; Christina was a major force in exposing verbatim facts and sources. Others have contributed but I dasn't name them. 

Two things are quite important -

  1. The Big Five - LCMS-ELS-ELCA-WELS-CLC (sic) - do not cherish the truth.
  2. The ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS have deluxe headquarters, but seldom used libraries.

If they had chosen students as their endowments instead of robbing the givers for spanking new mausoleums, the crisis would not be looming upon them. Read a little history and you will see that the synods have been letting their students borrow huge sums of money - which became enormous burdens on students, especially those who dropped out along the way. 

Long ago, Augustana College and Seminary let one student swap a truck full of potatoes for tuition. I took Greek in my freshman year of college, but now some schools ask $3,000 for "summer Greek," cash up front. Summer Greek students at St. Louis get to splash in the fountain upon finishing. 

However, the real treasure is Biblical doctrine, which is mocked in every single one of the Big Five - LCMS-ELS-ELCA-WELS-CLC (sic). 

Luther-Melanchthon-Chemnitz led the Reformation through scholarship and preaching the Gospel.  Matt the Fatt is still parroting Objective Justification's magical hocus pocus - Romans 4:25, but not Romans 4, or even Romans 4:24-25, to wit - 

25 Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification. OJ! Yay Matt!

24 But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; 25 Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification. - Yes - Justification by Faith.

If the Big Five leaders are not "apt to teach," they must step down and stop wasting everyone's money to make themselves look good. 

 Each sect disparages the others, but they still hide under the wings of their boss.