Thursday, July 11, 2024

Protestia - Strange Concepts of Married Pastor in the United Church of Canada, eh?


Protestia - Patrick Woodbeck, who uses He/They pronouns, spent a decade as the pastor of Windsor Park United Church before taking on a position at Gordon-King Memorial United Church.

Both congregations are part of the United Church of Canada denomination, which was formed when liberal Methodist, Presbyterian, and Congregational churches merged to create a new denomination. A Canadian version of the United Church of Christ, they are a denomination so woke and corrupt that one of its most prominent ministers, Gretta Vosper, has spent decades leading her church as an avowed atheist, and she has never been removed.

“So my partner and I have been together for probably 16 years. And so we were exclusive up until four years ago, so we are in a relationship where we can engage in physical intimacy with others outside of the relationship, both together and alone.”

Tiny Shrinking WELS Commends Alternative Lifestyles, 

Not Unlike ELCA

Cross-dressing WELS Pastor Leads the Church Picnic! 

And so...

That Pastor Leads the Next WELS Teachers' Conference!

"I'm ready for my close-ups."

WELS Parish Welcomes Children Facilitating 
Pastors and Their Parents
 "These lipsticks proclaim the glory of WELS...?"

 Cross-dressing video-taped and published on YouTube? No problem. They all got calls.

 I always thought they were a bunch of thespians.

This Satanic symbol was posted on Facebook, WELS  graduate.

 Apsiring WELS college students reveals the correct use of sic.

WELS welcomes the onslaught.

Reformation Lecture - The Empty Tomb


Note well - In 1987 I wrote to all the LCA-ELCA seminary presidents, asking if any professor taught the Virgin Birth of Christ and the actual Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The only answer was "perhaps one," since that professor published that the Resurrections could have happened. That seminary (Pacific by the Bay)  gave up their campus and went to the bottom of the hill, and now is renting space.

Simon Greenleaf, Harvard Law Professor, wrote the model work on evidence, and applied himself to the Testimony of the Evangelists. John Warwick Montgomery and Josh McDowell are known for their apologetics (defense of the Gospel).

Matthew 28:11 - Lenski  - bribe money for the centurions.

Greenleaf - neatly folded grave clothes..

Disciples mourning supports their lack of hiding the corps.

From Grand Canyon University -

"According to Dr. Licona in Strobel’s book, the majority of scholars today agree on the historicity of five events that took place near the time of the resurrection of Jesus:

  1. Jesus was killed by crucifixion.
  2. The disciples of Jesus really believed that Jesus had resurrected and appeared to them in a resurrected body. (This testimony was preserved in the earliest writings of the Apostle Paul, in the oral traditions of the first-century church and in the Christian writings from late in the first century and into the second century).
  3. The conversion of Paul, which took place just a few years after the resurrection of Jesus; Paul had been a fierce persecutor of the Christians.
  4. The post-resurrection conversion of James, the brother of Jesus, into a believer in Jesus. Before the resurrection of Jesus, James and the other brothers of Jesus had been skeptic about His claims.
  5. The empty tomb of Jesus."

There are 203 eyewitness statements in the 260 chapters of the New Testament that declare that the writers saw and heard Jesus. There are 396 citations in the New Testament where His crucifixion and resurrection three days later are recorded. These citations are in my book, “You Are My Witnesses: The Men Who Saw Jesus.”


Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Trinity 7, Second Sermon - "And faith belongs here since Christ came not for the purpose of establishing a government that may be called a political or a domestic kingdom, which were long ago established by God and given for the purpose of meeting our bodily needs."

Zoom -



1. Today’s Gospel presents to us again both the doctrine and the consolation against the temptation in caring for the necessaries of this life, or the temporal support and maintenance of the Church upon the earth.

And faith belongs here since Christ came not for the purpose of establishing a government that may be called a political or a domestic kingdom, which were long ago established by God and given for the purpose of meeting our bodily needs. And reason itself here teaches how and from what source we can bring it to pass that everyone in his station may enjoy a livelihood, peace and protection, so that one may see before his eyes and have in his hands all the necessaries of life that he needs to maintain the temporal government. Therefore this did not claim the attention of Christ since it was not a part of his calling and office; but as his kingdom was to be a different government, in which all persons in all callings and offices, high and low, as sinners condemned before God to everlasting death, should be helped to the divine, eternal kingdom and life; the spiritual kingdom had to engage his attention while he passed by the other two, the civil, and the domestic.

2. Therefore it had to follow that his disciples, preachers and servants would have to suffer poverty because they could not outside of their service and office seek their livelihood as the rest of the world does, nor hope to become rich from their calling; in addition, that they, aside from this, would be persecuted by the world, which would oppose their preaching because it would not be in harmony with their understanding and prejudices. And thus the Christians in the world could not depend upon any sure guarantee for their peaceful life and protection; but had to live continually in uncertainty because of the world, and felt in danger and as restless as the waves of the sea because of that which they already had or might have. But should they have enough to eat and to drink and a place and a room where to live, they could not expect it from any other one than alone from Christ.

3. Now Christ knows this very well, therefore he arms and comforts his disciples with these and like examples and sayings in order that they might not despair. Although his kingdom has nothing to do with eating and drinking, building and caring for the needs of the body; yet they should not die from hunger. And this he again confirms in the passage of Matthew 6:33. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” For by to-day’s Gospel he proves that they, who followed him to hear his preaching, and followed him so faithfully that they continued with him three days in the desert, could not now very well return out of the desert without fainting and coming to poverty, need and distress on account of his Word. Yet since they sought first the kingdom of God and Christ had previously preached, prayed and accomplished that which pertains to the righteousness of God, there must follow also that which pertains to the body in order that they may learn to believe that they would not come to want and that they should expect from him all his Church needs for the maintenance of her bodily or external existence upon the earth.

4. It is true that in all ages of the Church two things have done and are doing great harm, namely, poverty and riches. For in the first place, we see the apostles and true bishops and preachers in such straightened circumstances, that no one gave them anything and they themselves were not able to acquire anything; hence everybody felt shy of such an office and no one wished to enter it. In the second place, when the church became extremely wealthy through great endowments and stipends and sat in all luxury, the ministers themselves neglected the office of preaching and the care of souls, and themselves became lords.

5. Just so it is also at present: Where true pastors and preachers are so poorly supported that no one donates anything to them, and moreover what they have is snatched out of their mouths by a shameless and unthankful world, by princes, noblemen, townsmen and farmers, so that they with their poor wives and children must suffer need, and when they die leave behind them pitiable, rejected widows and orphans. By this very many good-hearted and very clever people are more and more discouraged from becoming pastors and preachers. For all arts, trades and callings in life serve to the end that we may through them fortify ourselves against hunger and poverty; but with the office of the ministry the contrary is the case, whoever will perform its duties faithfully, must expose himself to danger and poverty.